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滥用合成类固醇对运动员肌体的影响和危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年内,许多世界一流运动员的尿样中被发现有合成类固醇类药物或者其代谢产物,非法出售该类药物的商人从中获得了数百万美元的高额利润。本文将从生理学和医学的角度阐述合成类固醇对人体机能影响及服用后易产生的副作用等人们普遍关心的问题。  相似文献   

竞技体育与合成类固醇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在竞技体育中,为提高运动能力和比赛成绩,使用合成类固醇日趋广泛和严重。笔者以文献综述的形式对合成类固醇的生化、生理机制、作用、功能、和对人机体的负面影响及未来可能影响趋势做一概括性介绍,使对此关注的人士对合成类固醇的真实全貌有一全方位的了解和认识。  相似文献   

针对合成类固醇类药物在体育运动中被大量运用的现象,本文从类固醇激素的生理学、临床应用及可能产生的毒副作用三方面阐述了其在人体中的作用。并建议在体育界对滥用合成类固醇事件一定要严肃处理。  相似文献   

合成类固醇作为兴奋剂,在体育界被广泛使用,各国都有服用兴奋剂被查住的先例。合成类固醇又称蛋白同化制剂,是合成代谢类药物,包括合成代谢雄性激素类类固醇和β2激动剂。它们的结构与活性类似于人体雄性激素睾酮的化学合成衍生物,所有的合成雄性激素类类固醇都有与睾酮相似的化学结构。  相似文献   

田径作为体能主导类项群,生理机能、力量、耐力、速度等运动素质起决定性作用,对大运动负荷后快速恢复有极高的要求。这也是田径运动员服用合成类固醇兴奋剂多的一个原因。甚至有人声称:合成类固醇是田径冠军的早点。而体内原有的高雄激素水平无疑使田径运动员占绝对的竞技优势。  相似文献   

兴奋剂对于体育界甚至普通人群,都不是一个陌生的名词。但说起内源性兴奋剂和外源性兴奋剂,大家可能就有些模糊了。国际反兴奋剂组织把“内源性”定义为指体内自然生成的,“外源性”定义为人体不能自然生成的。也就是说,合成类固醇属于人类自身可以分泌的叫内源性的,反之,就叫外源性的。内源性合成类固醇比外源性合成类固醇更难检测。在早期使用合成类固醇时,外源性物质使用较多。外源性合成类固醇是一个庞大的家族,据不完全统计,该类物质有44种之多,这还不包括其一些结构类似的化合物。上世纪70年代东欧国家广泛使用的兴奋剂主要就是这类物…  相似文献   

对血脂水平的影响 研究表明,雄性激素对高密度脂蛋白水平产生影响,与动脉粥样硬化、冠心病的易感性有关。因此长期或过度使用合成类固醇可能对心血管健康造成伤害。 合成类固醇可导致较高的皮质醇浓度,使用合成类固醇的运动员血清及尿液分解激素安静水平显著升高。高浓度分解激素可能增加动脉粥样硬化的潜能,这可能与肝脏考地松分解受抑有关。有研究指出,雄激素制剂可能与高血压有关。这是因为其致分解激素水平增高,并能影响肾上腺激素水平。在安静及运动中,使用合成类固醇的运动员均较对照组血压绝对值升高。  相似文献   

在高原低氧环境中,人体生理机能和运动能力都会受到不同程度的影响而不同于平原地区。因此,研究了解高原自然环境特点对人体工作能力的影响以及在高原人体机能变化的规律,对指导高原体育教学和训练,具有重要作用。 一、高原自然环境特点 1、大气压和氧分压低,空气稀薄 包围着地球的大气对地球表面和地面上的一切物体具有一定的压力,这种压力随着海拨高度的变化而改变。在海平面(海拔为0),当温度为0时,大气  相似文献   

陈小庆 《游泳》2002,(6):15-16
游泳是在水这一特殊环境中进行的一项身体运动,它是凭借自身肢体动作与水的相互作用力,在水上漂浮前进或在水中进行有意识的技能活动。游泳对提高人体呼吸系统机能、心血管系统机能、有氧代谢能力、提高人体对外界环境的适应能力,促进人体全面、均衡发展有着重要的作用。在部队进行渡海作战和游泳训练过程中,如何确保受训人员人身安全及提高教学质量,发挥组织者的主观能动作用,是部队组织游泳训练的各机关部门、教员和各级领导干部都不能忽视和有待思考的问题。1针对游泳教学特点,把握影响教学安全的各种因素游泳安全教学的组织、实…  相似文献   

