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课堂教学作为课程实施中最根本的要素,它的有效性如何直接关系到课堂教学质量。影响课堂教学功能定位的主要因素有:对教学过程本质的态度及认识、教育自身的特点和现实教学条件及教学传统等。明确的课堂教学功能定位是确立预期教学目标的基础,而预期目标的达成仍然是判定教学有效性的基本指标,同时也要从"预设"与"生成"的关系,从师生双方积极的教学体验来判定课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

提升英语学习成效的课堂教学目标策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语学习的成效与单位学习成本成反比。要提高学生的学习成效,就应该考虑降低单位学习成本。降低成本的方法很多,如提高教学水平和学习能力、加强教学评价的作用。但所有这些的关键是教学目标,一个有效的教学目标能够有效整合教与学,能够提高教学评价的效度。为此,本文重点讨论三大目标策略:(1)目标整体策略;(2)目标分解策略;(3)目标调控策略。通过这些策略的运用,能够保证教学目标的有效,从而降低单位学习成本,提高学习成效。  相似文献   


On the premise that affective measure" are needed by those who would accurately predict the classroom behavior of teachers, an Inventory was developed to assess a teacher's attitude toward one aspect of the teaching process, namely. Instructional objectives stated In terms of student behavior. The inventory consisted of 20 instructional objectives, some behavioral and some nonbehavioral, to be rated according to a five-point scheme. A modest but significant correlation of .25 was obtained between 50 subjects' scores on the inventory and their observed classroom use of behavioral objectives. A construct validity study involving an examination of the pre-and post-instructor factor structure on Inventory scores of 100 prospective teachers also suggested that the instrument possesses a degree of validity.  相似文献   

我国外语教育界的专家学者普遍认为,我国的英语教学仍处于"费事低效"的阶段,其根本原因是英语教学目标的设计出现了一些偏差,从而导致英语教学目标没有发挥合理的课堂教学导向作用。合理有效地设计英语课堂教学目标是实施有效教学的前提,同时也对教师的英语教学及学生英语学习有重要影响。文章通过论述英语课堂教学目标的定位、构成(预设性和生成性教学目标构成)及其与有效教学的关系来说明英语课堂教学目标的重要性,并提出有效的英语课堂教学目标的设计应该建立在对《英语课程标准》、学生学情以及英语教材深入分析的基础之上,以便引起英语教师对英语教学目标设定的关注,帮助他们设定科学合理的教学目标,从而提高英语课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

在课堂教学中,教师通过各种课堂活动来达成教学目标。教师安排的课堂活动是否有效?怎样才能更好地、有效地开展课堂活动是本文要阐述的主要内容。本文从以下五个方面对美术课堂活动的有效性加以关注:(一)引导学生进行有效的观察(二)选择合适的教学方法进行有效的讲解(三)组织学生针对问题进行有效讨论(四)从课堂练习中进行有效的技能训练(五)有效的评价,引导学生看到前进的方向。通过对这些方面的关注和研究,保证了美术课堂活动比以往更加深入实际,更加有效,美术课教学目标能够更好得达成,教学质量因此有了实质性的提高。  相似文献   

Various item selection techniques are compared on resultant criterionreferenced reliability and validity. Techniques compared include three nominal criterion-referenced methods, a traditional point biserial selection, teacher selection, and random selection. Eighteen volunteer junior and senior high school teachers supplied behavioral objectives and item pools ranging from 26 to 40 items. Each teacher obtained reponses from four classes. Pairs of tests of various length were developed by each item selection method. Estimates of test reliability and validity were obtained using responses independent of the test construction sample. Resultant reliability and validity estimates were compared across item selection techniques. Two of the criterion-referenced item selection methods resulted in consistently higher observed validity. However, the small magnitude of improvement over teacher or random selection raises a question as to whether the benefit warrants the necessary extra effort on the part of the classroom teacher.  相似文献   

回顾了PISA2021创造性思维背景、内涵与维度,分析了PISA2021创造性思维在课堂教学中的影响因素及表现,阐述了PISA2021创造性思维的评估目标、领域设计、创造力测试设计及样例。创造性思维能力是学生适应21世纪发展的必备核心能力,需要组织多领域专家开展创造性思维的理论研究,学校要秉持促进学生创造性思维发展的理念,教师要成为学生创造性思维的促进者,通过课程与课堂教学培养学生创造性思维能力。  相似文献   

高职课堂必须以就业为导向、以项目任务为抓手、以在复杂的工作情境中进行分析判断并采取行动的职业能力为主线。高职课堂是具有鲜明特质和鲜活情境的教学场所。建设高质量的、充满活力与张力的高职课堂,必须认清高职课堂与培养目标的关系,强调高职课堂的设计与策划,提高高职课堂的含金量和实效性,变换高职课堂的角色定位,建立高职课堂的评价标准。  相似文献   

英语深度学习是对英语课堂教学的一个新探索,是提高英语课堂教学质量、实现英语课堂教学目标、提升学生英语应用能力的有力措施,是英语课堂教学研究和发展的新方向.对于英语教师而言,深度学习强调教师要突破过去英语课堂教学中的思维定式,构建有深度的英语课堂;对于学生而言,深度学习鼓励学生质疑浅层学习,自主进行深入探索和研究.文章从...  相似文献   

