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This article reports on teacher education in Uganda, with specific reference to the role that distance education has played in upgrading the quality of education in general and in supplying more qualified teachers to meet a growing demand, specifically for teachers involved in primary education. The investigation paves the way for the establishment of the Open University of Uganda and illustrates how the Primary Education Policy of Uganda has increased access to 7 million primary school learners to schools in 2002. The article also explains how the qualifications of 10 000 in-service teachers have been upgraded between 1995 and 2000. The successes of two major in-service teacher education programmes are discussed. The article also explains how the Mubende Integrated Teacher Education Project (MITEP) not only contributed to the training of teachers, but also focused the attention of educators on the possibiliities of distance education for Uganda. Furthermore, it also argues that the Northern Integrated Teacher Education Project (NITEP) has on the other hand achieved successes in the field of inservice teacher education. The programmes assisted in the training of academic support staff who work in distance education. The article concludes by addressing the further needs of distance education in Uganda and highlights the challenges facing distance education programmes in Uganda.  相似文献   

This article traces the experiences of three pre-service teachers as they engaged in teacher research as part of their teacher education program and considers how teacher research might disrupt dominant paradigms that aim to de-contextualize teaching and offer one-size-fits-all solutions to address inequities. In particular, the article examines: the role of the teacher’s personal and academic history in the design of their teacher research projects; how their research worked to disrupt and complicate classroom cultures and practices; and the ways in which the pre-service teachers interpreted their research in light of new contexts during their first year of teaching. This work has critical implications in an era when teacher education programs are under attack, including: the value of drawing on pre-service teachers' lived experiences as an entry point into inquiry; creating highly localized inquiries; and positioning novice teachers as knowledgeable practitioners who are able to share research with colleagues.  相似文献   

目前,教师教育已是国际教育领域的一个热点话题。自从1998年我国与非洲建交以来,南非教师教育引起了国内学者的广泛关注,主要表现在南非教师教育历史发展、制度建设、政策变革、课程改革、培养路径、信息化发展以及质量保障等方面,并取得了一定的成果。文章对20世纪90年代以来国内南非教师教育研究加以梳理和分析,以期揭示国内南非教师教育研究的核心内容及基本现状。  相似文献   

二战后德国新教育史学主要经历了三个发展阶段:1)1945年至20世纪70年代中期,学历危机和教育不公平问题的讨论阶段;2)20世纪70年代末至80年代中期,针对教育和社会的关系、青年教育和青年运动等问题,新教育史学进入自我反思阶段;3)20世纪80年代末至今,新教育史学从自身的错误中吸取教训,改进研究方法、拓宽研究宽度和深度。新教育史学在德国产生了许多积极的影响,如扩大了教育的内涵,教育史研究的中心从政策和课程转向了师生之间、学生之间的实际互动;计量方法被广泛采用,对社会机构的变化作出了细致的检验等等。但新教育史学也受到诸多批评,如教育史研究具有明显的政治化特色,并且在当今德国的教育史研究中,缺少系统的理论指导,仍然将现代教育的矛盾性作为教育史研究的中心,这些将使德国新教育史学陷入新的困境。  相似文献   

This article is posthumously published as the late Joan Simon’s most recent contribution to ongoing debates in historiography of education. Joan remained an active writer and a contributor to this journal and submitted the present article only months before her death, with characteristic determination to engage in historiographical debate, and to contextualize and defend her own contribution to the field. Like other periods preceding the Industrial Revolution, the later Middle Ages and Renaissance tend to have been neglected by historians of education in recent years, and the discussion below reminds us how recently, and for good reason, debate concerning the Reformation remained central to the historiography of education. Implications of the contemporary politics of education for historical interpretation are well illustrated. But the autobiographical threads of this piece also reveal the significance of personalities and academic politics in the configuration of prevailing interpretations of history. These factors impinge on the publication and editing of learned journals as well as more generally on the positioning of research in education history between its originating intellectual discipline on the one hand, and on the other the field of practice to which its insights contribute.  相似文献   

吕思勉的《白话本国史》出版于1923年,是我国第一部以白话文写成的中国通史,在中国史学史和教育史上具有重要地位。但此书在出版十二年后,一度遭到国民政府查禁,并由此引发了民国年间知名报人龚德柏,与著名记者赵超构、 商务印书馆及吕思勉与之间的讼案,随后由此案引起的聚讼纷争竟持续了近二十年之久,当时诸多学者均参与到此次讨论之中。  相似文献   

In this introductory article it is described firstly bow, in recent decades, the scientific communities ojhistorians of education in different countries of Latin America have been taking shape, and how they have been interacting with each other at an international level Subsequently some of the main works are analyzed that have approached the history of Latin American education from a general perspective and the general characteristics of the scientific production are traced in the different countries of the area. Finally, since in this volume of “Paedagogica Historica” there are specific articles on the present day historiography of education in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, a brief analysis is made of the scientific production in our field in some other selected countries: Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador and Costa Rica.  相似文献   

