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中印人才培养与国际竞争力比较之五维分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中印两国作为世界上人口最多的国家,其人才培养与国家的国际竞争力的提升密切相关。从人才培养机制对经济发展的促进作用、全球化背景下的人才培养和运用、人才培养机制对国家内部稳定的聚合作用、公民社会背景下的公民素质培养及人力资源对实现国家战略目标的影响五个维度,分析中印两国人才培养对国家国际竞争力的影响,从而为中国改善人才培养机制、不断提升国家竞争力提供对策性建议与思考。  相似文献   

人力资源的可持续性开发与利用是影响国家国际竞争力变化的核心要素.从人才培养机制对经济发展的促进作用、全球化背景下的人才培养和使用、人才培养机制对国家内部稳定的聚合作用、公民社会背景下的公民素质培养以及人力资源对实现国家战略目标的影响等五个维度对中印两个人口资源最大的国家进行考察,并对人才培养对两国国际竞争力所造成的影响进行分析与比较,对中国在各个层面上的不足,提出提升国家竞争力的对策性建议.  相似文献   

“中印人才培养与国际竞争力比较研究”表明,我国高校学生普遍认为提升国家竞争力应优先发展高等教育。通过中印比较,可发现我国高教存在考核评价机制不科学、专业设置不合理自主发展权限小、缺乏具有国际视野的教育理念以及毕业生就业困难等问题。我国应采取针对性举措,谋求高教的科学发展。  相似文献   

中印两国作为发展中国家中的大国,在经济发展水平、国土面积、人口规模等方面具有极大的相似性和可比性,但电影的产生发展却有一定差距。受"波特钻石"模型理论启示,文章从需求、资源、相关支持产业、企业战略、结构和政府五个方面对中印两国电影产业的国际竞争力进行分析比较,并提出提升中国电影产业国际竞争力的相关建议。  相似文献   

中印两国服务贸易国际竞争力比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化和服务贸易迅速发展的今天,服务业的发展水平在很大程度上体现了一国的经济发展水平。文章从服务贸易开放度、RCA和TC指数以及国际市场占有率三个角度对中印两国服务贸易的国际竞争力进行了比较分析,发现中国的服务贸易整体竞争力明显落后于印度。文章最后提出了提升我国服务贸易国际竞争力的相应策略。  相似文献   

薛涌 《大学时代》2006,(6):35-35
如今国际上动不动就把中国和印度比:制造业,服务业,外资,基础设施……几乎无所不比。可是,很少有人比较两国的大学。去年一家国际咨询公司McKinsey提出了有关中国高等教育的报告。其中对中印两国的大学生素质进行了简单的比较。结论是印度的大学生明显比中国的大学生更能胜任跨  相似文献   

中国和印度都是高等教育大国,两国对大学生的思想政治教育无论是在教育目标,教育内容,还是在教育方法方面都各有其特点。通过对中印两国大学生思想政治教育的比较分析,着重指出两国大学生在思想政治教育方面存在的共性和个性特征,提出印度大学生公民教育对我国大学生思想政治教育的借鉴参考意义。  相似文献   

卫灵 《教学与研究》2005,9(9):61-66
中印建交55年来,双边关系呈现“政冷经冷、政热经热”的特点。两国作为经济增长迅速的发展中国家,在经贸领域的合作空间还很大。如果双方发挥自身的经济技术优势,加强合作,在国际市场上将显示出强大的竞争力。文章分别从中国经济发展战略、中国政治外交战略层面,分析和认识中印经贸关系的重要性所在,提出,发展中印贸易关系既是我国拓展南亚市场、推进市场多元化、更好地实施经济发展战略的关键性步骤,也是我国在南亚地区增强影响力,实现稳定周边战略不可缺少的重要环节。  相似文献   

中国与印度互为重要邻邦。关注和研究中印关系,不仅在于稳定周边、合作发展之需,也是中印两国在发展中面对的共同挑战。政治上的不互信、经济摩擦问题严重、军事冲突不断以及两国媒体民众间的敌对情绪上升表现出中印战略互信处于缺失状态。导致中印战略互信缺失,既有历史上的边界争端和西藏问题,又有现实方面的安全环境问题和能源来源等因素。因此,我们在妥善处理边界问题与西藏问题的同时,要尽量减少中印之间的猜疑与误解,在能源方面展开交流与合作,促进中印战略互信的发展。  相似文献   

文章以美国市场为例,通过TC、RCA、RC和NXRCA四种贸易指数的分析,对中印两国的境外消费教育服务贸易的竞争力进行了比较研究.研究表明,在对美境外消费教育服务贸易中,中国的整体竞争力优于印度,但结构内竞争力的发展态势却不及印度.对此本文提出从经济结构和贸易政策方面学习印度经验,以增强我国境外消费教育服务贸易的综合竞争力.  相似文献   

大学软实力是一个相对于大学硬实力的概念,她包括一所大学的大学精神、大学形象、大学制度等方面。在大学硬件投资迅猛发展、大学间的竞争日趋激烈的今天,认识和重视大学软实力是大学提高其核心竞争力的关键所在。  相似文献   

Despite universities’ enthusiasm for internationalization, international academic mobility requires considerable institutional and cultural adjustment in terms of teaching and supervision styles, research expectations, and departmental relationships. Although language competency underpins these practices, research on international academics has neglected the impact of language proficiency on professional identity. This article uses autoethnography to document conversations about language ability during my first two years as an academic in a French-language university. My responses to language-related comments evolved over time, reflecting how I positioned myself as a linguistic – or audible – minority, vis-à-vis the linguistic majority. Using cultural phenomenology, the findings highlight the interactional, unstable nature of international academic identities and the importance of positive collective support for international academics who shift from majority to minority linguistic status.  相似文献   

