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This study examine 53 European elite deaf athletes for their family's hearing status, use of hearing aids, communication preference, education in integrated or segregated settings, family members' encouragement for participation in sports, coach preference (hearing or deaf), and conditions for competitive events with deaf or hearing athletes. These data were gathered through semi-structured interviews administered in the athlete's native language. Deaf athletes reported that when given the opportunity to compete with hearing athletes, it enhanced their opportunity for competition. Participating in sports with hearing athletes played an important role in the integration of deaf athletes into mainstream society. If adaptations to communication can be made in these integrated settings, the ability of deaf athletes to participate in such settings will increase.  相似文献   


Although the significance of gender and disability issues has gradually increased in the global society during the past three decades, there are only few studies with regard to the deaf community and sport. This article examines the level of Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing women’s participation in sports and the factors for their continued underrepresentation. The WomenSport International’s Task Force on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Girls and Women in Sport conducted a world-wide survey to determine and assess the needs of deaf and hard of hearing girls and women in sport. A snapshot of the results and issues and future aspirations are provided.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和专家访谈法,通过对辽宁省12所高校高水平运动队项目设置现状进行调查,旨在进一步优化高校高水平运动队整体项目布局。研究结果表明:建队目标、人才竞争、建队条件、招生政策是影响我省高校高水平运动队项目设置的重要因素。作者从明确目标定位、调控规模、统一布局、打造精品项目及创新高水平运动队发展模式共五个环节提出改革建议。  相似文献   

This ethnographic research analyses the relationship between colonial sports and traditional Navajo culture. It finds that while the Navajo have fully ingrained colonial sports into their culture, they have not necessarily adopted the colonial meanings of individualism and dominance associated with those sports. Sports like basketball and baseball are shown to provide the Navajo with recreation and entertainment; but most significantly, they seem to provide the opportunity to compete directly against Euro-Americans in an ostensibly equal arena. By occasionally beating white teams at their own game, this research shows that colonial sports are actually used as a form of resistance against colonial culture. Still, this research shows that standout athletes find themselves caught between a sport that promotes superstardom and a culture that rejects it, a social location that is difficult for these athletes to navigate.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to gauge the extent to which students believed that the accountability strategies employed by their coaches had significant effects on their involvement in sports training sessions. Questionnaire data from 235 secondary school athletes were analyzed using linear structural relations to test a model of accountability hypothesized as operating in these coaching settings. The accountability strategy of active instruction was found to be a variable that significantly affected the students' valuing of their coaches as well as their task involvement. However, the rewards/consequences variable was not found to be a predictor of valuing or task involvement, suggesting that these athletes seemed more task oriented than reliant on external sanctions. The results of this study can only be generalized to team sport settings. Detailed examination needs to be made of the processes through which accountability factors operate for other contexts, including individual sports and competitive levels. Further research could also be undertaken into gender differences, especially in relation to the gender of coaches.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省专业运动员的问卷调查建立数据库,运用因子分析与结构方程模型对专业运动员的始训原因、取得优异运动成绩的影响因素及其成长路径进行分析。结果发现:导致普通青少年参加竞技体育训练的主要有六大因子,依次为体育信息刺激因子、自我实现因子、身体技能因子、家庭影响因子、物质追求因子、机遇因子;自身驱动力、社会重要他者、国家政策与物质条件是影响运动员取得优异运动成绩的四大主要因子;运动成绩、身体机能、主观努力、教练水平、家庭阶层背景是青少年运动员成长为专业运动员的重要影响变量。  相似文献   

The selection of athletes has been a central topic in sports sciences for decades. Yet, little consideration has been given to the theoretical underpinnings and predictive validity of the procedures. In this paper, we evaluate current selection procedures in sports given what we know from the selection psychology literature. We contrast the popular clinical method (predictions based on overall impressions of experts) with the actuarial approach (predictions based on pre-defined decision rules), and we discuss why the latter approach often leads to superior performance predictions. Furthermore, we discuss the “signs” and the “samples” approaches. Taking the prevailing signs approach, athletes’ technical-, tactical-, physical-, and psychological skills are often assessed separately in controlled settings. However, for predicting later sport performance, taking samples of athletes’ behaviours in their sports environment may result in more valid assessments. We discuss the possible advantages and implications of making selection procedures in sports more actuarial and sample-based.  相似文献   


