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《粤澳合作框架协议》开始了粤澳两地的经济协同发展、区域经济一体化新里程,同时也为两地环保合作带来了新的契机。粤澳都面临着污染治理的共同任务,采取合适的污染治理模式对于两地来说意义重大。就粤澳两地合作的实际情况来看,运用市场机制治污的排污权交易制度是一个比较好的选择。因此,如何正确认识排污权交易制度,如何发挥其作用就是粤澳两地必须认真研究的一个课题。  相似文献   

粤澳教育交流与合作的回顾及世纪展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,粤澳教育交流与合作日益加强,这主要由于:一是国家对外开放的国策驱动,二是粤澳经济发展逐步走向互动的一体化需要,三是教育已成为经济和社会发展的重要基础,不仅政府重视发展教育,而且民间办教需求很高,等等,诸如这些因素,有力地促  相似文献   

环境影响评价制度对于粤澳两地环境与资源保护具有重要意义。不同的法域导致广东与澳门在此制度上存在着差异甚至冲突,因此两地有必要建立环境影响评价制度的法律协调机制,为促进粤澳环境保护与社会经济方面的合作提供法律保障。  相似文献   

资格标准体系是建设高质量教育体系的重要实践路径。在“一国两制”、《粤澳合作协议框架》等政策背景下,粤澳在资格标准领域已合作产出澳门职业技能认可基准“、一试多证”、粤澳合作技能人才评价工作站及职业能力互认清单等重要成果。这些成果以资格互认机制构建为主,兼顾粤澳发展实际,但存在机制协调难度大等合作困境。在结合现有成果的基础上,粤澳资格标准体系构建的理论框架可由基本体系、运行体系、质量保障体系三部分组成。高质量发展视角下粤澳资格标准体系的发展路径应坚持学习成果及工作成果导向、深化跨部门协同治理机制、提升资格标准体系的适应性、立足本土基础提升内涵、发挥社会主导作用。  相似文献   

本文从教师教育在粤澳合作中的战略意义角度切入,在细致梳理粤澳两地在教师教育领域合作的历史阶段与突出特点的基础上,立足于粤澳双方所共同面临的发展形势和教师教育的客观需求,提出基于全方位合作和综合改革基础上教师教育“区域协同”的构想.围绕这一新构想,文章提出了建立职前联合培养机制、搭建职后培训合作平台、促进教育科学研究合作、建设优质资源共享平台、开展优势领域合作办学等建议.  相似文献   

随着高等教育逐渐走向社会的中心,澳门高等教育的发展对澳门地区的发展具有越来越重要的影响。受地域狭小、资源缺乏等方面的影响,澳门高等教育更加需要加强与外界的交流和合作。文章对粤澳高等教育交流与合作的现状进行了分析,从人员流动、课程、科研、合作办学等方面进行了深入探讨,并对澳门高等教育的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

妈祖文化作为两岸共同共通的世界非物质文化遗产,其产业发展对当下及未来两岸经济、文化等各层面的沟通与合作具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对两岸妈祖文化产业合作历史及现状的概述和分析,从经济、社会等角度对两岸妈祖文化产业合作不畅之原因进行了分析。基于两岸发展妈祖文化产业政策机遇分析及粤港、粤澳在合作发展文化产业的经验镜鉴,提出推动两岸妈祖文化产业发展政策措施的思考与建议。  相似文献   

本文认为,澳门应发展成为现代化的以博彩业为特色的国际性综合旅游和商贸服务城市,以旅游博彩业和商贸服务业为主导,带动整体经济的持续发展;并提出粤澳两地的经济合作,应根据新时期澳门经济定位的目标,以旅游合作为主导,在基础设施、商贸服务、市场多元化拓展、人才交流、人力资源开发等方面展开新一轮的合作,整合两地经济优势,推动两地经济发展与保持社会稳定,以利提高大珠江三角洲的整体经济竞争力。  相似文献   

本文通过华南师范大学在澳门合作办学的实践,揭示粤澳高等师范教育交流与合作的背景、成绩及主要经验,为广东乃至中国大陆今后开展港澳台两岸三地或其他境外合作办学提供借鉴及启示.  相似文献   

正加快职业技术教育的发展,已成为内地与澳门经济社会可持续发展的迫切需要。特别是"十二五"规划中提出"支持澳门建设世界旅游休闲中心,促进经济适度多元发展",为达到这一目标,澳门更加需要各类型的专业人才。粤澳两地应借助祖国实施"十二五"建设的大好机遇,加强职业技术教育交流与合作,推动其走向新发展。可考虑的对策如下:1.内地及澳门的各级教育主管部门必须明确职业技术教育的定位,落实资金投入,科学规划现代化的职业技术教育体系的  相似文献   

