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The article focuses on school-based development and how collaboration between teacher educators and leaders and teachers can promote development in teacher education, in school and in the collaboration site in school where both parties meet. The data were collected in Norway through qualitative interviews with groups of teachers and leaders at three schools, and with a group of teacher educators. With the Cultural Historical Activity Theory as the framework, central concepts within this theory have been key elements in the study. The findings reveal that collective collaborative learning is a positive form of enhancing the professional development of teachers and that both structure and culture should interact when fostering development in school. The study also shows that the development of teacher educators’ research competence can enhance development and learning both in teacher education and in school, and also improve the developmental transfer between these two arenas.  相似文献   

In this article we illustrate the roles of school psychologists, administrators, social workers, teachers, and parents in school reform by describing the adoption, initial implementation, and formative evaluation of an evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) program within several rural Midwestern school districts in a geographically large county. As part of a countywide initiative aimed at improving children's mental health services, an interdisciplinary team collaborated to select and implement a universal school-based curriculum addressing SEL objectives. Professionals in the county's special education cooperative lead the reform effort, general education teachers deliver the curriculum, and school psychologists and school social workers have served as trainers and consultants to educators and building administrators. An ecological model of organizational consultation informs these efforts. We illustrate this model by describing its application to the collaborative school-based initiative addressing SEL objectives. We also discuss implications for future consultation research, training, and practice.  相似文献   

In this action research work, I analyze the theory–practice integration in teacher preparation within the context of a science and technology (S&T) education teaching methodology course aimed at future elementary teachers. The course was designed, developed and evaluated taking into account this relationship as one of its axes. The results reveal that the proposal favors progress in theory–practice integration and stimulates the students’ reflection and research. By means of a written report and an oral presentation, the students communicated their reflections on S&T teaching in the context of their concomitant professional practice. They also collected and presented resources and activities they found useful for teaching, practiced the use of certain educational S&T kits, and looked for and shared S&T pieces of news from different mass media. They additionally conducted a school learning project simulation and reflected on it. Besides, they prepared three written essays about theoretical–practical assigned readings and discussed them. In this paper, I refer to achievements and difficulties that emerged during the process, relating them to other research findings in the area and to theoretical considerations. Finally, I make proposals for further efforts in this field.  相似文献   

A case study of school–community collaboration in an elementary community school in Israel follows up an environmental education (EE) school‐based curriculum that involves the parents and community members in various indoors and outdoors activities. The collaboration was established in the framework of the Community School Approach. In these schools, parents are encouraged to be involved in planning school‐based curriculum and participating in school's formal and informal activities. The aim of the study was to describe environmental education‐based school–community partnerships and to examine the advantages and limitations for such collaboration. Parents, teachers and community members were interviewed for a period of three years. Most of the participants acknowledged the unique nature of EE that allows such a partnership, emphasizing local ideas of project‐based learning in environmental education. The study describes an exemplary collaboration and the development of local school–community partnerships, which could be adapted by other communities within elementary or middle schools.  相似文献   

校本课程开发是与国家课程开发相对应的一种课程开发策略,它强调的是将学校作为课程决策的中心,让校长和教师成为课程开发的主体,更好地满足学生的多元化、个性化发展需求。在我国当前的教育实践中,校本课程开发已由学科试点走向系列化、规模化,成为学校特色文化建设的重要方面。但是,在我们的理论研究中,校本课程开发的概念界定还未达到一致认同,校本课程开发还面临着科学性与规范性缺失、评价机制不到位、未与教育科学研究相伴而行等问题。  相似文献   

In-service educators have a crucial role to play in meeting the professional learning needs of teachers of the future, according to the Council of Europe’s ‘ET 2020’, although it is less clear what that role entails. This empirical study, undertaken in a university school of English language in Turkey, explores the everyday experience of a team of wholly school-based in-service educators and develops a model of their role based on an analysis of questionnaire, interview and focus group data. The results attest to the complexities of the in-service educator’s role, revealing them to be more than simply effective teachers. Catering for affective needs, coaching a broad range of clients, interpreting contextual variables and providing appropriate feedback represent some of the challenges in-service educators are facing in the research context, which set them apart and suggest important lessons for the development of an in-service educator training curriculum.  相似文献   

This article deals with the potential of school-based teacher education for creating a professional community of learners. Learning to participate in the social and cultural practices with regard to education is assumed to be crucial for developing a professional identity as a teacher. From the perspective of socio-cultural theory, we have made a retrospective analysis of a project for collaborative school-based teacher education. The main research question was whether there was a stimulating context for student teachers to develop their own professional identity. To what extent were students able to function as ‘legitimate peripheral participants’ in the school, and to what extent has a ‘professional community of learners’ been realized? Finally, we reflect on the conditions in which teacher education can be centred on a specific school innovation project.  相似文献   

