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经实证调查分析发现,博士生选择学术职业的影响因素主要有5个:博士生对于学术的兴趣及喜欢程度、终生从事学术探索工作的学术志向、导师的影响、对学术环境性质的判断、对学术工作是什么的判断。  相似文献   

处于职业生涯准备阶段的博士生,职业期望受到教育条件、学术环境和经济基础等诸多内外部因素的影响,其最终的学术职业选择是经过长期准备而做出的还是更多受到短期因素的制约?本文在总结国内外关于学术职业、职业选择等相关文献的基础上,采用2010年北京地区研究生发展调查的大样本数据,对当前我国博士生的职业期望、特别是学术职业期望的影响因素进行定量分析。研究发现,博士就读动机是我国博士研究生选择学术职业的主要驱动力,这可以理解为,博士研究生已经为其学术职业生涯进行了长期的心理准备;而就读于985或211等质量较高的学校、导师是教授等因素也对选择学术职业有正向的影响,同时存在非常显著的学科差异。  相似文献   

利用2019年Nature全球博士生调查数据,对导师指导如何影响博士生学术职业取向的变化进行分析.研究发现:第一,超过六成的博士生的就业取向发生了变化,其中逃离学术职业的比例(38.4%)明显高于回归学术职业的比例(22.9%).第二,导师的人文关怀、获得导师认可度、导师指导频次和科研发表满意度均对博士生回归学术职业具有显著性影响,且导师人文关怀的影响高于学术指导的影响.第三,按照博士生学习投入时间和对工作时间的满意度,将博士生群体分为主动型、被动型、休闲型和消极型.不同类型博士生学术职业取向的变化存在显著性差异.其中消极型博士生逃离学术职业的比例最高,主动型博士生回归学术职业的比例最高.第四,导师指导内容对不同类型博士生的影响存在差异性.主动型博士生学术职业取向的变化主要受到导师指导频次的影响,被动型、休闲型和消极型博士生更多受到导师人文关怀的影响.  相似文献   

本文对博士生的学术职业选择及学科、性别、工作场所等方面的差异进行分析,并从学术工作条件、学术工作本身和学术工作人员三个方面来探讨影响博士生学术职业选择的因素。  相似文献   

导师指导是影响博士研究生成才和发展的关键因素,也是“双一流”大学人才培养质量保障的关键因素之一。通过对西北工业大学博士生满意度的实证研究发现:导师指导博士生的学术规范对博士生教育经历的满意度影响作用最大,其次是导师指导频率、激发博士生的学术兴趣和指导博士生的职业规划,提升科研能力的影响关系较弱。为进一步提高博士生满意度,应充分研究和分析影响关系的内在机理,有的放矢,以加强导师队伍建设。  相似文献   

基于三元交互理论,探究了博士毕业生非学术职业选择的形成机制。通过分析13所“双一流”建设高校1333名博士毕业生的调查数据发现,经济压力、导师指导及就业环境是形塑博士毕业生物质偏好和职业前景认知的重要因素。经济压力并不能直接作用于博士毕业生的非学术职业选择,而是通过影响他们的物质偏好产生间接作用;导师指导和就业环境不仅直接影响博士毕业生的非学术职业选择,还通过影响他们的物质偏好和职业前景认知对其非学术职业选择产生间接作用。男性博士毕业生承担了更多的经济压力,且这种经济压力对其物质偏好的形塑作用显著高于女性博士毕业生。导师指导对博士毕业生物质偏好及非学术职业选择的影响在30岁以下博士毕业生身上体现得更为明显;东部地区就业环境对博士毕业生物质偏好和非学术职业选择的影响显著高于中西部地区。可以通过鼓励博士生树立多元化的职业价值观、为他们提供结构化的职业认知渠道和有针对性的就业支持等措施,帮助博士生理性应对不断变化的就业环境。  相似文献   

博士生学术成长及导师支持间的关系已成为博士生教育培养不可忽视的关键议题。基于文献梳理,设计了博士生学术成长与导师支持的评价指标,通过问卷调查及数据分析,探究博士生学术成长与导师支持的现状特征及路径关系。研究发现:在现状特征层面,博士生学术表现及导师情感支持较差,博士生学术成长及导师支持在性别、年龄及年级方面具有显著差异;在路径关系层面,导师的情感支持可直接正向影响学术支持、学术态度及学术表现,学术支持可直接正向影响学术态度、间接正向影响学术表现,学术支持、学术态度为情感支持、学术表现间的中介变量。为改善导师支持以及促进博士生学术成长,提出相关建议:基于博士生学术成长的群体差异,应分类优化导师支持策略;要营造心理关爱与精神激励共存的培育环境,优化导师情感支持机制;应着重学术规划、个性化指导与资源协助,完善导师学术支持体系;要关注学术毅力、自信及兴趣培育,助力博士生学术态度的有效改善。  相似文献   

