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修辞幻象是语言制造的幻觉,广告是其典型形式之一。广告修辞通过语言向消费者承诺,引导人们走向语言营造的幻觉空间,这既是广告修辞以驱动消费为目的的“话语阴谋”,也是修辞幻象的魔力。修辞幻象与语言乌托邦、乌托邦语言、话语兴奋剂、审美幻象等相关概念,有联系也有区别。辨析这一组相关概念,可以减少跨学科对话的话语阻隔,使对话各方拥有一个意义共享的讨论平台。  相似文献   

电视广告是广告商与广告受众之间的一种特殊的言语交际活动,存在符号聚合过程,即在广泛的人群中传播。因此可以采用B咖arIn所提出的幻想主题修辞批评(fantasy theme analysis)分析电视广告中所构建的幻想主题(fantasy theme)和修辞幻象(rhetorical vision),揭示广告商是如何通过幻想主题引导受众构建修辞幻象,以成功达到广告目的。  相似文献   

修辞幻象是由语言制造出的一种幻觉,通过语言的修辞化改装使演讲更具感染力和启发性,从而产生积极的受众反应。本文以修辞幻象为理论基础,以I Have a Dream为文本分析演讲中修辞幻象的使用以及对演讲效果的强化作用,为演讲学习者掌握演讲中修辞幻象的使用以加强演讲的诉诸效果提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

"香椿树街"是苏童小说颇具特色的修辞幻象,其逐步生成的轨迹表现为:文本系列化的修辞选择--推动"香椿树街"修辞幻象生成;"少年人"--赋予"香椿树街"修辞幻象以生命;词语制造悬念--渲染"香椿树街"修辞幻象的神秘氛围;叙述形式独特--产生"香椿树街"修辞幻象真实感的动因.  相似文献   

“香椿树街”是苏童小说颇具特色的修辞幻象,其逐步生成的轨迹表现为:文本系列化的修辞选择——推动“香椿树街”修辞幻象生成;“少年人”——赋予“香椿树街”修辞幻象以生命;词语制造悬念——渲染“香椿树街”修辞幻象的神秘氛围;叙述形式独特——产生“香椿树街”修辞幻象真实感的动因。  相似文献   

修辞幻象是连接世界和语言的桥梁。言语的建构功能让桥梁功能得以实现。建构权栖身于修辞幻象中,以话语权为外在表现形式。建构权的运作形成了修辞幻象的动机行为,进而改变世界和改变语言。  相似文献   

修辞幻象是个性化的认知结果,它只有通过语言的反映,进入交际领域被他人认识,才能最终实现其存在.“副+名”组合就是其中的一种表现形式,它构建了表达者关于性质的修辞幻象.根据公共认知与个体认知之间的相互关系,“副+名”组合生成的修辞幻象可分为三种类型:即修辞幻象1、修辞幻象2和修辞幻象3.其中,修辞幻象3是理想的类型,可以让公众理解表达者的个性化认知,该修辞幻象也有可能最终转化为意象.  相似文献   

思想政治教育话语修辞是通过对话语的调整与修饰,以实现思想掌握群众的语言艺术方式。话语修辞有利于增强思想政治教育的亲和力、感染力、说服力和有效性,在促进适切地达意传情、有力地说服教育、深度参与人的精神建构等方面具有重要价值。然而,在思想政治教育话语修辞活动中,常会遇到诸如修辞幻象与话语失真、言难尽意与话语隔阂、修辞悖论与话语遮蔽等困境。对此,思想政治教育话语修辞要以事实为底线,以理性为主导,以存其“真”;克服言意矛盾,消解语言冲突,以去其“隔”;坚持修辞明理,促进话语融合,以降其“蔽”。  相似文献   

修辞幻象即语言制造的幻觉。视域在文学作品中以语言形态出现.当这种形态指称的所指超越了客观现实时,便常出现修辞幻象。文学视域在表现内容和表现形式上的多样性给修辞幻象以极大的空间,修辞幻象的审美价值也拓展了文学语言的表现视域。视域与修辞幻象间既有特定的对应关系,又有着错综复杂的多元关系。修辞幻象的生成和领悟,是作者与读者的一种视域沟通。考察文学视域与修辞幻象之间的关系,对从叙述角度领略文学语言的审美价值有着特殊的意义。  相似文献   

一、将对外汉语修辞教学放在文化视野中讨论 现代修辞学认为,修辞就是特定文化情境中运用语言实现共识的重要手段之一。每一种语言都有自己的修辞手段和修辞方法,在这些修辞手段的形成和运用背后,是特定的文化积淀。“话语场是指人与人的言语交流网络关系,以及由此而形成的对说话人永远(包括未说话时)有影响力的话语积淀。这种积淀有时是即时生成的,有时是既定的并附有一定场景的语言用法。”  相似文献   