The central premise in the holding of the Symposium was that there is a long tradition of co-operation among the countries of the sub-regions concerned in the domains of education, science, culture, and communication. Given the perspective of accession of most of these countries to EU membership, this co-operation will develop and expand. As such, it is worth studying so as to better understand and promote it. Thus, the Symposium examined the following topics: (i) Looking Ahead: Links and Co-operation in the Central and South Eastern Europe; (ii) Science and the Application of Science for Technology Development: Towards Enhancement of Endogenous Capacities; (iii) Co-operation through Culture Interactions: Lessons from the Past and Agenda for the Future; (iv) Enhancing the Quality of Communication for and through Better Co-operation. The conclusion is that co-operation of all sorts among the countries of the sub-regions is stronger than co-operation between them but that they should pursue their EU accession efforts, enhancing them through sub-regional co-operation in all domains.  相似文献   

This paper examines the specialist schools programme in England and, in particular, the issue of co-operation between specialist and non-specialist secondary schools. It explores the policy and how it has evolved over time, before examining literature relating to specialist schools, segregation and achievement. A small-scale research study, which involved interviews with officials at national and local levels, and in specialist schools, and a survey of non-specialist schools is described and results analysed. Although the specialist schools programme appears to have facilitated co-operation between schools, there are some major barriers that need to be overcome. One of the most significant is the competitive environment in which schools in England operate. Notwithstanding this barrier, the research suggests that other initiatives covering local education authority areas such as 'Excellence in Cities' and 'Diversity Pathfinders' might serve to foster co-operation between schools, although it is argued that school autonomy is unlikely to be the most productive way to foster co-operation.  相似文献   

Close co-operation between higher education institutions and industry is the best instrument for the application of research and the use of R&D outcomes in economic processes. It is the basis for the development of new products, techniques, and services. Such co-operation helps to develop the economy and society, and, therefore, to enhance structural change in regions in which higher education institutions are located. At the same time, any income earned through this process (third-party funds) for a higher education institution means that the institutional budget provided by the state can be used to meet additional challenges. A second result deriving from this form of co-operation is higher quality teaching and learning at the given higher education institution, as well as the development of innovative course programmes for undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education.  相似文献   

在校企联营的发展道路上,我国的高校和企业都取得了骄人的业绩,这是有目共睹的。但也存在着一些足以影响联营双方可持续发展的精神文化层面的问题,这些问题的解决,有待于校企文化联营的实施。文中从三方面论述了开展高职院校校企文化联营研究的意义和价值。  相似文献   

While many studies have sought to understand challenge courses and their benefits, less emphasis has been focused on understanding participants' perceptions of these programmes. In this study, 16 adults working at a dental office attended a one-day challenge course programme designed to teach lessons about co-operation. Data were collected via in vivo observations, digital video observations and two individual interviews with 11 participants. These qualitative sources of data were analysed and several themes emerged. For the purposes of this paper the following two themes are described: (a) co-operation and (b) camaraderie. Findings suggested that improvements to co-operation were not clearly recognized in the workplace; however, experiences with these concepts were identified during the challenge course and a sense of enhanced camaraderie was acknowledged. Connections to related literature and suggestions for research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

The author, the Chairman of the Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research of the Council of Europe, focuses on the long and constructive co-operation between UNESCO-CEPES and the Council of Europe, pointing out that some of the central building blocks of the Bologna Process are direct results of this co-operation. The Lisbon Recognition Convention and the Code of Good Practice for Transnational Education will be even more important when European higher education has to face the new challenges of global trade in educational services.  相似文献   

产学研合作教育的探索与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产学研合作教育是高等教育改革尤其是高等工程教育改革重要途径之一。文章介绍了学校在长期的办学过程中,不断研究,探索和实践,逐步形成了产学研合作教育的几种模式,并取得良好效果。  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法规定公安机关与检察机关应当互相配合,同时规定检察机关对公安机关侦查活动进行监督。然而,警检配合与侦查监督具有矛盾性:加强警检配合会削弱侦查监督;加强侦查监督则会使警检难以相互配合。我国应以提高对犯罪的有效追诉为目标构建相互配合与协作的警检关系。同时,应当完善侦查权制约机制以防止侦查权的滥用。  相似文献   

在分析了我国制造业所面临的现代化竞争环境以及自身微观构成形态差距后,提出了引进合作机制、与先进制造企业开展制造联盟,是启动企业信息化建设的一个现实且投入较低的策略。进行企业网络建设、开发先进的管理系统、将企业资源与过程信息数字化和标准化、开展广泛的社会合作等构成企业信息化建设的基础。  相似文献   

素质教育是提高我国国际竞争力的重要战略措施,但竞争与合作又是辨证的,合作教育可以将竞争与合作统一起来,是推动素质教育之中,要根据中国国情进行吸收和改造。  相似文献   

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