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王小利 《考试周刊》2014,(64):93-93
语篇教学是指在具体语境中教学单词和句型,主张从整体入手,展现给学生完整的语言篇幅。本文通过让学生阅读前准备、阅读中理解、阅读后领悟,帮助学生形成有效的阅读策略,更高效地进行语篇教学。  相似文献   

高鹰 《考试周刊》2011,(84):6-7
作者采用定量和定性两种研究方法,对部分高一学生在阅读测试中使用阅读策略的情况进行了调查,分析了语篇类型对于高中学习者使用阅读策略的影响,以及对于阅读策略使用与阅读成绩相关性的影响。研究结果显示,语篇类型对于高一学生在阅读测试中的阅读策略使用具有显著的影响。受试者在阅读议论文时使用阅读策略最频繁,阅读说明文时则次之,阅读记叙文时最少。受试者使用的阅读策略与其阅读成绩的相关性也受到了语篇类型的影响。  相似文献   

邵珉婕 《新教育(海南)》2023,(S2):119-120+141
在小学英语阅读教学中,教师需要让学生理解语篇内容,并运用阅读策略提升核心素养。结合故事教学课例,探讨了小学英语阅读教学中如何使用有效阅读工具,培养阅读策略,从而引导学生基于语篇主动学习构建,有效发展学生的逻辑思维能力。  相似文献   

语篇教学是相对于以词汇和句子结构为中心的教学而言,是指在具体语境中教学单词和句型,主张词不离句,句不离景从整体入手,展现给学生完整的语言篇幅。本文通过让学生阅读前准备,阅读中理解,阅读后领悟,帮助学生形成有效的阅读策略,更高效地进行语篇教学。  相似文献   

语篇是学生学习语言知识和发展语言技能的重要源泉.教师只有全面、深入地分析教学中使用的语篇,才能更有针对性地设计课堂教学活动.研究发现,基于语篇分析的英语阅读教学,教师需要审视文本标题,预测语篇;认真梳理语篇,明晰结构框架;聚焦文本衔接,培养语篇逻辑;深入语篇分析,解读语篇特征;迁移语篇情境,实现深度阅读.  相似文献   

母语负迁移是造成二语习得困难的重要原因之一。由于二语中单词与母语词义的对应性,学生会在表达某个意思时固定使用某个单词,从而造成该单词的过度使用。本研究还发现,学习者习得水平及习得时间也会影响单词的过度使用率。因此,教师在课堂教学中,要有意识帮助学生选用更多合适的单词来弱化母语负迁移对其二语习得的影响。  相似文献   

课堂教学支撑英文小说阅读的活动设计,可采用如下策略:读前,利用导学案和多模态语篇特征来获取语篇基本信息、激活学生图式;读中,引导学生利用思维导图,建构语篇宏观结构,并借助问题链,梳理语篇微观结构;读后,基于主题反思评判,依托写作迁移创新,并做到教、学、评一致.  相似文献   

词汇是形成语篇的最基本要素,而语篇并不是词汇的简单堆积和聚合.没有了词汇,就如同造房子没有砖块,整个篇章便无从谈起.许多学生在英语词汇学习过程中,忽视词汇学习的策略,孤立、机械地去学习和记忆单词,这种死记硬背的学习方法很难取得良好效果.笔者在教学中采用了点线面的方式来整体把握语篇,在具体情景中教单词、学单词,不但克服了孤立记单词容易遗忘的缺陷,而且还能培养学生灵活运用单词的能力,学生能学会在交际中使用单词.  相似文献   

Entertaining Clients Requires Work是《新视野高职商务英语综合教程1》中一篇关于“商务招待”的阅读语篇。文章基于高职英语学科素养和课程思政的要求,结合学生实际,就该阅读语篇进行教学设计,目的在于提高学生的英语语言技能,在传授学生国际商务接待知识的同时,重点在教学设计中融入思政元素,以求在教学环节中落实对学生人文素养和文化自信的培养。  相似文献   

探讨小学五年级学生在阅读训练过程中的阅读水平提高情况,以及阅读水平提高对语篇聚类水平迁移的影响。结果表明,阅读训练能够明显提高学生的阅读水平,同时,训练的效果可以迁移到语篇聚类能力上,显著地提高了学生的语篇聚类水平。  相似文献   

本文对目的语环境中的韩国留学生与中国中学生中文阅读学习策略进行了调查,结果表明:(1)阅读中文时,两国学生最常用的是推测策略和语境策略,最不常用的是母语策略和互动策略。在阅读观念上差异不显著,在管理策略和母语、预览和略读等阅读学习策略的使用上差异极其显著。韩国学生更多地使用语境和标记策略,中国学生更多地使用选材、母语、略读、预览和推测策略。(2)韩国学生的预览策略对其学习成绩具有预测力,而文本观念和互动策略对其学习成绩具有轻微的负预测力。对中国学生来说,推测策略对其学习成绩具有预测力。  相似文献   