While an increasing number of research is devoted to the understanding of placebo effects in sports, athletes' experiences with and attitudes towards the use of placebo for performance enhancement remain poorly understood. In this study, 79 elite athletes from different sports were surveyed on five issues related to placebo use in sports. Results showed that 47% of the athletes have experienced placebo effects in the past. A majority of the athletes (82%) thought that placebos could affect their sports performances. A wider use of placebos in sport settings was endorsed more by those who have experienced placebo effects in the past than those who did not (P = .005). Regardless of past experience with placebo, more than half of the athletes (53%) would accept an unknown but legitimate substance from the coach, and 67% of them would not mind a placebo-linked deception if that was effective. These findings confirm that most elite athletes believe in the power of placebos in enhancing sports performance, and those having a positive past experience exhibit slightly more favourable attitudes in contrast to those without such experiences.  相似文献   


We examined the relationship between physical self-esteem and claimed self-handicapping among athletes by taking motives into consideration. In Study 1, 99 athletes were asked to report their tendency to engage in claimed self-handicapping for self-protective and self-enhancement motives (trait measures). Low self-esteem athletes reported a higher tendency to engage in claimed self-handicapping for these two motives compared with high self-esteem athletes. Neither low nor high self-esteem athletes reported a preference for one motive over the other. In Study 2, 107 athletes participated in a test that was ostensibly designed to assess high physical abilities – and thus to encourage self-handicapping for self-enhancement motives (success-meaningful condition) – or to assess low physical abilities, and thus to encourage self-handicapping for self-protective motives (failure-meaningful condition). Before starting the test, athletes were given the opportunity to claim handicaps that could impair their performance. Low self-esteem athletes claimed more handicaps than high self-esteem athletes in both conditions. Findings suggest that low physical self-esteem athletes engage more in claimed handicapping regardless of motives, relative to high physical self-esteem athletes.  相似文献   

黑龙江省的冰上运动只有加强后备人才梯队建设,输入强大的体育人口,才能为我国成为真正的奥林匹克运动强国做出应有的贡献。认为体育政策与各级体育管理者的重视程度,各级队伍的教练员专业素养,后备人才培养与筛选体系,退役运动员的再就业与安置等问题是制约黑龙江省后备人才梯队建设的主要影响因素。提出优先发展冰上运动战略,以冰带雪,逐步实现冰雪运动全面发展的战略,同时以我国申办冬奥会为契机,加强各级体育管理者对政策的理解与执行力度,加强各级教练员的业务培训、知识更新与组建复合型教练员团队,构建二级后备人才培养与选材体系,建立退役运动员实训基地,拓宽就业渠道,大力推进黑龙江省冰上运动的发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法和比较分析法,对国外培养青少年高水平运动员的过程进行分析研究。发现体育发达国家都十分重视学校体育,在开展运动训练、培养运动员方面,都以学校体育为基础。认为应抓住中国基础教育不断深化改革以及举国办奥运会的有利契机,有效推进青少年竞技体育的发展,应对国际竞技体育发展新变化的挑战。  相似文献   

Intuition is often considered an effective manner of decision making in sports. In this study we investigated whether a preference for intuition over deliberation results in faster and better lab-based choices in team handball attack situations with 54 male and female handball players of different expertise levels. We assumed that intuitive choices-due to their affective nature--are faster when multiple options are to be considered. The results show that athletes who had a preference for intuitive decisions made faster and better choices than athletes classified as deliberative decision makers. It is important that experts were more intuitive than near-expert and nonexpert players. The results support a take-the-first heuristic defining how options are searched for, how option generation is stopped, and how an option is chosen. Implications for the training of intuitive decision making are presented.  相似文献   

从运动员形态特征考究中国女子竞技体育优势成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国女子竞技体育在国际比赛中,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,引起国际体育界的关注。本章从体质人类学角度,分析比较了中外男女优秀运动员形态特征的差异,发现在中国女子竞技体育优势项目中,中国女子优秀运动员的形态指标与同项目中国男子优秀运动员相比,更接近或优于该项目世界优秀运动员的形态指标,她们在专项中所具有的形态特征优势,是形成中国女子竞技体育优势项目现象的重要基础之一。  相似文献   

Sleep is generally regarded as a valuable resource for psychological and physiological well-being. Although the effects of sleep on athletic performance have been acknowledged in sport science, few studies have investigated the prevalence of sleep problems and their effects on elite athletes before a sport event. In this study, 632 German athletes from various sports were asked about their sleep habits during the night(s) before an important competition or game. The findings indicate that 65.8% of the athletes experienced poor sleep in the night(s) before a sports event at least once in their lives and a similarly high percentage (62.3%) had this experience at least once during the previous 12 months. Athletes of individual sports reported more sleep difficulties than athletes of team sports. The main sleep problem was not being able to fall asleep. Internal factors such as nervousness and thoughts about the competition were rated highest for causing sleep problems. Most athletes stated that disturbed sleep had no influence on their athletic performance; however, athletes also reported effects such as a bad mood the following day, increased daytime sleepiness, and worse performance in the competition or game. The differences between individual and team sports indicate that athletes in some sports need more help than those in other sports in managing sleep problems.  相似文献   

