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卞吉 《编辑学报》2011,23(6):495
本刊讯((2011年版中国期刊引证报告(扩刊版)》最近发布了其收录的6193种期刊主要计量指标平均值。现摘录如下:1)被引频次8827欠/刊(≥1000次的期刊1546种);2)影响因子0.479(≥1的期刊549种);3)即年指标0.070(344种期刊为0);  相似文献   

坚持期刊的正确导向繁荣期刊出版事业──在首届全国优秀社会科学期刊颁奖会上的讲话(1995年12月22日)徐光春首先,我代表中宣部对在首届社科期刊评奖中获奖的期刊表示热烈的祝贺。这是我们国家的第一次社科期刊评奖活动。我想,有第一次,就会有第二次、第三次...  相似文献   

浅议提高图书馆科技文献利用率的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了提高图书馆科技文献利用率的有关措施,即:(1)遴选本馆自己的“核心期刊”;(2)建立为本文主要科研课题进行跟踪服务的机制;(3)注重二次文献的开发利用;(4)加强馆藏信息的宣传报道;(5)提高读者充分利用文献信息的意识;(6)提高期刊工作人员的业务素质。  相似文献   

由新闻出版总署主办的“中国期刊展”,于11月1日至11月4日在北京中国国际展览中心展出。这次“中国期刊展”是建国以来规模最大的一次期刊成就展,有7000多种期刊参加,近15万人次参观了展览。展览根据丁关根同志的指示,重点展示了“中国期刊方阵”期刊。全国入选“中国期刊方阵”的共有1500种“双效”期刊,其中新疆的《当代传播》(维、汉文)、《新疆支部生活》(维、汉、哈、蒙文)、《兵团建设》、《西域研究》、《法治纵横》(维、汉、哈文)、《新疆宣传》(维、汉文)等20种社科期刊入围。 以“中国期刊方阵”…  相似文献   

对不同学科期刊学术影响力比较中的常见问题进行详细描述,分析问题产生的根源,在此基础上系统梳理现有的解决方案,最后从实证角度以学科归一化的期刊评价指标相对期刊影响因子(relative impact factor,RIF)和平均百分比等级指标(mean percentile rank,MPR)为例,引入“公平性测试”(fairness test)方法来检验这两个学科归一化评价指标在不同学科比较中的适用性。  相似文献   

我所开展二次文献服务工作的做法孙玲(中国科学院广州化学研究所)随着科学技术的飞跃发展,图书馆藏书中期刊的比重也越来越大,我馆用80~90%的经费订购中、外文期刊。现有馆藏中文期刊450种,西文期刊389种,日文期刊82种,俄文期刊52种。为了提供二次...  相似文献   

(本刊讯)5月18日至22日,第11次全国部分档案期刊负责人研讨会在古城西安召开,《档案学通讯》《档案与建设》《浙江档案》《兰台内外》《云南档案》《档案》《山西档案》《兰台世界》《上海档案》和《陕西档案》等10家档案期刊的18名代表参加了研讨会。会议围绕“提高期刊质量,扩大期刊发行”的主题及办刊中的其它问题进行了探讨与交流,井商定2000年第12次全国部分档案期刊研讨会在云南召开。第11次全国部分档案期刊负责人研讨会在西安召开@彦生  相似文献   

根据2008年版《中文核心期刊要目总览》,选取具有代表性的10种图书馆学核心期刊,应用中国知网(CNKI)学术文献总库中的中国引文数据库、中国期刊全文数据库,统计获得10种图书馆学核心期刊2003-2012年发表的、总被引频次≥80次的84篇高被引论文.研究分析了84篇高被引论文的期刊分布、发表年代、作者和作者的机构,以及高被引论文的研究主题等,探讨了最近10年我国图书馆学的研究热点和发展趋向.  相似文献   

由北京大学图书馆和北京高校图书馆期刊工作研究会共同组织评选的全国新闻核心期刊,自上世纪90年代以来已评选了五届(每四年评选一次)。从第二次评选开始至今,《新闻爱好者》杂志已连续四届榜上有名。现将有关情况简介如下:  相似文献   