睾酮是人体最重要的雄性激素,通过特异受体AR发挥其特定的生理机能。雄激素对骨骼肌形态、机能的影响和作用,与整体雄激素水平改变影响了局部肌肉组织中的雄激素水平,进而对肌组织AR进行调控有关。运动可以导致睾酮、AR水平发生变化,从而影响骨骼肌的蛋白质代谢,影响运动能力。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):434-451
The use of drugs to enhance performance has been a feature of athletic competition since ancient times. This review discusses the use of anabolic steroids and stimulants by athletes to improve performance during the later half of the nineteenth century and during most of the twentieth century. Included are discussions of the development and medical background of testosterone and anabolic steroids, how the use of steroids progressed from medical use to use in sport and, with the rapid expansion of testosterone and steroid use in sport during the 1960s and 1970s, the emergence of adverse health effects that lead to the initial banning of steroids in sports and the development of drug testing programmes. Links between stimulant use, war and sport during the 1930s and 1940s, the impact of stimulant use on post-war sport, and the prevalence of stimulant use in North American society and sport prior to 1970, including the deaths of several elite cyclists, are discussed in the second part of this review.  相似文献   

The use of anabolic steroids is prevalent in recreational athletes. This case report describes a young amateur bodybuilder who was referred to our outpatient clinic with jaundice and loss of appetite due to cholestatic hepatitis. Additional tests including a liver biopsy made it likely that the hepatitis was caused by the injectable anabolic steroid trenbolone enanthate. Cholestatic hepatitis may not be limited to the use of oral anabolic–androgenic steroids, as is widely assumed. Therefore, and because of other side effects, the recreational use of all forms of anabolic steroids should be discouraged.  相似文献   

Drug abuse by adolescents has been investigated in various surveys that reported correlations between age, gender, and activity. However, none of these studies included chemical analyses to help substantiate the statements of participants. In the present study, the urine specimens of 964 students (439 females, 525 males; mean age 22.1 years, s = 1.7), who applied to study sports sciences at university, were assessed for anabolic steroids, stimulants, and selected drugs prohibited in sports. In total, 11.2% of the urine specimens provided contained drugs covered by doping controls. The most frequently detected compound was the major metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (9.8%) followed by various stimulants related to amphetamine and cocaine (1.0%). Indications of anabolic steroid use were found in 0.4% of urine samples but originated from contraceptives containing norethisterone. The present study provided unambiguous data on the status quo of drug (ab)use by adolescents hoping for a career related to elite sport or sports sciences. No use of anabolic steroids was detected. However, evidence for stimulants and tetrahydrocannabinol administration was obtained, although not reported by any participant, which highlights the issue of under-reporting in surveys based solely on questionnaires.  相似文献   


Drug abuse by adolescents has been investigated in various surveys that reported correlations between age, gender, and activity. However, none of these studies included chemical analyses to help substantiate the statements of participants. In the present study, the urine specimens of 964 students (439 females, 525 males; mean age 22.1 years, s = 1.7), who applied to study sports sciences at university, were assessed for anabolic steroids, stimulants, and selected drugs prohibited in sports. In total, 11.2% of the urine specimens provided contained drugs covered by doping controls. The most frequently detected compound was the major metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (9.8%) followed by various stimulants related to amphetamine and cocaine (1.0%). Indications of anabolic steroid use were found in 0.4% of urine samples but originated from contraceptives containing norethisterone. The present study provided unambiguous data on the status quo of drug (ab)use by adolescents hoping for a career related to elite sport or sports sciences. No use of anabolic steroids was detected. However, evidence for stimulants and tetrahydrocannabinol administration was obtained, although not reported by any participant, which highlights the issue of under-reporting in surveys based solely on questionnaires.  相似文献   

This essay demonstrates that certain fears in North America and Western Europe over steroid and other banned substance use in sport can be tied to three post-WWII events: reports that the Nazis had abused steroids to increase troop aggressiveness during WWII; claims during the cold war that Communist countries' athletes were utilizing steroids for purposes of totalitarian regime building similar to the manner in which the Nazis had allegedly used them; and allegations that east bloc female athletes were being used to further the cause of Communist regimes by being forced to accept the androgenizing effects of anabolic steroids and other hormone treatments. It is only with a full understanding of the repressed anxieties engendered by these events that the status of current banned substance policies can be fully and accurately evaluated.  相似文献   

The article presents the most important results of metabolic (hormonal) study of dosed vibration training (DVT).The author presents vibrating training as an alternative to anabolic steroids on the basis of a comparison of the effectiveness of two types of stimulants - forbidden (doping) and non-medicinal non-invasive, relating to permitted physical means.The study shows that the level of androgens (testosterone),corticosteroids (cortisol), thyroid hormones (thyroxine,triiodothyronine),hormones of adenohypophysis (prolactin) increased under the effect of dosed vibration training.At the same time the level of hormones have no changes under traditional strength training with the use of a synthetic anabolic steroid (retabolil).For the duration of a limited period of time (1 microcycles) dosed vibrotraining causes a more powerful secretion of testosterone than the traditional strength training with the use of anabolic steroids. In this case,the overall time spent on the performance of the DVT training program comprises not more than 15% of the time spent on the traditional training exercises.  相似文献   

本实验对训练动物予以类固醇药物,发现其肌力增强,但工作时间缩短,肌肉断裂强度和能量吸收无改变。胫骨、跟腱、屈趾肌腱和膝内侧副韧带的某些生物力学特性受到不同程度的影响,使其在激烈运动中易于受伤。  相似文献   

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