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本文针对民航英语教学存在的问题,通过对民航气象英语在飞行教学使用中的情况分析,提出重视气象英语,规范气象英语使用,制定飞行气象常用英语手册,加强培训与联系等提高气象英语水平以适应民航国际化趋势的建议。  相似文献   

本文就气象服务的概念、目的和气象服务的意义做出论述。根据具体数据说明气象服务近几年的发展。分析锡林郭勒盟牧区气象服务的缺陷,针对牧区气象服务存在的问题,提出具体的解决办法。  相似文献   

本文采用灰色关联分析法,对少儿生长发育与中国地理气象关系进行了定量分析研究,其结果表明,地理、气象因素与少儿生长发育关系密切,各因素间的关联度(r)分别在0.57—0.91之间。  相似文献   

气象,即大气的状态和现象。如冷、热、干、湿、风、雨、霜、雾等各种物理状态和物理现象的统称。它对鱼类的活动与觅食影响极大,主要是:一、气象的变化直接影响气温、水温的变化。二、气象的变化牵连着气压的变化以及空气湿度的变化,从而使水中的溶氧量发生变化。三、气象的变化能改变水体的浑浊度。四、气象的变化往往给水体中带来新水和食物,如下雨或涨水。五、气象的变化可使温差出现明显的改变,如下露、下霜、下雪等现象。总之,气象的变化可以改变鱼类的活动规律和摄食习性,因为鱼类是一种冷血变温动物。所谓变温,是说它的体温不是恒定…  相似文献   

在当前复杂的气候变化和时代发展的背景下,气象服务从业人员职业道德对提升气象服务质量,保证气象服务的规范化和可持续发展有不可替代的作用。本文阐述了加强气象服务从业人员职业道德建设的必要性,并从提高道德修养及加强职业责任、职业作风、职业纪律等方面论述了如何加强气象服务从业人员职业道德建设。  相似文献   

该文主要介绍了泰安市地质灾害气象风险预警与指挥系统。系统开发的主要目的是为了更好的与泰安市地质灾害防治工作相结合,通过对气象因素及地质灾害资料的分析和研究,基于地质灾害气象预警模型,采用先进的GIS技术能实现对地质灾害易发风险性区域预警,能直观地了解到各部分区域的地质灾害易发风险性,为各级政府防灾减灾提供科学的技术支撑。  相似文献   

周鹏 《体育世界》2011,(6):39-40
初步简要地探讨了体育学与气象学的有机融合,并以北京奥运会的气象保障工作为例进一步说明了气象对于人类活动的重要意义,以及各类大型体育场馆所形成的局地小气象形式对于体育活动的影响。除了某些天气情况对客观体育环境的影响外,进行体育活动的主体也会受到各方面天气的干扰,从而影响运动员的正常发挥,取得好的比赛成绩。尤其以帆船比赛为例,是体育项目中比较依赖于天气环境的。在这类比赛中,气象保障工作显得尤为重要,而本文更是以青岛奥帆赛为例,详细地阐述了气象工作与帆船比赛进行过程的紧密联系。因此,气象学与体育学的有机融合是非常有意义的。  相似文献   

新余蜜桔是我市自主培育的本地早优良品种,气象灾害对新余蜜桔的影响非常大,新余市气象局积极开展农业气象服务和农村气象灾害防御工作,“两个体系”建设取得了一定成效,“直通式气象服务”是两个体系建设的重要组成部分,是新型农业经营主体的迫切需求,对于提升气象服务质量和效益有非常重要的作用。气象部门为新余蜜桔开通直通式气象服务,能最大程度减轻自然灾害造成的损害,本文对直通式气象服务现状进行了深入分析,并就加强直通式气象服务工作提出了对策。  相似文献   

对近10年来51场世界著名马拉松赛事的竞赛成绩和同期天气数据进行统计分析。结果表明,气温、海平面压和风速等单气象因子以及有效温度、风冷指数、舒适度等综合气象因素对马拉松成绩都有不同程度的影响,男、女运动员对天气状态反应不同。通过气象成绩分类进一步确定各气象因子在不同类别下对成绩影响的差异,为马拉松训练和比赛提供参考。  相似文献   

1958年8月25日,邮电部发行特24《气象》特种邮票1套4种,主图分别为-1古气象仪、-2气象观测、-3气象服务,其中-3气象服务主图为坐落于上海外滩的中国最早的气象塔。全套票无主题原地,-3票的主图原地为上海。本期封面为上海寄南非挂号原地封,正面贴特24  相似文献   

对北京国际马拉松比赛成绩与天气条件的相关性进行了定量分析。发现马拉松比赛成绩与天气因子如:气温、湿球温度、人类生物气象学指标相关显著。例如前十名运动员的平均成绩与气温的相关系数为r=0.8910。据此,将气象条件分为三类:适宜、一般、不适宜马拉松跑,从而确定了马拉松比赛的最佳天气指标。文中还提出“气象成绩”的概念。“气象成绩”占总成绩的一部分,随着天气条件的变化而波动并在某些运动项目(如马拉松跑)中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

就田径竞赛地点的地理位置与气象要素对田径成绩的影响,从理论上进行探讨。其目的是根据不同竞赛地点的地理位置与气象要素,有针对性的进行模拟训练,克服不利因素,利用有利因素,提高田径运动竞技水平  相似文献   

我国体育心理学研究近10年的回顾与反思   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
采用文献计量学方法,对1990~2000年我国国内发表的体育心理学论文进行统计分析,反思了研究进行中存在的问题,提出了未来研究的思路。  相似文献   

