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Allowing the Market to Rule: The Case of the United States   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There are increasing calls in the UK and other countries for deregulating universities so that they can better compete in the global market for higher education. Frequent allusions are made to the superiority of the US market‐oriented system. But is market competition for first degrees in the US efficient for the larger society? Do the constantly increasing social expenditures for higher education in the US benefit the public interest or do they advantage certain students and faculty members? Two recent economic studies provide greater insight into the impacts of market competition on US higher education. The results of these studies are discussed and their possible implications for higher education policy making in other countries are explored.  相似文献   

游说业在美国是一个成熟的行业门类,目的是争取政策、资金和人才以及社会的认可和支持。高等教育游说活动在本质上是游说需求者和游说对象"双赢"的一种正常社会行为。我国高等教育存在对资金和政策的大量诉求、民办高校的生存环境需要第三方介入、高等教育的民主化进程扩大了决策参与机会,这些为高等教育游说活动提供了空间。目前,我国高等教育游说可以先从各级各类课题与项目中发现议题,有所作为。  相似文献   

This study is focused on the impact of international education upon United States students. The research question tested was: does the involvement of a US university in international education programs affect the international outlook of United States students? Seven concept areas were developed and tested on a randomly selected group of 663 United States senior students enrolled at six universities: Indiana University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ohio State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana, and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The analysis of variance tests used indicated that for the most part the involvement of a university in international education programs does make a difference in the international outlook of United States students.  相似文献   

The American academic research enterprise relies heavily on contributions made by foreign nationals. Of particular note is the large number of international postdocs employed at universities in the United States (US). Postdocs are among the fastest growing group of academic staff in the US, and over 50 % of all postdocs in the US are temporary visa holders. While academic mobility is sometimes understood using a ‘push–pull’ model, we argue that demand for educational migrants must be considered. Drawing from Marginson’s (Handbook on globalization and higher education. Edward Elger, Northampton, 2011; Marginson and Rhoades in High Educ 43:281–309, 2002) work, we develop a model for assessing local, national, and institutional (or local) variables that may shape the employment of international postdocs at universities in the United States, and we operationalize the model through a panel regression analysis using data covering the period 1989–2009. We find that the passage of time and federally supported research and development expenditures are strong predictors of postdoc employment. Institutional characteristics predict changes only in the subsample of private universities.  相似文献   

Implementation of any inclusive policy is dependent on longstanding conceptions, beliefs, and public discourses on schooling, learning, and including children in mainstream schooling. The adoption of inclusive education in education policies in France and the United Kingdom requires discursive support to reshape the meaning and content of teachers' work, duties and practices. Although inclusive education is widely debated, analyses of the variations in policy narratives promoting inclusive teaching in Europe are lacking. This article reports on comparative and international analysis of discourses and policies for empowering teachers for continuous professional development and inclusive school practices. The analysis focuses on an exploration of varieties of articulations, resources, and conceptual dynamics in the UK and France. These elements are discussed within the broader scheme of the teaching profession, with reference to the inclusive education paradigm.  相似文献   

论高校招生中的行为失范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校招生工作关系到我国高等教育事业的健康发展和人才培养的质量,涉及千家万户的切身利益,是全社会关注的热点。高校招生行为失范包括个人、教育行政部门和高校三个层面,给国家和社会带来了极大的危害。高校招生行为失范,主要是因为高校招生政策法规不健全、利益驱动、招生工作缺乏透明度、招生工作的监管力度不够、部分招生工作人员素质不高所致。完善招生立法、建立和完善招生信息公开机制、健全招生工作监督体制、加大对招生失范行为的处理力度、提高招生工作人员素质,是防止高校招生行为失范的关键。  相似文献   

英国专业博士学位教育发展的特征及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朴雪涛 《教育研究》2005,26(5):77-82
与传统哲学博士相比,专业博士是一种特殊类型的学位制度。专业博士学位教育自1992年在英国出现,十多年来发展迅速,涉及为数众多的大学和学科,但其在各院校和各学科间的分布不均衡。在专业设置、培养过程和研究工作等方面,英国专业博士学位教育初步形成了自身的特色。英国专业博士学位教育的发展是现代大学理念触动、政府公共政策引导、市场需求诱致和学习借鉴共同作用的结果。英国的经验值得我们高度重视,政府、大学和社会都应为专业博士学位教育在我国的发展创造条件。  相似文献   