每个人的职业生涯发展都离不开一些人的影响和帮助,博士生也一样。从以后从事科研或教学的角度来看,有几种人对博士生的职业生涯发展可以起到助力作用。自己的导师一般博士生导师在学术方面都有一定的造诣,而且他们往往形成了较为固定的学术方  相似文献   

为了解博士生学术职业抱负的发展全景,通过“三重研究法”,分别从概念内涵、现实意义、生成机制和提升路径等方面对国内外文献进行系统梳理,结果表明:学术职业抱负始于兴趣、持于意志、终于使命,其学术逻辑与市场逻辑博弈下,博士生的培养方向和价值导向产生了游离和偏轨,既有资源支持与现实需求之间的交互作用促进了博士生学术职业抱负的动态性发展。优化博士生学术职业抱负的关键路径在于多层面、多主体间的协同合作与价值渗透。未来需要进一步明确对学术职业抱负进行教育干预的必要性。学术职业抱负的形成过程具有可引导性和可激发性,学术职业抱负的形成机制本质上就是人、环境及各种关系之间的调整与妥协,这为学术职业抱负的教育干预和内在机理提供了启示,也为未来的研究指明了方向。  相似文献   

调查显示,导师和博士生对优化学术环境持有强烈的愿望,这是改善博士生学术环境的前提。在博士生的教育生态系统中,导师是“主导因素”,导师应当发挥优化学术环境的主导作用。即导师应该发挥好优化博士生教育学术环境的内在因素的作用,提高指导频率以增强学术环境的活力,激励合作以减小学术行为的“熵”值。  相似文献   

Under the federal government's current policy on funding university research, institutions which can best identify and encourage the higher performers amongst their academic staff will fare better than others. However, in order to secure a strong position in competing for these government funds universities will need to know more about the research activity of their academic staff and how staff in different disciplines are likely to respond to the increased use of performance indicators. This paper reports the views of staff from one Australian university on such issues. One of the main findings is that potential research output is influenced by a range of factors including the differences in research styles, methods and strategies and the degree of dependence on funds. Such findings favour the differential use of performance measures depending on the nature of the research undertaken rather than the use of measures which are intended to standardise research output within or across disciplines.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to investigate cross‐cultural factors that predict academic ability among mathematically gifted Olympians in Finland and the United States. The following two research problems are formulated: (1) What factors contribute to or impede the development of the Olympians’ mathematic talent? and (2) Do the Olympians fulfill their potential by making contributions to their fields? The results regarding the first research question indicate that the amount of cross‐cultural distinctive factors (computer literacy) is less than the amount of connective factors (school hindrances, effort attributions, negative home influences) contributing to the development of the Mathematic Olympians’ talent. The results regarding the latter research problem show that some factors are culture invariant (socioeconomic status, effort attributions) and some are culture dependent (school hindrances, computer literacy) in relation to both US and Finnish Olympians’ later academic productivity. Results show that high school grade point averages do not necessarily predict academic productivity in Olympians’ careers.  相似文献   

This article works to dispel the myth that Latino urban high-school students are not capable of performing at high academic levels. Whereas much educational research emphasizes the academic underachievement of urban Latino students, this article counteracts this research by describing the four success factors that three working-class Puerto Rican male high-school students attribute to their high academic achievement. These success factors are: (a) the acquisition of social capital through religiosity and participation in school and community-based extracurricular activities, (b) having a strong Puerto Rican identity, (c) the influence of these students' mothers/sisters on their academic achievement, and (d) the potential for caring and sincere teachers and other school staff to influence high academic achievement. These findings have implications for Latina/o education and recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

“双一流”建设的核心是提升学术水平,提升学术水平的根本在于大学教师。在一定的知识与能力基础上,大学教师的精神和状态是影响其学术产出与水平的关键性因素,也是可变性因素。其中,最根本的是他们要专一于学术,尽心尽力于学术。因此,要推动“双一流”建设,就需要呼唤大学教师的学术忠诚,加强学术忠诚激励机制的建设营造学术氛围,激发学术自觉;保障学术权力,彰显主体地位;提升社会地位,增加职业认同;舒缓工作压力,保证学术从容;维护学术公平,树立良好学风;加强监督治理,防治学术失范。  相似文献   

