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数学开放题的评价包括两个方面:一是数学开放题考试的评分标准;二是对数学开放题教学的评价.数学开放题考试的评分标准分3个维度、6个等级来制定.数学开放题教学的评价可以从教师教的角度和学生学的角度两个方面来进行.数学开放题评价应重视形成性评价;要注意评价方式多样化;既应尊重学生的个体差异性,又应依据一定的准则.  相似文献   

面对 2 0 0 0年全国高考政治试题和文科综合试题 (政治部分 )的参考答案及评分标准 ,众口一词的看法是———“评分标准太活了 !”的确如此。 2 0 0 0年全国高考政治试题彻底告别了以往那种死板、单一的评分方法 ,一种灵活、开放的评分方式清楚地展现在我们面前 ,令人耳目一新。应该说 ,高考政治试题评分标准的开放性一直是近十年来政治高考改革所追求的主要目标之一。早在 1 991年高考时 ,政治试卷中第4 3题的参考答案及评分标准就出现了“本题不拟定参考答案 ,只提出两点评分要求”的规定。这标志着高考政治试题的参考答案及评分标准在寻…  相似文献   

中考语文阅读开放题与PISA阅读开放题例析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文以PISA2009阅读试题、2009年上海中考语文试题为样本,从试题数量、问题和指导语、试题难度和评分标准等方面比较了PISA阅读开放题和中考语文现代文阅读开放题的异同,为中考语文开放题的设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

第七大题第七题是以考查学生写作水平为目标的一道作文题,占60分。这道题依据2003年语文科《考试说明》的精神,继续采用在立意、选材、文体等方面向考生开放的话题作文的形式,要求考生就所给的话题写一篇不少于800字的文章;评分采用经过修改的基础等级和发展等级相结合的评分标准。  相似文献   

TIMSS和NAEP是国际认可的两大教育评估系统。本文介绍这两大评估系统的开放题评分模式,并提取出系统的开放题评分的一般设计思路和具体操作技术。本文的目的在于用统筹的观点综合看待两大评估系统的开放题评分智慧,为国内的开放题评分提供一些思路借鉴和技术整合。  相似文献   

科学探究类生物学开放题在问题情境和设问上都有较大的开放性,可以通过开放题考查学生提出问题、设计对照实验、对生命现象进行解释的能力.由于学生的回答具有较大的开放性,可以采用双位编码分级计分的方法进行评分.  相似文献   

本文主要从命题原则、题型结构、评分标准和评分办法等方面分别对外语测试中常用的三种题型,即多项选择题、完型填空、写作题进行分析比较,旨在提高这些测试题的信度和效度。  相似文献   

论PISA阅读素养开放题编制的技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于对公开的PISA阅读开放题样题的分析,指出:PISA阅读开放题重点考察的是解释、反思与评价,关注高水平的阅读能力,并希望学生学会利用专业知识而非纯粹的个人感受来深入理解文本;PISA阅读开放题的语料多样而真实,设置冲突性的问题;通过构建结构性的客观答案样本,PISA的评分指导尽可能降低了最影响开放题品质的评分者的主观因素.  相似文献   

2012年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试理科综合卷中物理第22题是一道设计新颖、独具匠心的好题.知识综合性强,数学知识在解题中运用广.试题答案及评分参考中,只给出了一种解答方法.笔者对该题补充一种解法,既是对该题解法的探讨,又想为评分标准作以补充,敬请专家指正.原题.(6分)在黑箱内有一个由4个阻值相同的电阻构成的串并联电路,黑箱面板上有3个接线柱1、2和3.用  相似文献   

本方从七个方面,结合具体实例对数学开放题进行分类讨论,有助于理解开放题的概念,有助于把握问题的开放度,有利于教师把握一个数学开放题是否适用于课堂教学,或者有利于教师改变开放题的设问方式以辅助课堂教学,或者有利于考试评分的可操作性与公平性.  相似文献   

许颐 《成才之路》2020,(11):56-57
在数学教学过程中,教师要注意对学生进行启发诱导,要通过巧设数学问题,逐步引导学生的思维发展。文章以八年级数学拓展课“中点四边形”教学为例,探讨如何通过设计开放性问题、支架性问题、启发性问题、拓展性问题,来激发学生思维的活力,促进学生数学思维的发展。  相似文献   

历史教学是高校进行人文主义教育的阵地之一。从还原历史的本来面目、尊重学生的主体性、培养学生的创新思维三方面分析多元解读历史的必要性,通过设疑教学、营造民主与平等的教学氛围、实施开放式教学、精心批改读书笔记等途径,引导学生多角度多层面地理解历史。  相似文献   

