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What an honor to have political and educational theorists of such caliber take up ideas from my work! What a daunting task to try to respond! My remarks will touch on the following questions: What are some key issues of distributive justice in education today? Why does defining justice in terms of oppression and domination imply that issues of justice cannot be reduced to distribution? How does normalization constitute a major process enacting oppression, and what does this imply for education? What does it mean to include marginalized groups in economic opportunity and democratic process, and how can educational institutions foster such inclusion? Why do issues of religion and other forms of cultural expression belong to a distinct category of justice? Are values of freedom of expression and tolerance in tension with the project of democratic inclusion? How shall we consider transnational issues of educational justice?  相似文献   


Homeschooling is legal and growing in many countries but is virtually forbidden by law in Germany and a few others. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has reviewed and upheld this ban. Is home education a human right? How do these courts employ their jurisprudence of proportionality to find banning home education does not violate relevant constitutional or human rights norms? Why does Germany forbid home education? Why does the ECtHR uphold Germany’s position? What does this divergence imply about the right of home education and the jurisprudence of these courts? If the promise of human rights is individual liberty then a system that justifies or endorses state control of education for the purpose of cultural conformity can be said to be far too statist for a free and democratic society. In this article, I argue that both the German Constitutional Court (FCC) and the ECtHR have adopted an approach to education rights that is profoundly mistaken. I conclude that home education is a right of parents and children that must be protected by every state. Nations that respect and protect the right of parents and children to home educate demonstrate a commitment to respecting human rights; nations that do not, such as Germany and Sweden need to take steps to correct their failure to protect this important human right.  相似文献   

当前教育观念的解构与泛化倾向,致使人们在教育实践中常常出现观念的空白与迷茫。我们只能以已有的教育观念为逻辑起点建构新的教育观念。重新思考教育培养什么样的人;为什么要培养这样的人;怎样看待教育中的人;如何看待学校在个体发展中的文化使命以及如何审视教育的时空形式等。  相似文献   

一股前所未有的新技术浪潮正在向我们涌来,它在更新教育的物质形态的同时,也在冲击着教育者的精神世界,并提出种种新问题迫使我们思考:信息技术的应用怎样才能有效地改变教育?是什么导致了教育技术应用上的误区?信息技术的这些应用对学生和教师已经和将要带来什么影响?人在新技术创造的新环境中究竟如何生存……存在的差异决定思维的差异,从事教育学原理研究的人们与从事教育技术学研究的人们,对这些问题给出了不同的答案,在我们以教育现代化为追求的思考与行动过程中,正是这些有差异的思维与答案,使理论与技术之间的对话成为必要,也成为可能。  相似文献   

生活德育探问   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生活德育作为一个新概念,能否为教育理论所认同,生活德育的开展何以可能,这需要我们做五方面的逻辑思考:生活是否需要道德?需要什么样的生活道德?为什么需要生活德育?如何理解生活德育?学校生活德育如何可能?  相似文献   

How should a liberal democratic society value knowledge and understanding, and does this valuation inform how we ought to reason about the justice of our educational institutions? In scholarly and public discourse, it is orthodox to argue that because educational institutions bring about various goods—goods of character such as wellbeing or economic goods such as social mobility – they ought to be structured by principles of political justice. In this paper, I argue that knowledge and understanding valued for its own sake should also inform judgements of educational justice.  相似文献   

Educational technology at the crossroads: New mindsets and new directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational technology seems to be suffering from an identity crisis. Many exciting things are happening in the field, but increasingly we educational technologists find ourselves on the sidelines in our own ballgame. People from other disciplines are taking an interest in educational technology, but they show little interest in our knowledge base (often even little awareness that it exists!) and little interest in our professional organizations and publications. Why is this happening? What can we do about it? To what extent might our mindset be the problem? What new directions do we need to pursue to improve the health and value of our field? These are the central issues which this article discusses.  相似文献   

In the context of an educational or clinical intervention, we often ask questions such as “How does this intervention influence the task behavior of autistic children?” or “How does working memory influence inhibition of immediate responses?” What do we mean by the word influence here? In this article, we introduce the framework of complex dynamic systems (CDS) to disentangle the meaning of words such as influence, and to discuss the issue of education and intervention as something that takes place in the form of complex, real‐time, situated processes. What are the applied implications of such a CDS framework? Can we use it to improve education? Five general principles—process laws—are introduced, which can be used to guide the way we formulate research questions and methods, and the way we use the results of such research. In addition, we briefly discuss a project in progress, in which we ourselves attempt to apply the process laws that govern educational activities. Finally, we report about a discussion about the usability of the process laws, both in educational research and in the classroom, as was held during our workshop at the Mind, Brain, and Education Conference, November 2014.  相似文献   

德育对话模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人们在长期的德育实践中。形成了许多行之有效的德育模式。德育对话模式是在“对话”理念指导下,包含着对话意识的培养、对话情景的创设、对话过程的构建、对话条件的创生等操作因素,统一结合构成的德育活动形式、活动结构及其配套的实施策略。  相似文献   

Debates about decentralisation, involving questions such as who should make decisions about public schooling and who should pay for it [Caillods, F., 1999. Preface. In: McGinn, N., Welsh, T. (Eds.), Decentralization of Education: Why, When, What and How? UNESCO, Paris] have permeated and affected educational planning in the last 20 or so years. This paper reports on and draws lessons from two pieces of work: an empirical study on the locus of decentralised decision-making power among Zimbabwean school heads, teachers and parent school governors in the areas of school finances, human resources and curriculum; and on a review of one article on the process of educational decentralisation in Malawi. Cross-national studies are necessary in this age of the internationalisation of education. The paper reveals that the process of educational decentralisation, and stakeholders’ perceptions of the locus of decentralised decision-making power are contested issues. There is no automatic link between decentralisation and the improvement of quality. The level of clarity of the guiding policy (ies), the capacity of the stakeholders, and the availability of resources are important deciders of the success or failure of educational decentralisation.  相似文献   

