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唐代迁谪诗文述略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐代遭受迁徒、贬谪之苦的从多诗人所创作的“迁谪诗文”,是唐代文学不可或缺的重要组成部分。唐代的迁谪诗文颇能体现出迁谪文学的本质特点,对后世的迁谪文学的发展亦产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

刘禹锡、柳宗元在遭贬后的诗文创作中,大量借助于禽鸟和山水意象,表现自身的迁谪命运,表达内心的幽寂拘囚之感,为唐代及以后文人迁谪情感的表达提供了一种成功的艺术范式,也使迁谪文学增添了新的表现题材和美学风格。  相似文献   

韩愈的迁谪诗有反映自己仕途失意的,也有为他人鸣不平的。但和此交织在一起的是反映谪地及途中的山光水色、所见所闻的民间疾苦,揭露中唐以后的政治黑暗。从思想内容来看,总体是健康的。他的迁谪诗比应景、应酬诗来得通畅浅白,感情真挚,较少险峻怪僻之弊,是韩愈纵恣豪放、浑茫雄博诗风的代表。迁谪诗既是韩诗重要的组成部分,又是韩诗的精华所在。  相似文献   

以桃花源中心的西洞庭湖区域文化,是以对理想社会的不懈追求为特征。本文从桃花源文化的前期积淀、桃花源理想境界的形成等方面,探讨了桃花源文化社会生活、人文地理等原因,论述了桃花源理想境界对迁谪文学的影响。  相似文献   

贬谪,是中国古代一种很常见的政治现象,贬谪者将其被贬谪的人生感悟和谪居生活中的情感体验,蕴涵在自己的文学创作中,因而称之为贬谪文学,这是一种在内容情感上独具特色的文学体式。但“贬谪”在历史上,又可以称为“左迁”、“贬”、“流”、“谪”等,于是,研究界便出现了各种不同的称谓,或称之“迁谪文学”,或称之“贬谪文学”、或称之“逐臣文学”,其实,它们各自在概念的内涵与外延上,并不一致,应予区分,以便能较准确地指称和描述贬谪文学这种特殊的文学体式。  相似文献   

从李白写《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》的“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西”起,到10年后他自己被贬夜郎途中所写的表达幽怨情怀的诗,实际上就完成了文学上的“夜郎”意象的整合,李白迁谪文学中的“夜郎”情结,就是那种迁徒遐荒的幽愤、孤独与绝望的感受。  相似文献   

顾勤 《文教资料》2007,(12):64-65
唐代是我国山水文学的第一个高峰。形成这个高峰的除了通常意义上认为的三大主流创作系统之外,还有一类是迁谪文人的创作。本文从这类作品产生的社会原因以及这类作品独特的审美价值来分析它们在唐代山水文学中的地位。  相似文献   

李白一生四上庐山,与江西的名山秀水结下了不解之缘。寓赣诗不仅形象地记载了李白诗风从飘逸走向沉郁的过程,而且集中地反映了他从学人误为政治人的遭际的尴尬和精神的痛楚。756年的再寓赣地,致使李白经验了人生的和精神的巨大跌落,在学上则表现为浪漫性和怨愤性的矛盾结合。李白遭受迁谪,始于江西,终于江西,因此,李白寓赣诗与其迁谪情怀是密切相联的。  相似文献   

刘长卿一生仕途蹭蹬,屡遭迁谪。在其谪居或途次湖湘期间,或为山川胜概所激而抒以骚人之志,或为人文轶事所感而发以迁客之思,写下了一批带有鲜明地方特色的湖湘诗歌。刘长卿的湖湘诗在艺术上主要表现为白描、移情和象征手法的运用。刘长卿湖湘诗是湖湘贬谪文学的重要组成部分,对湖湘贬谪文学产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

王昌龄迁谪时期的诗歌,不仅向友人表达了诚挚的情谊、高远的志向及坚贞的操守,而且也诉说了自己怀才不遇、委曲不伸的愤懑。因此,王昌龄的迁谪诗并非一般的应景之作,更非无病呻吟、舞文弄墨的文字游戏,而是诗人情感的坦诚流露、灵魂的真实写照。其迁谪诗以丰富的内容、独特的风格,丰富了唐诗的表现力,从而成为唐诗百花园中的一株奇葩。  相似文献   

康德的审美无利害观对中国长期以来的文学功利主义如载道观、言志观形成了冲击,影响到中国现代纯文学观念的形成。同时,康德美学思想中审美的无目的与有目的、理性与形象、内容与形式之间也存在矛盾,矛盾的统一便在于“美的理想”。这也对中国文人学者形成很大影响,使他们既坚持文学的纯粹性与独立性,又主张其社会功用性,并力图在二者之间保持合理的平衡。  相似文献   