教育信息化建设是职业院校提升教学质量的重要支撑,而提升教师的信息化教学能力则是学校教育信息化建设的关键着力点。从学校教育信息化建设面临的突出问题出发,从信息化建设的顶层设计、平台建设、体制机制、师资培训、课程开发、校本研修团队建设、课题(项目)研究等七个方面有针对性地提出提升教师信息化教学能力的对策。实践成绩显著,学校信息化教学总体水平在短短几年时间内从广西中游水平迅速提升到广西领先水平。相关经验对于广大职业院校快速提升教师信息化教学能力具有参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of the phallic teacher, a spectral figure negotiated in teachers’ everyday work and in school-based disciplinary communities of practice. Reporting the findings of a 3-year Australian doctoral study completed in 2014, the paper looks closely at how English teachers design both curriculum and identity in an environment where feminist and poststructuralist work of the late 20th century seems to have lost traction. These observations made here are based on empirical research in a Victorian school, combined with autoethnographic writing and other materials connecting teachers’ and researchers’ lives to the broader cultural postfeminist debate. The paper makes room for an absent subject, the teacher, marginalised in neoliberal discourses of curriculum and critiques the masculinist hegemony of outcomes and standards-based education. This provides us with new ways to challenge increasingly dominant current paradigms and to conceptualise a different future in which the standpoints of teachers are privileged in curriculum theory and curricular innovation.  相似文献   

在2011年11月召开的广东教育学会课程与教学论专业委员会第三届学术年会上,与会者围绕"新世纪基础教育课程与教学改革的回顾与展望"这一主题,对当前课程改革的新生长点,如"推进校本课程开发"、"创新科目课堂教学"和"提升教师专业发展"等并形成了较为一致的看法。推进校本课程开发主要表现为服务学生和学校的新理念、资源整合的新策略、凸显施行的新主题和科目整合式微型课程开发的新路向;创新科目课堂教学深化和聚焦到"语文""、数学"、"英语"等学校教育的核心科目上,从而引领人们超越一般性的教学改革论说,进入活生生的各个科目课堂教学的有效性建构层面;提升教师专业发展主要体现为"优秀教师期待"的新观念,"互惠性院校协作"、"行动学习"、"文化建构"和"课堂问题研究"的新途径。  相似文献   

This study examines collaboration between English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers and content-area elementary school teachers, and makes the case for conceptualising teacher collaboration as an opportunity for shared teacher learning. Using a sociocultural theoretical lens, this study examines how three pairs of elementary teachers and ESOL specialists used and constructed tools for collaboration, which mediated and made visible teachers’ learning processes. Employing interpretive enquiry and cross-case analysis, we examined data from classroom observations, teacher co-planning sessions and interviews with teachers. Findings demonstrated that collaborating teachers used tools to articulate and reconceptualise teaching goals, co-construct knowledge and ultimately transform teaching practices to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. This study has implications for teacher education and ongoing professional development, by shedding light on the potential affordances of collaborative tools for teacher learning. Findings suggest that teacher education could harness these opportunities for learning by incorporating collaboration between ESOL specialists and content-area teachers as an integral part of preparing more qualified teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a curriculum development project, framed around the cross‐curricular themes as suggested by the NCC guidelines (1991‐a‐f). It is structured as a teacher partnership experience involving close collaboration between university tutors, student teachers and practising teachers in a local school. From the university's perspective, the curriculum development project grew out of the review and evaluation of the education courses which forms 50% of the four year BA/BSc Hons (Education) degree offered for students preparing to be secondary school teachers. From the school's perspective it offered an opportunity to develop a more formal incorporation of cross‐ curriculum themes into the subject curriculum. The paper discusses the project from three perspectives: the university tutors’, the school teachers’ and the students’, describing professional tutoring partnership in practice.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of protocol-structured dialogue in promoting reflective practices and shared theories of action within a district leadership team. Protocols have been used to make individuals’ theories of action visible and subject to evaluation. This is important for leaders trying to establish coherence across a system; in order to establish coherence, individuals on leadership teams need to be able to surface, test, and sharpen and align their internal pictures of how change works. The author draws on qualitative data from a year-long study of one team as it prepared to implement a capacity-building initiative that would promote collaboration and reflection in schools across the district. Findings illustrate how, as administrators experimented with reflective practice using protocols, divergent theories of leadership’s role in setting a clear direction for school-based reflection emerged, with principals looking for district-wide goals to drive school-based reflection and the superintendent looking to leave decisions about goals to individual school leaders. Our findings suggest that the team’s capacity for aligning these theories was limited because protocol-structured dialogue was carried out as a generic problem-solving exercise. As such, it did not promote visible, productive reasoning in the system’s formal leader, the district superintendent. Moreover, protocol-structured discussion did not mediate the problematic effects of formal authority distinctions or longstanding relationships within the administrative leadership team.  相似文献   

教师发展是大学发展及教育改革的关键。本文从以河海大学常州校区校本课程开发及相应教学团队建设为例,探讨大学英语青年教师专业发展的新途径——充分利用校本课程开发和团队建设契机,通过互助协作来促进专业发展。  相似文献   