刘磊 《海外英语》2012,(2):110-111
Many researches have proven that reading strategies play a vital role in English reading processes and have a crucial influence on reading results. However, at present there are few studies focused on art major students’ reading strategy use status quo, especially the researches on art major students in independent college are fewer. This thesis based on the existing reading strategy research, tries to discuss the characteristics of art major students’ English reading strategy use and further analyzes the factors that influence the choosing of reading strategies among art major students in Hubei University Zhixing College which is an independent college in Wuhan city Hubei Province.Based on the investigation results and survey results of the interview, this thesis presents some reading strategy teaching strategies for improving English language reading strategy teaching:  相似文献   

本研究调查了非英语专业大学生在英语阅读学习三个阶段中阅读策略的使用状况。数据收集采用了书面问卷调查表。调查数据采用描述性统计方法,t检验进行分析。结果显示总的阅读策略使用频率为中等。t检验发现学生使用Pre—reading strategy与Post—reading strategy,During—reading strategy与Post—reading strategy有显著差异,而pre—reading strategy与during—reading strategy没有显著差异。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive strategy instruction (CSI) on Chinese reading comprehension of Hong Kong low achieving students. A total of 88 Grade 7 students from four intact Chinese language remedial groups were randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions. Students in the treatment group received a 6-week Chinese CSI Program in their regular Chinese language lessons. The findings in this study generally supported that the Program had a positive impact on the reading development of low achieving students. Students who received strategy instruction made superior gains in comprehension performance, used more strategies during their reading process, had more knowledge about, strategy use, and showed a more positive attitude toward the reading instruction than did their peers who received traditional Chinese language instruction. Students’ improvements on their strategy use and reading comprehension were maintained 4 months after the termination of the Program. However, the positive treatment effects of the Program were not transferred to other school subject materials, and students’ reading motivation did not have significant changes after the Program. Factors contributing to the success of the Program as well as its limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

研究各阅读策略与英语阅读能力之间的相关性以及不同英语阅读水平组在使用阅读策略上的差异性,结果表明:三种策略中认知策略对英语阅读成绩的影响力最大,元认知策略其次,而社交/情感策略对英语阅读成绩的影响力最小。阅读成绩高分组的学生在阅读时更多地使用元认知策略进行调控,而低水平组的学生则更多地使用认知策略;两组学生在认知策略的使用上表现出显著差异;但两组学生在社交/情感策略的使用上差异不大,比较趋向一致。  相似文献   

This study used a think‐aloud approach to compare reading strategy use in the first language (L1) and non‐native language (L2) among 36 English as a foreign language (EFL) college students at different reading levels. The participants took an English proficiency test and participated in two individual sessions in which a reading test and a think‐aloud task were administered separately in Chinese and English. Cross‐language transfer theory and the linguistic threshold hypothesis were used to conceptualise the similarities and differences in L1 and L2 reading strategies. This study found more frequent and diverse strategy use in English than in Chinese. Similar patterns of meta‐cognitive strategy use were evident in both languages. The applications of certain meta‐cognitive and support strategies served as indicators that differentiated more‐proficient from less‐proficient readers. The present study extended previous questionnaire studies and suggested that English reading instruction should be informed by this line of research to provide instruction on effective reading strategy use for EFL learners.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the differences between Chinese good and poor readers in their strategy use by using a think‐aloud method. Eight grade 7 students in Hong Kong, four good readers and four poor readers, received a think‐aloud task and an interview in the study. Consistent with the Western studies, findings of this study indicated that Chinese good readers used more strategies and had better ability and knowledge of strategy use than did poor readers. In addition to the cognitive deficiencies, poor readers were also found to have poorer intrinsic motivation than did good readers. The combined problems of poor reading ability and motivation made them reluctant to process the text at a deeper level and they gave up easily when they encountered reading difficulties. Implications of these findings for studying the reading problems of Chinese students and implementing effective reading instruction in Hong Kong Chinese language teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

基于"高职英语专业学生经过显性阅读策略教学之后,策略的使用情况是否存在差异","高职学生的阅读策略使用频率与阅读测试成绩之间是否相关"2个问题,通过阅读策略教学前后的问卷调查、差异显著性检验和策略使用与CET-4的相关分析,证实阅读策略训练有助于学生培养个性化的阅读习惯,阅读策略训练效果与学生的语言水平有较强的关联。指出阅读策略训练必须遵循从单一训练到综合训练,从指导练习到半指导练习,再到独立练习的原则。  相似文献   

高宪礼 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(12):107-110
借鉴西方显性学习策略训练模式,采用书面问卷、策略教学及阅读测试等调查方法,对以策略训练为基础的阅读教学的影响进行探讨和研究。结果表明:系统地接受显性策略训练的学生在阅读成绩方面明显优于对照组;以策略为基础的阅读教学增强了学生的策略使用意识;通过对成功和非成功阅读者的比较,发现策略的运用与阅读水平的提高间有显著相关性。问卷调查显示,学生对策略训练普遍持认同态度,说明这类策略训练活动应用于大学外语课堂阅读教学是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

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