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陈先行 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(1):69-70,53
美国柏克莱加州大学东亚图书馆以富藏中、日、韩三国历史文献闻名于世。为使这大批珍贵资料能有效地为读者所利用,该馆继完成日、韩文献整理工作后,近年又将整理馆藏中国古籍列为工作重点,并邀请上海图书馆参与合作。受柏克莱加州大学东亚图书馆及上图馆方委托,笔者与同事郭立暄君承担了《柏克莱加州大学东亚图书馆中文古籍善本书志》(下简称《善本书志》)的撰写任务,深感荣幸。  相似文献   

图书馆馆藏古籍的计算机回溯编目已成为我国许多图书馆一项非常迫切的工作任务.但如何完成这项任务,还有不少需要讨论并予以规范的问题.文章就图书馆馆藏古籍计算机回溯编目的收录范围、方式方法、古籍的著录单位、著录原则、著录内容的规范,以及图书馆古籍书目数据库的共建共享等问题进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

在“文化强国”建设的背景下,古籍活化成为古籍保护与利用工作中的重要任务。文章提出了一种新的以文化活化促进古籍活化的特藏揭示模式,并以浙江大学图书馆拓片活化应用实践为例,总结了高校图书馆古籍活化的五种实践路径及“4C”策略,以期为古籍活化工作提供新思路。  相似文献   

我是古籍部的读者,所以今天只谈对古籍部的看法. 我工作时间不长,只有十二三年,但在这十二三年中,我主要是与古籍打交道,国内和台湾的重要图书馆古籍部我都接触过,有不少图书馆古籍部我都相当了解,了解他们的藏书情况,也了解他们古籍部人员的素质,了解多了,这有个比较,因而也有了一些体会.  相似文献   

图书馆古籍修复之刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在图书馆的古籍保护工作中,古籍修复占据着十分重要的地位。作为一种相当专深但又不可缺少的特殊技艺,其肩负着抢救珍贵古籍的重大使命。本文从如何挑选待修古籍、如何制定修复方案、如何选用修复方法、如何提高修复人员素质及技术水平这四个方面深入浅出地剖析了古籍修复的特点,简略地概述了古籍修复的一般流程,提出了目前所存在的问题,指明了今后应努力的方向。本文重点强调,修复人员素质的好坏及技术水平的高低是修复工作成败与否的关键,应引起特别注意。因为只有提高修复人员的素质和技术,才有可能将古籍修复工作做得更加出色、更加完善、才有可能抢修更多的珍贵古籍。  相似文献   

为了贯彻“古为今用、外为中用”的方针,完成湖南省古籍善本书目录编辑领导小组布置的任务,我馆于3月15日至19日召开全州古籍善本书著录工作座谈会。参加这次座谈会的有各县图书馆的有关业务人员和有关单位的业务人员共十三人。座谈会认真学习了《湖南省古籍善本书目录收录范围》,《全国古籍善本书总目分类表(草案)》、《全国古籍善本书总目著录条例》。为了保证质量,尽快地完成全州古籍善  相似文献   

网络环境下的高校图书馆古籍信息服务工作是具有个性化特征的新型服务模式,它应以古籍网络信息资源建设为基础,以古籍服务人员的综合素质为支撑,充分体现图书馆古籍服务质量及网络资源的使用效益。  相似文献   

古籍文献借阅的保护对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古籍文献具有很高的文献价值和版本价值,使用与保护就构成了古籍文献借阅工作中的一对矛盾。如何解决古籍文献借阅工作中的藏用矛盾,最大限度保护和开发利用古籍文献,成为图书馆古籍借阅部门的一个重要课题。长期的实践总结出了十个方面的经验做法,对解决这一问题具有一定的参考和指导意义。  相似文献   

《中国古籍总目》著录古籍约20万种,是现存中国汉文古籍的总目录,全面反映了中国主要图书馆及部分海外图书馆现存中国汉文古籍的品种、版本及收藏现状,但在古籍普查、版本调查、版本信息及编排方面存在遗漏和失误,亟待总结纠正,以利读者使用。  相似文献   

高校图书馆是国内重要的古籍收藏单位群体,由于修复力量薄弱,难以独立完成馆藏破损古籍的修复,因此应准予民营古籍修复公司参与图书馆古籍修复工作,并寻求最佳合作方式.  相似文献   

