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图书馆要发展,提高馆长素质至为重要。馆长素质包含多个方面,本文仅就新世纪之迫切需要,于营造图书馆文化、自我更新知识、开发文献信息、读者教育等方面阐述了馆长应具备的素质。以期对馆长们的工作有所稗益。  相似文献   

新世纪高校图书馆馆长的素质构成主要包括忠实可靠的政治素质、广博精深的业务素质、精明能干的管理素质和高尚无私的职业道德修养。政治是高校图书馆灵魂,高度的政治意识是做好馆长工作的首要条件。图书馆馆长的业务素质,主要是指馆长的知识根底,具备较高的学术造诣、合理的专业知识结构和较高的文化素养。作为管理者,图书馆馆长要具有较强的学习能力、思维能力、科研能力和策划能力,树立服务意识、创新意识、特色意识和竞争意识。图书馆馆长的职业道德素养包括与时俱进的道德意识、全心全意的责任意识、助人为乐的奉献意识和虚怀若谷的包容意识。  相似文献   

现代图书馆馆长素质浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就信息时代图书馆馆长应具有的工作素质、意识及管理、研究技巧等展开了详尽的论述,为信息时代的图书馆馆长提供了宝贵的领导经验,对图书情报专业工作人员,特别是对行政领导有极大的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文从道德、知识、能力、心理等方面论述了职业学校图书馆馆长的素质及修养问题。  相似文献   

图书馆馆长在领导、管理活动中,有权力性影响力和非权力性影响力两种。非权力性影响力更能激发馆员的积极性,产生吸引力、感召力、凝聚力,提高工作效率。非权力性影响力是由馆长的自身素质决定的,是馆长能力和管理水平的重要标志。因此,馆长要注重提高自身素质,增强非权力性影响力,做好图书馆工作。  相似文献   

馆长对图书馆事业的发展至关重要。本文探讨了馆长的非权力领导力量,即依靠馆长自身的素质,以德正己,以仁、情聚贤,以才能称职,从而使馆长更具感召力、凝聚力。  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长素质浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馆长是图书馆一切活动的组织者与领导者,其素质如何在整体事业建设与发展中的作用举足轻重.通过分析部分高校现任图书馆馆长素质的现状,阐述了未来大学图书馆馆长群体与个体应具备的素质。  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长只有具备很高的素质,才能胜任本职工作,但实际工作中却不尽人意。笔者认为,图书馆馆长应该具备如下条件:有较高的政治素质,有精深的专业知识,能知人善任,能以身作则,有改革创新意识。  相似文献   

庄桂森,别署大恭、曾圃。现任商丘师院档案馆馆长兼校史馆馆长;政协商丘市二、三届常委、科教委员会委员;中国书法家协会会员、河南省书法家协会教育委员会副主任;民革中央画院理事、河南省中山画院副院长。作品入选全国第六届中青年书法作品展,  相似文献   

试论新世纪高校图书馆馆长的素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆馆长只有具备很高的素质,才能胜任本职工作,但实际工作中却不尽人意。笔者认为,图书馆馆长应该具备如下条件:有较高的政治素质,有精深的专业知识,能知人善任,能以身作则,有改革创新意识。  相似文献   


‘Changing Play’ is an ongoing project initiated by education curators from the Serpentine, a prestigious London art gallery, working with the Portman children’s centre nursery. Viewed by curators as a collaboration between artist, children’s centre staff and parents, and the gallery, Changing Play combines art and action research, and expands the boundaries of the gallery. In the words of one of the education curators, ‘the project is about social change’. It is not for the gallery curators to develop proposals but to ‘co-develop work’. Ethnographic evidence employing narrative, visual arts informed analysis is being used by the gallery to report to funders, inform iterative planning and inform future directions. The paper focuses on methodological questions on ways in which ethnographers might meet artistic projects both during and after being in the ‘field’. It takes the form of a ‘loose parts’ montage which reflects the ways in which the art project was conducted.  相似文献   

