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The purpose of this study was to examine the strategies within a faith-based university for managing competing institutional logics of its NCAA Division II affiliated athletic department. Utilizing a case study methodology, the authors collected data from athletic department members and university administrators and faculty. Within the context of this study, our data indicated that the religious academic culture of the university often conflicted with the athletic expectations of winning and marketing the university. Our findings indicated certain strategies that were effective for resolving the conflicting logics within the athletic department. Particularly, members of the athletic department drew from the strong religious culture of the university to guide their operations. The implications of this research within the field of sport management and broader organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous events have provided evidence that the cultural values and assumptions of intercollegiate athletic departments are often incongruent with those of their host institutions. This discrepancy has even been evident in Christian institutions which seek to integrate faith into the learning experience. Using the organizational culture perspective, this study sought to determine how religion influenced the culture of one intercollegiate athletics department. The study took place at a highly selective evangelical Christian college with a nationally competitive athletic department. Data were collected through interviews with 19 campus leaders, observation of cultural events and document analysis. Analysis occurred qualitatively through a process of theorizing. The results indicate that evangelical Christianity played a significant role in the athletic department's culture by constraining its membership, influencing its pedagogy and guiding department decisions. As a result, its values and assumptions were consistent with those of the overall campus culture. The reasons underlying this cultural integration offer coaches and administrators of all institutional affiliations the possibility that the organizational culture perspective can be used to create athletic programs that are more consistent with institutional values.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):395-406
Scholars and policy makers have long considered sport as a vehicle for promoting young athletes’ well-being, educational experience, and citizenship skills. Athletic directors can play a significant role in this process by establishing organizational goals that can foster the development of young athletes and also by ensuring that other personnel abide by these goals. However, little is known about methods athletic directors can use to focus on such development goals in the midst of the current winning-at-all-costs culture surrounding sports. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and development goal orientation among high school athletic directors. A total of 445 athletic directors located in 48 states in the United States completed an online survey. The results indicated that emotional intelligence is positively associated with servant leadership, which in turn is positively associated with development goal orientation. The mediation analysis also revealed that servant leadership fully mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and development goal orientation among athletic directors. The findings of this research assist in understanding how sports governing bodies can educate athletic directors to initiate development-oriented reform of the winning-at-all-costs culture in sports.  相似文献   

2004年以后,大学校园体育文化研究与建设成为中国大学体育的重要内容之一。文章在调查分析当前中国大学校园体育文化建设存在的问题与不足,探究学生的感受基础上,认为中国大学校园体育文化发展中的问题归因于传统教育文化、高等教育体制和社会变革引起的文化多元化。要改变现状,需要从学校、国家层面改变体育文化观念,制定政策并建立评估体系,加强大学生文化内涵探究和中外校园体育文化的比较研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive, multilevel framework for understanding the under-representation of African Americans as head coaches of university athletic teams. I argue that factors at the macro-level (i.e., institutionalized practices, political climate, stakeholder expectations), meso-level (i.e., prejudice on the part of decision makers, discrimination, leadership prototypes, organizational culture of diversity), and micro-level (i.e., head coaching expectations and intentions, occupational turnover intentions) all impact this phenomenon. The framework's applicability for policy development and changes initiatives is also discussed.  相似文献   

奥林匹克文化对普通高校开展“阳光体育运动”的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
现代奥林匹克运动借鉴了全人类先进的文化教育理念,在不断发展、壮大的过程中,形成了其独到的青年文化教育思想。我国普通高校应充分借鉴奥林匹克文化的发展思路,始终围绕如何更好促进学生和谐发展这个主题,正确认识校园体育文化软环境建设对大学生教育所起的作用,充分挖掘“阳光体育运动”所拥有的文化理念,不断充实和促进高校校园文化建设的发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to investigate stakeholder attitudes toward athletic department behavioral congruency with the stated core values of a major BCS1 university located in the Southwestern portion of the United States. Research has indicated that positive and negative attitudes toward intercollegiate athletics can contribute to the perceptions of congruency with the established university mission and values. Over time, however, the increase in negative attitudes attributed to athletic department behavior brings into question their congruency with the university core values. Document analysis and personal interviews (N = 13) were conducted with individuals from each of six university internal and external stakeholder groups. Findings revealed four primary themes: (a) Excellence Equals Winning, (b) For Public Relations Purposes Only, (c) Separation and Isolation of the Athletic Department, and (d) Lack of Leadership from the Top-Down. Implications and future research concerning university brand image and core value accountability are discussed.  相似文献   

