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产学协同能有效驱动新工科人才培养对接地方产业链和创新链。从构建集教学、科研、创新、就业为一体的实践教学平台,并基于以问题为导向的教学方法PBL(Problem-based Learning)依托实践教学平台开展产学协同育人实践。结果表明,厦门理工学院基于PBL的产学协同育人模式有鲜明特色和较好教学效果。  相似文献   

随着社会经济文化的日趋多元化、国际化发展,培养创新型、复合型人才显得愈发重要,新一轮的教学革新也正在酝酿.文章基于四螺旋结构建立"产学研用"协同育人模型,并分析"产学研用"协同育人模式中各主体间的协同机理,进而论述高校教学创新的具体实践方案,最后构建一套通用性较广、实用性较强的高校教学创新绩效评估机制.  相似文献   

实践育人是高校人才培养工作的重要组成部分,对于不断增强学生的社会责任感,培养学生勇于探索的创新精神和善于解决问题的实践能力方面具有不可替代的重要作用。本文介绍了浙江海洋学院涉海类专业的实践教学改革,通过践行协同育人理念、优化实践教学体系、构筑实践教学平台、创新教学管理机制等多方面构建了涉海实践教学平台体系,全面培养了学生的创新精神和实践能力,提高了海洋人才培养质量。  相似文献   

以多元主体协同为研究视角,对高职院校创新创业实践育人模式进行分析和探索,以便构建出更加合理的实践育人模式,为培养学生的创新创业能力提供支撑,确保人才培养目标明确,培养规格界定清晰。介绍了高职院校实施创新创业实践育人模式的背景,分析了多元主体协同视角下高职院校创新创业实践育人的特征,提出了高职院校创新创业实践育人模式构建路径,包括创新多主体协同的工作理念,明确主体责权;打造产教科创融合式实践育人空间;利用大数据技术,实现个性化创新创业教育服务;探索递进化“做思悟创”教学模式;构建协同育人效果评价体系,促进协同育人模式的改进等,旨在为高职院校培养创新创业人才提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

创新创业教育与专业课教学有机融合,对深化高校创新创业教育改革、提升大学生创新创业能力具有重要意义。本研究以河南工业大学粮油食品学院粮油储藏系开设的储藏物害虫综合防治课程为例,提出了革新创新创业课程模式、完善创新创业实践机制、构建协同创新育人模式的创新创业教育与专业课教学相融合的实践路径。  相似文献   

焦兰萍 《教育与职业》2021,987(11):89-92
高职院校构建"课程思政"实践教学体系,体现了全面贯彻立德树人协同育人理念,是全面提高职业教育人才培养质量的重要路径和全面提升"课程思政"教学改革实效性的必然要求.从立德树人和协同育人理念出发,针对目前面临的尚未在所有学科专业课程全面展开、缺乏统筹科学规划、校内外协同联动的"实践育人共同体"局面尚未形成等问题,文章提出了高度重视、统筹规划、整合资源等"课程思政"实践教学体系构建路径.  相似文献   

焦兰萍 《教育与职业》2021,987(11):89-92
高职院校构建"课程思政"实践教学体系,体现了全面贯彻立德树人协同育人理念,是全面提高职业教育人才培养质量的重要路径和全面提升"课程思政"教学改革实效性的必然要求.从立德树人和协同育人理念出发,针对目前面临的尚未在所有学科专业课程全面展开、缺乏统筹科学规划、校内外协同联动的"实践育人共同体"局面尚未形成等问题,文章提出了高度重视、统筹规划、整合资源等"课程思政"实践教学体系构建路径.  相似文献   

大力开展创新创业教育是高校落实国家创新驱动发展战略的重要举措。防灾科技学院将新工科建设作为创新创业应用型人才培养的突破口,以电子科学技术类专业为改革试点,着力破解创新创业教育难点,着力探索协同育人的现实路径,重点在专业教师与辅导员队伍相协同、专业课与课外科技活动相协同、理论教学与实践训练相协同、校企所共建共享相协同、创新教育与创业教育相协同等方面推动融合育人全面发展。在学科课程体系建设、实践教学改革、科技类社团建设、校企所协同育人、创新创业软实力培养等方面积累了大量实践经验,形成了一套成熟有效的创新创业协同育人体系。  相似文献   

文章聚焦当前中职思政课教学与党建工作,以“为党育人,为国育才”及协同育人为理论依据,以南宁市第六职业技术学校教学实践为例,以顶层设计,协同育人;搭建红色资源库,以红色文化育人;创新教学方法,运用“四步法”上好思政课;融合信息化技术,拓宽育人路径;构建“四个课堂”,形成育人合力,探索中职思政育人的创新路径。  相似文献   

马克思社会交往理论为考察高校非教学人员协同育人功能提供了视角,给予非教学人员以工作启迪:要尊重学生、服务教学、注重交往、担当责任.高校行政化冲击教学主体地位、非教学人员育人意识淡薄和大学生社会交往实践活动匮乏等不利因素制约高校非教学人员育人作用的发挥.高校要开展“两个加强”、“双向参与”、“四种交往”、“双评双促”活动,构建高校非教学人员交往育人、协同育人机制.  相似文献   

现代教育技术媒体已成为各学科教学中非常重要的认知表现工具,这就迫切地需要教学者能够结合教育技术学的思想将教育媒体运用到教学当中去,使得教育媒体被充分、高效地运用,使得学生在这样的教学过程之中不断提高自己的创造性思维能力,从而达到优化教学的效果.  相似文献   

