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诚信是企业的立身之本,企业诚信经营是企业依照国家法律规定、市场规则和商业道德标准,规范从事生产经营的行为。现实生活中存在着企业失信于政府、合作伙伴、金融机构、消费者等方面的诚信缺失现象。企业经营总是以最小的成本谋求最大的收益。企业经营诚信和不诚信会带来企业成本和收益的差异,由此,构建企业经营诚信与不诚信的经济模型,并进行分析,得出企业不诚信行为在短期内可以获得收益,但企业要想获得长远发展,必须诚信经营。  相似文献   

在线学习已成为教师专业发展的主要途径,参加学习的人员规模大、行为表现复杂。为了探析教师在线学习行为的群体特征,该文以Y市四期教师在线培训为例,应用统计分析、序列分析、关联规则、社会网络分析等方法,从学习活跃、学习投入时间、学习行为序列、社会交互四个方面分析了教师在线学习行为的群体特征。研究发现:教师在线学习活跃性较高;在线学习时间投入充足;在线学习目的性较强且行为活动方式简单;社会交互情况不够理想。因此,建议实施在线学习与线下集中研讨相结合的混合式教师培训,培训安排与支持服务、学习内容与活动设计应符合教师在线学习规律,并提供有效的技术脚手架和干预机制,以期提高教师培训效益。  相似文献   

An important research area in education and technology is how the learners use e-learning. By exploring the various factors and relationships between them, we can get an insight into the learners’ behaviors for delivering tailored e-content required by them. Although many tools exist to record detailed navigational activities, they don’t explore the learners’ usage patterns for an adaptive e-learning site. The previous web log data analyses, done so far, have been very limited in their scope as they lack detailed empirical results on the learning technology usage. This paper discusses the detailed results of a case study of web data mining in a specific e-learning application. The main objective of this study is to conduct research on usability and effectiveness of the e-content by analyzing the web log. For this, a suitable data set was retrieved from raw web log records, to which various web mining & statistical techniques could be applied. We have evaluated different features of e-content that can lead to better learning outcomes for the learners, by understanding their navigational behaviors, their interaction with system and their area of interest. We found, for example, what sequence of topics were the most liked and the least liked by the learners; we also found that these patterns, lead us to hypothesize, the correlation and regression analysis between the average time, test score and total attempts.  相似文献   

Multiple indicators of HIV risk behaviors are not yet well developed in the field of drug abuse and AIDS prevention, with most research relying on single‐item measures. Weak or inconclusive statistical analyses often result from measurement errors. This study illustrates the problems of biased statistical estimates when single‐item measures with measurement errors are used. Using HIV risk behaviors among injection drug users as an example, this study shows the impact of measurement error on statistical results in path analysis. The results suggest that more attention is needed to address the issue of measurement reliability in survey data. Measurement error should be taken into account in analyzing HIV risk behaviors, and appropriate multiple indicators for a full range of HIV risk behaviors should be developed to deal successfully with the “errors‐in‐variables” problem.  相似文献   

个人投资者和机构投资者是证券市场上的两类重要的参与者,研究我国股票市场中机构投资者和个人投资者的投资行为对于指导我国股票市场的健康发展具有重要的意义.本文分析我国股票市场中机构投资者和个人投资者的行为特点、操作规律,介绍我国股票市场中的机构投资者常用的操纵股价方法和投资手法、投资策略,为更好地了解我国股票市场的内在规律提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

个人投资者和机构投资者是证券市场上的两类重要的参与者,研究我国股票市场中机构投资者和个人投资者的投资行为对于指导我国股票市场的健康发展具有重要的意义。本文分析我国股票市场中机构投资者和个人投资者的行为特点、操作规律,介绍我国股票市场中的机构投资者常用的操纵股价方法和投资手法、投资策略,为更好地了解我国股票市场的内在规律提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

通过遗传学规律的统计探索,揭示了统计推断在科学发现中的助推作用.探讨了统计模型的接受规则,阐明统计推断的实践对统计创新和统计方法检验的双重意义.  相似文献   

大学校规在依法治校中具有特殊的地位,发挥着重要的作用,但近年来,学生行为与大学校规之间频频发生冲突,大学校规面临着前所未有的挑战。这主要是由于目前相当多的校规内容本身存在严重的缺陷和问题因此,应采取积极措施改革完善大学校规,努力实现高校学生管理工作的规范化和法治化。  相似文献   