This paper investigates changing modes of femininity. It asks: What are the discourses and discursive practices within which new femininities are constructed? What are the social conditions in which they emerge? How are these negotiated and lived by girls? What do these stories tell us about the complications of subject formation and what it means to be a “girl” in “global times”. Drawing on a school-community project with a racially diverse group of girls, aged 12–14 years, the paper analyses a series of fictional stories that the girls wrote for the characters of a collaboratively produced video. It is my argument that girls live the effects of neoliberal discourses of individuality in particularly complicated ways. This is due to the ways in which “woman” and “individual” have historically been constituted through a series of binary oppositions including those of: femininity and masculinity, girlhood and adolescence, womanhood and personhood and femininity and rationality. I suggest that while traditional femininity is being undone through its inclusion in discourses of individualism, rationality and adulthood, it is also reinscribed through an ever increasing array of contradictions, the juggling of which have always constituted femininity.  相似文献   

沈佺期之贬谪岭南,是一次痛苦的生命体验,也是一个诗歌艺术的拓展时期.这次贬谪使得沈俭期竭力运用近体诗来表露他在贬谪中的多种情感,特别是成为第一批首次用严格规范的近体诗描写岭南山山水水的诗人,这样的诗作具有特殊的审美意义.读一读沈佺期贬谪岭南时期的诗歌,其中的由不白之冤带来的激愤,其中的山山水水的奇险怪异,是会永留记忆中的;而其完美的结构、谐美的韵调以及形象的语言也是难以忘却的.  相似文献   

This article suggests that a critical perspective of the notion of social representations can offer useful insights into understanding practices of teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms with immigrant students. Drawing on literature using social representations, previous empirical studies are revisited to examine three specific questions: what are the dominant social representations that permeate the mathematics classroom with immigrant students? What impact do these social representations have on classroom practices? What are the spaces for changing these practices through becoming reflective and critically aware of these representations? These questions are addressed mostly in relation to teachers’ representations, though the article also draws on data from research with students and parents to illustrate the diversity of representations and to argue for a critical and reflective perspective.  相似文献   

女性主义视野中的科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪六七十年代,女性主义作为一个学术流派开始介入科学领域,并对传统科学观提出一系列的批评。那么,究竟女性主义与科学的渊源关系如何?他们为什么对科学进行批评?主要批评科学的哪些方面?各个流派女性主义科学观又是怎样的?存在哪些冲突与碰撞?我们该如何看待女性主义科学观?本文尝试在这方面作一些评介,这不仅有助于我们全面了解女性主义与科学的关系,更有助于我们对科学本身进行再认识。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to answer three questions: (1) What are the benefits of fully implementing ICTs for the education of professionals, such as architects? (2) What are the difficulties involved with carrying out these technological changes? and (3) How do these benefits and difficulties interact in a rapidly developing Asian nation such as Taiwan? A brief literature review reveals that ICTs are especially well fitted to the educational paradigm of constructivism and that cultural considerations must always be kept in mind when attempting to implement ICTs. Particular attention is given to the increased potential for collaborative work that crosses international and cultural boundaries, molding studies and exercises to the interests of students and teachers rather knowledge that has recently evolved, and how this maximized use will benefit architectural education. Throughout the paper special attention is given to the possibility of fully implementing ICTs for the education of professionals in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to further graduate-level training in school consultation. Three questions that the first author has encountered throughout the last 26 years while teaching consultation are illuminated in this article: (1) What criteria should be used in selecting a consultation placement? (2) What criteria should be used in selecting a field supervisor? (3) What criteria should be used in evaluating the work of the consultants in the consultation course? Placing these questions into currency in the school psychology training literature may ensue more thinking around these critical issues. A case example provided by the second author is used in synergy with the questions and serves to expound on them.  相似文献   

Educational research is dominated by a particular model: data is gathered and analysed. Much literature on methods concerns either ways of processing data, or ethical issues regarding its collection and handling. The present paper looks beyond these matters to the taken‐for‐granted idea of data itself. What can be meant by ‘data’? How does this connect with ideas of the given? What is the place of giving in education—in teaching and learning, in research itself? These issues are explored in the light of information technology’s impact on research, uncovering ethical dimensions that the seeming naturalness of data otherwise obscures.  相似文献   

流刑渊源于上古时期的流放制度,经过行政处分到刑罚制度的嬗变,其惩治力度不足的问题一直很突出。宋代在司法实践中,通过流刑主刑及附加刑的实施,一定程度上解决了传统流刑惩治力度不足的问题,确保了流刑降死一等重刑的地位。  相似文献   


Being Indigenous and operating in an institution such as a university places us in a complex position. The premise of decolonizing history, literature, curriculum, and thought in general creates a tenuous space for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to confront a shared colonial condition. What does decolonization mean for Indigenous peoples? Is decolonization an implied promise to squash the tropes of coloniality? Or is it a way for non-Indigenous people to create another paradigm or site for their own resistance or transgression of thinking? What are the roles of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in this space of educational potential, this curriculum called decolonization? This article presents a multi-vocal reflection on these and related questions.  相似文献   

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