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近些年,国内高等院校的医学专业一直非常注重对医学教育课程的改革与创新研究。并且能够顺应时代发展的潮流,设置全新的医学教育课程方案,建立符合现代医学发展的医学教育的新课程体系。本文从医学教育课程改革的具体对策着手,重点分析医学教育课程改革存在的问题、医学教育改革的思路以及具体的改革实践措施,以期通过对医学教育课程改革的探讨来为提升医学教育的质量提供一些帮助和参考。  相似文献   

为推动我国医学教育课程改革,更好地培养适应新世纪发展要求的医学生,本文收集了详细的英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院于本世纪初实施的基于系统整合的医学教育课程体系的相关资料,并与我国医学教育课程进行了比较,希望借此为我国临床医学高等教育课程改革提供参考.  相似文献   

本文论述了过去100年中基础医学科学在本科生医学课程中的作用和课程改革,讨论了进入21世纪之际仍然反映在医学教育中科学与技艺之间的紧张关系。  相似文献   

法国的医学教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在过去10年中,法国的卫生保健和医学教育制度已进行了很大的改革.本文调查了法国的医学课程、医学生的选择、执照颁发和继续医学教育,并讨论了法国医学院校面临的挑战.  相似文献   

为阐明东南欧地区6个国家16所医学院的课程改革状况,作者通过电子邮件收集了各医学院有关课程的信息,包括注册学生数、课程门类、学时分配等。结果表明,这一地区的课程发展还有很大的潜力。在改革过程中应当十分注意教师培训、学生参与、认定核心能力,以及新方法的引进等。该研究原文发表在英国医学教育杂志上(J.Medical Education2005,39:833—840)。  相似文献   

改革与创新:近半个世纪美国的医学教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文回顾了近半个世纪美国医学教育的总体情况,涉及新建医学院校、医师培养的新侧重点以及在课程建设方面所作的改革等.同时通过介绍六所独具特色的医学院校,说明了美国医学教育的多样性.  相似文献   

以高等教育改革与发展为理论立点,结合西藏高等医学教育发展实际,系统阐述了改革医学教育课程结构、教学内容与方法,巩固教学实践基地,推进"通识教育",发展医学终身教育,倡导建立学习型社会等方面的思路,提出了医学教育国际化的可操作性的对策与措施。  相似文献   

成人高等医学教育课程设置改革与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
课程设置和课程开设方式是表达教学质量,乃至人才质量的基础要素。如何从成人高等医学教育的整体培养目标出发,设计、构建适应创新教育的新型课程体系和教学内容,形成与医学科学技术发展,新时期成人高等医学教育改革与发展模式相适应的现代成人高等医学教育课程体系已成为成人高等医学教育工作者面临的共同课题。我们通过5年的摸索、学习、借鉴、改革、调整,本着严谨、务实、创新的精神,构建了以“公共课程”、“医学基础知识整体框架”、“医学专业课程”、“相关知识讲座”、“人文素质教育整体框架”、“自学课程”等6大板块为整体的成人…  相似文献   

在英国,为改善本科生医学教育的质量,大多数医学院校的课程正在进行重大的改革。1994年,曼彻斯特大学医学院开始实施以PBL为基础的综合性课程,并将重点放在以社区为基础的医学教育。该研究的目的是探索这一新的课程  相似文献   

印度医学院在近两百年的扩容之后,已成为全世界医学毕业生最多的国家.本文从医疗卫生保健、医学监管机构、公/私立医学教育、招生制度、本科教学及课程改革、教师发展等方面对印度医学教育进行系统回顾,找出问题所在及发展趋势.  相似文献   

Explorating reform of the teaching evaluation method for vocational competency-based education (CBE) curricula for medical students is a very important process in following international medical education standards, intensify ing education and teaching reforms, enhancing teaching management, and improving the quality of medical education. This article gives the background on establishing the course in medical linguistics and its content, and introduces the qualitative research method in education science and its application in reforming the teaching evaluation method in medical linguistics courses.  相似文献   

基础医学课程是护生学习护理专业的先期课程,其设置的合理与否直接影响到护生对专业课程的学习和职业能力的培养。针对高职护理专业基础医学教学目前所存在的问题,借鉴国内外医学院校教改经验,结合我校实际,开展护理专业基础医学课程的改革与实践,重新确立了培养目标,制定了与之适应的课程体系及课程标准,实施效果良好。  相似文献   

关于本科小学教育专业人才培养模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本科学历小学师资的培养,是时代发展的必然。从五个方面探讨高等师范院校如何培养本科小学教育专业人才:改革招生制度、加强专业技能训练、改革课程设置、强化教育研究训练、深化伙伴关系。其目的在于试图建构一种较合理的培养模式,提高人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