关于品牌期刊的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国已经加入了WTO,这给中国期刊带来的是机遇也是挑战。入世后,中国期刊将作为世界期刊的一部分而融入世界期刊市场这个大家庭。中国要在世界期刊立足,就要打拼有世界影响的中国品牌期刊,为达此目的,中央领导同志明确指示“尽最大努力,建设‘中国期刊方阵’,创出10~20个有世界影响的名牌期刊”。打造中国品牌期刊以走向世界,是期刊界人士的共识。日前,新闻出版署公布了“中国期刊方阵”社科期刊名单。在所公布的790种期刊名单中,“双效期刊”(社会效益与经济效益)646种,“双百期刊”(每两年一次评出的百种重点期刊)71种,“双奖期刊”(获国家期刊奖和国家期刊提名奖)48种,“双高期刊”(高学术和高科技水平)25种。那么,这790种期刊就是中国期刊驶向世界期刊海洋的“航空母舰”吗?那么列入“双奖期刊”、“双高期刊”的就是品牌期刊吗?未必。笔者认为,品牌期刊至少应具备以下几个条件:高起点的“庙算”。期刊市场的竞争是一场看得见的没有硝烟的战争,因此,办刊前及办刊中的策划至关重要。孙子曰:“夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也;未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也。”只有高屋建瓴的“庙算”,才能抢占制高点,“一览众山小”,在市场竞争中赢得先机。“庙算...  相似文献   

图书馆如何制定知识共享战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要明确图书馆知识共享战略含义的基础上,指出图书馆知识共享需要战略的原因,分析图书馆知识共享战略提出的现实背景。图书馆知识共享战略的核心在于确定图书馆知识共享的方向、目标和计划;制定图书馆知识共享战略需要遵循两个基本法则:独特法则和简单化法则;确定图书馆知识共享方向,一要清晰;二要正确。最后提出图书馆知识共享目标确定的注意事项以及图书馆知识共享计划制定的步骤。  相似文献   

系统阐述了近年来中山大学图书馆在全球收集的多种不同出版时期、不同语种的《共产党宣言》的情况,重点论述了19世纪早期重要的三种版本、20世纪前半叶两种重要的英译本和中国本土首个中文节译本的收藏情况、内容与版本特色等,认为中山大学图书馆经过长期的马克思主义馆藏建设,形成了独特的《共产党宣言》版本收藏,真实地反映了《共产党宣言》在欧美、在世界和在中国传播的历史,具有极其重要的历史价值、文献价值和学术价值,对推动马克思主义理论研究与传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

亚太地区世界记忆工程是世界记忆工程的重要组成部分,对于保护亚太地区各民族记忆起着重要作用。本文在论述亚太地区世界记忆工程进展的基础上,从与世界记忆工程保持一致、宣传力度较大、记忆名录层次丰富三个方面总结了成绩,从参与度、合作度、网站建设方面分析了存在的不足。最后,本文从宣传、合作与网站建设三个主要方面提出了推进亚太地区世界记忆工程进一步发展的措施。  相似文献   

School librarianship has advanced in the digital era to encompass interactivity, connectivity, and access to a wide variety of information in different formats, through the capabilities of information and communication technologies. School libraries exist to support learning in schools and the importance of the digital age in student's learning cannot be overstated. Today's students are born in the age of technology; therefore a school library that does not encompass the use of electronic media will not meet the needs of the digital generation. The purpose of this article is to find out the status of technology diffusion and use in Botswana school libraries and to advance reasons for the lack of information and communication technology uptake in school libraries. A document analysis of literature was done to determine the factors that hinder the growth of school librarianship in Botswana during the digital era, using the stakeholder theory as a lens for the investigation. Findings reveal a weakness in the social, political, and economic areas of leadership in national information policies which seem to be a remnant from the beginning of the digital age in Botswana and indeed in most African countries. Some of the recommendations point to using the stakeholder theory to tackle the hurdles in school librarianship leadership and policy in the information age.  相似文献   

