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形容词置于被修饰词之后的现象;专有名词在形容词后置的现象,形容词用在职务或头衔名词后的现象;形容词后置构成的惯用法;不定代词只能用后置形容来修饰的现象。  相似文献   

北京冬奥会的举办不仅有利于对外传播中国形象,也有利于外国友人了解中国文化。从徽章到吉祥物,从奖牌到图标设计,从冬奥场馆到办奥理念,从开幕式到闭幕式,整个冬奥会都彰显了深厚的中国文化底蕴,其中包含的具有中国文化特征的专有名词更是数不胜数。本文结合音译法、直译法、意译法、音意结合法和固定译法这五个方面详细探讨这些专有名词的翻译方法,发现只有译者对专有名词翻译处理妥当,才能使目的语读者更好地理解和感受中国文化。  相似文献   

从专有名词的界定入手,探讨其词法、句法、语用等方面的运用状况,从而揭示其语用意义生成的机制,即常规关系生成机制和借代关系生成机制。借用对比语言学的研究方法,在汉语和英语双语比较的基础上,归纳总结双语转换的基本方法和策略。由此可以明确专有名词社会文化构成基因、语用意义形成的认知机制和专有名词语用内涵状况。这种研究跨越了专有名词专指意义,深入专有名词的语用内涵,有助于帮助语言学习者认清专有名词在具体语境中的活用状况,同时也从另一个角度阐明了专有名词转换为普通名词的基本规律。在跨文化语境的参考下,可以认清英汉语言中专有名词相同的语用生成机制。对翻译方法的探讨,有利于克服英汉两种语言中在跨文化语境中的交际障碍。  相似文献   

郑曦临 《文教资料》2009,(21):48-49
专有名词普通化就是用专有名词指代普通概念,主要包括人名普通化和地名普通化两方面.用做普通名词的专有名词的词源可以追溯到文学作品、历史事件、风土人情等方面.研究专有名词普通化现象有助于了解专有名词的本义和衍生义,更好地了解西方文化.  相似文献   

我们知道,英语中名词可以根据其词汇意义分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。由于有些专有名词所指的事物与普通名词所指称的事物之间有功能、形状、动作等待征方面存在着某些相类似的地方,所以专有名词可以从指弥个人、国家、地方、机构、组织等转指一类人或物,或是物质的抽象概念,即从专有名词转化为普通名词。这种转化现象叫做专有名词普通化(Commonization)。这个转化的过程我们称之为换称(Antonomasia)。下面我们从两个方面——转化为普通名词的专有名词的分类及专有名词的转化方式——对专有名词的普通化加以探讨。一、转化为普通名词的专有名词的分类在转化为普通名词的专有名词中,以人名和地名为最多,其他还有书名、电影名、商品名转化为普通名词。  相似文献   

地名就是地理实体或行政区域的名称,地名是专有名词中的一个特殊类别,它拥有其他专有名词所不具备的特征,蕴涵着丰富的文化因素.这样在研究地名的创造过程中就不得不把文化因素考虑在内.本文将详细讨论汉语地名的造词法,即说明法、比拟法、减缩法、典故法、谐音、雅化法及音译法等.  相似文献   

英语中有不少普通名词是由专有名词演变而来的,我们把这种构词现象称为换称法(antonomasia),即词由原先的专有名词指称转为普通名词指称。英语中许多人名、地名、书名,甚至商标名等专有名词都可转化为普通名词,如:newton 牛顿(是由英国科学家 Sir Lsaac Newton 的名字而来  相似文献   

英语专有名词,通常情况下都是采用音译的方式引入汉语的,而英汉语音的差别无疑是影响音译的一个重要因素。音译则作为吸收外来语的一种基本手段,在翻译专有名词方面起着重要的作用。所以本文就英语专有名词的音译所出现的问题和现状做了一定的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

傅东华的《飘》译本是归化翻译法的典范,其归化技巧主要体现在语言上大量破解英语短语,代之于汉语短句(包括将英语名词修饰语译成汉语短句及将名词短语译成汉语短句),同时大量增加词汇(包括语义补足词句、连接词、结构补足词语)。在文化信息方面,傅东华将大量专有名词用归化译法处理,但其译本中还存在重要信息漏译、专有名词内涵不准确等问题。  相似文献   

英语专有名词,通常情况下都是采用音译的方式引入汉语的,而英汉语音的差别无疑是影响音译的一个重要因素。试从音位学角度探讨英汉专有名词的音译,通过英汉音位区别性特征的对比分析,找出其在语音、音节等方面的不同之处及对应关系,并尝试性地总结出了专有名词音译的几点规律。  相似文献   

This study examined issues in supporting middle-school teachers to become more learner centered when implementing computer-based, workplace simulations in their classrooms. Specifically, this report focuses on a participant observation study of two teachers to develop and evolve a framework for professional development. The framework was developed based on prior professional development efforts, information on developing learner-centered classrooms, and data about teacher change. The framework included five key pieces: (a) reflection, (b) proximal goals, (c) collegial support groups, (d) one-on-one feedback, and (e) support materials for the teachers. The foundation for the framework was a belief that change is individual and needs to be supported in context and over time. The data included field observations as the teachers used the simulations in their classrooms made by the author and three outside observers, and interviews with each teacher following her use of the simulation program. During the four-month study, the original framework evolved in response to the data collected. The final version of the framework focuses on the professional developer working with teachers to develop reflective skills. Proximal goals became a focusing tool for reflection after teachers had begun to develop their reflective skills. The interplay between reflection and proximal goals was enhanced by outside resources, one-on-one feedback, and collegial group meetings. The work reported here was comp;eted as part of a dissertation conducted at Indiana University’s Center for Innovation in Assessment, and was supported in part by grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Russell Sage Fundation. The school and participant names have been changed to protect their identity. All researcher names are actual.  相似文献   