From small group to public view: Mainstreaming the women's movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The public attention given to the contemporary women's movement in the past decade is due in part to rhetorical developments within the movement. A fantasy theme analysis of the women's movement of the early 1970's in a large Midwestern metropolitan area reveals an early but incomplete rhetoric, labelled here the pro‐woman line. This was followed by adaptations of the early concerns in a comprehensive social reality, labelled here the “mainstreaming” rhetorical vision. Alterations in key elements of the rhetoric, including the hero/ine, villain, plot, and underpinnings are examined to illustrate how the earlier movement issues were “mainstreamed” into prevailing social views.  相似文献   

The Bush administration's public discourse after September 11 weaves a new story embedded in the national myth of the Old West. Seen in its historical context of a frontier political mentality reaching back to the early 19th century, and in its broader communication context as the rhetorical narration of a defining cultural myth, the tactical narration of the frontier justice story gains its fullest gravity. Bush and Cheney's proliferation of this rhetorical vision is not merely a quantitative increase in frontier references from past presidencies. Instead, this essay argues that an appreciably different character of narration is underway, one that tactically deploys and directs frontier mythology as a fantasy theme at discrete audiences: to cope with a national crisis, reassure a partisan political base, and discipline international allies for a controversial war.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how rhetorical criticism can be utilized to clarify the rhetorical nature of interpersonal discourse. Bitzer's situational theory, Bormann's fantasy theme analysis, and Arnold's criticism of oral rhetoric are synthesized to explain the nature and form of selected portions of taped and transcribed interpersonal dialogue.  相似文献   

Popular self‐help books giving advice to women on achieving success as managers were studied using fantasy theme analysis to discern rhetorical visions. One dominant social reality, the Female Manager Vision, emerged. The vision emphasizes individual action in the male business game, but makes gender the determining factor which gives meaning to events. Successful women managers operate as Machiavellian princesses controlling the impact of their gender in an organizational setting filled with intrigue and inuendo. Success requires a woman to maintain a balance between the negative stereotypes of women, yet retaining femininity. For the woman who participates in this view of organizational life, the books present incomplete, contradictory, and debilitating advice.  相似文献   

本文借鉴英国语言学家韩礼德的系统功能语法关于主位与述位的理论,对托妮·莫里森的小说《宠儿》中的一段叙述性语篇进行了话语分析,以总结该语篇中主位的结构模式及标记性主住的修辞作用。  相似文献   

This essay mounts a counternarrative to address the mainstream print‐mediated coverage of Milwaukee alderman Michael McGee. In analyzing racialized discourse in Milwaukee, the essay highlights the importance of focusing on rhetoric marginalized in or outside of the public sphere. A clash in rhetorical style can subvert the substance of public discourse with deleterious social consequences. We contend that a true dialogue on race relations will not occur until whites assume the responsibility for engaging in and sustaining this dialogue. The essay also establishes a rationale for why it is critically important to the discipline and to our respective communities to focus on local discourse and discursive communities. Finally, we offer a number of suggestions concerning rhetorical critical practices and the roles that critics can play in bringing about social change.  相似文献   

文学作品的爱情书写,本质上是一种爱情想象。从历时的角度看,20世纪中国文学史上的爱情想象有过几次大的修辞策略调整:主流意识形态的革命想象→收缩爱情想象空间→关闭爱情想象空间→爱情想象的意识形态突围,分析这种调整的深层规约,可以反观文学修辞中意识形态介入的力度。  相似文献   

近年来,批评语言学界兴起用互文性研究进行语篇分析.互文性回答了话语界为何反复使用某些形式描述修辞情境,以及如何利用专业知识确定文本之间的映衬关系,批评话语则分析了互文关系所表达的文字背后的权力关系.结合体裁互文性的上述特点,分别介绍了互文性及体裁的概念,评介了批评话语分析的互文性,梳理了体裁互文性的研究现状,以更好地揭...  相似文献   

元代桃源主题诗歌在继承唐宋时期以桃源为仙乡幻境、隐逸之境、理想社会、现实世界等四种阐释倾向的基础之上,产生了一些新的变化,主要包括仙乡幻境之宗教化、双重主题之矛盾化,这些变化与元代文人际遇、社会历史、文化发展等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

青年旅馆运动是世界性的基在回归自然运动的实践教育活动,它与生态旅游有着天然的联系。青年旅馆崇尚自然与简朴,符合我国大多数自然保护区的社会经济基础现状;青年旅馆运动教育理念教育的是具有特定行为方式的旅游群体,是自然保护区以自然保护为核心的小规模、低强度生态旅游的首选目标市场;青年旅馆模式对自然保护区社会化发展有积极的影响;引进青年旅馆模式在自然保护区生态旅游发展中有一定适用性。  相似文献   

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