The role of a principal’s curriculum leadership has become an educational issue in Taiwan’s early childhood education. This study represents a pioneering attempt in adopting a target school interview, fuzzy Delphi, and analytic hierarchy process for constructing preschool principal’s curriculum leadership indicators. Fifteen experts and practitioners were involved in the Delphi panel and a two-stage questionnaire survey was administered. The findings revealed that preschool curriculum leadership indicators could be classified as 20 implementation items in six aspects: formation of preschool vision; organization and functioning of the preschool curriculum development team; control of the preschool curriculum implementation process; improvement of teachers’ curriculum professionalism; integration of different educational resources; and assessment of preschool curriculum implementation performance. Analysis of the relative weighting of curriculum leadership indicators reveals that the most important implementation items are “Ability to analyze the preschool’s background and features to provide a basis for development of a curriculum vision,” “Ability to construct a preschool curriculum vision together with other members,” “Ability to call together teachers to jointly establish a curriculum development team,” “Ability to secure resources from inside and outside the school to provide the environment and equipment needed to meet teachers’ curriculum and teaching needs.” These indicators emphasizing organizational cooperation, entrustment, and control under the context of the new leadership in Taiwan are in line with the Western concept of distributed leadership.  相似文献   

The current emphasis of many mathematics education reform documents is on the need to change the environment of mathematics classrooms from the transmission of knowledge by the teacher to the transaction of knowledge between the teacher and the students which promotes mathematical investigation and exploration. In this article, we discuss the details of a Collaborative Teacher Inquiry Project which was aimed at increasing the quality of learning of Grade 9 Applied Mathematics, while at the same time, improving professional development opportunities for the teachers. A total of 11 schools participated in this project which spanned over three semesters. Participants included teachers, department heads, curriculum leaders, and administrators. Each school created an implementation team of administrators and teachers to implement collaborative strategies and improve teaching and learning in Grade 9 Applied Mathematics. The main benefit to the participants was that they were able to increase their knowledge and skills through collaboration in six interconnected areas: (a) achieving the goals, (b) student success, (c) professional development, (d) co-planning and co-teaching opportunities, (e) increased communication, and (f) improved technological skills. Bringing in different partners to achieve a common goal was the most challenging aspect of the project.  相似文献   

深圳市高职院校弹性体育俱乐部教学模式以"职业体育"和"终身体育"思想为指引,在教学目标、教学内容、教学大纲、教学组织形式、教学评价方面体现了一定的"弹性化"特征,其运作机制包含了保障机制、管理机制、教学机制三个方面;为保障体育俱乐部教学的弹性化,有效解决深圳市高职院校体育教学中的供需矛盾,建议深圳市高职院校加强体育理论教学,开发海洋文化特色的校本课程,强化学生的自主性,提高学校体育管理的开放性,强化师资力量,优化体育教师队伍。  相似文献   

Curriculum reform with a school-based approach is often assumed to offer schools and teachers autonomy at the site level, thus enabling them to develop a school-based curriculum and pedagogies to better fit the needs of students. Over the past decade, school-based curriculum development in Hong Kong has encountered issues that deserve worldwide attention and discussion. By reviewing the experiences of two schools in Hong Kong and drawing on international evidence, this study identifies key challenges and difficulties in school-based curriculum reform in three areas. Intellectually, there is a lack of a strong and broad shared knowledge base for curriculum development. As a result, most school-based curriculum initiatives have been piecemeal, fragmented and shallow. Structurally, many teachers have wasted time ‘re-inventing the wheel’ when developing school-based curricula. This effort has left them without sufficient time and energy to be effective in teaching. Culturally, reliance on school management to steer school-based reforms has prevented the development of a new culture in which teachers have the autonomy to make changes in their daily practices. Without cultural changes, curriculum reforms are not sustainable or effective. This study proposes a cooperative platform that integrates the strengths of central intelligence and school-based initiatives to maximise support for curriculum development at the teacher, school-site and system levels.  相似文献   

目前,高中数学教师对新课程的基本理念普遍认同、教师的教育观念有所转化、教师的教学行为有所改进等;部分教师存在消极心理、教师自身素质缺失、教师感觉工作负担加重等.影响教师适应新课程的主要因素是:教师自身因素;教师评价体制因素;教材因素;教师培训因素.据此提出如下建议:教师应增强自我调节意识,主动适应新课改;建立科学合理的教师评价机制;不断修订完善教材;完善教师培训和校本教研机制.  相似文献   

The establishment of centralized curriculum standards and school-based teacher learning communities are presumably necessary to reform science teaching towards inquiry-based instruction in many countries. Drawing on interview, document, and unit plan data from two high school chemistry teachers in China, this study examines these assumptions. Findings indicated that both teachers developed different kinds of science teaching practices despite working under the centralized science curriculum and school-based teacher learning communities. Different teaching experiences of the two teachers and their school cultures of teaching interacted with the centralized curriculum and teacher teaching community to consequently shape their teaching practices in different ways.  相似文献   

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