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通过对国内外6所大学图书馆LibGuides平台的网络调研,从应用程度、功能布局、资源组织、创建模式和用户参与等方面,对国内外大学图书馆在LibGuides创建理念、创建内容和创建主体上的差异性进行深入分析和比较,得出以下启示:国内导引创建要以用户需求为导向,合理规划导引框架和内容,同时要充分调动用户参与的积极性,提高LibGuides的知名度和影响力,保证导引平台的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

LibGuides是一个专为图书馆设计的内容管理与知识共享系统,主要应用于构建学科服务平台。通过调研中国10所大学图书馆LibGuides学科服务平台的现状,立足平台的开放性、互动性和用户接受度分析LibGuides学科服务平台服务功能,并提出完善国内大学图书馆LibGuides学科服务平台服务功能的建议。  相似文献   

文章对LibGuides在我国“985”高校图书馆的应用现状进行了调查,从导引的数量、类型、覆盖的学科范围、访问量、更新日期、浏览功能、检索功能、内容等多方面对LibGuides的应用情况进行了分析和总结,并针对LibGuides在“985”高校图书馆应用中存在的问题提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

LibGuides是由SpringShare推出的学科导航工具,在国外,已被较多的学科馆员们作为学科服务平台。本文选取了美国8所正在使用该平台的大学图书馆为调研对象,通过比较,了解各馆使用LibGuides的基本情况及主页导航能力的差异,从用户的参与和检索系统的嵌入两方面探讨各馆利用LibGuides功能的情况,并从最受欢迎的导航在收集、管理、组织信息等方面的差异,评价各馆利用此平台的程度和特色,以方便国内用户借鉴。  相似文献   

LibGuides是中国高等教育文献保障系统(简称“CALIS”)三期参考咨询项目学科服务子项目引进的开放网络服务平台.论文介绍西交利物浦大学运用LibGuides提升和延伸图书馆服务的案例:创建学校各类交互指南(资源导航、学科导航、课程指南、研究指南等),并将这些指南嵌入到图书馆网站和学校门户;关注与探究LibGuides新功能,采用LibCal有效地管理与推广图书馆的信息培训课程.文章指出:国内高校图书馆可以借鉴中外合作大学在运用LibGuides上的经验及后续建设思路,以推动LibGuides在国内高校图书馆的有效使用,进而实现CALIS在学科服务项目上的目标.  相似文献   

本文以山西大学图书馆学科平台的建设为例,针对国内高校图书馆LibGuides学科平台出现的问题,分享了平台建设的实践经验,从体系建设、模块设计、网页美化三方面为同行建设学科平台提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

对39所"985工程"高校图书馆主页进行调研,从用户体验的角度,通过实例总结分析当前三种主流的学科服务平台建设形式的特点。在对LibGuides进行学科服务平台建设的一片叫好声中,比较分析其与其他建设平台的优缺点,供其他高校选用合适的形式进行学科服务平台的建设。  相似文献   

用户参与高校图书馆学科服务平台的建设与发展有助于提升学科服务水平,增强学科服务平台的生命力。文章采用实验方法,以S大学的LibGuides平台为例,构建观测指标,对用户参与高校图书馆学科服务平台的行为进行深入研究。通过观察和测量用户在不同参与阶段的认知、情感和行为表现发现,用户参与程度的加深会促进用户认知水平的提升,促进用户对学科服务平台情感的增强,同时也有助于推动用户进行“信息获取”“信息共享”“价值共创”等行为。总体来看,用户参与程度的加深会提升“用户满意度”和“用户持续使用意愿”。图3。表8。参考文献49。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]推动信息检索课的教学改革,为高校图书馆嵌入式学科服务找到了最佳切入点.[方法/过程]利用LibGuides平台,创建信息检索课课程导引,并开展嵌入网络教学系统的具体实践,采用问卷调查、点击量分析的方法,检验该实践的可行性以及实用价值.[结果/结论]总结教师创建课程导引的优势、宣传策略的效果以及开发本土学科服务平台的必要性,同时,指出利用LibGuides平台,嵌入学校网络教学以及管理系统,是提升图书馆学科服务的一个有效途径.  相似文献   

指出LibGuides具有组织清晰、后台管理灵活,用户交互性强、社会服务性好等特点。重点分析中国人民大学图书馆协作式学科服务平台建设实践,认为学科馆员主导、用户协作的建设方式能够结合学科馆员图情方面的专长和用户的专业知识,提高指南的实用性、权威性和建设效率;将用户进行分类,邀其参与不同阶段的指南建设,有利于充分发挥各类用户的作用。  相似文献   


