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哈市图书馆建立学术委员会哈尔滨市图书馆新的领导班子上任之后,为了充分发挥知识分子的作用,经市文化局同意,在馆内建立了学术委员会,作为馆长的业务咨询机构,并负责在馆内开展关于图书馆学及其相关科学的研究活动,以期通过学术研究活动不断改进和提高馆内的各项业务工作。委员会由省图书馆学会常务理事、学术委员、市政协委员王竞同志担任主任。委员会建立后,首先对八四年馆内八名同志发表的十二篇论文进行了评选、奖励,同时研究了八五年的学术研究活动计划。  相似文献   

通过剖析图书馆学术论文中存在的一些同题及其成因。提出图书馆应大力加强馆内学术研究活动。培养馆员的学术研究能力,提高论文写作水平。并将此作为一项十分重要的工作纳入图书馆的发展轨道。促进图书馆事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

日本东洋文库是一个世界闻名的关于亚洲文献资料收藏的中心。它有一套非常独特的联系专家学者的办法,即专门设立学术研究处(室),聘请专职专家学者在馆内从事学术研究,从而为其联系专家,充分发挥图书馆的功能起了独特的作用。  相似文献   

原河北农业大学图书馆副馆长李希孔研究馆员,献身图书情报事业28年,他勤奋敬业,勇于治学。他既是队伍建设的组织者,又是学术研究的领路人,李馆长退休了,但馆内同志感到要是老馆长再多带我们几程多好啊!  相似文献   

博客作为一种新兴的网络信息交流工具,具有个性化、即时性、开放性、互动性、低成本零技术特征。图林博客圈完善了图书馆人的群体形象,给图书馆人带来归属感和成就感,提高了图书馆人的服务意识和能力以及学术研究的水平。图书馆管理者应建立图书馆博客,提升组织凝聚力,推进馆内外信息的交流和共享,以便更好地服务读者。  相似文献   

西北政法学院图书馆对图书馆学、情报学研究十分重视.积极鼓励工作人员在做好本职繁重业务工作的同时,开展学术研究与工作研讨,借以提高自身业务素质,进而提升图书馆整体工作水平,在馆内形成了良好的学习钻研氛围。在自2000年开始连年开展优秀科研成果评奖表彰的基础上,又于2004年底组织了2003—2004年度优秀科研成果评奖,评选申报范围由原来的图书馆工作人员扩大到了全院的图书情报资料人员。  相似文献   

文章分析了馆内阅览研究难以深入的原因,在此基础上,试图将GIS引入到图书馆馆内阅览研究中,并以Arcview———目前最常见的GIS软件为例,探讨如何将GIS应用于实践管理中,以推动馆内阅览研究的深入。  相似文献   

图书馆应注意实体空间设计,转变实体布局,开展空间延伸服务.在实体空间的设计方面,无论是建筑风格还是设计主旨,都侧重于功能性与艺术性相统一.在馆内实体布局方面,探讨了影响用户馆内阅读行为的影响因素,并提出升级馆内空间.最后,阐述了图书馆如何开展空间延伸服务,包括增设馆内咖啡馆、亲子图书馆、兴趣小组讨论室、休闲娱乐区等社交服务.  相似文献   

高校图书馆读服务工作应通过引进现代信息技术,构建合理馆藏资源:重视馆内培训和学术研究,有效提高馆员整体的业务素质,结合具体实际,培养读“求真”的精神三个方面来弘扬科学精神。还应通过倡导人关怀,做“活”服务工作;深化服务内容,拓展服务项目及结合服务工作,引导读“求善”三个方面来弘扬人精神。  相似文献   

面对突发性呼吸道传染病疫情,图书馆作为人群密集场所,应对馆内卫生工作引起高度重视,建立智能辅助管理系统对馆内人群进行健康监测,对相关信息及时上报,对馆内文献、设备及场所进行自动消毒,对读者进行宣传教育。梳理了图书馆卫生工作的研究进展,在此基础上分析了图书馆卫生管理工作的需求,并提出了图书馆卫生智能辅助管理系统的建设方案,论证了其可行性,并对该系统的基本功能作了展示。  相似文献   

杜定友访日开启中日图书馆学双向交流的“鯻时代”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末民初中日图书馆界的交流基本上以中国学习日本为主,1926年夏杜定友访日向日本图书馆界展示了中国图书馆学家的风采,以间宫不二雄为首的日本图书馆界,不仅全盘接受了杜定友首创的由“图书馆”三字简写而成的新字“鯻”,而且先后创办以《鯻》和《鯻研究》命名的图书馆学期刊,在为日本图书馆界提供学术交流平台的同时,积极开展与中国图书馆界的学术交流,从此中日图书馆学实现了双向交流。  相似文献   

老骥伏枥文化人-王金祥先生印象记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王金祥先生对陕西图书情报事业的发展做出了重要贡献;他还特别注意培养信息管理事业的接班人,关怀和帮助中青年的成长,受到省内外图书情报、信息科学界的普遍欢迎和赞誉。  相似文献   

