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Given the linear system x = Ax - bu, y = cTx, it is shown that, for a certain non-quadratic cost functional, the optimal control is given by uopt(x) = h(cTx), where the function h(y) must satisfy the conditions ky2?h(y)y>0 for y≠0, h(0) = 0 and existence of h-1 everywhere. The linear system considered must satisfy the Popov condition 1/k + (1 +?ωβ) G(?ω)>0 for all ω, G(s) being the y(s)/u(s) transfer function.  相似文献   

The bounded-input bounded-output stability, finite time stability and settling time of a single-loop feedback system consisting of a nonlinear time-varying gain followed by a linear time-invariant system are investigated via a nonlinear integral inequality. The gain has the form k0+k1(t)+k2(t)g(bd) where g(bd) is a monotonic increasing function. The system is bounded-input bounded-output stable provided the time-varying gains are L1(0, t8) functions and is finite time stable for bounded gains. The nonlinear integral inequality, which is used to obtain explicit and useful bounds on the output of the system, is also employed to determine the settling time.  相似文献   

Montgomery multiplication over rings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Montgomery multiplication of two elements a and b of a finite field Fq is defined as abr-1 where r is a fixed field element in . In this paper we define Montgomery multiplication of elements a(x) and b(x) in a polynomial ring modulo the ideal generated by a reducible polynomial f(x). We then show that Montgomery multiplication over a field represented by a polynomial ring modulo an irreducible pentanomial can be performed more efficiently in terms of time delay by embedding the field in a quotient of a polynomial ring modulo a reducible trinomial. The trinomial has a degree that is slightly higher than that of the pentanomial, thereby increasing the number of gates in the multiplier by a small amount.  相似文献   

The cutoff wavenumbers knm and the field of surface wave modes of a circular cylindrical conductor eccentrically coated by a dielectric are determined analytically. The electromagnetic field is expressed in terms of circular cylindrical wave functions referred to both axes, in combination with related addition theorems. When the solutions are specialized to small eccentricities kd, where d is the distance between the two axes, exact closed-form expressions are obtained for the coefficients gnm in the resulting relation knm(d)=knm(0)[1+gnm(knmd)2+...] for the cutoff wavenumbers of the waveguide. Similar expressions are obtained for the field. Numerical results for all types of modes are given. For certain values of the parameters, it is possible to enhance the operating bandwidth of the basic hybrid mode HE11 over the conventional concentric guide.  相似文献   

This paper is to study the mean square stabilizability and regional stability of discrete-time mean-field stochastic systems. Firstly, a necessary and sufficient condition is presented via the spectrum of linear operator to illustrate the stabilizability of discrete-time mean-field stochastic systems. B(0, γ)-stabilizability is introduced and transformed into solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Secondly, BM-stability is characterized, especially, the stabilities of circular region, sector region and annulus regions are discussed extensively. Finally, as applications, it is shown that B(0, γ1; γ2)-stability has close relationship with the decay rate of the system state response and the Lyapunov exponent.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for testing the Hurwitz property of a segment of polynomials (1−λ)p0(s)+λp1(s), where λ∈[0,1] and p0(s) and p1(s) are nth-degree polynomials with complex coefficients. The method consists in constructing a parametric Routh-like array with polynomial entries and generating Sturm sequences for checking the absence of zeros of two real λ-polynomials of degrees 2 and 2n in the interval (0,1). The presented method is easy to implement. Moreover, it accomplishes the test in a finite number of arithmetic operations because it does not invoke any numerical root-finding procedure.  相似文献   

A useful identity expressing the derivative of an unknown variable xk of X with respect to an entry in the coefficient matrix of a linear system AX = B is presented. If the derivatives of xk with respect to each entry of A or their combinations are required, then the identity avoids the repeated solution of the linear equations, and may result in a symbolic solution provided A-1 is known. A method to measure the sensitivity in an n-port linear system is proposed, and its relationships to Kron's method of tearing and Branin's formulae are also discussed.  相似文献   

Complex oxides with tunable structures have many fascinating properties, though high-quality complex oxide epitaxy with precisely controlled composition is still out of reach. Here we have successfully developed solution-based single-crystalline epitaxy for multiferroic (1-x)BiTi(1-y)/2FeyMg(1-y)/2O3–(x)CaTiO3 (BTFM–CTO) solid solution in large area, confirming its ferroelectricity at the atomic scale with strong spontaneous polarization. Careful compositional tuning leads to a bulk magnetization of 0.07 ± 0.035 μB/Fe at room temperature, enabling magnetically induced polarization switching exhibiting a large magnetoelectric coefficient of 2.7–3.0 × 10−7 s/m. This work demonstrates the great potential of solution processing in large-scale complex oxide epitaxy and establishes novel room-temperature magnetoelectric coupling in epitaxial BTFM–CTO film, making it possible to explore a much wider space of composition, phase, and structure that can be easily scaled up for industrial applications.  相似文献   