袁丽  郭璇  吴娱 《教师教育研究》2021,33(1):121-128
《教师教育研究》期刊自1989年创刊至今见证了我国教师教育在现代化背景之下的发展与变革。本研究通过对理论与历史、政策与制度、教师培养与培训、教师专业发展、乡村教师培养、教师教育国际比较等重大主题的内容述评,梳理教师教育领域的研究现状并据此展望未来发展路向,提出应加强对学前教育教师群体、特殊教育教师群体、职业教育教师群体以及高等教育教师群体的重视,并加强对具有实证价值取向的政策与制度研究的反思。  相似文献   

The decade of the 1990s was a time of intense production and the consolidation of its institutionalchannels for research, debate and publication for the historiography of education in Argentina. In theoretical‐methodological terms, this period saw the disappearance of the traditional lines of events‐based chronicles, a relative continuity in the social history of education and the consolidation of a new critical pedagogical and institutional history. Interest developed in current problems like power and gender relations, andin non‐hegemonic and alternative discourses’ present in different area like the curriculum, school organization and everyday life, teacher training and educadonal policies. The present article analyzes the particularities of this development in the historiography of education, constituted as it is with a stronginter‐disdpHnarypresence, and notes its objects of study, the methodologies that are used, and the theoretical resources that gave rise to the hypotheses and arguments.


研究了作为教育学科中的基础学科--教育史,在教师教育中的作用长期被忽略的原因,探讨了教育史的教师教育价值以及教师教育中教育史课程的教学原则、内容和方法等问题.笔者认为,教育史是教师教育专业课程中不可或缺的组成部分;教育史学科应当在教学原则、内容和方法深入革新,以胜任其承担的教师教育任务.  相似文献   

There is much current debate about the purpose and usefulness of educational research and the perceived communication gap between teaching professionals and academic researchers. UK government intervention into initial teacher education has in recent decades contributed to this divide by favouring school-based training. The most common route into teaching in England remains, however, the Postgraduate Certificate in Education, provided by higher education institutions and therefore required to comply with the higher education qualifications framework. The majority of initial teacher education in England therefore lies at the cusp of these two worlds, pulled in apparently opposing directions. The ‘teacher-as-researcher’ movement is widely seen as a bridge spanning these tensions, though there is discussion about the quality of practitioner research as well as about the appropriateness of a rigorous academic approach for investigating practice. This article offers examples of the use of small-scale research projects as a valid means of ‘discovery learning’ in pre-service teacher education. It argues that induction into research techniques as a means of exploring practical challenges can lead to knowledge production and ownership.  相似文献   

可用性是软件工程与设计的核心理念,通常被称作"以用户为中心进行设计"的概念。文章利用HistCite软件对WOS数据库中以可用性和教育教学为主题的研究文献进行了量化分析,梳理了国际上教育领域内可用性研究文献时间分布,研究活跃地区、研究机构、载文期刊和重要文献等。在此基础上,通过分析该领域研究文献的引文编年图,揭示了教学可用性研究的发展历程和演进路径,并在此过程中列举了该领域的研究热点、前沿和发展趋势。  相似文献   

教师教育大学化已成为教师教育改革的世界趋势,大学教育之共识是科学研究与人才培养相统一,但是,以往“学术性与艺术性”的分歧、当前“专业化与解制化”的争议,始终牵伴着各国大学的教师教育改革之路,也困扰着教师培养模式的选择,甚至陷入教育伦理困境:一些大学倾向以实习课程来增加职前教师的教学经验,却无法避免其教学行为失误给予中小学生的消极影响。秉承历史与逻辑相统一的研究原则,系统梳理大学介入教师教育的历史,重点考察教育研究与职前教师培养的关系演变,尤其聚焦教师教育大学化进程中的主要矛盾,即教育理论课程与实习课程的割裂问题。作为以培养教师为主责的师范大学,借鉴现象学哲学家胡塞尔开启的“意识-经验”关系新视域,重构大学视域教师教育改革的方法论,关注教育理论与教学经验之间的内在联系,探寻“理论-实验-实习”一体化的教师教育课程改革新路径。  相似文献   

