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The trait anxiety profile of future science teachers, as well as their preferences concerning types of examinations in science and mathematics, have been surveyed prior to the administration—within the various science courses—of several traditional and nontraditional types of examinations and the assessment of students' state anxieties as well as their respective performance, i.e., their academic achievements. Our major findings are that
  • (a) Our students prefer by far examinations in which the emphasis is on understanding and analyzing rather than on knowing and “remembering,” that the use of any relevant material during the examinations be permitted, and that the time duration be practically unlimited (e.g., “take-home”–type examinations).
  • (b) Students' state anxiety correlates with the type of the examination, with a tendency towards somewhat higher anxiety for females. The preferred types of examinations reduce test anxiety significantly, and result in higher grades accordingly.
  • (c) The reduction of anxiety and the improvement in achievements as a function of the examination type are far more significant for low achievers compared with medium and high achievers.
  • (d) Although teachers are aware of the student preferences, they persist in giving their students their own “pet”-type examinations.
These results are discussed in terms of the implications for upgrading both science education and college student testing and assessment mechanisms.  相似文献   

自学考试面向农村,是今后一个时期自学考试的一项中心工作和主要任务。江西省自学考试一直坚持面向农村,采取考点下延,政策倾斜,经费扶持等措施,收到了扩大自学考试社会影响,节省考生开支,方便考生,锻炼培养自学考试干部的良好效果。尽管如此,仍然面临农村自学考试生源下降,考务经费不足等困难。本文有针对性地提出了破解自学考试面向农村有关难题的对策建议,即要提高认识,加强领导,增强使命感和责任感;开设适农的专业和课程,尤其要增大实践操作课程的权重和更新实践操作的考核办法;开设面向县级工业园区的各种考试,实行课程内容和岗位技术"无缝"对接;发挥中职、中专和技工学校的作用,为农村培养应用人才;落实责任,搞好考务人员培训,建设良好考风;继续对农村县级考点实行"放水养鱼"的政策倾斜和经费补贴。  相似文献   

Entirely predictable examinations are ones for which the questions are known in advance. Some assessments are designed this way, but in public examinations, predictability is subtler. Students familiarise themselves with the requirements broadly: likely topics that will come up, question formats and how to maximise their marks. If students can predict what they have to do, they can memorise performances, such as essays, and restrict their learning to fit only with examination requirements. The danger is that this focus could undermine curriculum aims. Further, examinations that are overly predictable might produce results that do not generalise to other performances or have predictive validity. This paper presents part of a broader project investigating whether the Higher Level Irish Leaving Certificate (LC) examinations were too predictable. Here, the development of a rating scale for students’ views of examination predictability is described. Data were collected from 1002 Irish LC students taking higher level examinations in biology (n?=?536), English (n?=?749) and geography (n?=?387). Students’ views on predictability of the examination could be grouped consistently across subject areas into three factors: valuable learning, predictability and narrowing of the curriculum. Belief that narrowing of the curriculum was a good examination preparation tactic had a negative relationship with examination scores and perceived learning value of examinations was positively associated with students’ scores in biology and English. These findings indicate that the scoring system rewards students who believe they must study the discipline broadly.  相似文献   

When the New Education System — Primary (NES-P) was introduced into schools in 1980, pupils were streamed into three courses (Normal, Extended, Monolingual) according to the results of their Primary Three (P3) examinations. Streaming pupils to the three courses depends on their performance in P3 and P2. To be streamed into the monolingual or M-course, a pupil has to fail in P2 and P3. The end-of-year P3 examinations are school-based, but the items for the examinations are drawn from the item bank of the Ministry of Education (MOE). A safeguard against wrong streaming is the Ministry's achievement test, which is given to pupils identified for streaming to the monolingual course by their schools. So, M-course pupils would have failed repeatedly during their first three years of school.  相似文献   

In the 20 years which have elapsed since Ronald Dore's celebrated diagnosis, the ‘diploma disease’ has continued to take its toll. In many countries, pupils still prepare for major national examinations by ritualised learning, involving the rote memorisation of large quantities of poorly understood factual material. Dore proposed a radical cure: students should no longer be selected for scarce and highly valued opportunities in further education or employment on the basis of their scores in achievement‐based examinations. Instead other instruments—aptitude tests, school quotas, or even lotteries—should be used. The argument of this paper is that reform of examinations is a more viable alternative. It is not examinations per se that are the problem, but rather examinations of low quality. The most pervasive weakness of many national examinations is their propensity to focus on the testing of passive, inert knowledge: they require candidates to do no more than reproduce what they have remembered, in unchanged form. Good examinations, by contrast, test active ideas: they require candidates to think about what they know, and to restructure it in some way. Such examinations can be supportive, not subversive, of attempts to improve pedagogy. The fact that an education system employs achievement‐based examinations to allocate scarce opportunities does not mean that passive pedagogy and ritualised learning—the twin indicators of the diploma disease—are inevitable.  相似文献   

