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美国商业性文件中心的发展历程和演变特点   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黄霄羽 《北京档案》2008,(12):36-38
美国既是文件中心的发源地,也是最早建立商业性文件中心的国家。商业性文件中心从20世纪40年代末起源,走过了60年发展历程,成为一种运用高科技手段为众多客户提供多种专业化服务的现代化企业。目前,商业性文件中心在美国发展成为一种成长型产业,类似于国内所说的“朝阳产业”。笔者查找了多篇有关商业性文件中心的英文文献,对美国商业性文件中心的发展历程进行分析梳理,试图探究其演变特点。  相似文献   

商业性文件中心是文件、信息管理领域运用高科技手段为客户提供全套专业化、社会化服务的现代企业,最早出现在美国,至今有近70年的发展历史。商业性文件中心不仅数量众多、遍布全球,而且形成了相当规模的成熟行业。20世纪90年代后期,商业性文件中心进入国际化发展阶段。本文分析商业性文件中心国际化发展的特点,归纳说明其跨国建设的原则、方式、业务设置和目标市场。  相似文献   

商业性文件中心在美国已经是一个较为成熟的产业。文章收集了美国商业性文件中心的分布数据,利用皮尔森相关系数将其与经济发展的相应指标进行了相关性分析,总结了美国商业性文件中心的分布特点,并在此基础上提出了对我国商业性文件中心行业发展的启示。  相似文献   

笔者曾撰文论述美国商业性文件中心的发展历程和演变特点《'1》,事实上,当前商业性文件中心的足迹早已遍及全球,不仅发展势头喜人,而且整体行业的成熟度较高.笔者依据相关文献和网站资料,归纳评析国外商业性文件中心的现状特点,供国内同行参考.  相似文献   

全面解析商业性文件中心   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商业性文件中心最早起源在美国,是文件中心的一种类型。经过60余年发展,它已从美国扩展到全球五大洲。笔者全面解读商业性文件中心的定义、性质、类型和特点,指出它因自身的独到优势而受到西方国家的普遍青睐。  相似文献   

商业性文件中心是一种提供商业性、专业化文件管理服务的企业,目前在欧美国家受到普遍青睐,尤以美国为盛.20世纪80年代以来,出于精简机构和提高效率的需要,"业务外包"(Outsourcing)的理念和做法被政府机构和企业广为接受.美国越来越多的企业开始选择商业性文件中心作为承担其文件管理、甚至包含信息管理业务的外包机构.  相似文献   

简论建立商业性文件中心的必要性和可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>商业性文件中心最早起源于美国,是一种借助高科技手段为有需要的企业、组织以及个人提供商业性、有偿性的文件乃至信息管理服务的现代企业。目前,商业性文件中心在欧美国家得到了广泛的建立,并以极快的速度发展成为全球性的企业。  相似文献   

商业性文件中心产生的理论依据和实践原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国20世纪40年代末起源的商业性文件中心至今已成为文件信息领域提供社会化服务的专业机构。本文提出商业性文件中心是基于文件生命周期理论的完美实践,其产生和发展突出体现了文件生命周期理论全过程管理的思想。商业性文件中心产生的实践原因包括满足多元化的市场需求、体现社会分工的细化、追求文件管理效益、实现文件管理和信息服务的技术优势等。  相似文献   

隋晓云 《兰台世界》2016,(17):24-27
对我国商业性文件中心的发展历程进行了调查,介绍了商业性文件中心在我国发展的优越性和重要性,在此基础上,结合我国国情和欧美发达国家商业性文件中心发展经验,论述了我国商业性文件中的发展前景。最后分析了商业性文件中心在我国发展所面临的障碍,提出了具有针对性的解决对策。  相似文献   

本文从商业性文件中心在国内外发展概况、中国化面临的障碍和机遇以及中国特色商业性文件中心的建设探索三个方面来解析商业性文件中心中国化,以期能为我国商业性文件中心建设提供参考。  相似文献   


The records of art conservators are important for many reasons. As people consider artwork a legacy of American culture so too will they also consider the records generated by individuals who have spent their working lives guaranteeing its long-term survival. Conservators and archival repositories need to work together to ensure that records relating to the treatment of art objects in their many forms be retained and made available to researchers generations from now. Some conservators and institutions have already begun to work together, most notably the conservators who have donated their papers to the Winterthur Museum. The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works and The Getty Conservation Institute organized a two-day roundtable discussion in May 2003, bringing conservators and archivists together to discuss the next steps in archiving the records of art conservators.  相似文献   

