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台湾中小学心理辅导的目标总的来说是协助学生适应环境、发展自我,辅导的内容虽有一点地域或方法差异,但大致可以分为三个方面:学习辅导、生活辅导和职业辅导。学习辅导主要涉及始业辅导、学法辅导、课外活动辅导、特殊儿童辅导和升学辅导等;生活辅导主要是健康辅导、品格辅导、休闲辅导、社交辅导和家庭辅导等;职业辅导主要有认识自我、职前心理辅导、职业分类与价值观辅导、集体定向辅导等。小学、初中、高中具体的辅导目标与内容又有所区别。小学把辅导纳入教育教学全过程,一般采取  相似文献   

台湾地区高校非常重视品德教育,德育生活化是其实施品德教育的一大特色。台湾高校通过劳作教育、生活辅导、课外活动和心理辅导开展德育生活化教育,体现出将使学生过有道德的生活作为德育终极目标、将德育回归生活和将德育与生活融为一体的特点。台湾高校德育生活化给予我们的启示是:德育目标联系生活,避免政治化;德育内容联系生活,避免空洞化;德育方法联系生活,避免口号化;德育评价联系生活,避免单一化。  相似文献   

将思想政治教育工作与学生实际生活紧密联系,开展学生生活辅导,将思想政治教育工作层次化,针对不同阶段的教育主体树立不同层次的教育目标、实施不同的教育内容,是将思想政治教育工作目标落到实处,引导学生成长成才的重要路径。  相似文献   

生活心理健康教育,又称生活辅导,它是中小学心理健康教育的主要内容和中心工作。班主任实施生活心理健康教育的内容主要包括自我意识辅导、情绪辅导、社交辅导、耐挫能力辅导、休闲辅导、性心理辅导等。  相似文献   

作者运用自编生活目标团体辅导方案对40名大学生进行辅导,发现辅导前后大学生的生活目标状况和心理健康状况有显著差异,辅导后生活目标总分显著高于辅导前,辅导后症状自评量表总分显著低于辅导前。整理学生心得体会发现,有34名学生反映参加辅导后在明确发展方向、自信心、人际交往等方面有较大改善。由此表明,自编生活目标团体辅导方案是有效的,实施生活目标团体辅导能切实改善大学生心理健康状况。在此基础上,本文针对心理健康教育中的生活目标团体辅导,提出一些建议供高校心理健康教育工作者参考。  相似文献   

心理健康目标的实现只有学校配备心理专家才能完成 ,依靠学校全体教师进行心育只能流于形式 ;教育辅导是社会发展对学校教育的必然要求 ,它能有效地实现心理健康的部分目标 ;教育辅导的内容与学校教育内容有较强的通融性、理解性 ,师范教育具有开设教育辅导课程必要性与可能性。  相似文献   

班级团体辅导是学校心理健康教育发挥其预防性功能的重要载体,是一种目标明确、操作性强、相对稳定而又灵活机动的心理辅导形式。探讨班级团体辅导的目标、内容和方法,对提高班级管理水平与育人规格以及改善班主任的育人观念、方式具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   

台湾中小学心理辅导活动始于50年代中期,经历了由学校自发、教育学术团体倡导到教育行政当局明令建立相应制度的发展过程。目前,台湾中小学心理辅导体系已经全面建立起来,形成了训导、教学和心理辅导三位一体的教育模式。台湾与大陆在传统文化、风俗习惯等方面有着许多相同或相似之处,加上个体心理发展又有着共同性一面,因此,了解台湾中小学心理辅导工作的情况,从中得到某些启示,这对促进大陆中小学心理辅导的发展是有益处的。台湾中小学心理辅导的内容包括学习辅导、生活辅导和职业辅导3方面。学习辅导:其目标是帮助学生了解自己…  相似文献   

<正>主持人语"朋辈辅导"于20世纪60年代在美国产生,本义是具有相同背景的人,在信息、观念或行为技能等方面通过分享来实现教育目标的一种教育方法,适用于包括中小学、大学、青年活动中心、社区等在内的各种环境。根据辅导内容的不同,朋辈辅导内容包括学习辅导、生活辅导、生涯辅导、适应辅导、不良行为矫治、危机干预等。因为朋辈辅导的内  相似文献   