The classical problem of broadband matching was first studied by Bode (1) and developed later by Fano (2); however, Fano's solution, although very elegant, has a practical limitation. The key idea is to replace the load Z2(S) by its Darlington equivalent ending in 1 ohm, but the optimum design is, in general, not very simple. Youla (3) proposed an alternative method where it is relatively easy to find the optimum network even for the more complex impedance load. The paper shows that maximization of the gainbandwidth product, in the presence of load or source variations, depends on the choice of the reflection coefficient zeros, either in the left half-plane or in the right half-plane.  相似文献   

It is well known that the wave mechanical ψ equation leads to the conclusion that the centroid of the wave mechanical electron should move according to the classical electrodynamic equation of motion in which, however, the terms representing what is commonly called radiation reaction are absent. If v is the velocity of the electron, the classical rate of change of momentum is mddt{v(I ? v2c2)12}. The equation of motion including radiation reaction terms may be regarded as obtainable by replacing this quantity by one obtained by operating upon it with the operator P?1
P={I?α1kddt + α2ddt(kddt)?·}?
where α1, α2, etc., are constants and k = (I ? v2c2)?12. The main purpose of the paper is to show that if there be any relativistically invariant ψ equation which leads to the classical equation of motion without radiation reaction terms, then by replacing the vector and scalar potentials U and ? in that equation by P(U) and P(?), a relativistically invariant equation of motion will be obtained including the radiation reaction terms, provided that the ddt in P be now regarded as ??t + u · grad, where u is the velocity of the wave mechanical density distribution at a point. The purpose is to use the power to produce the equation of motion as a criterion for suggesting the proper modification of the ψ equation to apply in those cases where, on the classical theory, the electron would suffer great acceleration, as in ionization by rapidly moving corpuscles.  相似文献   

Let f(χ) together with its first two derivatives be continuous in the domain D and additionally let χM?D be an extremum (or turning point) of this function. Also, let χn+1 = T (χnn-1n-2) be Jarratt's Method for computing the extremum (or turning point) of a function. Criteria are demonstrated which insure that, for any triple of initial assumptions (χ10-1)?D, Jarratt's Method, converges to the extremum of f(χ), and that from and after some n = N0, the rate of convergence of this method increases steadily, finally becoming unbounded when the solution χM is attained.  相似文献   

A method of using orthogonal shifted Legendre polynomials for identifying the parameters of a process whose behaviour can be modelled by a linear differential equation with time-varying coefficients in the form of finite-order polynomials is presented. It is based on the repeated integration of the differential equation and the representations of 0ts(τ) dτ = Ps(t) and ts(t) = Rs(t), where P and R are constant matrices and s(t) is a shifted Legendre vector whose elements are shifted Legendre polynomials. The differential input-output equation is converted into a set of overdetermined linear algebraic equations for a least squares solution. The results of simulation studies are included to illustrate the applicability of the method.  相似文献   

Using data generated by progressive nucleation mechanism on the cumulative fraction of citations of individual papers published successively by a hypothetical author, an expression for the time dependence of the cumulative number Lsum(t) of citations of progressively published papers is proposed. It was found that, for all nonzero values of constant publication rate ΔN, the cumulative citations Lsum(t) of the cumulative N papers published by an author in his/her entire publication career spanning over T years may be represented in distinct regions: (1) in the region 0 < t < Θ0 (where Θ0 ≈ T/3), Lsum(t) slowly increases proportionally to the square of the citation time t, and (2) in the region t > Θ0, Lsum(t) approaches a constant Lsum(max) at T. In the former region, the time dependence of Lsum(t) of an author is associated with three parameters, viz. the citability parameter λ0, the publication rate ΔN and his/her publication career t. Based on the predicted dependence of Lsum(t) on t, a useful scientometric age-independent measure, defined as citation acceleration a = Lsum(t)/t2, is suggested to analyze and compare the scientific activities of different authors. Confrontation of the time dependence of cumulative number Lsum(t) of citations of papers with the theoretical equation reveals one or more citation periods during the publication careers of different authors.  相似文献   

A well-known discrete stability test is used to derive from the denominator D(z) of a given stable high-order transfer function G(z), the denominator of a low-order approximant of G(z). The proposed method, based on the truncation and inversion of a continued fraction formed with the coefficients of D(z), yields a reduced denominator d(z) of degree, say m, which is always stable. Furthermore, depending on the neglected parts of the continued fraction, d(z) approximates m1 and m2 = mm1 zeros of D(z), located very near the points z=1 and z=-1, respectively. In the special case m1=m, d(z) is identical to the polynomial obtained by applying to D(z) the indirect technique, which combines the bilinear transformation with the Routh or the Schwarz approximation method.  相似文献   

