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"教材是个例子。"它是教师的教本、学生的课本,是学生学习数学的"例子",它让使用者看到了知识的体系和知识的发生,是教与学的首选材料和资源,我们必须以一种严谨的、科学的态度保持对教材应有的尊重。但不同地区、不同班级的学生有着不同的生活经验、认知基础,不同教师对于数学教学有着不同的理解和诠释,对于同一个数学内容有着不同的解读和处理。教师很多时候要  相似文献   

在数学教学中,常有一些学生抱怨说他们已经理解了所学的数学概念和定理,但就是不能用自己的话来描述这些概念和定理,实际上,这些抱怨给我们教师反馈了一个重要信息——这些学生还没有真正理解和掌握所学习的数学内容。这里介绍一种简便易行的数学学具——数学学习卡(简称学习卡),它也许能帮助这些学生。学习卡是一种规格为3×5的硬纸卡片。制作时学生首先把在课堂上和教材及习题中出现  相似文献   

德国的迈克·诺伊布兰德在《学生所知道的,教师所知道的——理论、工具和结果》一文中指出,任务是获得学生学业成就、学生思维和学习方式以及教师如何表达知识、构建课时、反馈学生等信息的工具.  相似文献   

核心知识是指蕴含同一个基本的、反映学科本质特征的主要内容或关键内容,抓住核心知识而教有助于发展学生的学科关键能力。教师从教材内容解读、学科思维方式、教与学的方式等方面探寻把数学抽象能力、推理能力有机融合在数学学习过程中的策略,将有助于学生在学习过程中积淀理性精神之核心素养。  相似文献   

32名小学数学教师与这些教师所教班级的1691名学生参与了本研究。两个测量工具评价了教师的数学学科知识与学科教学知识,对教师的55节数学课进行了录像,并按照学习任务的认知水平与课堂对话的特点进行了编码,同时测查了学生的期末数学学习成绩。多水平分析结果表明:教师的学科教学知识、课堂学习任务的认知水平、课堂对话中教师提问问题的类型与对话的权威来源对学生的数学成绩具有显著的预测作用;而教师的学科知识对学生数学成绩的影响未达到显著性水平。  相似文献   

当今时代,知识时刻在更新,学校和教师显然不可能为学生准备足够的知识来满足将来生存和发展之需要,但必须而且能够使学生具备不断获取新知的能力——学习能力。而阅读属于信息输入加工形式,是人类汲取知识的重要手段和认识世界的重要途径,因此,阅读能力是学生可持续发展能力的一个重要标志。提起阅读教学,人们往往认为只有语文、外语才需要阅读教学,其实,作为基础学科的数学也同样需要阅读教学。一、数学阅读概念的界定1.什么是阅读阅读是人类一个重要的活动。但阅读是什么,目前尚无统一的、明确的定义。由于阅读活动类型不同,这些不同的阅…  相似文献   

纪利霞 《教学与管理》2009,(12):124-126
传统意义上的数学教学强调知识和技能的传递,强调教师对教学的控制,注重学生接受式的学习,课堂教学模式基本上是灌输——接受,学生基本上是听讲——记忆——练习——再现教师传授的知识。学生完全处于一种被动接受的状态,学生只要全神贯注地听,把教师讲的记下来,考试时准确无误地答在试卷上就算完成了学习任务。而新课标强调学生探究新知的经历和获得新知的体验,学生通过过程理解一个数学问题的提出,  相似文献   

英语阅读在英语学习中具有不可替代的地位。因而,教师要根据阅读材料设计一些具有针对性、趣味性的问题来激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高他们的阅读能力,逐步培养学生的语言学习能力。以下是我的一些教学实例,均以任务驱动为主要手段,针对不同类型材料和不同学情,帮助学生达到获取知识信息并加工不同阶段信息的目的,有效实现了师生课堂教与学的互动。  相似文献   

