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Global university rankings are a worldwide trend that emerged in times of the globalisation and internationalisation of higher education. Universities worldwide are now striving to become “world‐class” institutions and are constantly aiming to improve their ranking position. Global rankings of universities are thus perceived by many as an ultimate tool for assessing the level of internationalisation at individual higher education institutions. This article first discusses the meaning of and relationship between the globalisation and internationalisation of higher education, as their influence on the emergence of global rankings is undeniable. It then outlines the methodological designs of four main global university rankings which serve as key prerequisites for the subsequent analyses of both the international(‐isation) indicators that these rankings include and of the international ranking initiatives that focus exclusively on the international outlook of higher education institutions. In the concluding discussion, the article reveals that, due to the predominantly quantitative orientation of global university rankings (on the internationalisation of higher education), their results should not be generalised or understood as a means to improve the quality of (internationalisation of) higher education.  相似文献   

高校廉政文化力是高校文化力的重要组成部分,加强高校廉政文化力培育机制的构建是促进我国高等教育健康发展的有力保障。近年来,国内外学者对高校廉政文化建设以及高校文化力建设的研究均取得了一定成绩,但普遍忽视了高校廉政文化力的研究,因此将高校廉政文化与高校文化力相结合,创造性的提出高校廉政文化力,对于促进高校廉政文化力在新时期的生成与迸发具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   


General education is a subject with rich contents and that is highly contested in the field of higher education studies. It has been highly praised for its core concepts such as broad educational targets, liberating educational objectives, and balanced educational content. Looking back at the course of general education in China over the past 20 years we can find “top-down” cultural quality education (文化素质教育) and “bottom-up” general education (通识教育) have formed two stages with clear “characteristics,” with the first decade being mainly cultural quality education, and the most recent decade having had general education gradually enter the mainstream and reveal native qualityistics. This change has led the practice of general education to turn from being government led to university autonomy, and also reflects the increasing depth of Chinese exploration into general education. China’s practice of general education still faces problems with integrating major-based professional education and general education, and must adopt suitable solutions.  相似文献   

人文主义哲学在高等教育史中的文化角色经历了从边缘到中心、从自我到他者的变易过程。人文主义与科学主义的矛盾演替,不仅影响了其文化角色的历史变迁,也造成了其在高等教育当下时空中的异化与悬空,其价值、理想、教育与空间正逐渐被科学功利主义及其衍生的“科学至上论”、“效率第一论”、“现代优越论”和“适者生存论”文化所异化。未来高等教育所亟需的,并不是人文主义哲学的虚幻繁荣,而应该是其文化角色的真实复归。  相似文献   

As a full-time foreign faculty member in the Chinese Normal university system for the past five years, I analyze the contested terrain of being a critical, Freirean educator/researcher as an insider and outsider of Chinese and Western academic systems and societies overall. This autobiographical analysis is within the contexts of China’s academic focus on raising their global higher education rankings, along with self-reflectivity of my own multiple, often-conflicting identities and Western-centric Orientalism, theorized by Edward Said, in my legitimization of academic work. The following themes are analyzed through critical and Freirean frameworks: pursuit for top rankings coinciding and conflicting with scholarship breadth and depth, academic freedom, and politics of education; constructs of “harmony” that grounds teaching and research; and select pedagogical commonalities and differences between the East, the Global South, and the West. The article delves into preconceptions, including my own, on what is “worthy” academics from China, “the East”, “the West”, and the “Global South” with self-reflectivity of problematizing such terminology that covers such immense diversity in all aspects of contexts, including education which underscores the very problems with rankings, especially global rankings which are often Western-centric. All themes will be analyzed within my own, conflicting insider-ness and outsider-ness.  相似文献   

劳动教育是人改造外部世界,满足人的物质文化与精神文化需求,实现人的自由全面发展的文化实践。"劳动崇拜论""劳动决定论""劳动终结论"和"劳动起源论"批判和中外教育史上有关劳动教育的论争揭示了,文化是劳动和劳动教育的本质,劳动教育研究需要文化研究。"劳动""文化"和"教育"在词源上有共通之处。劳动教育,作为文化实践,是通过物质、能量转换改造自然的"化育"和通过信息、符号改造社会的"教化"的统一,蕴含价值-规范、行为-作用、语言-符号、知识-技术等不同的文化层级和实践综合。劳动教育有文化唯物性,也就是具有物质生产性和面向社会现实的大众文化性。劳动教育有文化启蒙价值,它是解放所有人的文化启蒙,是反映和表现社会生活文化的知识文化启蒙。总之,劳动教育的文化本质和实践充分呈现了人与自然、社会之间进行的物质、能量和信息转换,以及物质文化和精神文化创造的过程,是劳动的"教育性"与教育的"劳动性"、体力劳动教育与脑力劳动教育、化育与教化、精英与大众、理论与实践之间历史的、现实的、社会的辩证统一。  相似文献   