“学习共同体”是一种让全体学生通过课前学习,线上线下共同参与教学目标制定,不同寝室学生组成小组,在相互合作、汇报、沟通交流中,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,从而达到既定学习目标的课堂教学模式。研究表明,该教学模式在一定程度上有助于提升学生合作交流的意识、培养师范生综合能力,并促进成绩考核的公平公正。  相似文献   


This paper describes research which examined the reliability and validity of scale of alienation in the classroom. A Q sort of items reflecting alienation provided a preliminary means of determining face validity. Study 1 examined the factor structure of the items and revealed five factors which roughly reflect Seeman’s (13) variants of the concept of alienation. The test-re test reliability of the five factors was examined in Study 2. Study 3 examined changes in alienation in a large classroom setting and the correlates of classroom activities that accompanied these changes. The studies validated the measurement of alienation and demonstrated a means of conducting research on the contributions of classroom activities to the experience of alienation.  相似文献   

The Angoff (1971) standard setting method requires expert panelists to (a) conceptualize candidates who possess the qualifications of interest (e.g., the minimally qualified) and (b) estimate actual item performance for these candidates. Past and current research (Bejar, 1983; Shepard, 1994) suggests that estimating item performance is difficult for panelists. If panelists cannot perform this task, the validity of the standard based on these estimates is in question. This study tested the ability of 26 classroom teachers to estimate item performance for two groups of their students on a locally developed district-wide science test. Teachers were more accurate in estimating the performance of the total group than of the "borderline group," but in neither case was their accuracy level high. Implications of this finding for the validity of item performance estimates by panelists using the Angoff standard setting method are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的旅游英语口语课堂教学测试模式存在着测试信度与效度问题,以及学生学习积极性问题,因此教师要在课堂环节设计、课堂教学测试方式与评分标准上有针对性地进行改革,以提高课堂教学效果和口语测试的信度和效度。提出了"节节测试"的口语课堂教学测试模式,这种测试模式是形成性评估在教学实践中的具体应用,能很好地解决测试信度与效度,以及学生学习积极性问题。  相似文献   


The authors assessed how classroom structure influenced student achievement goal orientation for mathematics. Three elementary school classes were assigned randomly to 1 classroom structure condition: token economy, contingency contract, or control. Students in each condition were required to set individual achievement goals on a weekly basis. The authors assessed differences in goal orientation by comparing the number of learning vs. performance goals that students set within and across classroom structure conditions. Results indicated that students in the contingency-contract condition set significantly more learning goals than did students in other classroom structure conditions. No significant differences were found for performance goals across classroom structure conditions. Within classroom structure conditions, students in the contingency-contract group set significantly more learning goals than performance goals, whereas students in the token-economy condition set significantly more performance goals than learning goals.  相似文献   

周彩莺 《教育学报》2003,(11):29-33
当前,课堂教学目标的表述方式陈旧是课堂教学设计中存在的一个主要问题。本文通过教学目标编写的实例分析,指出存在的问题;最后,通过实例阐明教学目标的编写方法。  相似文献   

提问是通过师生的相互作用,检查学习、促进思维、巩固知识、运用知识和实现教学目标的一种主要方式。是教师在课堂教学中进行师生互动的重要教学技能。如何根据课堂需要和学生的实际情况设疑提问直接影响着教学的质量。教师在运用提问时应根据不同的提问类型使用不同的提问,还应根据不同层次的学生设置不同层次的提问,使课堂教学收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

Educators disagree on the relative merits of stating classroom objectives behaviorally or nonbehaviorally and have done little to add data to their argument. An experiment was conducted in the field of social science where one of three lists of objectives—one list nonbehavioral, the other two behavioral--was randomly assigned to participating high school social studies teachers who were instructed to teach objectives in their classes. Unit sampling was used and eighteen classrooms were involved. Students were measured, using a form of item sampling, on the acquisition of the five skills stated in the behavioral objectives as well as on eighteen transfer skills. Teachers’ faulty understanding of objectives, indicated by their inability to provide relevant classroom practice and to identify, when asked, test items measuring given objectives, may have accounted for lack of differences.  相似文献   

有效的教学导入是提高课堂教学效率、达成学习目标的重要手段.它可以使学生明确学习目标,引发思考,激发学习兴趣,提高学习积极性与课堂学习效果.生物教学有多种形式的导入,本文总结了几种常用的方法,并通过课堂教学实例进行说明,同时总结了新导入方法.  相似文献   

任务型教学途径已逐渐成为我国外语课堂教学的主流模式,它强调发展学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力。语言测试与评估是整个外语教学过程中一个不可分割的环节,传统的测试已不能适应任务型教学的要求,必须重新考虑测试的内容、形式、目的和结果的解释,使之能对任务型教学产生积极的“反拨”作用。  相似文献   

This article develops a validity argument for the use of the Tripod student survey of instructional practices to assess teacher effectiveness in summative teacher evaluations and professional development decisions. This paper expands upon previous research in three ways: (a) it draws from current validity thinking to examine the evidence for separate summative and formative purposes of the Tripod survey, (b) it takes advantage of a large, multiple measure data set collected by the Measures of Effective Teaching Project, and (c) it accounts for both the multilevel nature of school data and contextual classroom features. Preliminary evidence was found for a two-dimensional structure, representing classroom management (Control) and academic support (Support). The Control and Support Tripod scores are fairly reliable and correlated with classroom observation ratings and teacher value-added scores. However, caution is suggested in interpreting these results as an endorsement for use in high-stakes teacher evaluations.  相似文献   

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