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从CSSCI看《电化教育研究》的学术影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文引用中文社会科学引文索引CSSCI2000—2005年的统计数据,从期刊影响力、被引规模频次分布、引用《电化教育研究》文献的期刊分布、高频被引作者、单篇高频被引论文等角度,分析了教育技术学权威刊物《电化教育研究》在教育技术学科乃至整个教育学科的学术影响。  相似文献   

他引总引比:又称他引率,指该期刊的总被引频次中,被其它期刊引用次数所占的比例。具体算法为:他引总引比一其它期刊引用次数/该刊总被引频次。  相似文献   

基于CNK《I中国引文数据库》的统计分析显示:《比较教育研究》2000年~2009年发文量稳步提升,所载论文篇均引文量、下载量、被引量大,逐年上升之势明显。引用文献以国外原始文献为主。该刊引用和被引用的中文期刊多为教育学名刊和全国中文核心期刊。该刊所发基金论文量大、被引率高,已成为刊发国家重要科学基金论文的主要期刊。  相似文献   

利用中国期刊网对《信阳师范学院学报》(哲学社会科学版)进行被引分析。结果表明:1981-2011年共发表论文4 076篇,被引率为48.3%,较少的高被引论文拥有较多的被引频次,论文被引高峰出现在发表后的4~8年间。前200篇高被引论文中,高被引学科为教育、汉语、语言学、文学、心理学、法律、政治和经济,有5篇论文的作者为陈伟琳和徐大真。前100篇高被引论文的引证文献中,学位论文引用较多,期刊论文引用次之,且引用的期刊多为一般期刊。  相似文献   

本文通过分析《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》2009—2013年地理类核心期刊的被引用指标(总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标、他引率)。结果表明:地理类期刊核心总被引频次、核心影响因子、核心即年指标均大于全部收录期刊的总平均,地理类期刊的发展速度较快;但是,地理类部分期刊的他引率偏低。地理类期刊编辑部应重视自身期刊的建设和发展,并致力于提高期刊的学术质量和编校质量,坚持自己的报道宗旨,旗帜鲜明地走特色之路,才能使自己的期刊持续发展。  相似文献   

学术影响力是评价著作的重要依据,可以揭示著作在学科领域中的地位和作用。对CSSCI数据库1998-2013年度的数据中收录且引用《高等教育哲学》论文的数量、时间、作者学历与职称及所属机构和地区、刊载期刊与被引主题的分布等维度的统计分析表明:《高等教育哲学》被引用频次较高,但引用频次的分布非常不均衡;1998年至2010年间引用频次基本呈上升趋势,此后,虽有所下降,但一直保持在一个较高的水平;引用《高等教育哲学》论文作者的职称、学历、所属机构以及所刊载期刊的知名度都很高,但作者所属机构大多集中在华东、华中和华北地区;少数主题获得高频次引用,其他主题则遭到冷落;"高深学问"、"认识论和政治论"、"学术自治"、"学术自由"等内容既是该书的核心主题,也是对我国高等教育领域影响最大的部分。  相似文献   

对《广东药学院学报》1995-2004年所刊载论文的被引用情况进行统计分析。结果表明:《广东药学院学报》10年共载文1 686篇,有545篇论文被引用1 087次,篇均被引次数为1.80,单篇被引最高次数为27次;被引用3次及以下的论文占87.34%;引用高峰出现在1999-2002年间,共被引用625次,占全部被引篇次的57.58%;引证期刊471种,引用3次及以下的占86.84%。该刊无论是被引量、篇均被引次数、核心期刊引用量等与核心期刊均有一定的差距,提示普通高等院校学报应加强组稿,突出特色,积极开门办刊,才能提高被引量。  相似文献   