This paper considers the role that schools have in determining whether school leavers participate in higher education or not. It examines the association between schools and university participation using a unique dataset of 3 cohorts of all young people leaving maintained schools in Wales. School “effects” are identified, even after controlling for individual-level factors, such as their prior attainment, socioeconomic circumstances, ethnicity, and special educational needs. Schools appear to have a particular “effect” on the likelihood that a young person enters an elite university. However, the findings suggest the concept of a school “effect” on higher education participation is not straightforward – schools appear to have different levels of effectiveness depending on the gender of the young people and the nature of their higher education participation. These findings are considered within the policy contexts of school effectiveness and widening access to higher education.  相似文献   


Imposing the policy lessons from higher-performing countries may involve the complex interplays of socio-cultural and institutional contexts. This article attempts to observe Taiwan’s progress in higher education from an explicit cultural perspective. It locates Taiwan among the rising group of higher education systems in East Asia. The study interrogates a wide-held understanding of higher education development and critically reflects on the “high performances” at systemic and institutional levels. It re-examines a capacity of the Western-influenced system in preserving indigenous cultural traditions while pursuing the quest for world-class status. Adopting a case study research, data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with executives and academics at two premier universities in Taiwan. The findings have shown that, due to fundamental differences, integrating traditional values with imported Western-structured institutions remains an arduous task for Taiwanese higher education. This study critiques conventional presumptions concerning the primacy of an Anglo-Saxon model in Taiwan and offers insights into the society’s efforts to bring back its own cultural values.  相似文献   


Since their emergence a decade ago, global university rankings have become a powerful force in higher education internationally. The majority of research studies on global rankings have examined the effects at institutional and national levels. This study offers a valuable perspective on the ways rankings (and other international benchmarks) are deployed at the intra-sector level, by UK higher education ‘mission groups‘, to support different policy positions. The concept of object in activity theory is used to problematize the analysis. Critical discourse analysis is used as a methodological orientation to study the ways global rankings mediate the object in this context. The findings contribute to the current debate on whether rankings are promoting isomorphism in higher education sectors nationally, illustrating a differentiated engagement with rankings in the UK context. The relevance of the findings for policy-makers and institutional managers is discussed.


Ten years after the first global rankings appeared, it is clear that they have had an extraordinary impact on higher education. While there are fundamental questions about whether rankings measure either quality or what's meaningful, they have succeeded in exposing higher education to international comparison. More so, because of the important role higher education plays as a driver of economic development, rankings have exposed both an information deficit and national competitiveness. Accordingly, both nations and institutions have sought to maximise their position vis-á-vis global rankings with positive and perverse effects. Their legacy is evident in the way rankings have become an implicit — and often explicit – reference point for policymaking and higher education decision-making, and have reinforced an evaluative state's over-reliance on quantitative indicators to measure quality. They are embedded in popular discourse, and have informed the behaviour of many stakeholders, within and outside the academy. This paper reflects on three inter-related issues; i) considers the way rankings have heightened policy and investment interest in higher education, ii) discusses whether the modifications to rankings have resolved some of the questions about what they measure, and iii) looks at how rankings have influenced stakeholder behaviour. Finally, the paper reflects on what we have learned and some outstanding issues.  相似文献   

大学排名的产生、演化及其治理,有其特定的市场逻辑。出于政府、高校以及社会公众在大学综合信息占有上的非对称性,这些利益相关者演化为大学排名的首要需求者。当社会过分依赖排名识别高校办学水平信息、政府更多依据排名结果配置高等教育资源时,大学排行榜逐步完成了“知识—物品—商品”的属性转变,大学排名也成了既受追捧又受诟病的商品生产,迫使政府和公众在大学排名上做出无奈化决策和模糊化认同,高校在大学排名中予以选择性参与。要求得大学排名由“乱”向“治”的转变,需要在更好发挥政府作用的基础上,以市场规律为核心优化大学排名资源配置,统合行业自律和政府引导,实施“排名机构成长专业化”和“高等教育治理现代化”的统筹发力。  相似文献   

This article seeks to shed light on current dynamics of stratification in changing higher education and proposes an analytical perspective to account for these dynamics based on Martin Trow’s work on “the analysis of status.” In research on higher education, the term “stratification” is generally understood as a metaphor that describes a stable vertical order. In sectors that are experiencing considerable change, such an order is still in the making. In following Trow, we propose to look at stratification as an open ordering process that constructs verticality. We distinguish between sector and field stratification, i.e., between stratification through coercive regulation by the state and through status judgements by a wide range of stakeholders. Within the last decade, field stratification has grown in importance as governments in continental Europe have provided universities with more leeway. Specific devices (rankings, etc.) channel such judgements and construct images of how a field appears. By applying this concept to two empirical cases from German higher education, we will show how devices redefine verticality in higher education through specific field images. First, master rankings in business administration/economics expand the topological boundaries to include degree programs outside national sectors, raise the importance of alumni and increase the recruitment of female students. Second, the Excellence Initiative triggers the construction of a new unregulated sector of doctoral education; excellent graduate schools model themselves along the scales of the field image as selective, interdisciplinary, international, and part of a holistic university image.  相似文献   