This study provides an extension of analysis concerned with adult questioning carried out in the Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years (REPEY) study. The REPEY study drew on robust quantitative data provided by the Effective Provision of Pre‐School Education (EPPE) project to identify the particular pedagogical strategies being applied by more effective pre‐school settings to support the development of the skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable their children to make a good start at school. Following a line of investigation identified in the EPPE analysis, and supported by previous studies, REPEY included a preliminary analysis of the forms of questioning applied by early childhood practitioners. These findings were based on 1967 adult questions identified in a random sample of four half‐day observations drawn from each of the 12 pre‐school settings that were identified by EPPE as more ‘effective’. In this extension of the analysis a text search of the N‐Vivo database identified a total of 5808 questions across the full 400 hours of observations of 28 staff that were recorded in 2000–2001. The aim of the research has been to provide a more thorough analysis of the forms of questioning applied, and to investigate the possibility that the use of open‐ended forms of questioning might be particularly supportive in early childhood development. Surprisingly, it was found that 94.5% of all the questions asked by the early childhood staff were closed questions that required a recall of fact, experience or expected behaviour, decision between a limited selection of choices or no response at all. Only 5.5% were open‐ended questions, which provided for increased encouragement (to speculate and trial and error) and/or potential for sustained, shared thinking/talking. This article provides an account of the analysis and the authors' coding and rationale for the seven types of closed questions and four types of open‐ended questions that are most commonly asked by early years staff.  相似文献   

自开展现代远程教育工程以来,中国的现代远程教育事业飞速发展,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》颁布后,中国的远程教育事业又面临着新的机遇和挑战。在现代远程教育发展进程中,一些高校非常重视对远程教育基本规律和实践问题的研究,也非常重视对研究机构的设置,这些研究机构对现代远程教育事业的发展做出了一定的贡献。为了更好地发挥中国远程教育研究机构在远程教育事业中的作用,促进中国远程教育研究机构的发展,文章主要采用文献法、调查法,并结合高等院校分类、研究机构的职能等相关理论,对中国远程教育研究机构设置的院校类型、机构性质、机构职能等方面进行分析;从多个角度分析机构设置存在的问题并提出机构改革建议。  相似文献   

Learning on and through social media is becoming a cornerstone of lifelong learning, creating places not only for accessing information, but also for finding other self-motivated learners. Such is the case for Reddit, the online news sharing site that is also a forum for asking and answering questions. We studied learning practices found in ‘Ask’ subreddits AskScience, Ask_Politics, AskAcademia, and AskHistorians to develop a coding schema for informal learning. This paper describes the process of evaluating and defining a workable coding schema, one that started with attention to learning processes associated with discourse, exploratory talk, and conversational dialogue, and ended with including norms and practices on Reddit and the support of communities of inquiry. Our ‘learning in the wild’ coding schema contributes a content analysis schema for learning through social media, and an understanding of how knowledge, ideas, and resources are shared in open, online learning forums.  相似文献   

自主学习能力是人们为适应社会发展所须具备的一种能力,建立以“学生为中心”的开放教。育教学支持服务体系,是开放教育教学质量的重要保证。探讨在现代远程开放教育环境下,如何为计算机专业学生提供多项支持服务,引导学生自主学习。  相似文献   

An analysis of 295 male and 194 female examinations from introductory atmospheric and oceanic science courses is conducted to determine whether or not there exists gender differences in the performance on multiple choice versus constructed response sections of the exams. The difference in the mean performance of males and females on constructed response relative to multiple choice sections of final exams, even in years where the females performed better than or worse than the males on both sections, is on average 5% that is significant at the 0.1% level. Gender differences on time-limited midterm exams are not significant. It is further shown that final exam performance is not significantly related to whether or not the exam starts with a multiple choice versus constructed response set of questions. While our analysis is unable to differentiate between the possibilities that multiple choice questions favor male students and the competing hypothesis that constructed response questions favor female students, existing literature is reviewed to suggest that a combination of both is possible. Nevertheless, from the analysis of our examination results, we can conclude that an exam of introductory atmospheric or oceanic science curricula, which is made up of 60% multiple choice questions and 40% constructed response questions, would not be skewed to favor any particular gender.  相似文献   

基础化学实验是中等农业院校的一门基础课程。为培养学生科学的实验态度 ,提高创新能力 ,实验教学中 ,我们注意引导和启发学生发现问题、提出问题 ;并将一些基本的实验进行合并。在学生充分掌握了实验的基本操作技能后 ,开放实验室 ,为学生营造创新环境 ,让学生自行设计具有创新性和综合性的实验 ,取得了良好的教学效果  相似文献   

以学习者为中心的理念蕴含了丰富的人性化和个性化内涵,触及了远程开放教育的深层理念,这一理念的渗透将积极引导远程开放教育实践健康持续地发展。上海电视大学在积极参与"中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"项目的过程中,立足区域社会经济发展,努力实现办学思想的转变,提炼出"两个一切"的办学宗旨,并以此为指导,积极提升学校核心竞争力。本文对"两个一切"的产生、内涵、试点项目实践的推进及总结性评估后的整改实践与思考进行了阐述。  相似文献   

三论开放教育——兼析远程开放教育传播模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金振坤 《现代教育技术》2002,12(2):26-29,65
该文在介绍了“略论”、“再论”文的基本观点及传统教育、远程教育、开放教育关系之后 ,对开放教育是什么 ?怎样认识开放教育 ?结合教育部对“中央电大开展人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究的通知 ,进一步分析了远程开放教育不再是一种理念 ,而是一种迎合 2 1世纪教育发展的新体制 ,是继夸美纽斯以后教育史上发展的新的里程碑。简析了远程开放教育传播模式。提出了影响受者开放学习的 8个背景因素  相似文献   

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