高等教育领域绝大多数高被引论文的引证频数不足300次,最高为550次。这些论文主要刊载于高等教育类期刊与教育综合类期刊,《高等教育研究》以105篇独占鳌头。绝大多数作者在高等教育领域仅发表了1篇高被引论文,潘懋元先生以23篇高被引论文遥遥领先于其他学者。独立撰写的高被引论文占三分之二以上,二人合作撰写的高被引论文超过五分之一。发表高等教育领域高被引论文最多的单位为教育部和拥有高等教育学博士点的“985”高校。  相似文献   

以36种教育类CSSCI来源期刊2004-2013年发表的432篇教育经济学研究主题零被引论文为研究对象,借助知识图谱分析工具和文献题录分析工具详实地分析了零被引论文的分布特征、研究主题和知识基础。研究发现,我国教育经济学研究论文的零被引率为8.5%,其理想引文时间窗口为5年,近半数零被引论文的篇幅在3页及以下,25.9%的零被引论文受基金资助;就作者而言,瞬时型研究者、高级职称教师、本单位或本地区作者成为零被引论文的重要力量;就期刊来说,随着刊物载文数量增加,零被引论文数量呈上升趋势,随着期刊复合影响因子提升,零被引率呈下降趋势;在研究主题上,零被引论文的选题较偏或追逐了短期热点,而就知识基础来看,零被引论文缺乏共性的知识基础。根据这些发现,总结了零被引论文的成因。  相似文献   

期刊评价体系是评估期刊质量的体系,包括影响因子、总被引频次、他引率、即年指标、引用半衰期等一系列指标,具有科学性、客观性。高校学报应从质量出发,明确办刊宗旨,开拓优质稿源,提高编辑素质,向核心期刊看齐,充分发挥学报的社会作用,从而更好地满足读者需求。  相似文献   

《教育理论与实践》是我国教育学期刊中较有影响的核心刊物之一,通过对著者的调查、分析,发现《教育理论与实践》不仅形成了自己办刊的独特风格和相对稳定的研究体系,而且著者群分布广泛,素质较高。  相似文献   

The study of higher education journals – that is, refereed academic journals wholly focused on higher education – reveals much about the field of higher education research. This analysis identified 86 such journals published in the English language, considering their focus, ownership, location, orientation, age, size and ranking. From this analysis, a shorter list of 28 key journals is identified. It is argued that, given the scale of the contribution being made to higher education research – for example, the 86 journals between them published over 16,000,000 words in 2016, with this total increasing year on year – it may be time to spend more effort on synthesising and disseminating what we have already learnt, rather than, or before, undertaking fresh research.  相似文献   

从中国现代远程教育的研究热点探究其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用内容分析法,对2007年1-10月间《中国远程教育》《电化教育研究》《中国电化教育》三种杂志刊登的部分论文进行了分析。分析结果表明:我国现代远程教育发展迅速,取得了一定的成就,但仍然面临着许多亟待解决的问题。今后,在远程教育理论和学科建设,现代远程教育的教学资源建设,学习支持服务体系构建等方面,远程教育还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

《English in Education》1980,14(2):43-52
Irritations and Eccentricities, Vision and Power: ENGLISH FOR MEANING: David Holbrook Keohane poses questions for NATE: PROPOSALS FOR A CERTIFICATE OF EXTENDED EDUCATION. Finger on the Problem: SCHOOLS COUNCIL ENGLISH 16–19 PROJECT: EDUCATION 16–19—THE ROLE OF ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATION. John Dixon. Fundamental Change of Life: FIFTEEN THOUSAND HOURS. Michael Rutter, Barbara Maughan, Peter Mortimore and Janet Ouston. Will Linguistics and English ever speak to each other?: LANGUAGE, READING AND LEARNING. Asher Cashdan, editor.  相似文献   

我国教育科学研究发展现状的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《教育研究》、《教育理论与实践》的引文分析表明 :目前我国教育科研工作者习惯于引证定性的成熟理论 ,注重权威的观点和专家定论 ,对新理论、新知识、国外信息———特别是英语语种以外的信息 ,吸收能力较低 ;上海、北京、江苏等地已成为我国教育理论研究的主要基地 ;教育科学研究的热点集中在课程教材教法、教师学、普通教育学、中外教育基本理论、教育心理学、高等教育等方面 ;教育科研的期刊论文在发表后两年被引率达到最高  相似文献   

