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The hospital librarians in Rochester, New York and a research team developed and administered a questionnaire to measure the impact of information provided by the librarian on physicians' clinical decision making. While the research was underway, the librarians also developed a publicity plan. The goal of the plan was to create awareness of the study results in the local client population, as well as in the health care community at large. The plan served to describe and put in priority order the types of media that the librarians would use to publicize the study to target groups. This article includes examples of a nationwide and an institution-specific publicity plan. Those developing publicity plans for future library research may want to allocate adequate funds to hire a media consultant to increase their prospects for national exposure.  相似文献   

Nurses have the potential to be one of the largest groups of users a medical library can serve. In recognition of this fact, librarians at St. John's Health System embarked on a journey to collaborate with nurses and increase this group's use of the medical library. In 2004, a nursing outreach plan was developed by librarians, with input from non-physician health care employees. The nursing outreach plan will be reviewed along with the barriers and successes encountered during implementation of the plan. Innovative strategies for reaching nursing personnel were accomplished by partnering with nurses to reach nurses.  相似文献   


Experienced medical librarians have been recruited by Mayo Clinic to provide contingency staffing. Functioning as just-in-time librarians, a nontraditional staffing plan was introduced in 2016 to affordably lessen stressors caused by fluctuating demands for library services such as literature searching. Contingent medical librarians were also needed to provide staffing coverage during the absences of existing full-time librarians, particularly Mayo’s librarians employed as solo librarians working in hospital and smaller academic libraries. A four-year, nontraditional staffing plan which incorporates contingent medical librarians has proved to be a helpful, affordable, and sustainable staffing alternative for the libraries at Mayo Clinic.  相似文献   

Data management is a way for liaison librarians to support faculty research. American liaison librarians face new demands in data management due to expanding public access guidelines. This article gives advice for librarians new to data management, with the specific case of agriculture. For librarians supporting agriculture, the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture [USDA NIFA] data management plan [DMP] requirements are a challenge and an opportunity. Agricultural libraries can learn to support faculty in how to write a plan that addresses the NIFA DMP sections of expected data type, data format, data storage and preservation, data sharing and public access, roles and responsibilities, and monitoring and reporting. Particular challenges that arise for DMPs in agrisciences include the diversity of subjects, multiple metadata and taxonomic systems, and the heterogeneity of research and data. To deal with this, data consultations are particularly critical.  相似文献   

In 2013, the librarians at a small academic health sciences library reevaluated their mission, vision, and strategic plan to expand their roles. The school was transitioning to a new pedagogical culture and a new building designed to emphasize interprofessional education and active learning methodologies. Subsequent efforts to implement the new strategic plan resulted in the librarians joining curriculum committees and other institutional initiatives, such as an Active Learning Task Force, and participating in faculty development workshops. This participation has increased visibility and led to new roles and opportunities for librarians.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2012, St. John Fisher College's Lavery Library developed a coordinated assessment plan. Committing to weekly meetings, librarians reviewed ACRL Standards, identifying key outcomes that would link to the college strategic plan. Utilizing the unique synergy of the library staff, librarians committed to persistence, collaboration, and flexible teamwork. Based on their summer-long perseverance, the librarians originated an assessment strategy that has not only aligned them with the college but has also positioned them to demonstrate the value they provide to their community.  相似文献   

Research on the collaborative relationship between teachers and school librarians in the developed nations of the Western world, particularly in the United States, has shown that overall student achievement and performance improves significantly with increased collaboration. In Singapore, very little research has been conducted on the collaborative relationship between teachers and school librarians. It was thus timely and necessary to examine the situation in Singapore schools, especially when established findings have favorably promoted this collaboration. This exploratory study investigated the level of collaboration between teachers and librarians in Singapore primary and secondary schools. A total of 76 teachers from seven schools participated in the study. The level of collaboration was very low and teachers had yet to regard the school librarian as an educational partner who could add value to the school curriculum. This article presents recommendations for promoting a more dynamic and effective collaborative relationship between teachers and school librarians in Singapore.  相似文献   

