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未成年人意外妊娠成为我国日趋严重的社会问题随着青少年性成熟期的提前和社会观念的逐步改变,一些未成年人在不懂得保护自己的情况下进行性行为的越来越多,导致未成年人意外妊娠成为我国日趋严重的社会问题。20世纪80年代以来,我国未婚青年的性行为急剧增多,并呈低龄趋势。据重庆市计划生育科学研究所提供的资料显示,2002年我国人工流产总数为149.3万例,青少年约为40万例,占四分之一强。统计数据显示,重庆市未成年人意外妊娠援助中心自成立以来,每月门诊援助手术约30-40例。在每学期的头两个月,手术量一般都会有所上升。在接受援助的未成年…  相似文献   

日前,俄罗斯国家家庭教育科学研究所的社会学学者,就莫斯科市青少年性教育进行了一项调查研究。结果显示,莫斯科的未成年人发生性行为的比例大幅增加。而在这些未成年人中,由于性知识缺乏导致的流产、性病甚至艾滋病的案例也很多。专家呼吁:对青少年进行科学的性教育已经成了关系国家安全的大问题。  相似文献   

英国是欧洲少女早孕状况最严重的国家,且低龄化之风日趋严重。目前,少男少女间的性爱游戏在英国非常普遍,一些未成年人推崇没有固定伴侣的性生活方式。而且由于缺乏这方面的知识,他们的性行为很不安全。15~17岁有性行为的女孩子中,怀孕的比例是4.2%。在过去的10年内,英国未成年人性病患者的数量已经至少增加了两倍。1991年,英国境内未成年人性病患者的总数为669291;而2001年调查结果显示,这个数字已经升至133.29万人11995年至2002年间,  相似文献   

攻击性行为是幼儿成长过程中表现出来的典型的外化行为问题,已成为严重影响未成年人身心发展的社会顽疾。其早期形态主要体现在年龄与性别、攻击方式、指向对象、攻击诱因的差异性上。家庭生态系统作为幼儿身心发展最初的场所,对攻击性行为的发生、发展影响甚大,主要表现在教养风格、夫妻关系、亲子关系、隔代教养模式上。有效地预防和矫正幼儿的攻击性行为,必须以家庭为蓝本,充分重视对家庭风险因素的控制和处理,并给予科学的教育关怀对策。  相似文献   

卫如 《江西教育》2005,(3):14-16
5岁的孩子脱光衣服抱一起;12岁的小学生怀孕流产;15岁的中学生书包里放避孕套……这样的事情一件两件是新鲜。而当少女怀孕的发生率以每年6.8%的增幅递增,在全国每年100多万例的人工流产总数中,未成年人占到了其中的1/4而引起学校、家长、社会的广泛关注时,“未成年人性教育”就是一个绕不开的话题了。学校性教育遭遇三大尴尬在我国,几千年礼教文化的禁锢,“性”总是让人难以启齿。随着社会发展,越来越多的由“性”带来的问题逐步摆到人们的面前,性病、艾滋病肆虐,青少年早恋,未婚先孕,婚前性行为等问题日益严重。这些都表明,在未成年人中间…  相似文献   

目前高中生中早恋现象严重,因早恋而荒废学业或过早发生性行为的个案屡出。对高中生及时进行适当的教育已刻不容缓。其实,早恋反映了未成年人青春期的荫动,并不代表堕落与罪恶,关键在于学校、家庭乃至社会共同帮助未成年人认清自己的情感与生活,让他们学会控制自己的情感与行为,合理安排自己的精力与时间,从而顺利走过懵懂的青春期,开始自己真正的爱情与生活。基于此,我设计了这次“等待美丽”主题活动。  相似文献   

近年来,未成年人犯罪已成为一个突出的社会问题,未成年人已成为违法犯罪的高发群体。这一现实要求我们必须认真对待未成年人的犯罪问题,重新解读未成年人犯罪的“基因”,有效预防和控制未成年人犯罪行为的发生。  相似文献   

自杀者的日趋低龄化已成为世界性问题,特别是未成年人自杀问题尤为引人关注。对于少子化日益严重的日本来说,未成年人自杀现状令人堪忧。日本未成年人自杀是由多种原因引发的复杂社会现象。崇尚自杀的文化传统、自杀盛行的社会环境、层出不穷的校园问题、不良的家庭环境及日益严重的未成年人心理危机等是导致未成年人自杀的深层原因。近年来,随着少子化问题的加剧,日本未成年人自杀问题已成为不容忽视的社会问题之一。  相似文献   

立法是预防未成年人网络社会问题、保证未成年人发展的必要手段。在未成年人网络社会问题日益严峻的现实下,必须改变未成年人网络保护无法可依的现状,必须以未成年人发展权作为未成年人网络保护立法的价值,确立和强化政府、学校、家长以及其他社会主体的法定义务与法律责任。  相似文献   

目前高中生中早恋现象严重,因早恋而荒废学业或过早发生性行为的个案屡出.对高中生及时进行适当的教育已刻不容缓.其实,早恋反映了未成年人青春期的萌动,并不代表堕落与罪恶,关键在于学校、家庭乃至社会共同帮助未成年人认清自己的情感与生活,让他们学会控制自己的情感与行为,合理安排自己的精力与时间,从而顺利走过懵懂的青春期,开始自己真正的爱情与生活.基于此,我设计了这次"等待美丽"主题活动.  相似文献   

