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My Composition     
Write a letter to your friend, telling her the measures taken to improve the standard of English in your school. Dear Susan,How are you getting on? It has been a long time since I last wrote to you. Please send my regards to your family. I hope you are in good health.  相似文献   

Tao Zhe (陶喆), who had just held a concert at the football playground of Hong Kou of Shanghai, expressed to the press that he was very grateful to his fans and that he would never forget the concert in the rain. Tao Zhe said, "When I was singing 'Love is Simple', I was deeply moved to see rain and smile on your face, and I suddenly realized that you are more than listeners, you are my good friends, good brothers, good sisters, and my family!"  相似文献   

Today is Saturday. It is sunny and warm. I went shopping with my good friend. On our way to the supermarket, we saw a purse on the road. We picked it up. There was some money and an ID card in it. We went to a police station with the purse. Then we gave it to a policeman. When I went back home, I told my parents about it. They were very happy and said, "you're our good child. We are proud of you!" I am very happy today.  相似文献   

I've learned…That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.I've learned…That when you are in love, it shows.I've learned…That just one person saying to me, "you've made my day !"makes my day.I've learned…That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.I've learned…That being kind is more important than being right.I've learned…That you should never refuse a gift from a child.I've learned…That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.I've learned…That sometimes what a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.I've learned…That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.  相似文献   

Two Lies     
Once there lived an old man. He liked listening to lies. He said, "Any man who can tell me two lies can marry my only daughter." So a lot of young men in the country came to his house. But he said to all of them, "I'm not pleased with your lies. I wouldn't give my daughter to any of you." One day, a young man said, "It will be hot in the summer, so you should go out now and dig a big hole under the street. When the hot summer weather comes, you Will sell the cool air from the hole and get a lot of money." "Oh, what a wonderful lie!" answered the old man.  相似文献   

There are two trees in a garden. One is old, the other is young. Spring comes. Many animals go to the garden. A bird says to the young tree, "Can I make a house on your branch?" "No, you can't," says the young tree. "But you can live on my branch," says the old tree.  相似文献   

For you my friend... I believe-that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe-that no matter how good a friend is they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe-that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I believe-that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.I believe-that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.I believe-that you can keep going long after you can't.I believe-that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.I believe-that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe-that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.  相似文献   

Ahealthy marriage is a safe haven (避难所)where we can relax and recuperate (恢复) from the tensions of everyday life. We need to hear positive things from our mate. Just as I gathered together some friends to tell me what not to say to a spouse, they also suggested what they would like to hear from a spouse. 1. Good Job! 2. I don't feel complete without you. 3. You are wonderful. 4. You look gorgeous today. 5. I trust you. 6. Thank you for being my partner. 7. I appreciate all the things you have done for me. 8. You come first in my life, before kids, career, friends, any thing. 9. I am glad I married you. 10. I am sorry. 11. You are the best friend I have. 12. I was wrong. 13. You make each day brighter. 14. I could not get you out of my mind today.  相似文献   

My Family     
I have a big family. There are 42 brothers and sisters in it. We study and live happily. I think everyone has guessed that this big family is my class. It's one of the best classes in our school. In our family, everyone has his own character, such as clever boy Cao Cao, pretty girl Xiao Jie, little artist yao Bin and so on. Wen Bin is my brother. Perhaps you will think that he is a gentle boy when you hear the name. He looks quiet. But when he comes to the playground, he changes completely. He looks like a cute monkey. Although each of our brothers and sisters are not the same, we are very united (团结的). Our class is a warm family. Welcome to our home. I believe you will love it at once.  相似文献   

Hi Brad, The Father's Day is coming.I am always too shy to express my feeling to my father as he,in my eyes,is so serious.Maybe his action has said all for him,and there's so little left to the words.Brad,do you also prefer to have actions instead of words to say everything for you? Please tell me more about your story of being a father.  相似文献   

孙小静 《海外英语》2011,(8):314-316
John Donne is the representative of the metaphysical in the literary history. Song and Sonnets are love poems which express Donne’s love outlook and his attitude towards woman. In Song and Sonnets, the most well-known poems are: "Song" ("Go and Catch a Falling Star"), "The Flea," "The Sun Rising" and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning." This paper divides his love poetry into three kinds. Through close reading, on one hand, we can understand him and his poems better; on the other hand we can explore his love outlook better.  相似文献   