Mentoring programs are evolving as common practice in athletic departments across national collegiate athletic association member institutions in the USA as means to address sociocultural issues faced by their student-athletes and to enhance their holistic development. There is a dearth of research exploring mentoring in the contexts of intercollegiate student-athlete development with consideration of the role of race and racism. Drawing upon the framework and analytical lens of critical race theory, this qualitative case study investigates a student-athlete mentoring program at an American institution of higher education to illuminate how black student-athletes (N = 15) make sense of the role of race and racism in their lived experiences. Data analysis revealed two emergent themes identified as (1) navigating privilege and property interests and (2) advocacy. The findings suggest the case of student-athletes was challenged and encouraged by their mentors as well as through discussion with others in the mentoring program to critically consider the presence and impacts of Whiteness, to elevate their sociocultural consciousness of how race manifested in their experiences, develop their social capital and become greater self-advocates. Additionally, an interesting finding in this study was how social capital and educational resources were framed as entitled rights to black student-athletes. Implications from this research are expected to contribute to scholars' critical understandings of black student-athlete mentoring and improve practitioners' programmatic and curricula design of future student-athlete mentoring programs.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study used tenets of critical race theory and a single focus group and individual interviews with 4 African American football athletes at a predominantly White institution of higher education (PWIHE) in an effort to bring the voices of this marginalized group into the dialogue on issues concerning institutional integrity in college sport. Institutional integrity involves an athletic program's actual commitment to the educational interests of college athletes as expressed through their structures, functions, and activities. Three themes emerged from the data: (a) there is a need for more African American role models in leadership positions within the athletic departments of these PWIHE; (b) there is a need for more financial support for athletes; and (c) African American athletes should be given a platform to voice concerns. These findings have implications for those educational stakeholders and researchers who are genuinely concerned with institutional integrity in college sport.  相似文献   

高等教育重组与高校体育改革的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张德福 《体育与科学》2000,21(6):19-20,23
以同一城市多校合并为特征的高等教育重组,成为当今教育改革的热点话题。重组以后形成的综合性大学的形制,其体育教育将面临怎样的情形和解决问题的途径,以及如何适应教育现代化的要求,这是本文要探讨的问题。  相似文献   


In this article, three prevailing myths about team and organisational culture – an increasingly popular topic in applied sport psychology research and practice – are identified, reviewed and challenged. These are; that culture is characterised only by what is shared, that culture is a variable and therefore something that a particular group has, and that culture change involves moving from the old culture to an entirely new one. We present a challenge to each myth through the introduction of alternative theoretical and empirical material and discuss the implications for sport psychology research and practice. The intent of this endeavour is to stimulate debate on how to best conceptualise and study culture. More broadly, we aim to encourage sport psychologists to consider team and organisational culture in new and/or varied ways, beyond current conceptualisations of consensus, clarity, integration and as a management tool to facilitate operational excellence and on-field athletic success.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等方法,找出我国举办高校高水平运动队在实践中存在的不足,为我国高校高水平运动队进一步发展提供依据。调查结果表明,认为教练员水平是高校高水平运动队发展的重要因素的占90%,反映教练员水平低的学校占60.4%,招聘高水平教练困难的学校也占60.4%。我国高校高水平运动队管理体系存在的问题有:1)定位与认识问题;2)组织结构简单,功能缺位;3)教练员水平总体偏低,教练员培养系统缺位。研究得出的结论有:1)进一步充实和完善大学生体育协会的职能;2)"以人为本"培养全面发展的高水平大学生运动员。  相似文献   