运用思辨研究的方法从国家形象的概念与内涵出发,对我国国家形象面临的危机以及伦敦奥运会我国国家形象的构建与表达进行研究。认为:1)注重媒介传播过程中文化中国形象的构建;2)提升国家话语能力,摒弃体育政治功能的泛化;3)展现新体育观,避免民族主义的过度宣扬是新时期国家形象构建的主要策略。借助奥运会契机将世界关注的目标转向中国文化,积极培育多元行为的参与,坦诚推进文化的交流与沟通;通过中国体育代表团领导的话语能力及其效果,国家媒体对国家形象传播的话语能力及效果,中国体育代表团中运动员的个体话语能力及效果来实现国家话语能力是新时期国家形象构建的主要策略和价值取向。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):276-292
Deaf people are widely perceived as being disabled and consequently socially disadvantaged, particularly those who rely on sign language for communication. Profoundly deaf people in mainstream sport are a rarity, and at the highest levels only a few examples can be found throughout the history of professional sport. This apparent lack of participation only serves to reinforce the idea that deaf people are in some way incapable of taking part in little more than perfunctory sporting activity. However, this is not the case. Deaf people have been involved in a variety of sporting endeavours since the dawn of organized sport. In this article, the extent and diversity of deaf people's involvement in sport will be outlined, drawing on a longitudinal study of the activities of deaf club members from across north-west England. The different sports their members engaged in, the extent of such activity and the importance of such involvement in bonding and maintaining communal identity among deaf people will all be demonstrated. In doing so, it is intended that the general perception of deaf people as being socially isolated, particularly in relation to sport, will be shown to be false.  相似文献   

内蒙古竞技体育人才现状及发展对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对内蒙古自治区现役专业运动员、一线教练员以及竞技项目设置和运动成绩现状进行调查与研究 ,得出如下结论 :民族性是内蒙古竞技体育最显著的特点 ,民族传统体育项目和少数民族竞技人才是其发展的主体。加强“主体项目”的普及、注重教练员的培训与交流、培养大学生运动员是提高内蒙古竞技体育水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(2):133-145
The purpose of this study was to examine Olympic athletes’ self-presentation on Instagram, a social media outlet on which users post photographs as their primary communication mechanism, in order to develop an understanding of the ways in which athletes use this medium as a communication and marketing tool to build their personal brand. Additionally, this research sought to understand whether differences existed between the utilisation of Instagram by male and female athletes. Drawing on Goffman's (1959) theory of self-presentation, this study examined eight purposively selected Olympic athletes’ Instagram photos. Findings revealed similarities to previous research on athletes’ use of written social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, as the majority of photos posted by athletes were personal in nature, thus reflecting backstage performance strategies according to self-presentation theory. The results indicated that female athletes were more likely to share photos of themselves and photos taken in private settings, but male athletes who posted a wider variety of photos encouraged greater engagement from their followers. Personal brand management implications for athletes and sport organisations are examined in greater detail in the discussion.  相似文献   

30年来我国运动员媒介形象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为媒介形象的一种典型,30年来我国运动员媒介形象经历了三个阶段嬗变.运动员媒介形象从一体化政治意识形态的化身,到运动天才、时尚的引导者等等,运动员媒介形象体现着社会文化观念从政治一元化到消费多元化的整合过程.运动员媒介形象作为当代一种特殊的媒介形象,成为一种重要的时代镜像,发挥着极其重要的媒介文化作用,而通过北京奥运会的成功表现,运动员媒介形象的成功塑造与传播对于当代社会认同、大众体育文化生态都意义非凡.  相似文献   

时差反应对运动能力的影响及适应对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着竞技体育运动比赛在世界各地的频繁举行,地域--时间所形成的地区时差,引起人体时差反应的普遍性,以及机体生理和心理节律的非同步变化而造成对运动能力的影响.为适应国际比赛的日益增多,时差反应适应一直是体育科研人员关注的问题.因此,了解时差反应对于指导教练员和运动员时差反应适应的训练措施和比赛安排有重要意义.  相似文献   

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