Amid debates about the role and impact of global university rankings (GURs), very few have closely examined how GURs media outlets construct meanings of higher education (HE) in their visual representations. We critically examine publicly available visual media of students in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and US News and World Report websites. Drawing on Stuart Hall’s heuristics of representation and attending to visual grammars, we argue whiteness maintains its racial hegemony in GURs’ student imagery through its flexibility and in/visbility. Furthermore, whiteness is entangled with other systems of oppression, particularly patriarchy, homonormativity, and heterosexuality. We suggest that GURs rankings media are not simply constructing and informing us about the quality and excellence of HE, but simultaneously teaching us how to view students, often reproducing oppressive racialized and gendered ideologies. We end with methodological implications of visual cultural studies in comparative education.  相似文献   

Japan has a highly diversified mass higher education system, consisting mainly of private institutions. In their highly developed and matured "market", higher education institutions have been ranked in terms of selectivity for many years. However, the university rankings that began in the 1990s took a different approach, that is, showing multiple rankings in order to enrich the perspectives of university applicants. This article aims at tracing the development of university rankings in Japan and at explaining the link between rankings and the mature, but drastically changing, Japanese higher education market.  相似文献   

新时代"立德树人"已成为我国教育实践和教育理论领域关注的热点问题。立足于文化自觉的视角,从历史溯源看,"立德树人"体现了对中华文化历史地位的深刻认识,是对中华优秀传统文化和传统教育思想的寻根、继承和弘扬;从实践反思看,"立德树人"是对知识本位教育的自觉扬弃,"立德树人"重塑立德为先,修身为本的人才培养基本逻辑,是对人才培养的规律把握及其在信息时代人文价值更加彰显;从价值引领看,"立德树人"是党的教育基本方针,体现了对教育创新历史责任的主动担当,是引领新时代人才培养的行动指南。  相似文献   

This paper extends the current literature on access to post-secondary education by investigating the role played by various family background characteristics related to the home environment and family habits and behaviours. Exploiting the extraordinary richness of the Youth in Transition Survey in this regard, we include whether the family ate dinner together, whether they discussed current affairs, and how often their children went to concerts – and if so, what kind of concerts. Many of these factors are found to have a significant relationship with attending post-secondary education, university in particular. Furthermore, these factors are in addition to – and at least to some degree independent of – more conventional influences such as parental education and family income. With appeal to the paradigm of ‘cultural capital’ – which refers to the knowledge, experiences, and connections which help individuals succeed in life – these results indicate how advantages in accessing higher levels of education accrue to those from families that are rich in this kind of asset, while others are left behind.  相似文献   

In roughly a decade, university rankings gained the foreground in the policy arena for higher education and their influence is not going to decrease. However, several methodological shortcomings and warnings about the unintended consequences for national higher education systems have been raised. Against this background, this paper stresses that the individual recipients of information contained in university rankings are currently overlooked. Indeed, university rankings are addressed to a generic recipient, but actually, there are multiple audiences for rankings, and each of these audiences has different needs and each one attributes a different value to information attached to rankings. Referring to a theoretical tool borrowed from bioethics, this paper highlights that the ranking game involves a variety of recipients and that the current setting of the ranking panorama leaves room for gaps to emerge.  相似文献   

学校不仅是教育的场所,更是文化生产和社会洞察的重要领地。本研究通过“大质小量”的混合研究范式,对1013名农村籍大学生进行五段式分层随机抽样,采用了为期两年的追踪调查记录了18名“寒门贵子”在精英校园中的适应策略及其从学生走向教师身份的转变历程。研究发现:面对精英高校内“大文化”的专断性,“学业”所蕴含的公正感与价值感不断受到冲击,“贵子”在自身生活经验与支配结构的互动中,围绕乡土“本分”的伦理可能性空间进行着更多面向的文化生产。当“贵子”成长为教师后,承担起了文化再生产的“转播屏”功能,其生存伦理亦由“道义”步入“理性”的惊险一跃,“本分”又一次通过社会继替间的教化性权力汇入学校的意识形态。  相似文献   

Hong Kong and Singapore were former British colonies, have a predominant Chinese population and value. They began to develop quickly in the late 1960s, become financial hubs of the world in the 21st century. This paper reviews the tertiary education development of the two cities, particularly on the perspective of university rankings. It first elaborates about the emergence of university rankings, and the reason why it becomes a growing exercise, and who would be the benefactors of these exercises. Then it examines the performance of universities of the two cities in the international university ranking systems, makes a general assessment about the relative merits of the higher education systems in both cities. The paper requests ranking comparisons on the detailed items rather than just the sums, and argues that universities in the two cities are on par.  相似文献   

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