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回归生活世界的教育学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现代教育学的危机,不是人们通常所认为的——它还不够科学的问题,而在于其把自身确立为教育学的唯一形式。学校教育就长期被这种教育学所控制,并因此而排斥其他形式的教育学。而这一切,又都根植于现代教育教学与个人魅力、共享知识和共同体情境的剥离之中。但现代教育学依然不能阻挡其他形式的教育学发声,现代社会也不单纯只有这一种教育学。对现代教育而言,迫切需要的是重新认识这几种并存的教育学之间的内在关联。通过将教育情境更加教育学化,而不是使教育学更多地成为个人的知识压力,完全可以为生活世界中的民间教育学提供一片广阔的制度空间。教育者和学习者的命运都将因此而重建。  相似文献   

研究生的专业观是制约研究生培养质量的重要因素,教育学研究生的专业观可作为研究生这一问题的典型个案,因为目前的教育学研究生存在种种问题与缺失,为解决这种现状,不仅需要理论的探讨,更需要从实证的角度出发研究未来教育研究的生力军一教育学研究生的专业观.基于此,本研究选择了苏州大学教育学院教育学研究生为个案对象进行研究,集中探讨了性别、专业背景、工作经历等因素对这些问题的影响,以期为厘清教育学研究生的专业观提供一种事实性的描述和借鉴.  相似文献   

当前方兴未艾的教师专业化运动,其实是与大众教育的兴起连在一起的。大众教育使教师专业化脱离了学术训练、经验积累和身份认同的传统轨道,并导致专业教育学的大量涌现。这是一场与教育者天性作战的战斗,也是一场与知识天性作战的战斗。在这一过程中我们把学生当作某种抽象群体中的标准件看待,当作被解剖过的被试的同类看待,同时也把教师当成活动的理性执行者看待。专业教育学就这样与深层教育学对立了起来。而事实上,教师教育力量的根基不在他能教学生什么东西,也不在他能否以最有效的方式让学生记住某些结论,而在他与学生的关系结构。借助这种关系结构,他们或者压抑自身最内在、最本原的教育力量,或者将教育教学建立在学识人格与身份认同的基础之上。而卢梭对教师的研究、韦伯与熊彼特对企业家精神的研究以及帕尔默对教师心灵的关注都激励我们继续强调个人品性或信仰在教师专业发展中的作用,继续坚持把教育教学建立在深层教育学或学识与人格魅力的基础之上,而不是像专业教育学那样将教育创新看成专业教育者的理性成就。  相似文献   

从农村教师专业发展视角,探寻高校进行教师教育的教育学教材改革,其有效路径是教育理论联系农村教育实际.叶上雄主编的<中学教育学>、傅道春编著的<教育学--情境与原理>等教育学教材,在这方面为我们做了示范.  相似文献   

理论与实践的关系问题是许多学科存在和面临的问题,有的重实践轻理论,有的重理论轻实践。根据马克思主义哲学原理我们知道理论与实践是具体的历史的统一。教育理论与教育实践相脱离现象是普遍存在的,但是教育学专业也存在这种问题是令人比较困惑的。因为教育学专业的教师既是教育理论家又是教育实践家,从理论上讲,教育学专业的教师应该是有能力和条件把理论与实践相结合起来的。本文就来谈谈这个问题。  相似文献   

乌特勒支学派的教育学是现象学教育学的原初样貌.在欧洲大陆情境下,"pedagogy"这个词表达的是教师和家长在养育孩子的日常工作中的一种共同责任,它涵盖了所有大人为了孩子的健康、成长、成熟和发展而与孩子打交道的事件和领域.在学校教育中,"pedagogy"是一门学科,它针对所有与儿童养育有关的专业人员.在欧洲大陆情境下,"pedagogy"是关乎伦理的,被看成一门人文科学.乌特勒支学派在将现象学与教育学结合的过程中,将现象学作为一种方法和态度;是日常生活现象学,而非哲学现象学.  相似文献   

教育学专业的发展及培养陷入了一种前所未有的危机,引发我们不得不对培养方式方法、课程设置、教学过程、培养模式以及评价标准等一系列问题进行检讨,正视现有教育学专业的不足,适时适度地探寻教育学专业的发展之路。  相似文献   

研究生培养是关乎成人教育学学科发展的重大问题,应该引起相关研究者的重视。基于创新成人教育学专业硕士研究生培养方案的角度,提出要建设成人教育学专业硕士研究生培养联盟这样一种新的培养模式,主要探讨了成人教育学专业硕士研究生培养联盟是什么,以及建设成人教育学专业硕士研究生培养联盟的背景、意义、途径等问题。  相似文献   

教育学专业作为师范院校具有鲜明特色的专业,其教学却没有起到应有的示范和榜样的作用,而且问题越来越多。教育学具有深厚的人文情怀、生活印记和实践特征,教育学专业的教学要有活力,必须充分尊重教育学专业的性质,不能墨守成规,而应该持有一种开放的心态,面向实践,面向未来。为此,教育学专业的教师和学生应拾回“教育学”身份,强化“教育学”意识。  相似文献   

目前,成人教育学研究生专业学习兴趣不高,主要是由研究生专业基础薄弱、专业信仰缺失等内在原因和教师弓l导缺位、专业建设欠缺、学术氛围缺乏等外在原因相互作用的结果。为了激发和培养成人教育学研究生的专业学习兴趣,研究生应进行专业学习设计,树立专业学习信仰;教师应转变角色,创设学习情境;建立和谐的师生关系;学术界和学校也应做出努力。  相似文献   

