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目的:探讨基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式在诊断学体格检查教学中的教学效果。方法:选取临床医学专业五年制学生共192人为研究对象,随机分成两组,每组96人,一组采用传统教学模式,即对照组;另一组采用基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式,即实验组,通过测试成绩和问卷调查对两组教学效果进行评价。结果:实验组学生在心脏检查、肺部检查和腹部检查三个体检专题测试中成绩明显高于传统教学组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组学生对教学效果的评价也优于对照组,尤其在学习效率与自主学习能力方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在诊断学体格检查教学中采用基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式提高了学生的学习兴趣、学习效率和自主学习能力,可明显提高教学效果,是一种适合诊断学教学的高效新型教学模式。  相似文献   

合作型学习是提高学生英语口语能力的一种有效方法.以两个高职一年级非英语专业教学班(实验班与对照班、学生为研究对象,依据非英语专业高职学生口语测试成绩及问卷调童资料,采用统计学的描述性统计,进行了一种提高英语口语教学效果测试,并对其教学效果及其对教学的启示进行了探讨.  相似文献   

<正>课堂评价是一种即时反馈,也是一种引导,更是一种动力。教师在教学中的评价可分为即时评价和延时评价两类。教学中即时评价和延时评价要相互配合使用。使用即时评价来对学生给以及时的鼓励;同时要注意学生的差异,实行延迟性评价,允许一部分学生经过一段时间的努力和知识与技能的积累,逐步达到学习目标。小组合作学习中,为了促进小组成员的合作学习,我采取课堂绩效评价与成绩管理评价两种方式。  相似文献   

为了改进太极柔力球的教学效果,在课堂上引入核心力量训练的方法.选择平板支撑、仰卧起坐和俯卧背起等3种核心力量训练方法,对两组学生进行为期14周的实验.结果表明,实验组学生的柔力球成绩、核心力量测试成绩和教学满意度均优于对照组,核心力量训练能够明显改善教学现状,提高学习兴趣.  相似文献   

隋朝飞 《考试周刊》2013,(62):126-127
衡水学院公体教学中选出实验组和对照组,实验组采用健身运动处方教学模式教学,对照组按照原始教学计划和进度进行教学。实验前,对两组的学生进行一次身体形态、身体素质及心肺功能各方面指标的测试,实验后,对两种教学结果进行第二次测试,根据两次测试成绩进行对比检验。研究结果为:参加运动处方实验后,男女生的身体素质出现较显著差异,对照组男女生身体素质有了一定提高,实验组男女生的身体素质均有明显提高,尤其是耐力方面提高较明显;实施运动处方体育教学的有效性是P<0.05,对于男女生运动成绩的提高都比较显著。  相似文献   

目的:对基于学习通平台的CBL教学法,在高职口腔解剖生理学混合式教学中的应用效果进行研究与分析。方法:选取甘肃卫生职业学院2021级高职口腔医学专业4个班共223人作为研究对象,将两个班随机设为对照组,另两个班设为研究组。对照组采用在学习通平台支持下的混合式教学法;研究组在混合式教学的基础上,基于临床思维能力的培养,采用案例教学法(简称CBL教学法)授课。对两组学生的学习状态及测试成绩进行统计并分析,同时对研究组学生进行问卷调查,对比、分析两组的实际教学效果。结果:研究组学生的课堂专注度、参与度及线上讨论区互动效果均好于对照组(P<0.05);研究组学生的测试成绩明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:在高职口腔医学专业中,基于临床思维能力的培养,利用学习通平台在口腔解剖生理学课程混合式教学中采用CBL教学法,能够有效增强该课程的教学效果,提高学生应用口腔解剖生理学知识的能力,为后续专业课的学习奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

韩玮 《海外英语》2024,(7):216-218
本研究将思维导图应用于五年制高职英语词汇教学中,对两个班级进行教学实践和对比,以验证思维导图方法在五年制高职英语词汇学习中的效果。经过一学期的实验教学和词汇测试成绩的统计分析,结果显示,思维导图教学模式对词汇选择成绩没有显著性的影响,但显著提高了学生的词汇填空成绩(P<0.05),并极显著地提高了学生词汇测验的总分(P<0.01)。可见思维导图能够更加逻辑性和结构性地帮助学生构建知识脉络,从而提高学生英语词汇学习效率。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨CALLA教学模式在《护理专业英语》教学改革中的应用,将泸州医学院2009级护理专业192名本科学生随机分为两组,试验组(98名)采取CALLA教学模式,对照组(94名)采取传统的教学模式,学期结束后,比较两组学生专业英语能力测试的成绩、学生对教学方法的评价,结果显示:试验组学生专业英语能力测试的成绩、学生对教学模式的效果评价优于对照组(P<0.05)。因此,CALLA教学模式在《护理专业英语》教学中的应用效果优于传统的教学模式,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,更好地提高教学质量及培养学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

长期以来,教师往往仅凭卷面成绩来判定学生语文成绩的好坏。对一个学生来说,这是不全面的,也是不公平的。这种语文测试评价方法,严重影响和制约了学生的学习积极性。为此,笔者在教学实践中尝试了一种新的测试评价方法,取得了较好的效果。这种新的测试评价方法,即以试卷成绩为主  相似文献   

