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随着“全民健身”的不断普及和学校体育课程受重视程度的不断提高,加之学校体育教学改革的不断深入,社会和学校对健美操教学人才的需求不断增多,对健美操教师和教练员教学能力的要求也有很大的提高,培养教学实践能力水平较高的健美操教师和教练员显得尤为重要.高校体育教育专业健美操教育人才的培养,是满足社会对健美操教育人才需求的一条重要途径.然而,现阶段研究发现,多数体育教育专业毕业生教学实践能力不合格,就业困难等问题严重。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对黑龙江省各地区比较有代表性的5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课教学大纲和健美操老师为研究对象,对这5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课程设置进行系统调查、分析,了解到目前黑龙江省各高校健美操专项课程设置与社会需求脱轨;与学生需求矛盾;课程设置过于偏重技能教学而忽略理论课程的讲授.给出如下建议:适当降低传统课程的授课时数;增加流行课程和实践能力培养课的比重;增加理论课的授课时数、丰富理论课的授课内容.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对黑龙江省各地区比较有代表性的5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课教学大纲和健美操老师为研究对象,对这5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课程设置进行系统调查、分析,了解到目前黑龙江省各高校健美操专项课程设置与社会需求脱轨;与学生需求矛盾;课程设置过于偏重技能教学而忽略理论课程的讲授。给出如下建议:适当降低传统课程的授课时数;增加流行课程和实践能力培养课的比重;增加理论课的授课时数、丰富理论课的授课内容。  相似文献   

安徽省高校健美操专项毕业生就业调查与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生的就业直接关系到人才资源的配置和社会的稳定,大学毕业生就业形势已经成为社会关注的焦点之一。目前高校体育教育专业的就业形势严峻,健美操专项毕业生的就业形势虽然好于体育教育专业的平均水平,但也呈现下滑倾向。研究结果表明:健美操专学生的就业率高于体育教育专业的总体水平,但有下降倾向。大部分学生比较了解目前的就业形势,虽然就业形式不容乐观,但他们热爱自己的健美操专业,看重将来的发展机会,部分学生表现出学生就业期望值过高,择业观念不能完全适应市场需要等。如何根据变化的就业形势寻求相应的就业对策,这是各高校体育院系健美操专项迫切需要解决的课题。  相似文献   

健美操运动是高校最热门的体育项目之一,很受高校女生的青睐.在健美操教学中,开展"自主式教学法"实验,研究表明,自主式教学可以增强学生的健美操运动技能水平和学生的创编意识与能力,提高学生学习体育的兴趣,转变学习态度,增强学生的合作意识和能力,并能增强学生对体育学习的自信心,更大地激发学生的学习热情,提高教学质量和效果.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对体育师范专业健美操人才的专项能力培养进行研究,依据健美操项目特点及专项人才培养的实际情况,阐明体育师范专业健美操人才的专项能力包含的主要内容,提出促进健美操人才专项能力培养策略,为体育师范专业健美操专项人才培养提供一定的理论支撑。研究认为:体育师范专业健美操人才的专项能力在其学习全过程中占据主体地位,必须保证学生专项能力培养的根本性、全面性和系统性;构筑以专项知识、运动能力和教学能力为主,以创编能力、竞训能力和表演能力为辅的健美操人才的专项能力培养模式;专项知识是理论指引、运动能力是发展基础、教学能力是学习重点、创编能力是创新需求、竞训能力是实践拓展、表演能力是体育艺术。  相似文献   

借鉴多元智能理论,对体育教育专业健美操专修课程中,学生教学能力和课程开发能力是智能在健美操课中的一种表现形式进行研究.阐述了教学能力是运用学生的多种智能,把健美操知识与技能应用于体育教学实践的能力,上述能力和加德纳的多元智能理论中7个方面的智能均有密切相关.多种智能的培养和提高是健美操课程中学生教学能力和课程开发能力的基础,健美操课程开发能力可以从课程形式、课程内容和课程拓展3种途径来实现.  相似文献   