篮球竞赛规则是指导篮球运动向健康方向发展的条文规定。它提倡公平竞赛、文明比赛、积极进取、团结合作精神以及优良的体育道德作风,它限制了不正当的行为和不合理动作,是规则的精神实质。学习规则是成为篮球裁判员进入篮球裁判领域的第一步,也是最重要的一步,只有理解规则的精神和实质,才能真正地学习到规则的精髓。  相似文献   

强制性法规否定法律行为效力的时候。经常表现为法律行为的特定性。然而。公序良俗原则否定法律行为效力的时候。常表现为弱特定性,判断行为亦常伴有公共性、伦理性之规范性评价的介入。同时。公序良俗原则的适用领域随着社会的发展而不断扩大。与诚实信用等其他积极性原则相比较。公序良俗原则具有消极适用性。它永远是法治的最底线。正因为如此,它永远具有顽强的生命力。  相似文献   

民事法律行为居于民法的核心地位,其“不只是价值上确立全面私法自治的工具,而且还是技术上精确规范私法自治的工具”。民事法律行为据其效果,可分为有效、无效、可撤销及效力待定等,而各类行为界定的准确与否直接影响到法制的成败。因而理清各种行为的范围及条件就显得尤为重要。由此认识出发而考察我国民事法律所建立的有关无效民事行为的法律制度时,不难发现其存在的不合理性,文章将就此作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

详细阐述了Word软件教学过程中应重点讲授的软件操作规则,论证了规则对加强学生在正确认识软件操作内涵、规范操作行为、最优方案选用等方面的重要作用,帮助学生真正认识软件操作的本质规律,以促使其综合应用能力的提高.  相似文献   

This paper presents a social learning explanation of moral development. From a social learning perspective, children abstract an array of generative rules which guide moral judgments and behaviors. Unfortunately, this social learning position has been misunderstood. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to clarify these misunderstandings and to discuss the educational implications of a social learning approach to moral development.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to determine whether children's ability to distinguish moral rules from conventional school-based rules, and conventional home- based rules was affected by the amount of experience they had in day-care. Preschoolers (N = 42), ranging in age from 35 to 61 months, were interviewed about: (1) the legitimacy of authority to abolish a rule, (2) the accept- ability of behaviors that were permitted by an authority, and (3) the seriousness of behaviors that were prohibited by an authority. The results revealed that previous day-care experience did not affect children's judgments. Moral events were distinguished from conventional events on all questions. In addition, home-based conventional events were distinguished from school-based conventional events suggesting that children consider the social context in which conventional events occur.  相似文献   

本文采用语素和构词法分项统计的方法,对粤西湛江市所辖廉江市的粤语和客话的900余条日常词语进行了计量分析,并对照粤语代表广州话和客话代表梅州话同批词语的相关系数,从中窥探粤西粤客杂处地区方言接触的事实和接触程度。  相似文献   

在E-R图向关系模型转换过程中,用转换规则得到的候选码与用候选码定义得到的候选码有时会不一致.本文探讨了转换规则在什么情况下会产生这种不一致的现象,并给出相应的处理措施.  相似文献   

礼贯穿于春秋时期战争的整个过程中。其内容主要包括战争过程中的祭祀、占卜、“致师”、“献捷”、“饮至”等制度化环节,某些战争规则以及战争参与者礼仪性的措辞和举止。春秋时期战争中的礼具有明显的过渡性特征:在部分保留西周的形式和精神的条件下逐渐衰落。礼在当时之所以呈现这种特殊的面貌,有其深刻的背景因素:在春秋时期的社会大变革中,社会各阶层力量的重组推动了贵族社会的瓦解,作为贵族宗族组织重要维系的礼制亦随之衰落;但同时,瓦解中的旧秩序和旧意识形态仍对社会成员的思想和行为具奄一定的约束力,  相似文献   

在管理行为中 ,我们可以找到许多与格式塔知觉理论相联系的例子。通过格式塔心理学相似原则、接近原则和闭合原则来阐释两者之间的关系。尝试通过这种角度的分析 ,找出一些管理行为的内在基础 ,为实现有效管理做一个理论上的铺垫  相似文献   

本研究采用事件取样观察法,对8所幼儿园29个班级幼儿教师提出的215条规则进行研究.结果发现,幼儿教师提出的规则主要集中在学习和生活方面;对幼儿执行规则的情况,幼儿教师的反馈方式主要是表扬和批评;幼儿教师一般要求幼儿必须遵守规则.为真正发挥规则的教育作用,幼儿教师应增强所制定规则的科学合理性与有效性,要求幼儿执行规则的力度应合规适宜.  相似文献   

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