目的:观察在《基础护理学》教学中引入微信教学的效果。方法:选取2018级护理两个平行班级作为对照组和实验组,均为50人。实验组借助微信平台向学生推送教学重难点,教师即时在线答疑,让学生充分利用碎片化时间学习。学期结束,对两组学生进行理论测试和技能考核。结果:绝大多数实验组学生对利用微信平台学习的满意度较高,他们的理论考核和实训技能考核结果显著高于对照组。结论:在《基础护理学》教学中引入微信教学,可提高学生对理论知识及操作技能的掌握,增进师生间的交流,提升学生的专业认识及职业素养,值得在护理教学中进一步推广使用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether, as a result of collaborative-online reading of a chapter from a book of an academic nature, the quality of the collaborative summary that the readers would write would be higher than that written by readers who would both read the same chapter and write a summary in a face-to-face setting. In this study we examined the difference between the summaries written by participants from two groups, each group was divided into subgroups of 3 participants who had read collaboratively a chapter of a book, and collaborated on writing a summary. The participants of the experimental group read the chapter as it appeared in a website for collaborative reading built especially for this study and the participants were asked to summarize the chapter on a shared online digital document. The participants of the control group were asked to read the chapter face-to-face and to collaboratively summarize it in hand writing. The quality of the summaries was evaluated with a tool developed by Rivard (2001). This tool was developed to measure the quality of the summaries. In our study the main and secondary ideas that were supposed to be included in the participants’ summaries were identified by three literature teachers using ten different criteria and the summaries were analyzed by two other judges based on these criteria. The findings indicated that there were significant differences in the majority of the writing indicators being measured with the tool. The findings indicated that collaborative-online reading and writing produce a summary of a higher quality than one read and hand written collaboratively face-to-face.  相似文献   

The following paper is a summary of one chapter from the book by William A. Weimer, Learning to Manage in a Complex Organization , ISBN 9036512441, Twente University Press, P.O. Box 217, Enschede, The Netherlands. e-mail tup@utwente.nl.  相似文献   

This chapter presents conclusions, trends, conceptual analyses, hypotheses, and speculations regarding some fundamental issues of research, practice, and policy that are largely unsettled or controversial. As such, the chapter is not a summary of Chapters I–VIII, but rather contains interpretations and opinions of the author intended to elevate the priority of certain issues, suggest hypotheses to be studied, and propose practice and policy steps to be considered.  相似文献   

Abstract This article examines the theological perspective known as Body Theology in order to reflect on its implications for how we do religious education. Part one provides a summary of the viewpoint s basic arguments and part two both suggests broad pedagogical implications and offers examples of specific instructional practices directly generated from these new, theologically-based aims. Though several theologians have written what could be called body theologies in recent years, my summary of Body Theology is based on a reading of James B. Nelson s (1992) landmark book, Body Theology, and more specifically the third chapter entitled Doing Body Theology.  相似文献   

The major memory representations produced by reading a textbook chapter are described. These include (a) single propositions, (b) integrations and elaborations of two or more propositions, and (c) a chapter summary. Research that bears on each of these aspects of memory for textbook information is used to select 15 dimensions for evaluating a textbook's potential for facilitating representations in memory. These dimensions are then quantified for samples from three educational psychology textbooks. The dimensions appear to be useful for evaluating a text's strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the possibilities of computer adaptive testing (CAT), but little practical success has been reported. Most proposals are so complicated and fraught with expected problems that one gets the impression the idea is hopeless. In fact, CAT enabled by the application of probabilistic conjoint measurement works well and the resulting data has shown that most of the expected problems do not necessarily appear. This chapter explains how probabilistic conjoint measurement enables CAT, reviews the results of some applications to medical certification problems in the U.S., and outlines how CAT leads to practical and useful computer assisted instruction.  相似文献   

探讨《心功能不全》较好的教学效果。材料内科学(医士、医师大专教材)结果据病理生理强调急性左心功能不全“喘”及右心功能不全“肿”的临床症状与体征,阐明其治疗机理与原则。结论用归纳总结方法,把病理生理与临床、治疗联系起来对《心功能不全》教学有一定评估价值  相似文献   

以一般地方本科院校应用化学专业“元机化学”课程为研究对象,对其进行了一系列教学模式与方法的探索。教学活动多以小组为单位开展,设置了随堂测试、章节小结、主题报告、互动积极性、学习小组互评考核体系。实践结果表明,“任务驱动”为核心及有效的多元化监督考核体系取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

新教材《合成材料》一章是最能体现基础教育课程改革宗旨的教材之一 ,本文从领会教材的编写意图着手 ,分析了本章教材的特点并简略谈谈教学对策  相似文献   

《论语》各篇虽看似散乱,实则各具集中篇旨。《为政》篇的主旨在于为政,集中论述了孔子的政治思想。第一、二章点明为政之主旨,即是通过无邪之心施政,而达于无为的为政境界。第三章,指出孔子政治观之依归在于礼。第四章,回顾自己学于礼、立于礼、行于礼、教于礼,最后达于无礼之处而有礼的儒家无为境界之经历。其余诸章,分论孔子政治观之孝治根本以及为政中的君臣之道。  相似文献   

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