The six members of the Gulf Co-operation Countries (GCC)—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates—are facing enormous environmental challenges associated with rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, especially in the last three decades, due to its role as a global hydrocarbon energy centre. None of these countries have systematic and specialised academic programmes with the sole purpose of Environmental Engineering Education (E3). The current status of E3 in the universities across the region is surveyed and thus the individual and collective higher education policies towards environmental affairs are highlighted. The E3 policies of the regional universities are then compared to the benchmark status of the European and the US universities. The ABET criteria are used to evaluate non-E3 programs. The survey shows that the environmental engineering subjects were mostly taught under the umbrella of civil or chemical engineering departments in the GCC countries. An educational scheme for E3 in the GCC higher education institutes is proposed that is based on the evolution of E3 approach in the Western universities.  相似文献   

公立高校政府投入模式是连接政府宏观调控政策与高等教育经费的桥梁.公式投入模式和绩效投入模式是现在美国政府使用最多的模式.理论研究与实践均证明,公式投入模式意在弥补公立高校培养成本,体现公平,而绩效投入模式强调了提高公立高校的效率.  相似文献   

英国社会历来"重学轻术",高校招生录取的主要依据是被称为英国教育"黄金标准"的普通教育证书高级水平(A-levels)考试成绩,职业教育并没有得到应有地位。为了改变这种状况,英国政府鼓励高校在招生录取时使用"高校招生分数转换系统",逐步代替之前只涵盖普通教育证书补充水平(AS)和普通教育证书高级水平的计分体系,现已成为整个高校招生录取的重要一环。它以总分的形式综合反映学生的学业成绩,从而更加客观、有效地评价各类学生的学业成绩,使学生获得的不同证书成为可比的学业分值。该转换系统有利于高等院校在招生录取时平等地对待各类学生的入学申请。这对我国高校招生录取制度改革有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Accountability in higher education: Bridge over troubled water?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This article discusses the impact ofaccountability on higher education policies inEurope and the United States. We describe howthe accountability movement relates to otherpolicy trends in higher education, providingempirical data on how accountability wasimplemented and how academics and managers infour universities perceived these policies. Weclose the article with a reflection on theobserved shift from professional to politicalaccountability that uses `soft' mechanisms thatseem to offer little change in the quality ofeducation in these countries.  相似文献   

高等教育质量保障的法律规制是大学法研究的前沿议题,以德国与美国为代表的两大法律体系,分别被纳入公法规制与普通法规制的范畴。在德国,高等教育认证行为属于行政行为,高校与认证代理机构之间的纠纷属于公法争议。申诉、行政诉讼与宪法诉愿等公法救济机制,构成德国高等学校与认证代理机构之间纠纷的解决渠道。如何避免认证对学术自由构成侵害,已成为德国公法学界与实务界关注的核心议题。受联邦宪法法院大学课程认证裁定的影响,德国高等教育认证体系正在进行深刻变革与调整。在美国,高等教育认证机构具有非营利性组织的法律地位,须履行诚实信用以及基本的正当程序等普通法的一般义务。高等教育认证机构对“认证联邦化”的抵制以及高等教育机构对认证决定的抱怨或不满,构成美国高等教育质量保障纠纷的焦点议题。穷尽内部救济与“司法终局性”原则,被视为美国高等教育质量保障纠纷的解决机制。德美两国在高等教育质量保障法律纠纷的解决中形成的经验和教训,对我国明确高等教育质量保障机构的法律地位、强化高等教育质量保障的程序正义、建全高等教育质量的多元纠纷解决机制具有重要启示。  相似文献   

The United States has been well served by its higher education system that, historically, was the product of two philosophies: commitment to the discovery and furtherance of knowledge and fulfillment of the needs of the people. The interaction of these twin philosophies has been tempered by four movements: (i) public control of higher education institutions through boards of trustees; (ii) open admissions for high school graduates; (iii) the university in service to the community; and (iv) the increasing importance of federally funded research. Only in its ability to influence foreign policy formation has American higher education proven itself to be less effective than in the other areas.  相似文献   

印度是发展中国家高校海外办学发展最为迅速的国家,其海外办学以私立大学为主。作为印度最著名的私立大学,阿米提大学海外办学成效显著,具有代表性。截至2018年,阿米提大学已在英国、美国、澳大利亚、毛里求斯、南非、罗马尼亚、阿联酋、中国、新加坡等9个国家筹建了12所"全球校园"。阿米提大学海外办学模式既有海外联合学位项目,也有独立建制海外分校、合作建制海外分校;其海外办学特色鲜明,办学理念以学生未来就业为导向,建立了鲜明的实用性和国际化课程,构建了内外结合的质量保障体系。但其发展也面临国际学位项目生源不足、管理机制不健全以及海外分校建设存在较为突出的商业化和产业化问题等。  相似文献   

