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网球的落点千变万化,和达芬奇画的鸡蛋一样,所以没有一模一样的来球。只有通过灵活的步法,才能移动到最佳的击球位置。飞快的脚步很关键,寻找最易发力击球的点则需经验,接近来球最后的步法则是需用碎步进行调整。下面就来介绍一个提高碎步移动能力的身体灵敏性训练法。只要有网球,在家里也可进行练习。  相似文献   

宋慧荣  徐良  年四永 《精武》2012,(3):23-23,25
无论是专业的网球运动员还是业余的网球发烧友,都会有同一个感觉——反手的击球动作相比于正手击球动作要难提高。尤其是在一些业余的比赛中,反手往往成为对方攻击的主要位置。如何提高反手水平成了广大同球爱好者迫切希望解决的问题。本文通过对网球技术中反手技术的深入分析,在符合人体生理规律的基础上提出一些反手技术的辅助训练方法,可以有效提高国球运动者反手击球水平。  相似文献   

少儿网球训练一定要重视网前截击球的训练。截击球在网球比赛中是一项重要的得分手段。掌握好截击球技术,对发球上网,随击球上网都有很大的帮助作用,同时也能使技术水平提到一个新的高度。在训练中要特别  相似文献   

正手击球 对于初学员网球的人来说,开始比较容易掌握的技术是正手击球。与学习反手击球相比较,初学者往往感觉正手击球学起来比反手击球难度小。但是,正手击球的节奏一旦稍稍有一点点遭破坏,则会导致全局乱套。实际上,网球技术水平的提高,最令人苦恼的技术就是正手击球,因此,认认真真地学好正手击球这项最基本的技术,是提高网球整体技术水平的关键所在。 削球的基本特点是:使球尽量低地过网,击出的球是低低地滑动飞出,但是,更具攻击性削球的轨迹也有例外、比如打到对方网前的小球。其技巧是拍面角度比一般的削球稍大点。基本上…  相似文献   

多样与单一你好,我是一个从事青少年网球培训工作的教练。最近,我有一个问题想请您帮助解答一下。我发现很多儿童网球培训班的课程,在一个小时的时间内可能会拿出二十分钟左右来进行一些无球移动练习或球感练习。而我倾向于做完准备活动之后立即开始练习各种击球,因为我认为只有小孩子在尽可能短的时间内把球打得有模有样,家长才会买账,才会认可这个教练的教学水平。同时,我也认为重复的训练方法要比变化太多的花样更容易让学员快速提高,请问我说的对吗?在第一个问题上,我只能说条条大路通罗马。初学网球可以分为提高球感和学习动作两个方面。这并不是说非要单独练习球感或是非要通过击球练习球感。同时脚下移动能力也是提高到位情况打好球的关键因素。每个培训机构的经营者和教练团队都会有自己的培训理念和经营策略。这些环节的成败应该由市场说的算。至于你所说的第二个问题,我认为在学习网球的任何阶段,不同的训练  相似文献   

威尔·哈什 《网球》2008,(11):118-118
网球墙一堵网球墙就像一个百发百中的搭档,它从不会漏掉任何球。但是有一个问题,一个常规的网球打到墙上再反弹回来的速度会非常快,给引拍、准备下次击球留出的时间很短。长时间打这种太过仓促的击球,  相似文献   

网球击球攻守,表现在"八度"上.1、网球"八度"的风采:展示为:速度、力度、弧度、高度、远度、角度、刁度和旋度等技巧.2、网球"八度"的机制:击球技巧是要素有机的结构、阶段有序的过程、节奏协调的定型等科学理论.3、网球"八度"的哲理:击球攻守对抗,球是攻守矛盾的焦点,一切网球理论和方法从此产生.击球是人、拍、球和协调系...  相似文献   

任何运动都跟物理有着密切的关系,所以我们可以用物理常识来改善我们的网球技术。 1.降低重心。降低重心能自然提高我们所击出球的高度,过网更有保障。最惯常的降低重心的动作是屈膝,所以打网球的准备动作是膝关节微弯而非直立,这也使我们能更快速移动。 2.转移身体力量。将身体力量转移到网球上可大大加强击出的球的力度,击球时往前45°方向踏出一小步,正手击球迈左脚,反手迈右脚(右手握拍),这样随着重心的移  相似文献   

唐建军 《网球天地》2012,(4):114-115
怪“弧线”——网球为何如此飞行 上旋击球追求的就是一条合理的弧线。目的很简单:在较大的击球力量下(不过于依赖重力作用),使球既不出界也不下网。为什么能够做到这点呢?  相似文献   