Recently, librarians have added new media and scholarly publishing to their portfolio of skills. While the bibliography is part of the traditional purview of librarians, databases are a new venture for librarians, capitalizing on the advent of open access and the availability of open source software. This article presents one such database, Database of the Smokies (DOTS), hosted by the University of Tennessee Libraries. The creation of DOTS required a new librarian skill set and an environment of collaboration between subject specialists and technical experts. To aid other librarians in the creation of databases, this article details the review process which led to the selection of Drupal as the platform and outlines the steps in the initial setup, workflow patterns, content development, crowdsourcing efforts, and publicity.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to determine the extent to which Croatian university teachers use online databases as a research support tool, and what role librarians have in their promotion. Although the results show that within Croatian higher education online databases are widely acknowledged as important, they are used less frequently than in many other countries, especially more developed ones. The differences in online database perception between certain user groups were also tested. The study has revealed the problems in database usage and indicated the ways in which librarians can respond to users' needs more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

Outsourcing, long a presence in the library world, is increasingly seen as a way to cut technical service costs. This development has caused great insecurity among technical service librarians and frequent discussions about whether cataloging and acquisitions are threatened specializations. We argue, based on outsourcing experiences at Stanford University Libraries, that the need for experienced technical services librarians increases rather than decreases in a library that outsources some of its technical service operations. Quality control, once built into routines carried out at the clerical level, becomes a major factor for the success of the outsourced operation. This quality control component logically devolves to librarians who know how the finished product should look. We describe the quality control programs developed for monitoring a no-return approval plan and vendor-supplied cataloging.  相似文献   

The University of Arizona Library, in collaboration with the campus commercialization unit, created a partnership that contributes to the early development of inventions in the commercialization pipeline. The library-commercialization business-intelligence workgroup was incorporated into the overall campus commercialization business-development workflow in 2014 and is comprised of librarians and commercialization professionals working together to provide insight and decision support for development of commercialization strategies for inventions emerging from university research that aligns with market drivers. These efforts are recognized by university leadership as critical to the strategic plan of the university. This article discusses the impact of the workgroup and how the group of librarians contributed to the development of new companies, new licenses, and financial impact of economic development at a large land-grant university and larger community.  相似文献   

分析了高校图书馆特色馆藏的特点,指出了高校图书馆特色馆藏建设在经费、人力及规划等方面存在的问题,提出了高校图书馆要从挖掘地域性主题、依托本校重点研究方向、建立特色馆藏馆员队伍、设立特色馆藏部等方面开展特色馆藏建设。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探究新建本科院校在科研方向尚不稳定、馆藏建设经费紧张、馆员整体素质不高、读者对图书馆依赖程度不够、馆员职业前景黯淡的客观条件下,构建学科馆员机制的可行对策。[方法/过程] 剖析该类高校学科馆员机制建设受阻的根本缘由,基于学科良性发展视域,遵循图书馆事业发展与信息服务的特性规律,从新建本科院校图书馆条件建设、制度建设和学科馆员培养3个方面进行研究。[结果/结论] 提出坚持学科建设的龙头地位、克服困难保障投入,以迭代交流方式规划和加强馆藏建设,提高全员整体素质、着重培养院系学科馆员,个性化推送服务、优先保障区域科研信息服务,完善学科馆员管理体系、量力设置绩效考核内容与标准的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey assessing the interest of Medical Library Association (MLA) members in acquiring or improving research skills through continuing education (CE). It describes respondents' educational preparation for research and selected research activities, reviews MLA's experiences with offering CE courses on research topics, and discusses MLA's role in providing education to prepare members for research. The paper includes recommendations for improving research skills through CE and other professional activities. Topics of greatest interest to MLA members were survey development, problem identification, evaluation and cost studies, survey methodology, and methods of data collection. Many respondents preferred local courses. Academic health sciences librarians, as a group, were found to be more productive publishers than hospital librarians. Many respondents reported the availability of free or subsidized research-support services, but more than half did not. More than 90% of respondents indicated that MLA should actively encourage, require, or offer research education. A comprehensive plan for obtaining research skills through CE, along with individual self-assessment and counseling, is recommended.  相似文献   