基于贵州省特校教师关于必备知识技能重要性态度的调查结果,审视高校特殊教育专业现行课程设置,主要存在指向性不明确、实用性不强、课程体系欠完整和实践课程薄弱的问题,因此,应当采取调整培养目标,明确课程设置指向、增加欠缺课程、改造实用性不强的课程和树立实践教育理念,构建科学的实践课程体系等策略使其趋于完善。  相似文献   

Medical education has not taken on board the growing awareness of sex and gender differences. A nation‐wide project to incorporate sex and gender in medical education aims to establish longitudinal gender and sex specific curricula in all Dutch medical schools that move beyond sex and gender differences in reproduction. A baseline assessment was necessary to gain an overview on the state of the art of sex and gender in Dutch medical curricula and on the courses that were suitable to integrate sex and gender differences. A quick‐scan demonstrates that sex and gender differences beyond reproduction are mostly ignored. Results have been used to create the necessary commitment of policy‐makers in all Dutch faculties to take further steps towards establishing longitudinal gender‐specific medical curricula.  相似文献   

Today's doctor is as much a humanist as a scientist. Medical schools have responded to this change by introducing a variety of courses, most notably those concerning the humanities and ethics. Thus far, no one has examined the extent of use of these subjects in Chinese medical schools. The goal of this study is to determine how many and in what way Chinese medical schools use the humanities and ethics in training future physicians. We surveyed thirty-two Chinese medical schools covering each geographic region of China at the Twelfth Medical Education Conference for China Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan on a variety of topics related to the humanities and ethics. Thirty-one (96.9 percent) Chinese medical schools offer courses in the humanities, and all thirty-two (100.0 percent) Chinese medical schools surveyed offer courses on ethics. Of the thirty-one universities offering humanities courses, twenty-six (83.9 percent) have five or more humanities courses, and of the thirty-two universities offering ethics courses, twenty-six (81.3 percent) have five or more ethics courses. At ten (32.3 percent) universities, all humanities courses are compulsory, at one (3.2 percent) university, all humanities courses are elective, and eighteen (58.1 percent) universities have both compulsory and elective humanities courses. At eighteen (56.3 percent) universities, all medical ethics courses are compulsory, at one (3.1 percent) university all medical ethics courses are elective, and thirteen (40.6 percent) universities have both compulsory and elective medical ethics courses. Educators at Chinese medical schools have embraced the humanities and medical ethics as fundamental components of their curricula as well as for elective study.  相似文献   

Many basic scientists including anatomists are currently involved in decisions related to revisions of the undergraduate medical curriculum. Integration is a common theme in many of these decisions. As described by Harden, integration can occur along a multistep continuum from independent, discipline‐based courses to a completely interdisciplinary curriculum. For anatomy, each derivative of curricular integration can be shown to involve progressive disruptions of the temporal and topographical relationship between organ systems in a body region, of the temporal relationship with other courses in a harmonized curriculum, and of the relationships between components of organ systems when integration is implemented in thematic curricula. Drawing from our experience teaching in various types of integrated medical curricula, we encourage readers to proceed cautiously with their curricular decisions because each one can have gains and losses that may impact learning in the new format. Anat Sci Educ. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

随着国家示范性建设项目的进展,公共基础课的改革成为许多高职院校课程体系中的重点和难点。结合本校的实际情况,从指导思路、改革思路、建设目标、改革内容和要求等方面论述了公共基础课改革情况,并以高职数学和高职英语课程为例来印证改革的成效。  相似文献   

Over the years, the role and extent of the basic sciences in medical curricula have been challenged by research on clinical expertise, clinical teachers, and medical students, as well as by the development and diversification of the medical curricula themselves. The aim of this study was to examine how prior knowledge of basic histology and histopathology among students predicts early learning of diagnostic pathology. Participants (N=118, representing 91% of the full student cohort) were medical students at the University of Turku, Finland. Data were collected during two preclinical courses that students attended in their first and second years of medical school. The measurements included tests on biomedical and clinical knowledge and a performance test in diagnostic pathology. Second‐year performance on the diagnostic pathology examinations was predicted by the students' prior knowledge of histology, but not by the students' prior knowledge of histopathology. Although earlier research has demonstrated similar results in studies with shorter longitudinal designs, the present study demonstrates that the effect remains even if there is a considerably long time delay (a year) between the measurements, thus confirming the long‐term value of basic science studies in the preclinical phase. Anat Sci Educ 6: 361–367. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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