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This paper aims to integrate a library system so that it becomes intelligent. We use swarm intelligence to develop friendly human-computer interface software for readers using a personal or notebook computer. We program the system and software with Extensible Markup Language (XML) and C Sharp language. The kernel library automatically communicates with other libraries by agents, so readers can search from the closest library. This study adds only one component to the kernel library, and the other libraries do not add this component. They maintain their original status. Readers do not use a browser; they directly communicate with the library search system, saving much time. Readers without IT skills can also easily search for books in the library system.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts the work of acquisitions in two contexts: a large academic research library and a small special library serving a research-based non-profit institution. Organizational structure, staff issues, acquisitions services, and competencies for librarians are discussed.  相似文献   


This institution is in the process of establishing a graphical interface, Web-based MOO [Multi-User Dungeon, Object-Oriented], both to create a forum for synchronous library instruction and to serve as an online meeting place for off-campus students, who are otherwise without a learning community. This paper describes the development of that service and outlines its strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

客观知识·图书馆·人——兼论图书馆学的研究对象   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
客观知识是图书馆的逻辑起点。人是客观知识的动物。图书馆是管理客观知识的社会机构 ,是人类追求知识生活方式的社会保障制度。图书馆学的研究对象是客观知识、图书馆和人之间的相互关系和相互作用。参考文献 16。  相似文献   

我国高等教育体制和科技体制改革的不断深化,为地方高校图书馆开展知识创新和服务创新提供了更加宽广的空间,图书馆不再只是担当文献服务的角色,而是同时担负起为高校教学科研和地方经济建设提供文献信息利用与知识转化服务的重任,科学、高效、创造性强的高校图书馆学术性机构建设成为了研究的焦点。就目前发展情况而言,地方高校图书馆学术性机构建设应着重抓四个支撑点:以研究所(室)为基地,推动学术性机构的建设;以科研项目为纽带,牵动学术性机构的建设;以学科建设为驱动,带动学术性机构建设;以管理制度为保障,完善学术性机构建设。  相似文献   

The preconditions for creating a preservation policy document in a health sciences library are an existing preservation policy for the institution of which it is a part and administrative support for preservation. The assumption underlying preservation activity, from the formulation of general guidelines to the detail of operating procedure, is that collection development and preservation are complementary functions. Documentation of operational procedures in some detail should be a part of the statement. Since preservation activity cuts across functional library structures, all management staff should be involved in the planning process and be made aware of their responsibilities. The creation of a preservation policy statement will highlight unaddressed issues, procedural inadequacies, and differences in staff perceptions of priorities, but a written statement provides a framework for setting priorities and making decisions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information resources are shared electronically between libraries at the national level in China. It examines the digital library project related issues for both information policy and information-technology. Issues pertaining to information policy include co-operation and collaboration between information service providers, collection development, intellectual property protection, management and administration on the digital library projects, and public information services (user clients). Issues pertaining to information technology include use of UNICODE, metadata, interface standards (Z39·50) and others. Using a combination of system analysis and program evaluation methods, the current practice of developing a national digital library infrastructure is investigated, issues regarding national information countermeasures toward these digital library projects are studied, and suggestions for developing further nation's countermeasures in the digital library project are presented. Successful and/or failure experience is shared and compared with the US Digital Asia Library (DAL) project.  相似文献   

公共图书馆总分馆管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用制度经济学观点,从管理体制、运行机制以及制度安排三个方面对公共图书馆总分馆的管理模式进行研究,阐明适合图书馆总分馆协调发展和高效运作的多维立体式组织结构及理事会制,提出适应图书馆可持续发展的保障机制、决策机制、规范机制、动力机制,以及来自政府、行业、机构三个层面的制度设想。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information resources are shared electronically between libraries at the national level in China. It examines the digital library project related issues for both information policy and information-technology. Issues pertaining to information policy include co-operation and collaboration between information service providers, collection development, intellectual property protection, management and administration on the digital library projects, and public information services (user clients). Issues pertaining to information technology include use of UNICODE, metadata, interface standards (Z39·50) and others. Using a combination of system analysis and program evaluation methods, the current practice of developing a national digital library infrastructure is investigated, issues regarding national information countermeasures toward these digital library projects are studied, and suggestions for developing further nation's countermeasures in the digital library project are presented. Successful and/or failure experience is shared and compared with the US Digital Asia Library (DAL) project.  相似文献   


Acquiring technical standards connects libraries with vendors who are very protective, legally and technologically, of their products. To conform to the technical restrictions placed on standards, librarians must think creatively and adopt a workflow more labor-intensive than with other publications. This article presents a case study of one institution, a basic discussion of the issues surrounding the addition of technical standards to a library collection, and a stepwise process for the situation in which a patron requests an individual standard.  相似文献   