大学生创业胜任力受智商因素、情商因素及健康因素的影响,且创业胜任力的高低直接影响到创业绩效。大学生创业胜任力的培养是一项复杂的社会工程,需政府、社会及高校等多方协力构建比较完善的支持系统,也需要大学生加强学习和实践,着力培养自身的创业胜任力。  相似文献   

站在国际远程教育和开放大学建设前沿,从国际比较的视角,通过案例分析,对开放大学、中国开放大学应具有的特色、电大提升为开放大学面临的问题、挑战、战略和超越自身的重大意义等问题作了阐述。  相似文献   

本研究以现代大学治理体系建设为背景,通过深度访谈和内容分析,探讨高校行政人员的胜任力及其提升策略。研究提出了高校行政人员胜任力分析模型,将现代大学治理体系构成要素与行政人员个体的胜任力要素,放置在专业化、职业化的维度中考量,总结归纳出7大显性要素、5大隐性要素。研究以此胜任力分析模型为指标,对A大学教育职员“爱岗敬业”奖的部分获奖者先进事迹材料进行内容分析,描绘出绩效卓越的高校行政人员的胜任力画像,发现专业化、职业化水平是胜任力建设的核心目标。最后,研究从加强系统规划、完善培训考核、建立流动机制、形成文化认同4个层面提出了高校行政人员的胜任力提升策略。  相似文献   

Yun Yu  Marta Moskal 《Compare》2019,49(4):654-671
This paper looks at structural conditions or institutional arrangements that facilitate or hinder interactions for international students. Drawing on the contact and diversity theory, analyses compare Chinese students’ intercultural experience in business and non-business schools in one UK university and explore how these students interpret the meaning of quality intercultural contact based on their responses to the social environment around them. Findings indicate that the overwhelming number of Chinese students, particularly in business schools, combined with obstacles these students face in establishing intercultural contact around the university potentially motivates them to explore engagement with a wider host society (e.g. Christian churches). The denial of intercultural contact due to a lack of diverse environment may lead to inequality in opportunities for cross-cultural learning and personal growth. High quality intercultural contact is not only beneficial to international students, it also enhances the intercultural competency of native students in the global market place.  相似文献   

论我国高校非行政化改革的动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高校自治化、法治化改革与高校内部管理体制的去官僚化、民主化与柔性化改革为主要内容的高校非行政化改革,既是高校适应国际国内环境和时代发展的需要,又是高校遵循科学规律、建立现代大学制度、提高核心竞争力、实现自我发展的需要。高校外部环境的推动力和内部自身发展的拉动力共同构成了我国高校非行政化改革的动力。  相似文献   

科学素养是培养促进社会和谐发展的高素质国民的重要基础,是个人发展核心素养的关键成分。本文以我国学生发展核心素养框架为指导,通过对科学素养内涵与结构的历史梳理及国际比较研究,提炼出核心素养视域下科学素养内涵的整体性、发展性、情境性、时代性等四大特征,并在此基础上进一步揭示出科学素养结构中理性思维、批判质疑能力、科学探究三大关键成分。在我国核心素养课程改革中,科学素养的培养应从系统把握科学素养内涵与结构入手,高度重视批判质疑能力的培养,积极寻求有效的科学探究教育模式,同时完善适合我国国情与文化的科学素养评价机制。  相似文献   

This case study aims to contribute some understanding as to why a research oriented university with many thousands of full-fee paying international students was believed not to provide adequate funds for international student support services. Drawing on Bourdieu’s notions of fields of power and disciplinary hierarchy, we suggest that the University must allocate resources amongst competing claimants. In the associated internal contest for resources, international student support divisions and disciplines with little intellectual capital but great capacity to attract international students have relatively little bargaining power. This study indicates that the need to build and sustain research reputation led to inadequate funding of support services in an Australian institution heavily reliant on international student income. Ironically, this can mean students who choose a highly ranked university may not receive the support services they require.  相似文献   

Background: Globalisation trends such as increased migration to and within European countries have led to even greater cultural diversity in European societies. Cultural diversity increases the demand of cultural competency amongst professionals entering their work field. In particular, healthcare professionals need knowledge and skills to equip them to work with clients from different cultural backgrounds. Within higher education (HE), the professional development of cultural competency should ideally feature in undergraduate education and is often promoted as a by-product of a study abroad period. However, recognising that logistical and financial barriers often exist for extended study abroad, one alternative approach could be participation, at home or abroad, in a short-term international programme set within students’ own HE institutions.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore HE students’ experiences of participating in international ‘short-term mobility week’ programmes at three European universities.

Methods: Each university involved in the research offered short-term programmes for healthcare professions students at their own institution, where both local students and students from abroad could participate. Participants were healthcare students in the programme at one of the three universities. Data were collected through focus group interviews (4–8 students per group; n = 25). The data were transcribed and then analysed qualitatively, using a content comparison method.

Results: The analysis identified six categories, which reflected students’ journeys within the short-term international experiences.

Conclusions: The analysis suggested that, for these students, engagement in a short-term mobility week programme provided valuable opportunities for encounters with others, which contributed to personal and professional development, greater confidence in the students’ own professional identities, as well as an increasing sense of cultural awareness.  相似文献   

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