分析南京地区PM2.5浓度的时空分布特征及其与气象要素的关系,对南京市大学生合理选择体育锻炼的时间、地点和适当的运动项目,减少和避免高浓度细颗粒物对身体的损害提出建议。  相似文献   

近15年《体育科学》刊发基金论文的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献计量学方法,对1992~2006年《体育科学》杂志刊发的基金论文情况进行了统计分析,结果表明,15年《体育科学》共刊发基金论文680篇,基金论文率年均26.17%,远远高于全国体育核心期刊基金论文的平均水平13.76%。  相似文献   

我国气象灾害种类多、分布广、发生频率高,对社会经济的发展构成重要的威胁.从08汶川到10玉树再到现在的雅安,地震不仅威胁着人类的生命,同样会给人们带来很大的心理创伤,尤其是学生,防震减灾的任务刻不容缓.本文在前人研究的基础上就体育在防震减灾中的作用进行总结和探究后得出:无论是灾前预防与演练还是在灾后心理康复和身体康复方面体育都起到了很大的作用,防震减灾工作需要不断建立和健全长效机制,必须动员全社会的力量来进行.  相似文献   

目的:分析兰州亚高原国际马拉松比赛条件。方法:运用文献资料法、实地考察法、社会调查法及逻辑推理法。结果:兰州市地理属典型亚高原特征,每年的7-9月份气象气候条件非常适合举行马拉松比赛,国家亚高原训练基地和国家亚高原训练研究重点实验室为马拉松运动员提供训练和科研的便利,中长跑项目的群众基础、交通条件、生活条件等因素也为举行马拉松赛创造了良好的条件。结论:兰州市的各种条件适合举行亚高原国际马拉松比赛,且有一定的优势,马拉松比赛会对兰州市的城市发展产生积极的作用。  相似文献   

Florida-James G  Donaldson K  Stone V 《Journal of sports sciences》2004,22(10):967-80; discussion 980
Athens sits in a basin approximately 450 km2 in area, surrounded by mountains and open sea. Anthropogenic emissions in conjunction with the topographical and meteorological conditions can result in high air pollution within the city. The pollutants of concern for athletes competing in Athens 2004 appear to be nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone and particulate (PM10) pollution. Exposure to elevated ozone concentrations has been reported to give rise to symptoms that include cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, headache, eye irritation and a decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second. All of these effects are likely to impact upon performance, and several studies of cyclists suggest this to be the case. In contrast, the impact of ambient concentrations of NO2 appears to be negligible on normal activities, but at high exercise intensities the impact remains unclear. The use of currently available information and models to predict the effect of ozone and other pollutants on elite athletes is problematical, since such models are based upon significantly lower ventilation rates than those achieved by some elite athletes. In addition, it is already known that the response to ozone can vary somewhat between individuals. Since the individuals who will be competing in Athens are physiologically very different to the participants in most published studies, it is difficult to predict individual responses. There is some evidence to indicate that adaptation to the adverse health and performance effects of ozone can occur, so that performance is partially recovered on re-exposure. The adaptation is not seen in all studies and appears to be dependent on several factors, including the initial sensitivity of the individual to ozone. Antioxidant supplementation has also been shown in some studies to partially ameliorate the adverse effects of ozone by counteracting the oxidative stress mechanism associated with this pollutant. Whether this transfers to performance enhancement per se remains unclear at present. Additional research is required to gain a sound understanding of the effects of a complex mixed air pollution exposure on the pulmonary function and performance of athletes exercising at high work intensities.  相似文献   

Athens sits in a basin approximately 450 km2 in area, surrounded by mountains and open sea. Anthropogenic emissions in conjunction with the topographical and meteorological conditions can result in high air pollution within the city. The pollutants of concern for athletes competing in Athens 2004 appear to be nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone and particulate (PM10) pollution. Exposure to elevated ozone concentrations has been reported to give rise to symptoms that include cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, headache, eye irritation and a decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second. All of these effects are likely to impact upon performance, and several studies of cyclists suggest this to be the case. In contrast, the impact of ambient concentrations of NO2 appears to be negligible on normal activities, but at high exercise intensities the impact remains unclear. The use of currently available information and models to predict the effect of ozone and other pollutants on elite athletes is problematical, since such models are based upon significantly lower ventilation rates than those achieved by some elite athletes. In addition, it is already known that the response to ozone can vary somewhat between individuals. Since the individuals who will be competing in Athens are physiologically very different to the participants in most published studies, it is difficult to predict individual responses. There is some evidence to indicate that adaptation to the adverse health and performance effects of ozone can occur, so that performance is partially recovered on re-exposure. The adaptation is not seen in all studies and appears to be dependent on several factors, including the initial sensitivity of the individual to ozone. Antioxidant supplementation has also been shown in some studies to partially ameliorate the adverse effects of ozone by counteracting the oxidative stress mechanism associated with this pollutant. Whether this transfers to performance enhancement per se remains unclear at present. Additional research is required to gain a sound understanding of the effects of a complex mixed air pollution exposure on the pulmonary function and performance of athletes exercising at high work intensities.  相似文献   

论“体教结合”和“教体结合”的同化与异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从“体教结合”和“教体结合”概念分析入手,阐述了“体教结合”和“教体结合”两种培养竞技体育人才模式的现状及发展情况。从概念的范畴、内容的指向性、发展目标、培养的思路、培养的理念等五方面探讨了“体教结合”和“教体结合”两种培养模式的趋同性;从所处地位、培养对象、培养形式、结合模式、学训方式,以及资源配置等方面探讨了二者之间存在的差异性。认为区分二者的异同点,将有助于我们进行理性的思考,科学的决策,不断促进我国体育事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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