张恭和 《网球天地》2020,(1):100-107
搞清楚网球的各种关系,对打好网球,更好地享受网球的乐趣,是十分必要的。1技术、体能和心理的关系。网球技术主要是发球技术和正反手击球技术。练好发球技术,打高压球基本能解决。不同的是,发球是主动击球,击打高压球是被动击球。练好正反手击球技术,击打正反手各种类型的球同样能解决。  相似文献   

Modern tennis rackets are manufactured from composite materials with high stiffness-to-weight ratios. In this paper, a finite element (FE) model was constructed to simulate an impact of a tennis ball on a freely suspended racket. The FE model was in good agreement with experimental data collected in a laboratory. The model showed racket stiffness to have no influence on the rebound characteristics of the ball, when simulating oblique spinning impacts at the geometric stringbed centre. The rebound velocity and topspin of the ball increased with the resultant impact velocity. It is likely that the maximum speed at which a player can swing a racket will increase as the moment of inertia (swingweight) decreases. Therefore, a player has the capacity to hit the ball faster, and with more topspin, when using a racket with a low swingweight.  相似文献   

There has been significant technological advancement in the game of tennis over the past two decades. In particular, tennis rackets have changed in size, shape and material composition. The effects of these changes on ball rebound speed have been well documented, but few studies have considered the effects on ball angular velocity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three factors on post-impact ball spin. Tennis balls were projected at three velocities toward a clamped racket simulating three levels of stiffness and strung at three string tensions. The angular velocity of each tennis ball was measured from stroboscopic images during an oblique impact with the racket. A three-way factorial ANOVA revealed significant (P < 0.01) differences in the post-impact angular velocity for string tension, racket stiffness and impact velocity, as well as two-way interactions between string tension and impact velocity, and between racket stiffness and impact velocity. The possibility of tangential elastic strain energy being stored in the racket and ball was evident in low impact velocity trials. These displayed a post-impact angular velocity where the circumference of the ball was translating faster than the relative velocity between the ball’s centre of mass and the string surface. It was concluded that increasing the relative impact velocity between the racket and ball was the best means of increasing the post-impact angular velocity of the tennis ball.  相似文献   

Oblique impact of a tennis ball on the strings of a tennis racket   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measurements are presented of the friction force acting on a tennis ball incident obliquely on the strings of a tennis racket. This information, when combined with measurements of ball speed and spin, reveals details of the bounce process that have not previously been observed and also provides the first measurements of the coefficient of sliding friction between a tennis ball and the strings of a tennis racket. At angles of incidence less than about 40° to the string plane, the ball slides across the strings during the whole bounce period. More commonly, the ball is incident at larger angles in which case the ball slides across the string plane for a short distance before gripping the strings. While the bottom of the ball remains at rest on the strings, the remainder of the ball continues to rotate for a short period, after which the ball suddenly releases its grip and the bottom of the ball slides backwards on the string plane. The bounce angle depends mainly on the angle of incidence and the rotation speed of the incident ball. Differences in bounce angle and spin off head-clamped and hand-held rackets are also described.  相似文献   

Recreational tennis players tend to have higher incidence of tennis elbow, and this has been hypothesised to be related to one-handed backhand technique and off-centre ball impacts on the racket face. This study aimed to investigate for a range of participants the effect of off-longitudinal axis and off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations on racket and forearm joint angle changes immediately following impact in one-handed tennis backhand groundstrokes. Three-dimensional racket and wrist angular kinematic data were recorded for 14 university tennis players each performing 30 “flat” one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Off-longitudinal axis ball–racket impact locations explained over 70% of the variation in racket rotation about the longitudinal axis and wrist flexion/extension angles during the 30 ms immediately following impact. Off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations had a less clear cut influence on racket and forearm rotations. Specifically off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis forced the wrist into flexion for all participants with there being between 11° and 32° of forced wrist flexion for an off-longitudinal axis impact that was 1 ball diameter away from the midline. This study has confirmed that off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis contribute to forced wrist flexion and eccentric stretch of the wrist extensors and there can be large differences in the amount of forced wrist flexion from individual to individual and between strokes with different impact locations.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to establish theoretical bases for the experimental results reported by Baker and Putnam (1979), and Walanabe, Ikegami and Miyashita (1979), concerning grip firmness on a tennis racket and its effect on the ratio of post- to pre-impact ball velocity. The model predicted that, for central impacts, there was no change in the ball velocity ratio when a regular tennis racket was tightly clamped at the grip or allowed to freely stand on its butt. To validate the model further, alterations were made to two parameters of the racket—a tennis racket was modified to increase the stiffness, and a racketball racket was used to simulate a shortened tennis racket. Multiple exposure photographs were taken of balls striking the center of the rackets under the two extremes of grip firmness. Measurements were taken from enlargements of these photographs in order to calculate the horizontal component of post- to pre-impact ball velocity. It was found that shortening the length and greatly increasing the stiffness was required before the effect of grip firmness was noticeable.  相似文献   