在王安石的诗集中,人际交往诗歌占有不小的比例。一般说来,这些交流的对象大部分都有姓有名有官职。依据人物的姓名及官职,我们便可以追寻梳理对方的社会地位、生活处境以及与王安石的私人关系,从而做到确切理解诗意,全面了解双方的情感交流。然而在这部分诗题中,也有一些是难以落实具体交流对象的。这些人士或是有姓无名,或是无姓有名,或者是虽然有姓又有官职,但到底是张三还是李四却难以落实。本文对其中一些诗题的疑难姓名和相关人士进行了考证和试探。  相似文献   

在实际的语言运用中,专有名词除了具有特别指称的意义之外,其语义的特殊性主要表现在其游离于字面意义以外的化伴随意义以及借助于借代修辞格而衍生出的指代意义。考察蕴合丰富化意义的英语专有名词的来源与途径及专有名词的种种借代用法,有助于正确理解和把握其在语言交际中的特殊用法和重要作用。  相似文献   

2000年以后,石油工程类高职院校得到了蓬勃发展,不管是油田企业办学的高职院校还是地方高职院校,都竞相发展和开设石油工程类高职专业。研究发现,石油高职专业发展建设的同时,专业名称五花八门,太多、太杂,而其中招生就业好的专业十分集中,与其上游的本科专业和下游的中职专业之间不能自然承接。针对这种情形,石油工程类高职专业需要对其专业名称进行调整。  相似文献   

中华姓氏的来源浩繁庞杂,既有一姓多源,又有几姓同源,还存在历史进程中发生变化者。据考证,目前中华民族的姓氏用汉字记录的有11969个。在这敷以万计的姓氏中,对其分析、归类,可将得姓受氏的情况大致分为以田为氏、以邑为氏、以居住地为氏、以官为氏等十几种。  相似文献   

专名和通名分属于不同的语法范畴,一般认为,与通名不同的是,专名只有指称没有内涵,然而它们的区分并非总是界限分明,在特定的语境中专名都有向通名转化的潜力。文章通过英汉人名中的人物特性分析说明不少专名实际上已经发展出了相当稳定的内涵意义。一些典型的通名还有专名的词源背景。专名向通名转化的必要充分条件除了人物的突出特征之外,还应包括文化的促变作用。  相似文献   


Group differences in average grades prior to and after a step-wise introduction of blinded examinations at Stockholm University are examined. Relative to students with ‘native’ names, students with ‘foreign’ names appear to experience weak positive bias in the grading of their examinations, but the estimated effect is sensitive to model specification. No substantial effects of blinding examinations with respect to male-female gaps are found. The results suggest that examiners – when the names of students are disclosed to them – if anything have a weak tendency to positively discriminate for students perceived to have an immigrant background, but they do not appear to discriminate on the basis of gender.  相似文献   

As the torch of learning is passed from generation to generation, competition at the turn of the century is still a competition for talent, a competition for intelligence. China's one-hundred-year history of sending students abroad has, in reality, been the history of the Chinese nation's determined efforts to build up a prosperous state and a strong people. From among the people who studied in Japan and France in the early years of this century and those who studied in the United States and Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, many great men of this century and outstanding politicians have emerged, as well as famous scholars and extraordinarily talented artists. Many brilliant names have stood out among the students who sailed across the seas. After the founding of New China, heavily guarded walls separated East and West, so that have acquired advanced theoretical knowledge and technical skills abroad, have a relatively good professional grounding, understand Chinas circumstances, are familiar with circumstances abroad, and have advantages in such respects as language, techniques, management, and marketing experience. They come back to China chiefly to seek better space for development and to carve out an undertaking. Thus it is essential to pay attention to overseas students and bring their abilities into play. Currently, Shenzhen City has but a few research institutions and a limited number of institutions of higher learning, and its party and government organs and institutions do not provide many positions. Thus we must resolve the overseas students difficulties regarding the choice of occupation, residence registration, housing, professional title, and arrangements for their family members. This will enable them to work with their minds at ease and contribute their talents. Also, one should not demand perfection from overseas students or place excessively high expectations on them; we should instead make use of their strong points and avoid their weaknesses, so that they will soon display their abilities and find their true strengths.  相似文献   

安史之乱对李白的诗歌创作产生了很大的影响,这场战乱使李白创作的关注点走向了社会现实。同时。在对社会现实的描写中,表达了自己在战乱中的政治期待,这已经不仅仅是一种政治热情的流露。较之前具有了安邦定国的现实内容。  相似文献   

“三礼”名物训诂史述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三礼”中记载了大量名物,所以从古到今对名物的训释也成为礼学研究的一个重要内容。从汉代到现代名物训诂的著作层出不穷,所训释名物的角度和方法随着时代的发展也表现出不同的特点。  相似文献   

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