Statewide exit examinations play an important role in discussions on school effectiveness. Referring to educational governance concepts, this paper presumes a relation between varying organizational structures of statewide examinations across states, and heterogeneous effects on school actors. It is assumed that their ability to affect work in schools depends on how standardized their procedures are. Therefore, their structural elements must be juxtaposed, and their standardization level must be identified. This paper describes the results of a comparative review of statewide exit examinations using the example of 16 OECD-states alongside the categories Historical Context, Organizational Framework, Marking, and Handling of Results, and discusses the examinations regarding their overall standardization. The study is a basis for further research into how differently structured exit examinations affect school work.  相似文献   


Group differences in average grades prior to and after a step-wise introduction of blinded examinations at Stockholm University are examined. Relative to students with ‘native’ names, students with ‘foreign’ names appear to experience weak positive bias in the grading of their examinations, but the estimated effect is sensitive to model specification. No substantial effects of blinding examinations with respect to male-female gaps are found. The results suggest that examiners – when the names of students are disclosed to them – if anything have a weak tendency to positively discriminate for students perceived to have an immigrant background, but they do not appear to discriminate on the basis of gender.  相似文献   

大规模教育考试的科学属性至少应该包括教育和心理测量学约束要求和考试的社会学约束要求两个层面。考试分数的可靠性、考试结果解释和使用的有效性、考试的公平性和考试对社会、学校教育教学的影响是考试科学属性的基本要素,这是考试的目的和结果的使用决定的,每一要素都有其独特的科学内涵。考试实践中,无论是考试测量目标的制定,试卷结构的确定,考试内容样本的采集,试题情景材料的选择和设问,难度的设置,考试后的评价等都应该围绕提高考试的科学性、提高考试的质量进行。  相似文献   

在对220名来自广东省和广西壮族自治区的高一学生问卷调查中,获得了这两个地区部分高一学生对目前的考试制度的认识。发现高一年级的学生对目前的考试制度非常不满,主要表现在以下三个方面:一是认为考试次数太多,试题太难;二是考查内容过于狭隘,不能体现学生的真实的、全面的情况;三是考试成绩的呈现方式不够人性化。此外,不同地区和不同性别的学生对考试次数和内容的态度有明显的差异。  相似文献   

Between Routines and Anarchy: preparing teachers for uncertainty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that examinations have a complex role in creating and defining gender differences in performance in public examinations. To illustrate this argument three aspects of examining are reviewed: styles of examinations and how they define achievement; coursework and the role it plays in contributing to gender differences in performance; and tiered entry systems in examinations and how they provide unequal opportunities for boys and girls to be successful. It presents the context in which research into gender, achievement and examining is now located by initially reviewing the recent media hype around gender and achievement. It then takes an historical look at gender and achievement and goes on to describe new gender stereotypes that influence current understandings of boys' and girls' achievement. There is much information that is ‘hidden’ behind examination results as they are commonly reported. This hidden information has more to do with how differences in performance are obtained, how subjects are assessed and how we choose to assess students. How all this interacts with students' perceptions and expectations alongside those of their teachers must impact on how boys and girls perform in examinations. This ‘hidden’ information has vital implications for whom we perceive to be under or overachieving.  相似文献   

追求与幻灭:晚唐士子科举心态的文化透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚唐士人科举心态表现于春诗作品之中,反过程也影响着他们的章创作。从逐贡的执着、飘泊的愁思到隐逸的情怀,从落第的凄凉到京都因守的苦痛,从及第的狂放、守选的迷惘到入仕的幻灭,晚唐人走过了和血含泪的心路历程,今以黄滔为中心研究他们的心态,有助于探讨进士科举对唐末士风与诗风气的影响。  相似文献   

Student examinees are key stakeholders in large-scale, high-stakes, public examination systems. How they perceive the purpose, comprehend the technical characteristics of testing and how they interpret scores influence their response to the system demands and their preparation for the examinations; this information relates to intended and unintended consequences of testing and is a component of an expanded notion of test validity. The research reported in this paper investigates examinees’ perceptions about the secondary school graduation and university-entrance national exams in Cyprus. Interviews with recent examinees reveal the versatility and complexity of their perceptions about the fairness and appropriateness of the system, which are influenced by design features of the exams and by the local context. There are important, mostly unintended, consequences on their in- and out-of-school experience, on school curricula and on instructional practices. Empirical evidence about consequential aspects of examinations contributes to the validity argument needed to support such programmes.  相似文献   