Critical pedagogy wraps itself in the mantle of democracy, but in six generally accepted attributes of democracy (equality, important knowledge, nature of authority, inclusiveness, participatory decisionmaking, and rights and a seventh, not normally considered but one that has been the essence of the democratic dream—an optimum environment for everyone), critical pedagogy offers no direction. In fact, critical pedagogy, despite its unrelenting assault on the oppressiveness of schooling, may be guilty of diversion, division, illusion, and confusion, which are the major thrusts of oppression in a democratic society. Unlike critical pedagogy, a general theory of education informed by the seven aforementioned attributes of democracy provides multiple avenues for initiation of significant and realistic educational reform in existing public school sites.  相似文献   

教师作为教育活动的实施者,其存在的价值与教育学的价值是一致的,可以说,教师是教育学实现其价值的中介。因此,教师作为教育学的直接受益者,其自身的专业成长除受制于社会和教育的发展要求外,教育学的发展也是影响其专业成长定位的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

大学交往教学视教学为一种交往过程。交往过程乃是大学教学过程的本质,师生的自由解放和全面发展是交往教学追求的目标,交往教学过程是一个民主的教育过程。 在此过程中,会受到诸如化心理、教学传统、教育环境和社会环境等因素的干扰,而发挥学生的主体性、更新教育观念、重视交往的教育价值和转变教师职责则能消除这种种干扰。  相似文献   

在新课程改革的背景下,探讨教师专业发展的要义,应该聚焦于教师的专业实践活动层面。在当今教师的专业实践活动中,既有先进、时尚的理念来引领,又有具体、丰富的经验作指导。问题在于,先进理念与实践经验之间常常存在着空白。那么,对教师专业发展而言,在先进理念与实践经验之外,还有什么关键因素?这些因素能否填补这一空白?本文试对此问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

This article investigates the application of technology to pedagogy in early years. The research considers the perceptions of technology that are held by a variety of practitioners in a range of settings. The research explores the factors influencing the participants’ interpretation of the pedagogical value of technology by asking two questions. Do the participants follow policymakers who support the application of technology to pedagogy? Do the participants mirror academic research in this area by considering that ‘e is only best’ when it is applied to pedagogy to develop creative thinking? The study is based in England and draws on the experiences of 16 practitioners who are working in either private or statutory nursery settings. The research is based on an inductive qualitative methodology that has gathered the participants’ views on the benefits of technology for pedagogy in early years. The research reveals that a range of personal, social and professional factors influence the participants’ pedagogy with technology. The article identifies the challenges that exist for the professional development of these early years educators in this area of pedagogy.  相似文献   

A key assumption underpinning formative assessment strategies is that individual pupils must be fully involved in the process. While such engagement and attention on the individual is important, studies suggest that teachers do not always readily engage with formative assessment as a reciprocal process which involves pupils. Additionally, a focus on individual differences between pupils can be problematic if the work that is set for some is differentiated to such an extent that they are not able to participate in classroom activities with others. Inclusive pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning that attends to individual differences between pupils but avoids the marginalisation that can occur when pedagogical responses are designed only with individual needs in mind. Using participant observation and video footage from three classrooms that captured ‘learning moments’ identified by teachers and pupils, this study documents how the professional craft knowledge of teachers develops as they learn to use what their pupils have to say about learning in the context of whole class teaching. By concentrating on the findings from one site, this paper shows how teachers can use what they learn from listening to pupils’ self-assessments of their learning in ways that meet the standard of inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   


In this paper, I explore the problems of cultivating a critical attitude in pedagogy given problems with accounts grounded in critical social theory, rational liberalism and pragmatic esthetic theory. I offer instead an alternative account of criticism for education in open, pluralistic, liberal, democratic societies called 'pedagogy of difference' that is grounded in the diversity liberalism of Isaiah Berlin and the dialogical philosophy of Martin Buber. In our current condition in which there is no agreement as to the proper criteria for assessing attitudes and actions, for a critical attitude to gain a foothold one must learn to evaluate proposed beliefs and behaviour-based standards within a particular tradition as well as those drawn from another viewpoint. To know oneself, one must engage others who are different. But to engage others in a meaningful way one must be immersed in a tradition to which one is heir or with which one chooses to affiliate.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon a broader piece of research aiming at investigating the perceptions of university teachers about the quality of pedagogy in higher education and their professional development. Data were collected through questionnaires. In total, 171 faculty members participated in the study. Findings indicate that the participants recognized the importance of quality of pedagogy, and particularly the principles of transparency and intentionality. The most important motives for university teachers to engage in professional development opportunities are emancipatory and pedagogical ones. The participants also stress that in general they feel good as far as their teaching activity is concerned. However, those who revealed greater satisfaction with teaching valued more the quality of pedagogy in general. Also, those who feel good in relation to teaching value more the principles of interaction, democratization and negotiation with the students. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

涵养专业理性:教育学课程在职前教师教育中的核心价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是理性的事业,蕴涵信仰理性、认知理性和反思实践理性三重意蕴的教育专业理性是教师专业发展的核心推动力。教师需要具备健全、合理、澄明的专业理性来审视和改造自己的教育观念与行动。作为职前教师教育重要课程之一的教育学课程担负着涵养师范生的教育专业理性以及为其教师专业素养可持续发展奠基的重大使命。  相似文献   

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