生涯辅导尊重学生选择,鼓励个性发展,与大学生思想政治教育在目标上具有一致性,在教育过程中具有相融性。生涯辅导是大学生人生教育的重要内容,也是思想政治教育的重要渠道,以生涯辅导推进大学生思想政治教育有着极其重要的意义。我们应通过实践探索、深入分析,把握生涯辅导的特点和优势,逐步形成生涯辅导和大学生思想政治教育工作相互融合与协调发展的长效机制。  相似文献   


Healthy life expectancy (HLE) is an emerging field in aging studies. Nevertheless, understanding of HLE from the perspective of socioeconomic status (SES) is inadequate. To fill this gap, the present study explores differences in HLE by SES based on two nationally representative longitudinal databases in China. The study adopts education as a proxy of SES and employs the multistate life table method to compute HLE. Health is measured by the following four indicators: physical function, cognitive function, depression, and self-rated health. The results show that educational differences are associated with significantly different results in these four health indicators. Active life expectancy, cognitive-impairment-free life expectancy, and self-rated healthy life expectancy differ by existence of educational attainment among the old adults, with the nonilliterate group enjoying both longer cognitive-impairment-free life expectancy and self-rated healthy life expectancy, while unexpectedly, the illiterate group has a higher active life expectancy at most ages. In contrast, depression-free life expectancy is similar between the two educational categories. The positive association between educational attainment and cognitive-impairment-free life expectancy and self-rated healthy life expectancy might be explained by the beneficial effect of education in improving and maintaining cognitive ability and SES, while the negative association between educational attainment and active life expectancy might be interpreted by the higher rate of mortality and the absence of social-security support among less educated Chinese senior citizens. The lack of difference by educational attainment in depression-free life expectancy requires further investigation.  相似文献   

India’s elite sector of engineering universities, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), are seen as safe gateways to a life in the politically hyped “new India” of the global knowledge economy. The Indian entrance exam coaching industry each year enrolls hundreds of thousands of students in classes strictly directed at “cracking” the institutes’ famous Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). Vast majorities of students at IITs are by now former coaching students, and coaching is increasingly supplanting performance in secondary education as the perceived prerequisite for IIT admission. This poses serious questions about the ability of the institutions to autonomously steer student selection and recruit the select exceptional students whom until now have kept “IITians” in the center of imaginaries of India’s future. This article explores the case of residential pre-entrance exam coaching to assess the coaching sector’s role in shaping India’s future technological leaders. It assesses the educational structure of the sector, its effect on student lives, the life aspirations it relies on, and how it is shaping IIT education itself. The case of entrance exam coaching in India, it is argued, prompt a reassessment of the concept of “shadow education” in order to begin a more thorough research agenda focused on the educational production and policy consequences of this “shadow” industry as an integrated (even if unwanted) and co-constitutive part of the higher education sector.  相似文献   

Coaching is no longer a subset of physical education or sport psychology but is rather an established vocation for research. In reaching such a position, we argue that a broad range of epistemologies have been used to investigate coaching such as sociology and cognitive psychology. However there is danger that, in the search for new ground, research becomes increasingly esoteric, having less and less impact on the domain that it is researching—namely coaching. As a step against this trend, we argue for and attempt to establish the commonalities across these research approaches suggesting that coaching is social, political, and pedagogical in nature. We accept that coaching is inherently complex but argue that coaches can be educated to cope with complexity through a professional judgment and nested decision making process. To facilitate this process, we offer a model for coaching that is inclusive of the commonalities across coaching research, summarizes our major theoretical points yet practical enough for application by coach educators and coaches.  相似文献   