法律对未成年人与学校之间的权利义务关系做出了比较明确的规定。其目的一是为了保障未成年人受教育的权利,二是为了保障未成年人身心健康发展,三是为了保障未成年学生的人身安全。当学校没有尽到法定义务或学校侵害未成年人的合法权益时就要承担相应的法律责任。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on sexual victimization of minors and the role of school psychologists in assessing and intervening with sexually abused minors. Although estimates of child sexual abuse prevalence differ widely owing to disclosure biases and the definitions that researchers have used in studying it, it is clear that child sexual abuse is a serious public problem. Also troubling is the extent to which “normal” adults, especially males, exhibit sexual interest in children, suggesting that a substantial number may be at risk for victimizing minors; fortunately, a variety of inhibitory mechanisms prevent most adults from committing this crime. Although victims typically suffer from sexual abuse, surprisingly, some evidence suggests that victims of sexual abuse can exhibit neutral or even positive outcomes, a controversial finding that has numerous possible explanations. Tragically, childhood sexual abuse may lead the victim to become an abuser later in life, sometimes while still a minor. We suggest directions for future research. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Debate about pornography and minors has mainly centred on questions of control, regulation and media policy; the urge to protect children from dangers of sexually explicit content being the primary motivator of these conversations. Instead of discussing the use of pornography by minors in the light of relevant research findings, public discourse on these issues is more usually shaped by views of sexual cultures as inherently dangerous to minors, and young people as vulnerable, easily harmed, and endangered by the media. This paper builds on data consisting of 4212 questions about sexuality that were sent by young people in Finland to experts on sexual health. Only 64 (1.5%) of these contributions explicitly focused on pornography. The small number of porn-related submissions suggests that for young people there are other more important concerns in the field of sexuality than pornography, on which adult guidance is sought. This paper argues that young people’s perceptions of pornography are more diverse than is typically assumed in public debate. Young people challenge risk talk by constantly referring to the vagueness of the alleged harm that characterises the discourse of danger that can be found in much public discussion. According to the findings of this study, blurry notions of harm bother young people more than the actual pornographic content they encounter.  相似文献   

我国现有未成年人国家监护制度是建立在计划经济体制基础上的,已无法满足社会转型期的现实需要,亟待完善。完善现有国家监护制度的对策建议包括将单位、居民委员会和村民委员会转变为未成年人国家监护的协调组织;扩大享受国家监护的未成年人群体范围;对不适当监护人监护权的撤销、制裁问题上,相关法律法规应修改被动、消极的规定。  相似文献   

《养正遗规》一书记载了中国古代教育家关于儿童教育的诸多理论观点,对于我们今天的少儿教育仍有宝贵的意义;其对于读书的目的、正确人生理想和世界观的树立、个人行为规范的养成,学习的过程中家庭、社会、老师的作用,都有明确而细致的阐述。在剔除其过时、错误的观点的基础上继承其可贵的遗产,对现阶段我国未成年人的教育尤其是道德养成教育大有裨益。  相似文献   

Sexting is one of the recurring causes of concern in public discussion of young people and network media. This paper builds on findings from a survey with 1269 Finnish female respondents aged 11–18 conducted using a popular online community for girls on their experiences of and views on online messages concerning sex and sexuality. Sixty-five per cent of respondents had received messages related to sex from either adults or minors while 20% had also sent such messages themselves. The paper asks how girls experience and make sense of sexual messaging and what motivates them to engage in such interactions. Specific attention is paid to the distinction between unwanted and wanted messages. While messages from unknown people identified as adult were often discussed as unpleasant or ‘creepy’, sexual messaging, role-play, cybersex experiments and discussions related to sex among peers were defined as fun and pleasurable. Girls display notable resilience and describe coping strategies connected to unwanted messaging but equally frame sexual messaging and role-play as issues of choice motivated by curiosity and pleasure. The paper addresses sexual messaging as a form of sexual play and learning, and argues for the importance of contextual analysis in understanding its forms and potentialities.  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展,未成年人已经成为网络第二大主体,涉网未成年人在网络空间的虚拟认知行为、虚拟交往行为、虚拟实践行为构成了其虚拟行为的三大基本类型,面对网络内容与环境的诱惑、现实社会规则和各种教育指导失效时,主体性不成熟的未成年人在网络生存中出现了虚拟行为异化问题。本文试图挖掘未成年人虚拟行为异化的根源,找到矫正其虚拟行为异化的对策。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe study described in this paper sought to identify the social, cultural, and political factors that effect African unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors’ (UASM) vulnerability to sexual maltreatment in England. It aimed to illuminate how child protection measures could be strengthened for this highly marginalized group.MethodsA mixed method approach was used. Former UASM from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia who had been sexually maltreated in the UK were interviewed in-depth. Prior to the interviews they all completed a questionnaire which captured their biographical details as well as sensitive but factual information.ResultsOf the 53 (N = 53) former UASM who participated in the study only 2 were males. Most arrived in the UK aged 15–17. A range of sexual maltreatment, from sexual harassment to rape was reported. Three quarters experienced more than 1 incident. Most initial incidents happened in the first 12 months of their arrival in the UK. Two perpetrators were female carers. Many participants reported being groomed and sexually maltreated by people from their own country. Many described being seriously sexually maltreated, particularly by groups of young males living in the same accommodation or nearby, some reportedly also asylum seekers. Participants that had been warned of the dangers of sexual maltreatment were more likely to both disclose and to seek professional help.ConclusionsProfessionals should assume that UASM will suffer sexual maltreatment in their host country if not protected adequately, which they are unlikely to disclose. They are likely to need more protection from outside sources and help to develop their personal resources than many have received in the past.Practice implicationsPreventative measures include provision of safer environments, ideally single sex housing; more monitoring and supervision; more opportunities to develop trustworthy relationships and have emotional needs met; greater opportunities to develop language skills/access to interpretation; early information regarding the social system, culture, and sexual maltreatment; and improved professional awareness and competence in dealing with minors from other cultures.  相似文献   

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