Background: Many medical schools require a student thesis before graduation. Publishing results in a peer‐reviewed journal could be an indicator of scientific value and acceptability by the scientific community. The publication pattern of theses published by medical students in Peru is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics and publication pattern of theses in biomedical‐indexed journals conducted by medical students in a university with the highest research output in Peru. Methods: Data from registered theses between 2000 and 2003 were obtained from the university library. Publication of theses in biomedical journals was assessed in 2008 by a search strategy using PubMed, Google Scholar, LILACS, LIPECS and SciELO. Results: Four hundred and eighty‐two medical theses were registered between 2000 and 2003; 85 (17.6%) were published in biomedical‐indexed journals. Of the published theses, 28 (5.8%) were published in MEDLINE‐indexed journals, 55 (11.4%) in SciELO‐indexed journals, 61 (12.6%) in LILACS‐indexed journals and 68 (14.1%) in LIPECS‐indexed journals. Most of the published theses (80%) were in Spanish and published in Peruvian journals; and 17 theses (20%) were published in foreign journals (all of them indexed in MEDLINE). In addition, 37 (43.5%) belong primarily to internal medicine, and 24 (28.2%) belong primarily to infectious diseases. Medical students were first authors in 71 (83.5%) of the articles. Conclusion: In this study, most of the published theses were in Spanish, published in local journals and indexed in LIPECS. The percentage of published theses in biomedical journals at this university is comparable with others coming from developed countries.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in the discipline of computing in relation to cultural heritage, parallel with developments in greater user participation in archives and advances in documentation work. These trends are reflected in the case of a documentation project of an old Chinese cemetery in Singapore, Bukit Brown Cemetery. This case was characterised by tensions among the ‘wild’ array of emerging individual participants and archivists that took the momentum away from both more formal NGOs and government institutions in documenting, archiving and raising awareness of the heritage of the site when part of it was announced to be set aside for a new highway. The case presents a compelling need for participatory archives, facilitated by computing interventions encouraging public engagement and visits to the site. Being actively involved in the documentation process, the authors reflect on how conceptual frameworks of records may assist in designing new media innovations and informing the ways by which a cemetery may be documented. Through these reflections, the authors argue for the active participation of archivists and records professionals in documentation work, and demonstrate how, in the creation and keeping of records, they shape the collective imagination of the public and other stakeholders in heritage sites.  相似文献   

There is minimal research on the cross-cultural needs, priorities, and behaviors of international participants immersed in contemporary culturally alien information environments. Through a quantitative analysis of Internet use patterns of international teaching assistants (ITA) studying in graduate school at a representative university in the United States, the authors discover communication-information convergences in ITAs’ use of the Internet as a “glocal” network, connecting the “global” and “local” dimensions in their everyday lives. The paper identifies dual functions of the Internet considered meaningful to the ITAs in the diaspora, namely: (1) to engage in various communication activities with friends and family in their home countries (the “global”), thereby providing psychological comfort and overcoming social isolation; and (2) to conduct information gathering activities that establish coping mechanisms for ITAs in their new homes in the United States (the “local”). The paper presents empirical data highlighting correlations between communication and information intersections in ITAs’ use of the Internet. Findings extend past Internet research and user studies in traditional communication and information research, which only alluded to these communication-information convergence processes, to better understand how international people use the Internet in present-day cross-cultural contexts of interaction.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] By analyzing the research status of socialized management of public libraries in China, this paper reveals the research frontiers and development trends in this field, and provides important references for the participation of social forces in the socialized management of public libraries in China.[Method/process] The data of this paper comes from the papers on SocializedManagement of Domestic Public Libraries in CNKI.By using CiteSpace and Endnote software, the annual publication volume, journal publication volume and research hotspots in this field were visualized.[Result/conclusion] Through the research and analysis of the literature in this field, it is concluded that the research hotspots of socialized management of public libraries in China in the future include differentiated development of libraries, innovation of service mode, equalization of grassroots public libraries, and Internet + library.  相似文献   

数字时代档案工作理论与实践的宏观认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从数字时代的含义及其特征、数字时代档案工作内涵新变化、数字时代档案工作实践新内容、数字时代档案工作理论新探讨和数字时代档案工作者的新职责等方面梳理和总结了数字时代档案工作理论与实践的发展现状。旨在为我国即将编制十二五规划之时减少雾里看花的迷茫,更好的理清下一步思路,为科学地把握好未来的发展方向提供参考。  相似文献   

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