Numerous relatively simple physical systems give rise under appropriate circumstances to oscillations which obey the equation y″ + ?(1 + k cos t)y = 0 (Mathieu's equation). These oscillations may be either stable, periodic, or unstable, depending upon parameters of the physical system as expressed by the parameters ? and k in the basic equation. It has been customary to distinguish between the stable and unstable states by diagrams of the type of Fig. 1, from which it is possible to tell whether a given set of values of the parameters ?, k will yield a stable or unstable solution. In this paper are given curves which not only present this information, but in addition give for an important part of the stable state the values of the characteristic exponent μ. The solution of the equation y″ + ?(1 + k cos t)y = 0 depends to a large extent on this exponent, and the availability of values of μ should greatly facilitate the practical application of the equation.  相似文献   

The usual model for (Poissonian) linear birth-death processes is extended to multiple birth-death processes with fractional birth probabilities in the form λit)α+o((Δt)α, 0<α<1. The probability generating function for the time dependent population size is provided by a fractional partial differential equation. The solution of the latter is obtained and comparison with the usual model is made. The probability of ultimate extinction is obtained. One considers the special case of fractional Poissonian processes with individual arrivals only, and then one outlines basic results for continuous processes defined by fractional Poissonian noises. The key is the Taylor’s series of fractional order f(x+h)=Eα(hαDxα)f(x), where Eα(·) is the Mittag-Leffler function, and Dxα is the modified Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, as previously introduced by the author.  相似文献   

Matrix A with characteristic polynomial Q(z) is defined positive or negative Hurwitz according to whether Q(z) or Q(-z) is a Hurwitz polynomial. Leading principle sections of the Tikhonova growth matrix have associated characteristic polynomials Pn(-z) which satisfy the recursion
That the Tikhonova growth matrix is negative Hurwitz is established through applying the Wall-Stieltjes theory of continued fraction expansions to show the Pn(-z) are Hurwitz polynomials. The Kayeya-Enestrom theorem and a procedure for refinement of the Gerschgorin estimate are used to obtain analytical bounds on spectral radii for the Tikhonova model, which provides estimates of maximal growth rates. The theory allows generalization to more complicated growth models.  相似文献   

Fixed point properties of the binomial function
are developed. It is shown that for any
1 < L < N, TLNhas a unique fixed point p? in (0, 1), and that for large N, the fixed point is L/N. This has application to signal detection schemes commonly used in communication systems. When detecting the presence or absence of a signal with an initial false alarm probability pFAand an initial detection probability pD, then TLN(pFA) < pFAand TLN(pD) > pDif, and only if, pFA < p? < pD. When this condition is satisfied, as N → ∞, TLN(pFA) → 0 and TLN(pD → 1.  相似文献   

Charmonium is a bound state of a charmed quark and a charmed antiquark, and a charmoniumlike state is a resonant structure that contains a charmed quark and antiquark pair but has properties that are incompatible with a conventional charmonium state. While operating at center-of-mass energies from 2 to 5 GeV, the BESIII experiment can access a wide mass range of charmonium and charmoniumlike states, and has contributed significantly in this field. We review BESIII results involving conventional charmonium states, including the first observation of the M1 transition ψ(2S) → γηc(2S) and the discovery of the ψ2(3823) state; and report on studies of charmoniumlike states, including the discoveries of the Zc(3900) and Zc(4020) tetraquark candidates, the resolution of the fine structure of the Y(4260) state, the discovery of the new production process e+e → γX(3872) and the uncovering of strong evidence for the commonality among the X(3872), Y(4260) and Zc(3900) states. The prospects for further research at BESIII and proposed future facilities are also presented.  相似文献   

Designing new cathodes with high capacity and moderate potential is the key to breaking the energy density ceiling imposed by current intercalation chemistry on rechargeable batteries. The carbonaceous materials provide high capacities but their low potentials limit their application to anodes. Here, we show that Fermi level tuning by p-type doping can be an effective way of dramatically raising electrode potential. We demonstrate that Li(Na)BCF2/Li(Na)B2C2F2 exhibit such change in Fermi level, enabling them to accommodate Li+(Na+) with capacities of 290–400 (250–320) mAh g−1 at potentials of 3.4–3.7 (2.7–2.9) V, delivering ultrahigh energy densities of 1000–1500 Wh kg−1. This work presents a new strategy in tuning electrode potential through electronic band structure engineering.  相似文献   

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