我国著名科学家钱学森在国家总理温家宝看望之际,提出了著名的"钱学森之问",这再次将我国教育改革和发展问题推向了风口浪尖。据笔者掌握的资料来看,绝大部分舆论和学者一边倒地支持钱老的质问,而向中国现行教育制度发难。为什么会出现这样状况?主要是因为大多数民众忽视了我国教育改革和发展所取得的成绩,对我国教育改革和发展期待过于迫切,对大师的崇拜、从众和极化等,这又可能导致领导决策者的误判和错误决策,而将中国教育引向错误道路。从"钱学森之问"出发,我们有必要进一步追问:什么是大师?大师就等于现代教育的成功?我国教育的主要问题在哪里?我国教育的改革出路又在哪里?  相似文献   

An exploratory survey of Assistants in Scottish educational psychology services (EPSs) was undertaken, guided by four questions: Who are Assistants? Why are they employed/not employed? What do Assistants do? How are Assistants supported and supervised? Twenty-one Assistants and 15 managers were interviewed. It was found that Assistants worked under seven job titles; all were committed to becoming educational psychologists (EPs). Recruitment issues and improving EPS research capacity were drivers for employment. The Assistants’ roles were largely research based; however a majority worked directly with young people. Induction and supervision were valued but not consistent. Further discussion includes issues of competence and remit, and the relationship of Assistant and professional role.  相似文献   

从基层教师角度探讨《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》中“为什么改”“改什么”“怎么改”的“三改”问题。“三改”是改革的基本性问题。为什么改?教育评价改革是中国社会发展的历史必然;改什么?当前最需要改革的是教育评价中的行政化问题;怎么改?让教育评价回归到评价教育科研成果内容本身。  相似文献   

What are key issues that educational measurement professionals must confront in the next decade? What resources can we draw on as we face these issues? How can educational measurement contribute most effectively to educational reform?  相似文献   

PowerPoint Presentation Technology and the Dynamics of Teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a wide-ranging analysis of the use of PowerPoint technology in higher education. It addresses four overlapping issues. Has PowerPoint led to more effective learning? What impact has PowerPoint had on the dynamics of classrooms? What are some important aspects of the culture that accompanies PowerPoint? How has PowerPoint affected orality, visuality and literacy? The purpose of our article is to stimulate beneficial conversations about a prevalent educational software technology.  相似文献   

Abstract The current public concern about radicalization and extremism challenges philosophers and particularly philosophers of education to explore questions such as “Why do adolescents with strong ideas transgress?” and “What can we do about it?” The first question can be addressed by examining the role of their passionate commitment to their ideals as well as how this passion manifests in their pursuit of these ideals. The second question refers to the role of education in orienting and directing young people’s passionate attachment to and pursuit of ideals. In this essay, Stijn M.A. Sieckelinck and Doret J. de Ruyter argue that educating children to become reasonably passionate about ideals is a justifiable, and in fact an important, educational aim. This educational aim rests upon the notion that people take a rational, moral, and prudent stance toward their ideals and that they pursue their ideals in a way limited (yet also enabled) by rational, moral, and prudent considerations. While extremism is not likely to be defeated by educational efforts only, democratic citizenship demands urgent educational attention to young people’s passion for ideals.  相似文献   

近三十多年,我国教育界热心于苏霍姆林斯基教育思想研究的同行们,常常关注如下问题:苏霍姆林斯基是如何成长为伟大的教育家的?苏霍姆林斯基教育思想中最为关键的要点是什么?乌克兰在当前是如何继承和发展苏霍姆林斯基教育思想的?笔者就这些问题采访了乌克兰帕夫雷什中学校长瓦·德尔卡契女士和基辅市苏霍姆林斯基实验中学校长瓦·哈依鲁莲娜(通讯)院士。  相似文献   

何谓体罚?体罚何以会产生?它有哪些危害?又为何屡禁不止?只有从不同维度进行深入探讨才有可熊准确地把握。而要有效地预防和矫治体罚,则务须倚重法律,但惟有多方配合,方能奏效。  相似文献   

While McKenzie mentions in passing her concern about anthropocentrism and human oppression of the natural world, she is mostly silent about the role of ‘nature’ in post‐post approaches to environmental education research. If one takes feminist poststructuralist ideas about voice and representation seriously, surely the place of ‘nature’ in environmental education research must be interrogated? Is there space for ‘nature’ in multivocal representations of research? How might our own polyvocality include our experiences of our animality? How might we assess the legitimacy of such representations? What are the limits and possibilities of post‐post approaches to environmental education research when ‘nature’ is taken into account?  相似文献   

This article highlights the complexity of participatory action research (PAR) in that the study outlined was carried out with and by, as opposed to on, participants. The project was contextualised in two prior-to-school settings in Australia, with the early childhood professionals and, to some extent, the preschoolers involved in this PAR project seen as co-researchers. This article explores the author’s journey to PAR, which she considered a socially just mode of inquiry. However, it is not without its complexities and challenges. This article makes transparent these complexities and explores issues of ‘power’, identity and influence in collaborative research. Questions often reflected upon by researchers are re-visited in this article: What theoretical underpinnings align with the investigation? Why undertake such a demanding research design as PAR? What does this research design involve? Where does the university researcher fit? How does a PAR team ‘work’ when there are so many different personalities involved? What are the challenges that are faced by participatory action researchers and how might these be overcome? While these challenges are not new to PAR researchers, the solutions and discussion put forward in this article may generate further reflection and debate.  相似文献   

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