通过对大学体育网络教学的指导思想和组织原则的探讨得出:在大学体育课程中运用网络教学形式,符合体育宏观教育、学科教育、信息教育的理念;大学体育网络教学应当遵循全面性、开放性、多样性、自主性、探究性、互动性、层次性、实践性、动态性和可控性的组织原则;提高网络教学的表现力、吸引力和实际效果是大学体育教学改革的必由之路.  相似文献   

高校“快乐体育”的误区及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在阐述“快乐体育”思想的理论源头及其本质内涵的基础上,分析“快乐体育”在新时期高校体育改革的重要地位,并针对高校“快乐体育”教学实践中存在的误区,提出相应的对策与建议,以期实现“快乐体育”既促进学生掌握体育知识、运动技能,又增强学生体质,同时又发展学生个性的多重教育目标。  相似文献   

学校体育在育人中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校体育就其目的、任务的特殊性而言,它不同于大众体育和竞技体育。它突出的特点,就是其本身所具有的特殊的教育属性。就我国教育方针而言,在学校整个教育体系中,体育并不单独存在,而属于德、智、体、美、劳五育有机联系的整体中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

This paper explores how eight women experience, and are incorporated into, the regulatory regimes and pedagogical practices of a corporate (sporting) university in their first semester of college. Using Foucault's conceptions of power, discipline and subjectivity, we situate women's participation on the soccer team within the context of a corporatized Division-I University. As sport has become increasingly corporatized, low-profile sports have begun to emulate high-profile sports. The corporate university and corporate sport model indicative of high-profile college programs, such as the one involved in this study, use (sporting) bodies as resources, rendering them detached and alienated from many college experiences. As evidenced in the data from this study, the pedagogies of highly structured schedules and authoritative-, peer- and self-disciplining mechanisms functioned to normalize the experiences of stress, tension, isolation, loneliness and little autonomy. Nevertheless, we also discuss a point of rupture, wherein two women, for different reasons, refused their athletic subjectivities at The University after their first semester by discontinuing their athletic participation. The contextualization of such experiences reveals the complex relations of power emerging from young adults’ immersion into an athletic system imbued with corporatist ideologies housed within a simulated aura of education and development. This paper aims not to provide definitive answers but rather, by exploring power relations, to open for discussion critical questions about college athletics and to advocate for a more humanist research agenda that considers athletic subjectivities.  相似文献   

大学体育课程目标多元性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
体育课程是不同于以学生认知活动为主的知识性教育活动,而是主要以学生身体活动为主的技能性教育活动;作为学生的活动性、体验式课程方式,能为学生创造特殊的教育情境,促进学生身体素质、道德素质、文化素质和心理素质的全面提高。大学体育课程作为体育课程的高级阶段,对学生全面素质的提高和健康生活方式的形成具有重要意义。多元性体育课程目标的确立是全面发挥大学体育课程功能,促进大学教育发展,从而培养全面发展人才的重要认识基础。  相似文献   

地方高校办学特色有其理论基础。河池学院体育系坚持走特色办学道路,在办学定位、专业建设、人才培养、课程开发和科学研究等方面进行了特色化探索与实践制定出体育系的办学思路和采取的措施。  相似文献   

在校大学生作为高校体育教育的对象,大学阶段是他们接受正规系统体育教育的重要一站,他们对体育行为认识与养成,对进一步有的放矢地落实高校体育各项改革措施,提高体育教学质量,满足大学生的体育需要,确立和培养大学生终身体育意识和能力,具有重要的现实意义。文章将基于态度改变理论来探究大学生体育锻炼行为的促成机制。  相似文献   

高校体育课堂教学与学生课外体育活动的衔接思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,21世纪以来,国家越来越重视高校教育事业的发展。不同于以往只是注重文化课的培养,国家更加注重学生综合能力的形成。调查研究也发现,随着社会水平的提高,在经济物质高速发展的今天,人们的身体素质却在大幅度下降。教育部门不得不探索体育这门课程作为高等学校必不可少的一项课程,如何改良方能与新时代社会相适应,培养出体力充沛、体质过硬的大学生。因此,在高等体育课教学中,加以课外体育活动相辅,必会达到可观的效果。本文就如何将高等体育的课堂教学与在校大学生课外体育活动相连接进行讨论,从中探讨可行的方法。  相似文献   

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