日本传统的研究生教育以“培养科研人才”为核心目标,特别是在博士课程阶段,主要采用以导师指导为中心的“研究室”教育模式。随着时代的发展,传统研究生培养模式愈来愈不能适应社会对多样化人才的需求。为提高研究生教育质量,化解就业矛盾,自2005年始,日本文部省展开了新一轮研究生教育改革的讨论,反对狭窄孤立的专业教育,强调广泛视野及各种通用能力的培养,关注体系化的研究生教育课程的构筑等成为本轮改革的新亮点。在文部省政策的指引下,一些大学尝试在研究生院开设通识教育课程。日本研究生教育由此开始了“通识化”的转向。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion about teacher education today: its organisation, its academic status and the competence that results from different programmes. There is no one best way to organise teacher education. Rather, the appropriateness of organisation is related to the desired aims. In this article, we discuss one way to organise and implement academic education for class teachers, namely, a research-based approach, which has been used in Finland for the last 30 years. We elaborate on a theoretical framework for research-based teacher education and present empirical evidence for ways of implementing teacher education programmes, experiences and evaluations. Based on this evidence, we consider the present state of teacher education and suggest guidelines for the future. Research-based teacher education in Finland has been underway long enough to examine its results and its effectiveness in educating class teachers today. Together with our own research findings, the high-level performance of Finnish pupils in international examinations suggests that teacher education in Finland has been on the right course. We recommend that departments of teacher education should be established within universities and that teachers should obtain Master's degrees. Such steps will ensure that a higher conceptual level is adopted and that research is part of teacher education. Although our context is teacher education in Finland, the viewpoints expressed may be valuable for teachers, teacher educators and researchers on teacher education in a broader European context.  相似文献   

机器人学科作为一门较新颖的课程近年来逐步引入中小学及大学教育中,它得以顺利实施的其中一个要素是任课教师的综合素质能胜任机器人教育课程。文章以机器人教育骨干教师及学科带头人培养对象专业化培训为研究对象,从机器人教育现状、机器人骨干教师培训需求和意义、培训方案制定、培训模式和要求、培训效果评价五个方面深入探讨系统化的教师专业化培训方案。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,教育史学科的方法论问题逐渐被置于议事日程。心态史学法是法国年鉴学派的成果之一,经历了萌芽、降格和方兴未艾三个阶段,开辟了史学研究新领域。心态史学法在具体应用中,聚焦于群体的无意识心态,注重研究的整体性和微观性,从跨学科的研究视角解构问题,并运用一切可用之资料解决问题。教育史作为历史学和教育学的分支学科,在当前全球化视野下,研究心态史学对教育史学大有裨益,有利于拓宽教育史学研究领域的深度和广度,并树立整体的教育史观,强化教育史研究的反思性和问题意识,从而使教育史学在反思的基础上化解“危机”、骎骎日上。  相似文献   

The belief in the central role of the teacher has a long and comparative history. This article aims to critically analyse the discourse of the centrality of the teacher by both historicising and problematising the ideas and practices associated with this discourse. First, the article describes the discourse as it was taken up during the twenty‐first century when the teacher was viewed as the linchpin to building universal education systems. The idea that the ‘master makes the school’ is examined and the policies that stemmed from this thinking (e.g., the establishment of formal teacher training, teacher testing and certification) are outlined. The contemporary manifestations of this discourse are then described to show how the pervasive belief in the central role of the teacher has influenced education policy reforms, which like teacher policy reforms in the nineteenth century operate to shape and regulate the profession. Further discursive effects are analysed including the de‐contextualisation of educational reform and the de‐professionalisation and de‐politicisation of teachers and their work. The relationship between effective schools research and the centrality of the teacher discourse is also considered within the contemporary moment. This comparative study refers to the discourse of the centrality of the teacher in Australasia, Europe, Great Britain and North America, and suggests that our collective focus on the teacher has had some serious, unexpected effects on teachers and the work they do.  相似文献   

美国在高等教育研究生培养与研究方面有关学科性、课程设计与学位的争论表明 :(1 )高等教育研究作为一个学科尚不成熟。应用其他相对成熟学科的理论与方法 ,是提高高等教育研究水平与研究生培养学术质量的较好方式。(2 )高等教育研究生培养的一个主要任务是培养高等教育管理方面的实践人员 ,目前还缺少成熟的培养体系。美国大学正在采取各种试验性培养方式 ,使研究生培养更好地联系实际。 (3 )美国大学为高等教育研究生颁发学术性的Ph D和职业性的 Ed D两种学位 ,这种双轨制既有利于学术发展 ,也有利于培养实践者。  相似文献   

教师培养模式改革若干问题的思考   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
张斌贤 《教育研究》2005,26(12):19-24
近10年来,若干所高校为适应基础教育发展对教师的新的需要,自发地开展了教师培养模式的改革探索,形成了多种教师培养新模式,在很大程度上改变了沿袭多年的单一的教师培养模式,形成了立体的、多样化的教师培养模式的新格局。从对其中“4+2”模式的分析可以看出,它适应了教育发展特别是基础教育发展的需要。但我国在教师培养模式方面的改革还刚刚起步,还面临诸多的困难和挑战。因此,应当确立教师培养模式改革在教师教育改革中的战略地位,加强对教师培养模式的理论研究,促进教师培养模式改革的多元化和整体化,将教师培养模式改革与教师教育改革有机结合,以适应基础教育发展对教师素质不断变化的需要。  相似文献   

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