Social media content generated by learning communities within universities is serving both pedagogical and marketing purposes. There is currently a dearth of literature related to social media use at the departmental level within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This study explores the multi-voiced interactions of a UK Psychology department’s ‘rotation curation’ approach to using Twitter. An in-depth analysis of a corpus of 4342 tweets by 58 curators (14 staff, 41 students, and 3 guest curators) was carried out using a combination of computer-assisted and manual techniques to generate a quantitative content analysis. The interactions received (e.g. retweets and favorites) and type of content posted (e.g. original tweets, retweets and replies) varied by curator type. Student curators were more likely to gain interactions from other students in comparison to staff. This paper discusses the benefits and potential limitations of a multi-voiced ‘rotation curation’ approach to social media management.  相似文献   

This article focuses on power, difference and knowledge, areas critical to adult education. It conveys insights into how educators and curators in an art museum imagined and engaged with difference, and particularly the black subject, when working within a collaborative project that included the acquisition of art objects (fine art photography). The article utilises material drawn from an ethnographic research project that included a case study based on an 18-month participant-observation of an evolving partnership between the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) and the Black Cultural Archives (BCA), in London, UK. The case offers a snapshot of the tensions involved in educators and curators seeking to imagine and engage difference in the art museum. The case provides evidence of the lived experience of collaborative work and the challenges involved in negotiating issues of difference in multiple contexts: across organisational cultures, when imagining audiences, and in the representation of the black subject within photographs.  相似文献   

马克思主义中国化问题是马克思主义研究领域中一个重大的理论与实践问题,解放思想推动我们深入思考马克思主义政治经济学中国化的路径或方式。本文认为:马克思主义经济学的中国化有党的政治化路径和学术化路径二个层面,二者内涵不同、主体不同、成果形态和功能不同;本文主要论述学术形态马克思主义经济学中国化的基本态度、过程和主要成果。  相似文献   

本文研究高校文科成绩评定的公正性 ,分别从三个方面展开论述。一、公正的客观性和主观性。本部分主要解构了影响公正的客观性和主观性的因素。二、公正的绝对性和相对性。本部分将公正分为高级层面和初级层面 ,并探讨了公正率的量化方法。三、公正的主动性和被动性。本部分主要研究教师和教育管理部门在评分公正性方面的不同的支配作用  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental course in the preparation of art teachers. The goal of the course was to engage final-year art students in thinking about the fundamental questions in aesthetic education and in considering various views of their roles as teachers of art. The classes presented a dialogue between two teachers: a philosopher of art and an artist. We discussed the social justification of art, the place of art in education and more generally the portrayal of visual culture in philosophical thought. The bibliography for the course comprised a list of basic texts in aesthetic education, from Friedrich Schiller to Nelson Goodman. In class we linked the range of philosophical views examined to the artistic exploration of themes (mainly in contemporary and local art). The course also incorporated guest speakers who presented their own projects relating to different meeting points of art and education, including social-activist artists, curators, philosophers of education and school architects. The article presents the rationale for the course, its method and a sample of its content.  相似文献   

努力推动和实现当代中国马克思主义大众化是党的十七大提出的重大战略任务和紧迫时代课题。目前国内学术理论界对当代中国马克思主义大众化的学理探究主要集中在概念界定、重大意义、路径选择、制约因素等几个基本论域上,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。文章就十七大以来马克思主义大众化研究所取得的重要成果进行梳理和归纳整理,以期深刻认识和准确把握该领域的研究现状和研究特点,并进一步延拓对这一问题探究的视野与深度。  相似文献   

本文综述了家禽营养中生物素的研究成果。主要包括:生物素的吸收与代谢、缺乏症、饲料中生物素的利用以及家禽日粮中生物素的补充等。  相似文献   

覃玉荣 《高教论坛》2003,(5):83-85,103
本文认为要提高大学英语教学水平,必须总结经验,确定目标,加大大学英语教学的管理力度;教师要改变传统的教学观念,确立以学生为中心的教学模式,注重学生能力的培养;寻求提高大学英语教学水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

图书馆网络系统是鸡西大学实施“三上两创”基础建设项目之一。本文主要讲述了设备选型、互连方案和建设目标。  相似文献   

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