Usability testing on library search tools was conducted with ten students and eighteen library staff members at Syracuse University. The study addressed three research questions: (1) Do the ways in which librarians carry out search tasks on the library Web site vary from those of student users?; (2) Are those variations indicative of different mental models, i.e. different experience with and knowledge about the content and search tools on the Web site?; and (3) If there are differences, what are the implications of those different models for the usability of the site by students? Participants were tasked by using the library's Web site to locate both known items and items about a subject in the library's collection. The two groups differed in the success with which they were able to complete the tasks, as well as the time used. There were differences in the selection of search tools, the syntax used within the search box, the expectations of how library resources are organized, and the level of persistence as tasks were performed. Students’ behavior is characteristic of different mental models for how search tools work. The results are applicable to the design of the library's Web site and have implications for how library staff conduct reference and instruction services.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(25-26):617-629
Public libraries have added access to online intermediary searching and end-user systems, but have not based the decision to do so on in-depth study of needed skills, impact on staff and projected benefit to patrons. If quality online searching is to be provided, methods of staff selection and development need to be seriously considered. The role of the online searcher is defined, as are the qualities, skill and expertise necessary for the job. Guidelines for staff selection are listed under four categories: (1) education, (2) experience, (3) present level of knowledge/skill, (4) general reference ability, Three types of staff training programs are listed: (I) general orientation for all staff (2) training in the fundamentals of online searching, and 3) online searcher development and training. Content requirements !or each of these programs are provided. The need for well planned staff selection and development methods is acute if quality online search service is to be provided in public libraries.  相似文献   

Nonprofessional library support staff traditionally hold what are considered to be low-paying, nonchallenging positions. These negative factors make retaining creative and productive employees difficult. This article outlines the approach taken at the Medical College of Georgia's Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. Library to devise a structure of library staff positions that becomes progressively more demanding. A new nine-level Library Staff Classification Plan resulted. This plan also enables and encourages employees to acquire more skills and to accept more responsibility in order to qualify for higher-level library positions or to advance their present position to receive comparable rewards. The plan expresses the level of responsibilities expected, the employee qualifications desired, and lists representative duties across the spectrum of typical library tasks.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(81):89-103

Reference service in academic libraries has evolved over the years from what was the “reference interview” to the kind of service transaction which takes many forms and involves numerous information resources and the highest librarian expertise in some situations. Reference is more versatile now than ever, and this may be attributed to the abundance of resources and the multitude of ways librarians can acquire access to needed information. Coordination of efforts, expertise, and resources can make a great reference department function efficiently and effectively. College and university libraries with huge reference departments may need reference managers or heads of reference to manage them, but there are smaller libraries with small reference departments which employ less than five reference librarians. Managing these small libraries with an even smaller pool of reference librarians may not seem as complicated as managing large ones.

The head of reference position is an important one in the library, both for the staff and for the users served. This article will try to present views on the qualities, qualifications, and requirements which the head of reference should possess in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Since 1907 records have been kept of publications by staff members of the Mayo Clinic, and this information has been invaluable. The Author Catalog has proved itself such a useful tool for the Mayo Clinic that other libraries, large and small, may wish to consider adopting such a service.The Mayo medical complex is a large institution with more than 500 staff and faculty members engaged in the publication of clinical, educational, and research findings. The great amount of cross-disciplinary cooperation and interdepartmental research makes essential an up-to-date record of what is going on.The Mayo Clinic Library developed a comprehensive computerized method for identifying research and for identifying and indexing publications of Mayo staff members. At the end of 1971 more than 25,000 citations had been stored on computer tape.  相似文献   

关于高校图书馆临时员工继续教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张进 《图书情报工作》2010,54(19):78-81

College students have often been surveyed about their general information seeking behaviors. However, little has been done to explore what specific system features they use to find and save information when they are working on their real-life tasks. In this study, 32 college students were invited to an information interaction lab for a session in which they recalled a recently finished task and worked on a to-be-finished task using a computer in the lab. They were asked to complete questionnaires regarding what systems they used to finish their tasks and what features were helpful for searching and for saving information. Results showed that college students rely more heavily on the Internet sources than on library sources, even for their course related work. The study identified fourteen categories of system features helpful for information search and eight categories helpful for information saving. The findings have implications for designing systems that will better help people accomplish their tasks.  相似文献   

Staff involvemcnt with community information starts at the administrative level with planning and commitment. Part of the planning process is assessing what other agencies in the community are doing to provide community information, and determining the library's role in this process. It should be clear to staff that providing information about community resources is a legitimate part of the total information service offered by the library, not a nonEssential extra-work addition. Staff training is an ongoing process, and an essential part of becoming comfortable in using this community resource file. The skills which administrators bring to the implementation of a new service say a great deal about how they manage any change. If initial planning has been well thought out, adequate training offered, and communication good between public service staff and those responsible for coordinating the service, staff acceptance and use of the new service should be high.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3):295-304
The study investigated staff deployment at the reference service points of two large and two small local public libraries in the Sydney metropolitan area. Hypotheses investigated concerned expected differences between large and small libraries. The method used involved identification of the levels of staff employed and observation of tasks performed by staff. The results revealed significant differences between types of activities performed in the large and small libraries with the staff in the former performing more reference related tasks. The combined reference/circulation desk is seen as a problem in developing reference service. Staff attitudes are also considered to play an important part in the development of reference service.  相似文献   

Many hospital libraries suffer from being poorly housed. This article describes a successful effort to find better space for a hospital library. Issues of planning, staff participation, and implementation are discussed, including constraints, what worked well, and what could have worked better.  相似文献   

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