This mixed methods study examined the manifestations of deference behavior in teaching-focused academic librarians in higher education. The study highlights examples of why teaching-focused academic librarians engage in deference behavior particularly when working with disciplinary faculty colleagues in the classroom. Findings indicate that despite being extremely qualified and competent, teaching-focused academic librarians often engage in deference behavior, and yield power to their disciplinary faculty colleagues out of fear of losing their jobs or being regarded as necessary, as well as a strategy to keep their jobs and maintain access to classrooms. Understanding the perspectives of teaching-focused academic librarians is crucial to advancing and sustaining the library profession, in addition to expanding the discourse of how disciplinary faculty can work with their librarian colleagues to dismantle the current structures and systems in place that uphold inequitable practices. Implications for research and practice are provided in order to bring awareness to the underlying reasons for deference behavior in teaching-focused academic librarians, and garner support for teaching-focused academic librarians who continue to navigate rocky terrain with their faculty colleagues.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a small study that examined the relationship between academic librarians and their academic colleagues in a number of institutions in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. There is an abundance of literature outlining how librarians should collaborate with their academic colleagues but less emphasis on what librarians are doing in practice. This research explores the collaborative aspect of this relationship with a focus on information literacy training. Research findings look at factors which encourage and inhibit collaboration and challenges librarians face in achieving successful collaboration.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):209-230
The library literature records that bibliographic instruction (BI) has taken its rightful place in the academic library repertoire. The literature also records that technical services librarians (including cataloging librarians), continue to "break out of the basement," actively participating in BI since at least the late 1880s, although few articles codify specific contributions. In 1993, 124 librarians, currently working in State University of New York (SUNY) academic librarian positions, were surveyed regarding the extent of their participation in bibliographic instruction activates. Survey results are reported in detail, indicating that slightly less than half (47.6% or 39) of the 82 respondents do provide bibliographic instruction, not only catalog and library research instruction, but also instruction for a broad range of specialized subject areas. Conclusions challenge cataloging librarians to take a continuing more active role in BI, and challenge BI librarians to more actively embrace their cataloging colleagues. Conclusions also challenge both groups to collaborate in order to effectively teach their constituencies. Includes two tables, two charts, and numerous references.  相似文献   

Subject specialist college librarians can become producers and disseminators of knowledge by pursuing an active research agenda in their nonlibrary field. Research in an academic discipline can inform and enhance the college librarian's teaching, research, and collection development practices. Through such research, college librarians can elevate their personal status among their nonlibrary colleagues and students, as well as the prestige of their library and the library profession. Suggestions for managing traditional librarian duties and pursuing a nonlibrary research agenda are included.  相似文献   

Over the past 30?years, as the American workforce has become more generationally diverse, library administrators and academic librarians alike have focused on navigating dynamics that arise in a multigenerational workplace. Much scholarly research has been conducted on generational differences; however, most of this research assumes that the individuals studied adhere to or believe in generational stereotypes. This exploratory study used a hybrid experience-perception survey to examine the role or influence generational stereotypes have on academic librarians and how those stereotypes influence the academic library workforce. While few specific generational stereotypes were found to be held by participants, perceptions of generational stereotypes still have a significant influence in academic librarians' interactions with their colleagues. This finding means that regardless of their validity, the impact of generational stereotypes cannot be disregarded in academic library workplaces.  相似文献   

Librarians offer a unique perspective on e-books: on one hand they collect these resources and train users as part of their jobs, while on the other hand, they may be users of e-books themselves. With recent increases in research expectations for Canadian academic librarians, this study aimed to discover: when librarians do research, do they use e-books and how often are they using them? This study examines the results of a survey of 392 academic librarians from across Canada. The survey generated data on librarians' use of, and attitudes towards, e-books. While a number of studies examine the use and opinions of e-books among other user groups, this study examines how librarians search for or use e-books differently than other user groups. Results will help librarians to improve their liaison work and make more informed collection development decisions at their own institutions.  相似文献   

The results of a recent survey indicate that most law students do not consider learning legal research skills important. This article addresses ways in which academic law librarians can help counter negative attitudes toward legal research. The article also contains suggestions for helping motivate law students to develop competent legal research skills. The author encourages academic law librarians to assert their role in legal education by reevaluating legal research programs and, where appropriate, implementing positive change.  相似文献   


Communication and collaboration are vital aspects of 21st century librarianship, particularly for librarians in branch and regional settings who are often separated from their system colleagues by both physical distance and administrative structures. For this study, the authors conducted an exploratory survey to examine collaboration, communication, networking behaviors, and perceptions among librarians in multi-campus academic library systems. Results of this investigative study will lead to better understanding of these issues within the profession, suggest possible approaches and solutions for better models of communication and collaboration, and lay the groundwork for future research on these topics.  相似文献   

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