基于健美操就业岗位对健美操专业毕业生的能力需要,结合职业教育的特点,坚持以就业为导向,以技能应用型人才为培养目标,摆脱传统学科体系框架下的教学束缚,通过构建以健美操综合职业能力培养的实践实训项目,以行动为导向的教学理念来完成教学模式设计及各项实践途径,以培养和提高健美操专业人才综合职业能力.  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的不断改革,高校体育教育专业也日益趋向成熟,在专项选择方面,学生所能获取到的范围也越来越大,轮滑、跆拳道、太极拳、健美操以及空手道这类专项技能的流行,使得学生拥有了更为广阔的选择空间。在这样的过程中,体操专项的特点也便凸显出来,如何能够运用在线教学的形式保证体操专项教学的价值,也成为教师需要重点关注的教学问题之一,需要在教学的同时对此问题展开持续性的探究,找到更为有效的体操专项教学方法,才能满足学生对体操技能的实际需求。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、数理统计法等对我省8所具有代表性的师范高校体育教育专业健美操专项课程的教学内容、教学时数及教师队伍进行调查,通过对18名教师和210名学生调查显示,教师专业结构偏差太大、教学内容单一、教学时数太少,所培养的人才已不适应社会的需求,以此提出建议:加强对教师专业的培训;增加教学课时量;丰富教学内容、改变教学方法,为山东省师范高校体育教育专业健美操专项教学改革提供理论参考。  相似文献   

时间:6月25日 02:45地点:布鲁塞尔实况录像 这是本届杯赛的第二场1/4决赛。开场后,双方打得都比较谨慎,意大利队依旧是老办法。先是一阵猛攻,而且他们的攻势也较有威胁。第7分钟,菲奥雷左路横传门前,因扎吉插上射门将球打偏。第16分钟,托蒂在左路小角度凌空远射被守门员斯泰莱亚扑出。托蒂、因扎吉和菲奥雷的三角组合已经显示出很强的威力。第26分钟,又是托蒂斜传右翼的因扎吉。因扎吉传中,菲奥雷凌空射门将球打高。 第33分钟,意大利任意球被罗马尼亚队员顶出,菲奥雷在外围将球妙传禁区左侧,罗马尼亚队员造…  相似文献   

This article highlights new nutritional concerns or practices that may influence the adaptation to training. The discussion is based on the assumption that the adaptation to repeated bouts of training occurs during recovery periods and that if one can train harder, the adaptation will be greater. The goal is to maximize with nutrition the recovery/adaptation that occurs in all rest periods, such that recovery before the next training session is complete. Four issues have been identified where recent scientific information will force sports nutritionists to embrace new issues and reassess old issues and, ultimately, alter the nutritional recommendations they give to athletes. These are: (1) caffeine ingestion; (2) creatine ingestion; (3) the use of intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) as a fuel during exercise and the nutritional effects on IMTG repletion following exercise; and (4) the role nutrition may play in regulating the expression of genes during and after exercise training sessions. Recent findings suggest that low doses of caffeine exert significant ergogenic effects by directly affecting the central nervous system during exercise. Caffeine can cross the blood–brain barrier and antagonize the effects of adenosine, resulting in higher concentrations of stimulatory neurotransmitters. These new data strengthen the case for using low doses of caffeine during training. On the other hand, the data on the role that supplemental creatine ingestion plays in augmenting the increase in skeletal muscle mass and strength during resistance training remain equivocal. Some studies are able to demonstrate increases in muscle fibre size with creatine ingestion and some are not. The final two nutritional topics are new and have not progressed to the point that we can specifically identify strategies to enhance the adaptation to training. However, it is likely that nutritional strategies will be needed to replenish the IMTG that is used during endurance exercise. It is not presently clear whether the IMTG store is chronically reduced when engaging in daily sessions of endurance training or if this impacts negatively on the ability to train. It is also likely that the increased interest in gene and protein expression measurements will lead to nutritional strategies to optimize the adaptations that occur in skeletal muscle during and after exercise training sessions. Research in these areas in the coming years will lead to strategies designed to improve the adaptive response to training.  相似文献   

