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Mrs. Morelli is buying groceries in the supermarket.She is buyingall the groceries in her shopping cart and all the groceries on the check-outcounter.The cheek-out clerk is adding up the prices of the groceries onthe cash register.She is not going to pay him in cash.When he tellsher the total price she is going to write a check.Mr.Gonzalez is also buying groceries,but he is not buying verymuch,so he can use the express lane.The express lane is for customerswith from one to seven items.It is fast, but you can't pay with a check.  相似文献   

An American Girl     
Lucy is 1 girl. She is now inBeijing 2 her parents. Lucy doesn't 3 Chinese, but she is studying Chinese.She often 4 Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand(理解) her, 5 she can't speak Chinese well.It's Sunday morning.She has 6 lessons. She goes out. She is 7 in the street. She is going to the zoo to 8 the elephants and monkeys. But she doesn't know how to get 9 .She asks a Chinese boy, but the boy 10 understand her.Then she 11 a pen and a piece of paper.She draws a monkey 12 it and shows the picture to the boy.Now the boy understands, and shows Lucy the way 13 the zoo.  相似文献   

请看两道高考题: 1 .It,5 believed that_you work,_result you,11 get.(1993年上海) A .the harder;the better B .the more hard;the more better C .the harder;a better D .more hard;more better 2.In reeent years,travel eompanies havesueeeeded in sending us the idea that the furtherwe 90,_.(2001年上海) A .our holiday will be better B .our holid叮will be the better C .the better our holiday will be D .the better will our holiday be 这两道题都是考查‘,the+比较级……,the十比较级……”的用法,第一道题正确…  相似文献   

Characters:Kangaroo,Raccoon,Pig,Zebra,Fox,Bee,Rabbit and Dog,Scene:in the classroom(It's snowing outside.Kangaroo is the teacher.She is giving lessons inthe classroom.)  相似文献   

The is burying the bone in the sands. He will eat it later. The is cutting the grass. She will carry it to the barn. The is smelling the fish under the tree. She will share it with her friends.  相似文献   

Two Movie Fans     
Gina is a movie fan(迷).She likes to go to the movies.Her father likes to go,too.They often go to see movies on weekends.Gina’s favorite actor is Rowan Atkinson.She likes his movie MrBean.She thinks it is very funny.She also buys a DVD of the  相似文献   

On a Wednesday afternoon,Mrs Smith is coming back from shopping.She leaves the car outside the garden and carries the things she buys into the house.She thinks there is no  相似文献   

My Friend     
My friend's name is Belinda. She is my classmate. She is very beautiful. She has big eyes. She smiles very sweetly. She is very friendly and always helps others. She likes music and she can play the piano. She likes watching cartoon on TV, too. And she also likes singing songs in class. But she is not good at math and Chinese. However, her English is excellent.  相似文献   

The white color is the purest andholiest color;the angel is themessenger of the God,following the oracleto rescue the people.She is surrounded in white light;sheis wearing the golden halo on her headforever.She relieves people out ofsuffering;arouses the …  相似文献   

Emily Dickinson is the most famous legendary lyric poetess of the United States. She perceived death as a gradual pro-cess with different functions. In the theme of love, desirable love, treacly love a...  相似文献   

唐纯 《英语辅导》2002,(5):59-59
Miss Lin is my English teacher.She is tall and slim.She has watery eyes,a high-bridged nose and a small mouth.She is very friendly.She is a humourous woman.She works hard.She is very responsible and kind.  相似文献   

试论贾探春的性格和命运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾探春,品格高洁,性格开朗,温婉孝顺,善作诗文;她极有治家才能和责任感,顾全大局,精明敏捷;她有强烈的反抗精神,颇富傲骨,勇于捍卫人格尊严;她命途顺达,婚姻幸福,是姐妹中命运结局最理想的。  相似文献   

My mother is a teacher She works in a middle school.She teaches music.She can sing very well She teaches four classes every day.She works very hard.She likes her work very much and she loves to work for children.too.  相似文献   

畲族舞蹈是丰富灿烂的畲族文化的一个重要部分,认真审视它的传承、应用和发展,对创造和构建符合当代审美意识的新世纪畲族文化体系有着深远意义.畲族舞蹈工作者应该重视以下四个方面的工作:对传统畲族舞蹈的保护与开发;对现代畲族舞蹈的创新与发展;对群众性畲族舞蹈的普及与推广;对畲族舞蹈家的培养与关注.  相似文献   

直到感到累时再上床睡觉。早晨要按正常时间起床,即使周末也是如此。[编者按]  相似文献   

徐德明著述老舍传记共三部,即《老舍自传》《图本老舍传》《老舍自述:注疏本》。其研究和著述具有重要的学术价值:一是引论老舍对三十年代"自传热"的反应,以凸显《老舍自传》的突破意义;二是分别论述三部老舍传记的特色,并作版本比较,以显示其内在的联系及创新发展;三是论述三部老舍传记所运用的传统学术方法,为中国现代文学研究提供了方法论启示。  相似文献   

畲族民间信仰中,女神信仰占有重要地位。畲族女性始祖三公主、浙南地插花娘等,是畲族族内女神;陈靖姑、马仙和汤夫人等,是畲汉共同信仰的女神;太姥娘娘则是有待重新认识的畲族女性始祖,其文化意义或许可与三公主比肩。对畲族女神信仰作一系统的梳理和探讨,将有利于畲族文化艺术的纵深研究。  相似文献   

畲族研究是我国东南民族史研究中的一个重要课题,但畲族教育史研究是畲族研究中的一个极其薄弱的环节,畲族古代社会教育研究更是鲜有涉足者。本文主要是通过对畲族生存的自然环境和人文环境的分析,指出社会教育是古代畲族教育的主要方式。其社会教育内容丰富,教育形式多样,对于畲族文化的延续和传承起着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

“三月三”是畲族民间一个独具特色的传统节日.近年来,温州成功举办了三届瓯越“三月三”畲族风情节,在极大地促进畲族传统文化发展的同时也暴露出诸多问题.为传承与发扬“三月三”畲族传统文化,应扩大畲族民众参与度,还原畲族民间歌舞本色,以活动为基础打造振兴畲族文化平台,创新传播形式和方法.  相似文献   

小红母鸡住在一个谷场里,整天都到处走来走去,在各个地方找虫子吃。 一天,小红母鸡发现了一粒种子——小麦种子。她以前从来没有见过这样的“虫子”。于是,她轻轻地啄了它一下,发现它的味道和虫子一点都不一样,她感到很疑惑。  相似文献   

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