美国法律分别规定了联邦文件及档案管理系统;UBC档案硕士研究项目运用古文书学和当代档案学方法,界定了Records的根本含义.本文在此基础上,针对目前国内档案学界存在的对Documents和Records含义的混淆,从法理、学理和逻辑上为Documents与Records关系正理,提出Records就是档案.  相似文献   

The educational institutions that train archivists and records managers in Europe and North America have not engaged with the challenges of orality until very recently. As their counterparts in Africa are modelled on the earlier version of European and North American practice, they do not address the relationship between oral cultures and written records either. This article attempts to address this significant omission. It is grounded on evidence gathered during a fellowship at Chancellor College in Malawi and arises from the author??s work in preparing courses on archives and records management for a planned postgraduate degree. The methodological limitations imposed by the author??s lack of the appropriate African language skills are acknowledged. It is observed that the colonial archive has been subjected to vociferous criticism and that oral history programs have been advocated to fill perceived gaps. Yet, paradoxically the colonial archive is itself largely the product of a process of turning oral communications into written records. The nature of the processes and of the products is discussed. It is argued that these archives, like all archives, need to be interpreted as products of their historical and cultural setting. If users can read them ??with the grain??, then they may be able to utilise them for a range of purposes never envisaged by the creators of the records.  相似文献   

论《爱国者法案》对美国图书馆的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
罗曼 《图书情报工作》2005,49(2):134-136
美国图书馆界历来重视用户的隐私保护,通过一系列法律和政策限制政府机构获取用户信息,防止利用技术手段侵犯用户的隐私权。2001年出台的《爱国者法案》直接影响到图书馆用户的隐私权,弱化了图书馆用户的隐私保护。为此,美国图书馆界采取推动立法和充分发挥现有法律的作用等应对措施来确保用户的隐私权。  相似文献   

海外涉华私人档案的搜集与整理越来越受到档案学、历史学等学科的重视,尤其是美国涉华私人档案资料,因其整理规范和两国交往密切,备受研究者青睐。美国国会图书馆作为世界上最重要的图书馆之一,其手稿部藏有大量涉华私档,系统地记录了中美关系的发展与变化。这些涉华私档能够与公务档案互证,促进人物史研究不断深入,是研究中美关系史不可或缺的档案资料,具有重要学术价值。  相似文献   

张静  范冠艳 《档案学研究》2018,32(2):120-124
管理机制,是指管理系统的结构及其运行机理,其本质是管理系统的内在联系、功能及运行原理,是决定管理功效的核心问题。电子文件管理机制作为电子文件管理工作的组织保障,对于推动各项工作具有举足轻重的作用。本文在对比中美两国政府语境下电子文件和电子文件管理定义的基础上,系统分析了美国联邦政府电子文件管理机制中的相关单位及其职责,并总结归纳了该机制的特点,希望为我国电子文件管理机制的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Through the Treaty of Paris in 1898, Spain ceded to the United States all its colonial authority over the Philippines, including its other colonies. The Treaty also placed in American possession the Spanish records kept in the various agencies of the former colonial administration of the islands. Upon assumption of its role as the new de facto colonial regime, the American insular government initiated the process of collecting the Spanish colonial records to be housed in a central repository that became the nucleus of the National Archives of the Philippines. An important aspect of understanding the context of archives in post-colonial Philippines is to trace its early beginnings and to examine the archives’ association with former colonial powers. Established against the backdrop of the shift in the continuum of colonial regimes, the archive is undeniably a colonial creation and a manifestation of colonial domination. For the contemporary imagination, however, its very presence represents a common and collective past that consequently contributes to the formation of a “national consciousness” and ironically reinforces the idea of nationhood of the formerly colonized territory.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, discussion of government documents on American Indians has emphasized federal agency documents and archival records. Despite the fact that Congress has the ultimate authority in Indian affairs, document librarians have not explored the considerable research potential of hearings as a format for information. This article will show, with examples from early twentieth century legislative and oversight hearings, that there is significant untapped research content on American Indians in congressional hearings.  相似文献   

本文介绍了首席文件官(CRO)的起源及其职责,采用比较分析的方法,通过CIO(首席信息官)、CKO(首席知识管官)和CRO之间的比较,揭示美国政府文件管理的新变化,进一步凸显CRO的重要性,以及CRO对我国档案管理的启示.  相似文献   


This research project explores how to ethically, efficiently, and accurately add demographic terms for African American authors to catalog records. A Department of History graduate student located evidence of self-identification as African American for authors, and catalogers added the demographic term to bibliographic records and are in the process of creating work level Name Title Authority Records for titles written by those authors. This work is the beginning of systematically enhancing catalog data with author characteristics to support making such information available in faceted results.  相似文献   

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