This article highlights new nutritional concerns or practices that may influence the adaptation to training. The discussion is based on the assumption that the adaptation to repeated bouts of training occurs during recovery periods and that if one can train harder, the adaptation will be greater. The goal is to maximize with nutrition the recovery/adaptation that occurs in all rest periods, such that recovery before the next training session is complete. Four issues have been identified where recent scientific information will force sports nutritionists to embrace new issues and reassess old issues and, ultimately, alter the nutritional recommendations they give to athletes. These are: (1) caffeine ingestion; (2) creatine ingestion; (3) the use of intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) as a fuel during exercise and the nutritional effects on IMTG repletion following exercise; and (4) the role nutrition may play in regulating the expression of genes during and after exercise training sessions. Recent findings suggest that low doses of caffeine exert significant ergogenic effects by directly affecting the central nervous system during exercise. Caffeine can cross the blood-brain barrier and antagonize the effects of adenosine, resulting in higher concentrations of stimulatory neurotransmitters. These new data strengthen the case for using low doses of caffeine during training. On the other hand, the data on the role that supplemental creatine ingestion plays in augmenting the increase in skeletal muscle mass and strength during resistance training remain equivocal. Some studies are able to demonstrate increases in muscle fibre size with creatine ingestion and some are not. The final two nutritional topics are new and have not progressed to the point that we can specifically identify strategies to enhance the adaptation to training. However, it is likely that nutritional strategies will be needed to replenish the IMTG that is used during endurance exercise. It is not presently clear whether the IMTG store is chronically reduced when engaging in daily sessions of endurance training or if this impacts negatively on the ability to train. It is also likely that the increased interest in gene and protein expression measurements will lead to nutritional strategies to optimize the adaptations that occur in skeletal muscle during and after exercise training sessions. Research in these areas in the coming years will lead to strategies designed to improve the adaptive response to training.  相似文献   

谈体育教学中怎样发挥学生的主体性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴友谊  袁广锋 《体育学刊》2000,(2):61-62,64
根据现代教育学的基本原理,分析体育教学中发挥学生主体性的问题,总结了发挥学生主体性的一些措施,对当今体育教学改革有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

上赛季,桑普多利亚令人惊讶地击败了巴勒莫、那不勒斯、尤文图斯等强敌,最终获得联赛第4名,赢得了欧洲冠军联赛资格赛的入场券,而缔造这一神奇的主要人物无疑是卡萨诺和帕齐尼这对锋线组合。两位意大利人在上赛季联手攻入33球,令意甲不少豪门都为之眼红,"卡帕"组合也声名鹊起,成为了亚平宁半岛最炙手可热的双前  相似文献   

21世纪是信息时代,信息的主要载体是计算机。计算机在当今各行各业的使用越来越普及。从中小学到大专院校,有条件的都在开设微机课程。计算机辅助教学已经走进课堂,并以其生动形象的图形、多媒体动画、声光电技术,以及高速的数据处理能力和智能化软件为特点,为教学提供了巨大的帮助。  相似文献   

本文在多年实践的基础上,就大学生体育合格标准中的一些问题进行论述。一、制定大学生体育合格标准的必要性;二、依据与原则;三、内容与指示;四、评分方法;五、实施中的问题与对策。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):116-120
This article examines the genesis of and reactions to the six week strike by members of the New Zealand Cricket Players Association in late 2002 in which the primary focus was a claim for a 60 percent increase in pay. It argues that contrasting reactions to the strike among current and former players, cricket administrators, cricket fans and the media, must be understood in terms of a longer history of difficulty and dispute over players payment and representation in New Zealand cricket – a history that embodies a fundamental tension between the demands of professional cricket and the amateur ethos that characterised the New Zealand game from the late nineteenth century to the late 1970s.  相似文献   

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