软件工程专业创新型人才培养途径初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件产业是国家产业发展格局的重要组成部分,它是知识与技术密集型产业,同时又兼具先进制造业和现代服务业的特点。通过对软件工程教育的特性和作用的分析,指出软件人才是软件企业最宝贵的财富,其工作特点是"创新"。在信息技术学院建设软件工程专业的实践基础上,提出了软件工程专业创新型人才培养途径,最后对软件工程教育改革做了展望。  相似文献   

The central purpose of this paper is to highlight the research in a context where inclusive education is recognised within current global challenges in education. We aim to present different teaching practices and perceptions of teachers from rural schools regarding attention to diversity, before and during a collaborative action that reinforces and develops creative teaching practices. Participant observation, informal conversations and video-recording are the methods that we used. The data show the adoption of relevant group creative teaching practices and the development of inclusive thought. These aspects seem to promote the access to the curriculum of all children. The collaborative work is interpreted as encouraging the professional development. The study is of interest as it shows how the knowledge of creative teaching practices from a collaborative work can be systematised. This paper considers implications for founding research that contributes to the comprehension and development of educational contexts of diversity.  相似文献   

概念转变研究是近20年来科学教育研究的热点之一,创新教育、创造能力是目前人们最为关注和讨论的热点问题之一,而创造性思维与创新教育、创造能力是不可分的。本文探讨了概念转变教学中如何培养学生的创造性思维能力。  相似文献   

随着信息社会的到来,以计算机和网络为核心的现代信息技术的不断发展,正越来越深刻地改变着我们的生产、生活、工作和学习方式,它成了当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,各国纷纷把信息技术教育放到了提高国际竞争能力的战略地位,其应用的广度与深度已成为衡量一个国家科学技术和经济发展水平的一个重要标志。 为了加快我国中小学普及信息技术教育的步伐,教育部已于2000年发布了《关于加快中小学信息技术课程建设的指导意见》,并决定在2001年底前,全国普通高级中学和大中城市的初级中学都要开设信息技术必修课,并将其作为我国面向21世纪增强国际竞争力、提高全民素质、培养具有信息素质和创造素质的新型人才的一项重要举措。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the factors that influence collaborative learning in distance education. Distance education has been around for many years and the use of collaborative learning techniques in distance education is becoming increasingly popular. Several studies have demonstrated the superiority of collaborative learning over traditional modes of learning and it has been identified as a potential solution to some of the weaknesses of traditional distance education courses. There are a rapidly growing number of technologies in use today and educators and practitioners face an increasingly difficult challenge to successfully implement collaborative learning in distance education; precipitated not only from technical advances but also from wider social and organisational concerns. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the factors that influence collaborative learning in distance education, by eliciting the opinions of an expert panel using a Delphi survey. The aim was to produce an integrated list of the most important implementation factors and to investigate the role that technology is perceived to contribute. The findings identified 17 of the most important factors; these factors cover a range of themes including course rationale and design, instructor characteristics, training, group dynamics, the development of a learning community and technology. The potential of technology, however, does not seem to be fully realised and newer technologies such as multi‐user environments would seem to be of limited use in practice according to the expert panel.  相似文献   

In order to pilot a shift towards greater use of collaborative learning in our higher education programs, the University of Hong Kong has invested in the development of a prototype technology-enhanced collaborative learning space. The space was created by retrofitting a vacant studio, turning it into an innovative classroom space in which collaborative learning is promoted and facilitated both through the provision of technology and by the physical layout of the room. We have used the space to pioneer collaborative learning both by holding professional development workshops for faculty in the room and also by helping academic staff to run experimental courses in the learning space. The opportunity to offer professional development and support for academic staff in this environment is particularly valuable as it ensures they do not simply deliver traditional didactic lectures in a space designed to promote interactive student learning and engagement. By using the space as a ‘student’ they are able to consider how they may use collaborative learning environments with their students. This paper describes use of the room for professional development of academic staff and also provides two examples of the use and evaluation of the room by faculty who used the room to teach experimental classes.  相似文献   

多媒体和网络技术的应用对于在教学改革中进行学生的素质教育、技能训练,乃至创造性思维能力的培养具有积极的意义。现代多媒体教育技术在促进高校教学工作水平和教育质量的提高上起到了重要的作用。通过运用现代多媒体教育技术实施数学分析课程的教育教学过程,可以有效地提高数学分析课程教学质量。文章对运用现代多媒体教育技术提高数学分析课程教育教学质量进行了探索,探讨了运用现代多媒体教育技术提高数学分析课程教学质量的途径。  相似文献   

"2011计划"开启了新一轮高校体制机制创新改革,它以协同创新中心为载体,构建新的协同创新模式。在这样的背景下,示范应用型本科高校如何培养创新型人才、实施协同创新战略,是一项艰巨的教育工程。皖西学院虽是一所新升的本科院校,但是在协同创新模式下,也为示范应用型本科高校的创新型人才发展做出了一定的努力和尝试,并为如何构建协同创新模式下示范应用型本科高校创新型人才发展策略提供了案例思考。  相似文献   

Higher education, and in particular, initial teacher education, has been significantly transformed through the introduction of e-learning. However, online teacher education presents particular challenges in the creative arts, which has traditionally developed student understanding through embodied and collaborative learning experiences. In this qualitative study, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight online arts educators in teacher education programs to understand their perspectives and pedagogy in online arts coursework. Using Engeström’s Activity Theory as an analytical lens, the findings highlight how these academics navigated challenges and opportunities to facilitate authentic, praxis-focused arts experiences to prepare pre-service teachers for the classroom.  相似文献   

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