考生是高考作文唯一的著作权人。考生在递交考卷时行使了发表权,许可相关教育部门将高考作文公之于众。而介于我国现今的高考政策,高考作文仍处于未发表的状态。基于对作品的合理利用,我国高考作文应该公之于众。我国应建立非商业性的全国高考作文数据库对作文予以公示,并设立高考作文著作权集体管理组织进行统一管理。  相似文献   

International examinations are increasingly being used by local élites to reproduce their advantage in the face of growing educational competition and the changing economic order associated with globalisation and 'post-Fordism'. Evidence from opportunity samples of students taking these examinations in five countries suggests how this may be working in practice. The evidence indicates that the patterns of use are various and are influenced both by local educational cultures and by broader considerations of location in relation to global economic 'cores'. International credentials bring a qualitatively new dimension to the issue of credentialism and credential inflation as they exclude the majority from participation in the new competition for access to the most advantageous occupational opportunities.  相似文献   

韩国大学招生经历了大学单独考试、大学入学预备考试、大学入学学力考查、大学修学能力考试、考试分数等级与中学手册等综合评定录取等一系列自主招生改革.在统一高考的基础上,由政府调控和监督,各大学采取灵活多样的自主招生录取办法.韩国大学自主招生制度经过多次改革更加科学完善,体现出多样化、综合化等特征,高等院校充分享有大学招生的自主权,十分有利于学生个性发展和中学素质教育.大学自主招生改革正在为韩国高等教育的跨越式发展起着积极的作用,也为中国高校自主招生改革提供了很好的借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research conducted at the University of Sussex and examines whether female students have a particular preference for coursework, and whether such a preference is a key factor in their current undergraduate success. The performances of 638 students on courses whose assessment modes comprised both coursework and examinations were analysed to determine what, if any, gender differences were evident in relation to performances on each elements. In order to supplement the quantitative findings, qualitative data elicited via two online surveys, and focusing on student perceptions of coursework and examinations and attitudes to undergraduate study, are also discussed. Our findings contribute to the debate about gender differences across modes of assessment, and in particular take issue with the claim that female students, by contrast with males, both favour and are favoured by the use of coursework as opposed to unseen examinations in mode of assessment arrays.  相似文献   

明末清初小说家大多为社会中下层知识分子,由于科举是他们步入仕途,改善自身窘迫的唯一途径,因而他们的一生与科举结下了不解之缘。然而,官场科场的腐败,使得绝大多数小说家难以步入仕途,盖世才华与生活窘况的巨大反差,以及传统士人的社会心态,使他们及易产生孤愤心理。  相似文献   

元杂剧作家的绝大多数是在科举教育的环境中成长的,他们的科举情结也自然流露于作品之中。在元代科举停废的情况下,元杂剧作家主要从下层文人的生活、遭遇、社会地位等角度呼唤着科举,以向世人展示下层文人的人生价值,从中也表达了下层文人对社会政治的关注和参与意识。  相似文献   

Untimed examinations are popular with students because there is a perception that first impressions may be incorrect, and that difficult questions require more time for reflection. In this report, we tested the hypothesis that timed anatomy practical examinations are inherently more difficult than untimed examinations. Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Thomas Jefferson University were assessed on their understanding of anatomic relationships using multiple‐choice questions. For the class of 2012 (n = 46), students were allowed to circulate freely among 40 testing stations during the 40‐minute testing session. For the class of 2013 (n = 46), students were required to move sequentially through the 40 testing stations (one minute per item). Students in both years were given three practical examinations covering the back/upper limb, lower limb, and trunk. An identical set of questions was used for both groups of students (untimed and timed examinations). Our results indicate that there is no significant difference between student performance on untimed and timed examinations (final percent scores of 87.3 and 88.9, respectively). This result also held true for students in the top and bottom 20th percentiles of the class. Moreover, time limits did not lead to errors on even the most difficult, higher‐order questions (i.e., items with P‐values < 0.70). Thus, limiting time at testing stations during an anatomy practical examination does not adversely affect student performance. Anat Sci Educ 6: 281–285. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to 1,929 applicants to Oxford University, including measures of trait anxiety, behavioural response to examinations and to breakdown in relationships. 635 of these applicants were admitted to the university and of these, 383 also responded to a questionnaire administered 4 years later, just before their final examinations. The classification (first, upper and lower second, third class) and marks in the final examinations were obtained and the relationship between the personality measures and academic performance were calculated. Women showed higher anxiety scores than men at both times of testing. Women who obtained the best (first class) degrees scored significantly higher on anxiety than those who performed less well. In contrast, there was no such difference in men. Explanations for anxiety having a facilitatory effect on academic performance of women at Oxford University are proposed.  相似文献   

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