《花腔》中的"爱"和《第二十二条军规》中的"军规"都是人性中的自私与邪恶的象征,它们滥用权力制造历史圈套,对生命的尊严和价值进行扭曲和湮灭。《花腔》和《第二十二条军规》从不同的叙述角度表现了冷酷中的黑色幽默,以戏仿讽刺不合理的现象。《花腔》和《第二十二条军规》采用回旋式的叙述方式,穿插众多人物传记,展示了社会各个层面上的关系。《花腔》与《第二十二条军规》的这些相似性,在一定程度上体现了李洱和约瑟夫·海勒的"经验同化"。  相似文献   

“反英雄”形象内涵丰厚,形式独特。从“反英雄”视角出发,契诃夫用幽默、嘲讽的手法给我们塑造了一个失败的“反英雄”形象,而约瑟夫·海勒却在《第22条军规》中为我们刻画了一个胜利的“反英雄”形象。二者虽都以一种荒诞怪异的方式揭露出“世界的荒谬”和“人的孤独”,但其作品中主人公的命运和结局却截然不同,由此缔造了失败向胜利的转变。  相似文献   

The Catch Up Programme is a literacy intervention designed for children who are behind with reading at the start of Year 3 (7 to 8 year‐olds). This paper describes pilot research that informed the project in its early stages of development, and the findings should therefore be treated with caution. The reading progress of a sample of 74 Catch Up pupils from 15 schools in three local education authorities was measured. This showed a considerable increase in pupils’ reading ages across a 10 week period. A smaller experimental study was also carried out in nine Oxfordshire schools (48 pupils) to compare a Catch Up sub‐sample with a Matched Time group and a Control group. Findings showed that the Catch Up pupils made considerably more progress during the same period than both the other groups.  相似文献   

“第二十二条军规”不是永恒、超言的象征,不是什么“海勒的神话”,而只是一个不确定的隐喻,不具有确定性。它以其破碎性、混乱性、不确定性在消解神话,这个神话便是西方传统中的关于上帝、国家和理性的神话。“第二十二条军规”揭开了这种神话背后的虚无与荒诞,同时向这种虚无与荒诞发出了激情的抗议。  相似文献   

“黑色幽默”(Black Humor)出现于20世纪60年代,是当代美国文学中最重要的文学流派之一。美国作家约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph_Heller)的长篇小说《第二十二条军规》(Catch-22)被誉为当代美国文学“黑色幽默”的经典作品。文章从主题的不确定性、情节的不确定性、形象的不确定性和语言的不确定性,对这部经典之作进行解读。认为它是西方文学史上一部带有浓厚后现代主义“黑色幽默”色彩的杰作。  相似文献   

越调《七擒孟获》和京剧《泸水彝山》是高牧坤先后导演的两部题材相同的“三国戏”,在创作理念与舞台调度、脸谱化妆与情节设计、间离效果与当众孤独等方面,两剧存在着诸多联系。从《七擒孟获》到《泸水彝山》,创作者力求回归戏曲的本体,充分说明了中国戏曲艺术家对戏曲美学认识的深化,这是对自身的肯定和认同,显示出一种民族的自信。  相似文献   

"悠然见南山"之"见"应当读为"jian",表示主动的行为,而不应当读为"xian(通"现")",表示被动的行为。"采"与"见"是作者的两个动作,这两个动作本来不能同时进行,但是作者把它们统一起来,构成对应的关系,则是为了表达自己随心所欲、意无所属的情感和心境。另外,从文章的句法来看,读成"见"("jian"),则"采菊东篱下"与"悠然见南山"两句句法相似,这也符合我国语言对称的特点。  相似文献   

Children's Literature in Education - Oliver Jeffers’ best-selling picturebook How to Catch a Star (2004) has been the subject of several recent theatre adaptations for children. This...  相似文献   

当生命中的那颗星在你内心闪耀的时候,要学会把握它.抓住闪烁在你面前的难得机遇。永远相信只要自己持之以恒.就一定能够实现自己心中的梦想。  相似文献   

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