基于CAPM的数字图书馆服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CAPM项目将机器人技术引入图书馆,在数字图书馆的背景下更为重要。针对图书馆馆藏空间的限制问题引入CAPM项目,CAPM提供了优先考虑用户偏好为基础的数字图书馆服务的一个框架。文章介绍了CAPM项目的发展背景、由来与运作、特点、理论基础及JHU的实施方法。CAPM的项目经验及“多个属性-表达偏好”分析为其他机构提供宝贵的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

Georgetown University's Library Information System (LIS), an integrated library system designed and implemented at the Dahlgren Memorial Library, is broadly described from an administrative point of view. LIS' functional components consist of eight "user-friendly" modules: catalog, circulation, serials, bibliographic management (including Mini-MEDLINE), acquisitions, accounting, networking, and computer-assisted instruction. This article touches on emerging library services, user education, and computer information services, which are also changing the role of staff librarians. The computer's networking capability brings the library directly to users through personal or institutional computers at remote sites. The proposed Integrated Medical Center Information System at Georgetown University will include interface with LIS through a network mechanism. LIS is being replicated at other libraries, and a microcomputer version is being tested for use in a hospital setting.  相似文献   

基于江苏高校图书馆区域联盟的现状及问题的分析,就"不同类属关系、不同获益程度、不同效益预期和不同个性诉求"4个方面研究影响图书馆联盟自身发展的利益冲突因素,进而从"制度建设,公平合理、团队目标"3项基本内容探讨图书馆联盟内部利益均衡机制构建的实现途径,从"营造联盟文化氛围、拓宽成员交流渠道和危机预警管理体系构建"3项具体措施探讨图书馆利益均衡机制有效运作的保障基础.  相似文献   

Funds made available at the close of the 2010–11 fiscal year allowed purchase of the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) for a year-long trial. The appeal of this web-scale discovery product that offers a Google-like interface to library resources was counter-balanced by concerns about quality of search results in an academic health science setting and the challenge of configuring an interface that serves the needs of a diverse group of library users. After initial configuration, usability testing with library users revealed the need for further work before general release. Of greatest concern were continuing issues with the relevance of items retrieved, appropriateness of system-supplied facet terms, and user difficulties with navigating the interface. EBSCO has worked with the library to better understand and identify problems and solutions. External roll-out to users occurred in June 2012.  相似文献   

 针对图书馆的培训讲座业务,设计并实现一个图书馆讲座预约系统。该系统包括读者留言的发布与管理、讲座信息的录入与管理、讲座的预约及取消预约、讲座评论的发布与管理等多项功能,并采用Ajax技术来为读者用户提供友好的系统界面。  相似文献   

本文借鉴制度经济学领域的相关知识,分析了制度对于经济和社会发展的重要作用,从而归纳出我国图书馆学社会化程度不高的重要原因就是缺乏制度的保障。指出构建制度保障体系是当前促进我国图书馆学社会化的最关键一环,并由此提出了一套促进我国图书馆学社会化的制度保障体系。  相似文献   

通过对深圳图书馆少儿服务区的安全现状进行研究,找出安全服务工作中潜在的问题,立足于公共图书馆、监护人和少年儿童三个层面,从制度、意识、管理三个方面探讨保障少年儿童安全的对策。  相似文献   

基于知识管理的图书馆运行保障机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于知识管理的图书馆运行保障机制是指基于知识管理的图书馆运行保障的结构、功能及其作用原理与作用过程。它由三个部分组成,即基于知识管理的图书馆运行保障制度、基于知识管理的图书馆运行保障理论和基于知识管理的图书馆运行保障实践。其中,制度是根本,理论是前提,实践是关键。  相似文献   

This article addresses issues previously discussed as perceived problems with the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and the Government Printing Office (GPO) relative to a floundering program, electronic capabilities, costs to participating libraries, inept and inefficient service, and accountability requirements. The author believes that unfavorable images have resulted and been used by various advocacy groups in their arguments intended to bring the GPO, the FDLP and program libraries into a disadvantaged position. Such issues may have a bearing on whether the institution at which this writer is employed will continue to have the opportunity to participate as a depository library.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen the library privacy debate become a kind of ongoing dialogue which endlessly reiterates the prevailing issues of the past — government surveillance and national security — and failing to adjust to the way that changing values and economic forces are redefining privacy. The danger is that by failing to come to terms with the changing nature of privacy, the library community could find itself without a voice. By accepting the existence of new privacy threats within the institution, it becomes possible to see an important new role for librarians.  相似文献   

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