Objectives:Within many institutions, there are debates over whether medical librarians should be classified as faculty or professional staff, a distinction that may have considerable effect on the perception of librarians within their local institutions. This study is a pilot exploration of how faculty status may affect the professional experiences of academic medical librarians within their local institutions.Methods:Surveys were sent to 209 medical librarians listed as having some instructional function at Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accredited medical institutions in the United States. Survey responses were captured using Qualtrics survey tool and analyzed for frequencies and associations using SPSS version 27.Results:Sixty-four medical librarians at academic medical institutions completed the survey developed for this study. Of the respondents, 60.9% indicated that librarians at their institution have faculty status, while 71.9% believe that librarians at their institution should have faculty status. Ninety percent of librarians with faculty status reported that they are expected to generate scholarly materials, compared to 28% of those without faculty status.Conclusions:Many medical libraries offer faculty status to librarians. While many medical librarians are active in instruction, research, and other activities normally associated with faculty status, it is not clear if faculty status impacts how librarians are perceived by other health care workers within their institutions.  相似文献   

科学数据管理计划评价量表分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义]对目前已经出版的或者处于草案征求意见阶段的科学数据管理计划评价量表进行比较分析,使利益相关者能更加了解制定科学数据管理计划评价量表的意义及设计要点,为今后我国开发类似的评价量表提供参考。[方法/过程]收集面向美国和英国主要科研资助机构的科学数据管理计划评价量表,从评价量表的设计依据和应用目的、各项评价要素的选择以及评价等级与等级描述三个主要设计步骤入手,分析不同评价量表的共性和差异。[结果/结论]为了帮助科研人员撰写高质量的科学数据管理计划,也为图书馆员开展科学数据管理服务提供有力支持,需要设计科学数据管理计划评价量表。我国的科研资助机构有必要学习国外优秀经验,出台科学数据管理计划相关政策并设计评价量表,只有这样才能有效推动科学数据管理工作的开展。  相似文献   

This paper describes the experience of an academic health sciences library which made BRS/After Dark, an end user search service, available to its clientele as a complement to its mediated search service. The library environment, initial publicity efforts and administrative procedures are discussed. An attempt is made to evaluate the usefulness of the service in a library environment. This evaluation, covering a three-month period, is based on the observations of the librarians administering the service and an exit interview conducted with searchers over a two-month period. User satisfaction, both observed and recorded, was quite high; however, the librarians found that users had more difficulty in constructing appropriate search strategies than had been anticipated. Overall, the service is assessed as highly useful.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探讨我国图书馆行业职业化发展的现状及路径。[方法/过程]通过专项调研,利用网络调查图书馆主页的方式,重点考察我国本科院校图书馆学科馆员职业的专业性、公共性和自治性三大职业特征。[结果/结论]结果显示:我国图书馆学科馆员专业性较强,副研究馆员、博士、硕士占所调查学科馆员整体的90.11%,具有图书情报教育学历者占21.56%;公共性较弱,学科馆员服务范围覆盖全校所有用户者占所调查图书馆的18.11%。提出学科馆员专业性、公共性的加强,迫切需要行业职业化的变革,同时学科馆员服务的发展也将助力行业职业化,是走向职业化的重要途径。  相似文献   

文章调查美国高校馆开展的本科生研究支持服务,服务内容包括:研究咨询,提供研究用空间,为本科生讲授课程,设立图书馆研究奖,设立图书馆研究员计划,协助本科生发表、保存与展示研究成果,提供研究指导信息;归纳美国高校图书馆本科生研究支持服务的经验。对我国高校图书馆的启示包括:开展本科生研究支持服务研究,为本科生提供研究空间支持,选拔学生同伴为本科生提供研究支持服务,成立图书馆员导师团队,设立本科生研究奖项,等等。  相似文献   

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