20世纪中叶之后,加拿大和台湾地区开始实施多元文化政策,高校招生民族倾斜政策是其主要内容之一,它的制定与实施增加了加拿大和台湾地区少数民族学生高等教育入学机会,从而有效地促进了少数民族学生高等教育的较快发展。在和谐视域下对加拿大和台湾地区高校招生领域基于民族而制定的倾斜政策进行探讨与研究,可以为中国大陆高考民族倾斜政策的改革与发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Growing emphasis has been placed on universities to contribute to the innovation process and as a result academic research and development expenditures have increased in recent years. Nevertheless, little is known about the specific ways in which universities have expanded their research capacity. This paper examines how universities in the United States (US) have expanded research capacity as research funding has increased. Specifically, it identifies what type of research infrastructure, including various categories of human capital and research equipment, are most closely associated with increased academic research funding. Using data from 375 US universities spanning the period 1990–2005, through multiple regression analysis this study finds that ‘traditional’ and new ‘market’ based elements of research capacity are associated with increased research funding. The implications of this study extend beyond the US since many countries are both investing in expanding research capacity and transforming the way research is organised within universities.  相似文献   

This article makes a comparison across the unique educational settings of law and business schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and New Zealand to highlight differences in teaching methods necessary for culturally and ethnically mixed student cohorts derived from high migration, student mobility, higher education rankings and host governments promoting educational services. The approach of grounded theory is used, drawing data from instructor interviews and class observations of their teaching styles. While instructors from universities with higher numbers of international students are under pressure, the findings indicate there are positive consequences that result from these settings. Outcomes include experimentation in teaching methods, increases in the use of technology and more teacher training. There are concerns about English-language entry tests, a possible reputational risk for the higher education industry. This research contributes to the debate on changes in teaching methods that result from student mobility towards English-medium universities.  相似文献   

文章主要分析了英国、澳大利亚和德国这三个国家的职业教育和训练体系的共同原则和不同实践。首先探讨企业在这三个国家参与职业教育和训练中的作用。英澳德三国致力于改进相关工作技能并为青年人提供企业相关训练,注重加强训练中企业的参与。澳、德特别强调学徒制途径的重要性,英国的现代学徒制也以崭新的面貌呈现在世人面前。其次。英、澳两国引入职业资格认定的评估体系,探索职业协会在资格认定中的重要作用。英澳德三国保证职业教育质量的方法是相似的。最后探讨了欧洲一体化政策对于学生与职业资格在不同国家转移的作用。比较英澳德三国时,发现相似多过区别,职教方法的一致性更明显地体现在职教政策的概念基石上,而不是具体的实施过程中,然而,欧洲教育和训练一致化的动议也意味着职教实践上的逐渐趋同。  相似文献   

University ranking or higher education assessment in general has been attracting more and more public attention over the years. However, the subjectivity-based evaluation index and indicator selections and weights that are widely adopted in most existing ranking systems have been called into question. In other words, the objectivity and impartiality of those rankings has been worrisome. To address these concerns, this paper presents a quantitative and model-driven approach to acquiring the evaluation index and indicator weights in the US News & World Report ranking system. Structural equation modelling will be applied to mine non-subjective weights from collected data. The proposed approach will be validated using two groups of United States universities, National Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges, classified by the US News & World Report. Managerial and administrative implications will also be explored. This study shows a very promising future because it opens a new venue for the scholars and practitioners in the higher education assessment field to develop a real-time, scalable and model-driven higher education ranking system.  相似文献   

The need to understand how prospective students decide which higher education institution to attend is becoming of paramount importance as the policy context for higher education moves towards market-based systems in many countries. This paper provides a novel methodology by which student preferences between institutions can be assessed, using the United Kingdom as a case study. It applies both revealed preference and discrete choice modelling techniques to estimate the priority attributes and potential trade-offs of students choosing between different UK universities. Whereas the former methodology has the advantage of being based on actual decisions, the latter provides an experimental setting for more nuanced findings to be elicited; the combination of approaches allows for a rich and detailed set of results. This methodology can also be used to ask detailed strategic questions of higher education institutions and further applied to other international markets.  相似文献   

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