学术期刊所承载的自然是学术的东西,张扬的应该是学术精神,如果受非学术性的影响太大,承载的功利性因素太多,势必会影响学术质量,妨碍期刊功能的发挥。学术期刊非学术性影响主要是:评职称的影响;学术、科研管理部门对学术成果考核量化管理的影响;研究生管理的影响等。在呼吁营造学术期刊的良好社会氛围的同时,必须提高编辑素质,自觉抵制非学术性因素对学术期刊的影响。  相似文献   

青年教师是我国高校师资队伍的主力军,也是确保高校国际化战略有效落实的核心力量。研究以上海地区一所高水平研究型大学中的青年教师为调查对象,通过质性访谈的方法,重点分析了青年教师在职期间参与大学国际化实践的动机,并在此基础上对推动其参与行为的影响因素及其作用机制进行了深入探讨。研究结果显示,青年教师参与国际化的主要动机在于加强科研产出、获取学术资源、建立一种广义的学术声誉,其核心诉求是积累推动学术工作发展的各类学术资本。多种主要源自高校和教师个体的因素在其中发挥了不同程度的重要作用。研究通过进一步对这些“理性”参与动机背后信息的分析,探索了青年教师面对不同国际化活动所采取的“主动参与”“被动参与”和“综合参与”3种策略。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the efficiency of university departments in science, technology and medicine in an Italian Region (Lombardy). The aim of the paper is twofold: (i) to analyse the changes in productivity in recent years (from 2004 and 2007); and (ii) to detect factors that are potentially affecting efficiency. The research benefited from a new and unique dataset (called QuESTIO) developed by the Lombardy Regional Government. Using facilities and academic staff as inputs and research grants and publications as outputs, the research activity of academic departments was modelled. The methodological approach for computing efficiency scores is (DEA) Data Envelopment Analysis; Malmquist indexes have been used to measure changes in productivity, while Kruskal‐Wallis tests were employed to study the potential determinants of efficiency. Two main results were obtained. First, the academic departments improved their efficiency but, at the same time, the efficiency frontier worsened. Second, external and measurable factors (such as scientific sector, proportion of tenured staff, location, etc.) have a limited impact in explaining efficiency differentials. The policy implications of both results are discussed.  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to investigating the experiences of teacher researchers while undertaking their studies. In an attempt to explore what accounts for the stereotyped and imitative trends in the studies conducted by English language teachers in Egypt, the present study has explored how they select research topics and the factors influencing their research orientations and processes. The study used semi-structured interviews with 25 Egyptian teachers who were doing MA and Ph.D. studies in TESOL. It was found that they view good language teaching research as either testing the effectiveness of instructional techniques or evaluating textbooks, though most of them opt for experimental research due to its practical nature. The study also revealed that reading sources and academic freedom are the two main determinants of research trends in this context. Apart from the association found between the teacher researchers’ perceived academic freedom and the type of literature they read, the following three other factors also accounted for the relative variance in such freedom: (a) the stage undertaken in the research, (b) the number of supervisors available or assigned and (c) the research degree registered for. The article concludes with discussing the implications of these results.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the work and the cooperation of academic and industrial supervisors concerning single graduate students in so called industrial research schools, which are financially supported by a national research foundation and involve universities and industrial enterprises. Academic and industrial supervisors of totally eleven graduate students have been interviewed with focus on their cooperation. This cooperation entails negotiating the contract and monitoring the progress of the research project and the student. When students have problems this cooperation is particularly important. The places new demands on both the academic and industrial supervisors. In our study these demands were dealt with differently by different academic supervisors, depending whether their main orientation was towards industrial projects or traditional academic research. The way the industrial supervisors dealt with the new demands depended on their previous acquaintance with academic research, basically whether they had a doctoral degree or not. Another important finding was that academic knowledge had a strong position while the supervisors from the industry accepted a minor role. The main findings of the study are that industrial graduate students often require joint engagement in a way that differs from other forms of knowledge transfer between the academy and the industry. To explain the features of this type of knowledge transfer, we use the analytical concepts boundary subject and phronesis.  相似文献   

This article examines academic administrators’ attitudes towards the academic evaluation process in the US and those factors that are utilised to improve teaching. We use path regressions to examine satisfaction with evaluation procedures, as well as the direct and indirect effects of these factors on perceptions of whether the evaluation process facilitates quality instruction. With increased pressure for accountability being placed on higher education, it is important to ensure that we are meeting both public and academic expectations. The evaluation process is an important tool to ensure the university’s goals and values are articulated and that academics can be successful in their individual career paths. The problem is most research finds flaws with the current method of evaluation, and academics and academic administrators are sceptical about the process and results. We find there are environmental factors that influence academic administrators’ perceptions of academic evaluations and the ability to improve classroom instruction.  相似文献   

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