从互动到自由——对教学过程的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学过程是教师引导学生共同完成教学任务中的活动状态及其时间流程。由相互依存的教与学两方面构成。教师教的过程和学生学的过程在作为一个整体的教学过程中是有规律地联系在一起的,揭示它们之间的辩证关系有助于深入理解教学本质,有助于深化教 学改革。探究他们间的本质联系,首先必须认清教与学的对象是具 有鲜明特征的个体,尤其需要在确认教的任务服务于学生学的前提 下,深入研究学习过程。不仅把学习过程看作是学习者对现成信息 的接受和贮存,而且是学习主体对信息的主动加工过程。学习过程 也不是单纯的知识能力的获得过程,也是一定情感、意志、兴趣、爱好的形成过程。因此,研究教与学的关系除了研究它们在完成教 学任务中的外在活动,更重要的是要关注教与学在传授、学习知识 过程中个体的内在变化,即教与学内在情感不断变化的丰富的主观 世界,当我们把眼光投向教与学的平面双边活动以外时就不难发现,教学过程是教与学心灵的对话过程,在这个过程中教师和学生由于 各自的需要构成互动关系,他们相互依存,相互作用,产生共鸣,最终达到教与学的和谐统一,即教学的最高境界:自由。  相似文献   

付波 《贵州教育》2005,(6):42-43
数学学习是学生学习的一个十分重要的组成部分。它是指学生依照数学教学大纲,按照一定的目的、内容、要求,在教师的指导下,系统地掌握数学知识与技能的过程,是一个全面发展和个性发展的过程。谈到学生的数学学习,很多人会想到做大量习题,包括大量的计算和应用题。毫无疑问,学生学习数学的内容,进行一些练习是必要的,但数学的学习并不全是练习。单一的学习方式往往使学生感到枯燥、乏味、而且负担很重。目前学生学习的方式以教师的讲授为主,而很少让学生通过自己的活动来获取知识,得到发展。在教与学的过程中,学生没有处于积极主动的状态…  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the classroom assessment practices of 12 sixth form college mathematics teachers in Malta. It explores the extent to which these teachers are knowledgeable about their students’ learning of mathematics and the implications that this has for their classroom practices. It reveals that these teachers’ knowledge of their students’ understanding of certain mathematical concepts is fairly limited. It then goes on to discuss this phenomenon in terms of a process that can hinder rather than promote learning. The research illuminates the position of teachers who appear to lack certain detailed information about their students which, it can be argued, could inform more effective teaching strategies. The paper concludes by exploring possible implications for similar situations where learning could be enhanced by more effective classroom assessment strategies and their use to inform future teaching and learning activities.  相似文献   

This study examined how a task-focused, year-long mathematics professional development program influenced elementary school teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices. Participants completed 84 h of professional development over 13 months that were focused on exploring, modifying and implementing cognitively-demanding mathematical tasks. Using a multi-methods approach, teacher-participants completed pre- and post-measures of mathematical knowledge for teaching, teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics, and teachers’ self-reports of enacted instructional practices. Further, three teacher-participants were randomly selected to be observed 3 times over the course of the school year. Data analyses indicated that the professional development had a statistically significant positive impact on participants’ mathematical knowledge for teaching, use of student-centered instructional practices, and beliefs towards mathematics as a subject area. Further, the observed teachers enacted some high-level mathematical tasks and questions, but these were more visible at the end of the study compared to the beginning of the study. Implications for future work are also shared.  相似文献   

In this study we created, implemented, and evaluated the impact of proportional reasoning authentic investigative tasks on the mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge and attitudes of pre-service elementary and middle school mathematics teachers. For this purpose, a special teaching model was developed, implemented, and tested as part of the pre-service mathematics teacher education programs conducted in Israeli teacher colleges. The conclusion of the study is that application of the model, through which the pre-service teachers gain experience of and are exposed to authentic investigative proportional reasoning tasks with incorporation of theory (reading and analyzing relevant research reports) and practice, leads to a significant positive change in the pre-service teachers’ mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge. In addition, improvement occurred in their attitudes and beliefs towards learning and teaching mathematics in general, and ratio and proportion in particular.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the work by a team of university and public school mathematics educators to design mathematics assessment tasks that are effective for students who have been identified at risk in mathematics, through their failure on a state mathematics assessment. We have developed assessment tasks that have the very best chance to elicit the most mathematical knowledge possible, but are closely tied to the school curriculum and practical enough to be administered by classroom teachers. We offer some perspectives on the need for alternative mathematics assessment for at-risk students, along with the dangers inherent in this undertaking. Some practical design considerations are discussed and examples of student responses to a mathematics assessment scenario are given. Finally, policy issues related to authentic assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