高校新生入学面临新环境,可能会遇到诸多如升学“松绑”后的迷茫,人际关系的生疏等困惑和问题,辅导员应通过教育辅导、思想疏导、生活关心等多种渠道帮助其尽快适应大学生活,健康成长.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations of educational level with functioning and life satisfaction among community-dwelling older adults in South Korea (n = 4,152). The sample was drawn from Wave I of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging. To examine educational disparities, separate analyses were run to note predictors in less educated (below the 6th grade) and better educated (above the 6th grade) respondents. Educational disparities were found in major predictors of health and well-being. Older age and lower cognition were strong predictors of functional limitations, while being married, receiving public assistance, and better psychological functioning were associated with greater life satisfaction. The health and well-being of less educated respondents were influenced by demographic factors, while social engagement and psychological functioning were more prominent predictors for better educated respondents. These findings highlight the importance of enhancing cognitive functioning and function among older adults in Korea to promote their health and well-being.  相似文献   

教育者在教育现场的一切作为,即使有意识地通向受教育者终极的美好生活,也必然具有一种更强烈的实用追求。它的顺利和完满,不可能与教学、训育任务的完成和受教育者的合理感受相脱离,否则其智慧的可能性也基本为零。沿着这一思路,我们从教育创造的领域入手,可以发现教师在学校教育现场必然要做如下的工作:一是对作为教育内容的知识和经验的处理与挖掘;二是对作为教育资源的时间、空间的配置;三是对作为教学活动载体的教学过程的建构;四是对作为教育对象的学生的意志的组织。从这四种工作中,可以提取出"处理"、"挖掘"、"配置"、"建构"、"组织",教育之行因此而不再模糊,教育智慧也因此而不再只可意会而不可言传。  相似文献   

教育研究的叙事伦理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李政涛 《教育研究》2006,27(10):18-21,26
教育叙事的过程,就是以叙述教育事件的方式实现对叙事者自我精神生命重建的过程,是构建新的教育生活方式的过程。只有承担了伦理使命的教育叙事才是有深度的、好的教育叙事。这样的教育叙事超越了经验性、技术性的层面,成为一种具有伦理关怀和本体意味的生命实践的叙事。它需要承担存在之重、伦理之重,需要经历从无叙事伦理到有叙事伦理,进而又从叙事伦理到生存伦理的转变。好的教育叙事者需要具备宽广的精神维度,具备生命的广度和灵魂的深度。  相似文献   

受教育权是每个公民都应该享有的权利,平等的受教育权是实现人的社会平等的一个重要方面,它是一种伦理要求。基础教育作为个人未来生存与发展的基础,应满足每个人的基本学习要求,为所有的儿童提供学习机会。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育具有实现美好生活的功能是不言而喻的。然而,事实上,高校思想政治教育在发挥美好生活的功能方面却暴露出一些新问题,如教育目标的功利化趋向,使人成为远离自身的“客观物”;教育内容的无我化特点,造成“我”的缺失和遗忘;教育手段的滞后化实际,使教育对象的主体地位被“遮蔽”;教育方法的强制化取向,使受教育者自我体验能力欠缺。从对阻碍高校思想政治教育发挥实现美好生活功能的问题分析看,功利主义思想在社会中的泛滥、“主知主义”教学方式在课堂教学中的盛行以及生活世界的缺失共同构成了其“缺席美好生活”的原因。因此,要想解决上述问题,需从其教育目标的更新、教育内容的优化、教育手段的改革及教育方法的创新方面入手,助益高校思想政治教育美好生活功能的充分发挥。  相似文献   

Coaching psychology is a distinct sub-discipline of academic and applied psychology that focuses on the enhancement of performance, development and well-being in the broader population. Applied in educational contexts, the practice of coaching psychology has the potential to have a positive impact by supporting children and adults to achieve enhanced standards of functioning and well-being. It therefore represents a way in which educational psychologists (EPs) might elect to diversify their practice. However, EPs are disproportionately under-represented in the development of this emerging field. This article charts the birth and evolution of contemporary coaching psychology, and presents a case study illustrating the application of this methodology in a school context. Suggestions are given regarding professional development activities that might be undertaken by EPs seeking to develop coaching psychology as a strand of their practice.  相似文献   

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