A year ago, West Chester University Libraries began using the LibGuides library content management system. In the 1st year since implementing LibGuides (http://subjectguides.wcupa.edu/), our subject librarians have developed numerous subject guides, replacing outmoded and outdated Web pages with new guides that have a more appealing format. We have also found that Web guides can be used for projects beyond the traditional library subject guide. One of the best features of the LibGuides software is that it allows our subject librarians to easily repackage information and resources in multiple ways that suit different audiences. In this article, the authors describe how they have used these guides to respond to the needs of their university community and how they hope to expand the potential uses of the Web guides.  相似文献   

Usability testing has become a routine way for many libraries to ensure that their Web presence is user-friendly and accessible. At the same time, popular subject guide creation systems, such as LibGuides, decentralize Web content creation and put authorship into the hands of librarians who may not be trained in user-centered design principles. At Metropolitan State University, researchers performed usability testing on LibGuides in order to see how patrons interact with guides. Researchers completed two rounds of usability testing on a total of ten students, one alumnus, and one community patron. The results indicate that patrons struggled most when encountering jargon, inconsistent language, and visual clutter. Based on their findings, researchers recommend ongoing usability testing of subject guides as well as the creation of a style guide to help librarians create usable, accessible guides.  相似文献   

Reference librarians at East Tennessee State University's Sherrod Library identified LibGuides as an efficient way to introduce undergraduate students, particularly those in their first two years of college, to the university library. Selecting pertinent library resources based on a course syllabus and creating a LibGuide for the course provides the students with a limited number of relevant materials. Librarians and professors view the use of subject guides attached to a course management system site as an effective educational solution. Librarians facing exponentially expanding resources and first-year students who are used to turning to Google for all their information needs can utilize LibGuides to guide students toward more relevant library resources.  相似文献   

Online subject guides are commonly used by libraries to provide information support to students. LibGuides (a cloud-based commercial product launched in 2007) represents one of the latest incarnations of the traditional subject guide or portal, and are widely used across American academic libraries. In Ireland however, library subject guides of entirely local design and hosted on a local web server still dominate.This paper outlines the project management process involved in implementing a LibGuides pilot at University College Dublin Library, including the planning, design and implementation of a new range of subject-related guides. The pilot nature of the project necessitated a strong focus on evaluation, particularly in assessing the effectiveness and suitability of LibGuides as a platform for delivering information literacy support, both from an administrative and end-user perspective. A two-stranded approach was used in this review process, incorporating quantitative web statistics and analytics alongside qualitative feedback from students, academic staff and Library staff.Feedback that was gathered suggested that the LibGuides subject guides were generally viewed very positively by both staff and students. Notwithstanding this, awareness (as indicated through usage statistics) remained moderate during the pilot, pointing to the importance of the visibility, positioning and promotion of guides.  相似文献   

The Physician Assistant (PA) specialty encompasses many subject areas and requires many types of library resources. An analysis of PA LibGuides was performed to determine most frequently recommended resources. A sample of LibGuides from U.S. institutions accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) was included in this study. Resources presented on guides were tabulated and organized by resource type. Databases and point-of-care tools were the types of resources listed by the most LibGuides. There were over 1,000 books listed on the 45 guides, including over 600 unique books listed. There were fewer journals listed, only 163. Overall, while the 45 LibGuides evaluated list many unique resources in each category, a librarian can create an accepted list of the most frequently listed resources from the data gathered.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 2007, Springshare's LibGuides has become a popular content management system (CMS) with academic libraries. The challenges of managing LibGuides content through a cohesive content strategy have not been well documented. The researchers conducted a survey of academic libraries that were using the LibGuides platform in Fall 2019 to determine how institutions are managing content challenges. Of 120 respondents, only 53% of the respondents indicated that their institutions had content guidelines that LibGuides authors were expected to follow. The top three most observed elements of these content guidelines were page design (80%), content reuse policies (77%), naming conventions (73%), and navigation (3%). 15% of respondents' institutions did not review guides once they were published. Of those that reviewed guides post-publication, authors (84%) most frequently reviewed their own guides. These findings imply that LibGuides are largely cared for on an honour system. Guidelines tend towards quantifiable elements and omit more abstract concepts.  相似文献   

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