数学学习实质是数学符号的学习,教师在教学实践中要让学生理解数学符号意义.数学符号最显著的特征是形式的简单性、内涵的精确性、应用上的可操作性以及使用上的统一性.有效的数学教学必须在明白数学符号的学习价值的基础上进行教学.数学符号学习要符合学生的心理发展水平基础上组织课堂教学,根据数学符号的本真意义采取恰当的教学策略,帮助学生认知同化和顺应.  相似文献   

This paper examines the perceptions and understandings of ten grades 1 and 2 Singapore mathematics teachers as they learned to use clinical interviews (Ginsburg, Human Development 52:109–128, 2009) to understand students’ mathematical thinking. This study challenged teachers’ pedagogical assumptions about what it means to teach for student understanding. Clinical task-based interviews opened a window into students’ knowledge, problem-solving and reasoning, and helped teachers reflect on their teaching and assessment of student learning. Teachers also learnt about what it means to establish a culture of thoughtful questioning in the classroom and developed an emerging awareness that this requires a readiness to hear students’ ideas and connect informal or invented strategies with classroom mathematics.  相似文献   

Many in the field of mathematics education call for elementary schools to have elementary mathematics specialists (EMSs) who provide needed mathematical expertise and support for children and teachers. EMSs serve as a reasonable, immediate alternative to the challenges generated by elementary teachers needing improved mathematical knowledge for teaching in the classroom. However, limited inquiry has explored how to best prepare EMSs and how program features and learning activities influence their development. This mixed-method study identifies some of the interrelated benefits from a K-5 Mathematics Endorsement Program designed to prepare EMSs through examining changes in mathematical beliefs, specialized content knowledge (SCK), and classroom teaching practices during the program. Data (n = 32) were collected over the 2-semester program via belief surveys, a content knowledge assessment, observations of teaching practices, and individual interviews from elementary teachers participating in the program. The findings show some changes in beliefs can be made relatively quickly, other shifts in beliefs take more time and continued support, and changes in SCK and adoption of various aspects of standard-based pedagogy require considerably greater opportunities to learn. The described program features and learning experiences provided a context for these changes and offer considerations for EMS preparation programs.  相似文献   

借鉴Kahan等的教学过程和基本要素研究框架,以情意原理、序进原理和活动原理作为解析课堂教学的框架,调查师范生融合内容的教学知识的实然水平。师范生的教学水平大致分布在三个等级上,师范生对学与教的理解有明显的缺失。如果师范生对知识的发生发展过程认识较为深刻,那么知识教学的序列安排就与知识发生的历史过程拟合得较好;如果师范生对做数学的一般机制有一定的体会,那么学生思维过程的设计就与历史上人们做数学的活动经验较为相似。数学发生发展的知识是影响师范生课堂教学水平的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Mathematics teacher education aims to improve teachers’ use of mathematical knowledge to support teaching and learning, an aspect of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). In this study, we interviewed teachers to understand how they used mathematics to make sense of student solutions to proportional reasoning problems. The larger purpose was to find accurate ways of categorizing teachers’ ability to do this vital aspect of teaching and thereby to inform assessment, teacher education, and professional development. We conjectured that teachers’ PCK for proportional reasoning could be reliably described in terms of attention to quantitative meanings in story problem contexts and in terms of understanding naïve forms of proportional reasoning. Instead, our findings reveal that individual teachers used a variety of means to make sense of (1) cognitively similar student solutions to different tasks and (2) mathematically related steps of a student solution within a single task. These findings illustrate the complexity of PCK for the topic of proportional reasoning and suggest the limits of what can be inferred about teacher knowledge from teachers’ evaluations of student solutions. We discuss implications for teacher education and assessment.  相似文献   

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