Despite the fact that educational institutions have been actively encouraging mature students into higher education, we understand little of whether the experience of this group is the same as or different from that of the other students. There is a dearth of published research on the subjective experience of mature students. Much of the most widely quoted research on mature students has relied on quantitative techniques. While such procedures are useful for providing background details, they are less useful for exploring the lived experiences of being a mature student. Until we understand how the experience of being a mature student is lived, it is difficult, if not impossible to consider how policy and teaching practice for mature students can be developed. With qualitative and quantitative research methods, this research looks at the 'lived experience' of being a mature student in a Scottish university. Using a social constructionist framework, the focus is on how the reality of being a mature student is constructed by mature students. It shows how self contradictory these views of reality can be.  相似文献   

HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ORIGIN IN FRANCE: A STATISTICAL STUDY OF INEQUALITIES SINCE 1965 – Mass education has the goal of guaranteeing the same education to all in order to moderate differences between individuals and promote a kind of equality of opportunity. Nonetheless, it seems clear that lower-class youths do not benefit as much from their degree or university experience as do those who come from more privileged backgrounds. The present study statistically analyses the evolution of higher education since 1965 with respect to social origin in order to determine whether the massification of education has really been accompanied by democratization. Its conclusion is twofold: This evolution has indeed allowed for a certain democratization of higher education by offering new perspectives for the middle and lower classes; but nevertheless it has not always granted them access to prestigious courses of study, so that one still finds two systems of higher education which are relatively separate and whose separation remains a function of social origin.  相似文献   

HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ORIGIN IN FRANCE: A STATISTICAL STUDY OF INEQUALITIES SINCE 1965 – Mass education has the goal of guaranteeing the same education to all in order to moderate differences between individuals and promote a kind of equality of opportunity. Nonetheless, it seems clear that lower-class youths do not benefit as much from their degree or university experience as do those who come from more privileged backgrounds. The present study statistically analyses the evolution of higher education since 1965 with respect to social origin in order to determine whether the massification of education has really been accompanied by democratization. Its conclusion is twofold: This evolution has indeed allowed for a certain democratization of higher education by offering new perspectives for the middle and lower classes; but nevertheless it has not always granted them access to prestigious courses of study, so that one still finds two systems of higher education which are relatively separate and whose separation remains a function of social origin.  相似文献   

由于引文分析方法较传统的发文统计法更为科学有效,本文利用南京大学CCSCI评价中心的1998-2007年10年被引文献数据库,对被CSSCI来源文献引用的有关教育信息化研究论文从被引文献的年代分布、类型、期刊分布、语种分布、主题分布以及核心著者与单篇被引等方面进行统计分析与文献计量分析,从而确定我国教育信息化研究领域内的核心期刊、核心著者以及研究规律,揭示我国对教育信息化研究的主要特征与问题。  相似文献   

THE WAY TO EUROPE: EDUCATION REFORM IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE – Since embarking for the European Union in 1989, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have been reorganising and restructuring their educational systems. In doing so, they have not only departed from the Soviet-style education model, but also recognised that education constitutes a key issue in competition. Despite some economic problems, the education reforms in these countries have been regarded as part of a major effort at integrating themselves into the European sphere of knowledge. Many of the efforts and measures in education policy envisaged and carried out since the systemic change occurred have led not only to revitalizing national educational heritages, but also to the independent adoption of other European and international trends and topics in educational discourse. Thereby, these states have proved to be considerably more innovative and flexible than the “older” members of the EU. The prospect of being taken up into the EU has probably helped accelerate the entire process. The present study focuses on some key overarching developments in the educational landscape of states in Central and Eastern Europe, even as it is apparent that these are proceeding along different paths at different speeds.  相似文献   

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