A forward dynamics computer simulation for replicating tennis racket/ball impacts is described consisting of two rigid segments coupled with two degrees of rotational freedom for the racket frame, nine equally spaced point masses connected by 24 visco-elastic springs for the string-bed and a point mass visco-elastic ball model. The first and second modal responses both in and perpendicular to the racket string-bed plane have been reproduced for two contrasting racket frames, each strung at a high and a low tension. Ball/string-bed normal impact simulations of real impacts at nine locations on each string-bed and six different initial ball velocities resulted in <3% RMS error in rebound velocity (over the 16–27 m/s range observed). The RMS difference between simulated and measured oblique impact rebound angles across nine impact locations was 1°. Thus, careful measurement of ball and racket characteristics to configure the model parameters enables researchers to accurately introduce ball impact at different locations and subsequent modal response of the tennis racket to rigid body simulations of tennis strokes without punitive computational cost.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nature of the power point in tennis. A series of static racket impacts and a polynomial fit were used to simulate four different racket shots with increasing amounts of angular velocity—identifying the true ‘power point’ for each shot. A rigid body model was used to define the ‘ideal point’ for each shot—the impact point which theoretically yields maximum outbound ball velocity. Comparing theory with experiment revealed that the ‘ideal point’ is most accurate for impacts around the racket’s node point (the rigid body model does not account for frame vibration). Previous research has shown that tennis players aim to strike the node point of the racket. The concept of the ideal point has potential in tuning the weight distribution of a racket to a player’s shot type. If the ‘ideal point’ exists at the racket node point for a player’s typical forehand shot, then outbound ball velocities can be maximised.  相似文献   

The application of advanced engineering to tennis racket design has influenced the nature of the sport. As a result, the International Tennis Federation has established rules to limit performance, with the aim of protecting the nature of the game. This paper illustrates how changes to the racket affect the player-racket system. The review integrates engineering and biomechanical issues related to tennis racket performance, covering the biomechanical characteristics of tennis strokes, tennis racket performance, the effect of racket parameters on ball rebound and biomechanical interactions. Racket properties influence the rebound of the ball. Ball rebound speed increases with frame stiffness and as string tension decreases. Reducing inter-string contacting forces increases rebound topspin. Historical trends and predictive modelling indicate swingweights of around 0.030–0.035 kg/m2 are best for high ball speed and accuracy. To fully understand the effect of their design changes, engineers should use impact conditions in their experiments, or models, which reflect those of actual tennis strokes. Sports engineers, therefore, benefit from working closely with biomechanists to ensure realistic impact conditions.  相似文献   

The dynamic impact characteristics of tennis balls with tennis rackets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic properties of six types of tennis balls were measured using a force platform and high-speed digital video images of ball impacts on rigidly clamped tennis rackets. It was found that the coefficient of restitution reduced with velocity for impacts on a rigid surface or with a rigidly clamped tennis racket. Pressurized balls had the highest coefficient of restitution, which decreased by 20% when punctured. Pressureless balls had a coefficient of restitution approaching that of a punctured ball at high speeds. The dynamic stiffness of the ball or the ball-racket system increased with velocity and pressurized balls had the highest stiffness, which decreased by 35% when punctured. The characteristics of pressureless balls were shown to be similar to those of punctured balls at high velocity and it was found that lowering the string tension produced a smaller range of stiffness or coefficient of restitution. It was hypothesized that players might consider high ball stiffness to imply a high coefficient of restitution. Plots of coefficient of restitution versus stiffness confirmed the relationship and it was found that, generally, pressurized balls had a higher coefficient of restitution and stiffness than pressureless balls. The players might perceive these parameters through a combination of sound, vibration and perception of ball speed off the racket.  相似文献   


The dynamic properties of six types of tennis balls were measured using a force platform and high-speed digital video images of ball impacts on rigidly clamped tennis rackets. It was found that the coefficient of restitution reduced with velocity for impacts on a rigid surface or with a rigidly clamped tennis racket. Pressurized balls had the highest coefficient of restitution, which decreased by 20% when punctured. Pressureless balls had a coefficient of restitution approaching that of a punctured ball at high speeds. The dynamic stiffness of the ball or the ball-racket system increased with velocity and pressurized balls had the highest stiffness, which decreased by 35% when punctured. The characteristics of pressureless balls were shown to be similar to those of punctured balls at high velocity and it was found that lowering the string tension produced a smaller range of stiffness or coefficient of restitution. It was hypothesized that players might consider high ball stiffness to imply a high coefficient of restitution. Plots of coefficient of restitution versus stiffness confirmed the relationship and it was found that, generally, pressurized balls had a higher coefficient of restitution and stiffness than pressureless balls. The players might perceive these parameters through a combination of sound, vibration and perception of ball speed off the racket.  相似文献   

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