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农村学校学生数学问题提出能力的现状是:学生提出数学问题能力的整体水平较低;学生对数学问题的概念不清楚,表述能力差;学生对数学问题提出的看法良好;学生的思维品质不利于对数学问题的提出;学生没有良好的问题提出环境;学生的自我效能感较差.产生这些现象的原因是:教师的教学观念陈旧、教学方法不当;学生缺乏良好的学习、生活环境;教师不能正确理解和使用教材;学生的数学认知结构和思维方式欠佳.为此,我们必须做到:转变教师的观念;强化教师培训,提高指导学生问题提出的能力和水平;为学生创造良好的问题提出环境;加强对学生提出数学问题的方法指导。  相似文献   

议题场域是学生有效开展议题学习的基本环境,议题场域设计是议题式教学设计的重要组成部分,案例环境设计、问题环境设计、商议环境设计、工具环境设计是问题解决型议题场域设计的基本要素。问题解决型议题教学以提升学生问题解决能力为基点,立足学生终身发展,指向学生核心素养培育,在初中思政课教学中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

多媒体技术突破传统媒体的局限,为学生营造了有效的动手实践环境,使学生能用具体的操作方法对其数学思维进行表征,对学生提出数学问题起到了辅助作用.多媒体环境下学生提出数学问题贯穿于学生问题解决的各个阶段:多媒体环境可以激发学生的问题意识,酝酿提出问题:上机实践操作,能够展示问题过程,引导学生提出问题;深入探索检验,可以延伸学生的认识,深入提出问题;开展理性思考,可使学生反思认识,创新提出问题.  相似文献   

可持续发展观的核心是协调人口、资源、环境与社会发展之间的关系。在初中地理教学中培养学生的可持续发展观,必须结合教学内容,组织学生到社会中去观察或调查,引导学生参加社会实践活动。  相似文献   

当今世界上大气、水、土壤和生物所受到的污染和破坏已达到危险的程度,自然界的平衡受到日益严重的干扰,自然资源受到大规模破坏,自然环境正在恶化。因此,环境问题已成为当代人类面临的一个重大问题.加强环境保护的教育,提高人们的环境意识,使人的行为与环境相和谐是解决问题的一条根本途径,也是素质教育的重要组成部分。对学生进行环境教育是学生走出校园走进社会之前的环境知识、意识、道德的教育,环境建设是环境教育的载体也是学生在校园生活中进行环保实践的良好措施。  相似文献   

创设问题情境,不仅能引导学生尽快地进入紧张愉快的课堂学习环境,而且能激发学生探究数学知识的热情,有利于调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性.课堂是学生接受知识的主战场,作为教师的我们应如何利用这45分钟为学生创设一个轻松愉快的学习环境,充分发挥学生的主体性,提高数学课堂的教学效率呢?  相似文献   

陈林林 《甘肃教育》2014,(10):47-47
正创新是人发展的动力,创新是学生智慧潜能的体现。在中学历史教学中向学生传授基础知识、培养基本技能的同时,必须高度重视培养学生的创新意识,开发学生的创新能力。笔者现结合教学实践谈几点体会。一、营造良好的创新环境学生的成长与环境有密切关系,要培养学生的创新品质,就要创设良好的创新环境。创新环境是指有益于发挥创新精神,激发创造力的各种因素和条件。每个学生都有创造  相似文献   

谢忠余 《小学生》2012,(11):55-55
在课堂上,有相当一部分的同学还是沉默寡言,既不主动提问题,又不积极举手回答问题,要想让学生能开"金口",就要培养学生的问题意识。一、创设宽松的环境,让学生敢问首先应创设一个轻松、愉快的教学环境,引导学生敢于大胆思考,敢想、敢说、敢问。对不敢大胆提问的学生,不论他问的问题质量如何都要给予鼓励;对提错问题的学生,不能批评,要启发他用另一种方法去想,让同学树立自信心。  相似文献   

创新意识和实践能力都是从问题开始的,因此在小学数学教学中,积极创设具有现实性的、趣味性的、挑战性的和思考性的问题情境,营造平等和谐的、宽松愉悦的学习氛围,是培养学生问题意识的前提条件.通过营造畅所欲言的环境,教给学生方法,促其自主探索,使学生"敢问"、"会问"、"善问,"从而达到有效培养学生问题意识的目的.  相似文献   

环境问题是人类面临的三大问题 (人口、能源、环境 )之一。中学环境教育是使学生正确认识人与环境的关系 ,树立正确对待环境的态度 ,并且鼓励学生积极参与改善环境 ,以促进可持续发展的教育过程。其中在相关的学科教学中进行环境科学知识、技能及环境道德教育的渗透是一种比较普遍的途径。通过开展研究性学习 ,在化学教学中进行环境教育 ,努力提高中学生对环境保护重要性的认识 ,培养中学生改造和优化环境的意识和能力 ,具有重要意义。从研究性学习的特点来看 ,它是指学生基于自身兴趣 ,在教师的指导下 ,从自然、社会和学生自身生活中选择和…  相似文献   

开展大学生环保意识现状的调查与提升研究,有利于提高整个社会的环保意识。通过问卷调查手段,定量分析了安徽工程大学大学生的环保意识状况,指出了培养大学生环保意识的必要性。提出从大学生的专业知识体系、授课教师环保意识水平、校园环境情况以及环境保护实践等方面着手的"四位一体"全方位教育路径。  相似文献   

为探究智慧教室环境下大学生学习环境偏好与学习策略之间的关系,文章以华中地区H大学在智慧教室环境下学习的本科生为研究对象,通过"智慧教室环境偏好量表"和"大学生学习策略量表",调查了大学生在智慧教室环境下的学习环境主要偏好、学习策略整体水平以及两者之间的关系,结果发现:大学生对智慧教室环境持积极认可的态度,智慧教室环境下大学生的学习策略处于中等水平,大学生学习环境偏好与学习策略显著正相关。此结论表明,改善大学生对智慧教室环境的偏好对于提高其学习策略水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探究智慧教室环境下大学生环境感知与互联网自我效能感之间的关系,文章以华中地区某高校学生为研究对象,调查了学生对智慧教室的环境感知;同时,通过准实验研究,对智慧教室环境与传统多媒体环境下的课堂教学对学生互联网自我效能感影响的差异进行了探究。文章发现:学生对智慧教室的物理环境和社会心理环境普遍持积极认可的态度,采用智慧教室的实验组学生的互联网自我效能感显著高于采用传统多媒体教室的对照组学生。此外,文章的相关性分析结果显示:学生关于智慧教室的环境感知与其互联网自我效能感显著正相关。此结论表明,改善学生关于智慧教室的环境感知对于提高其互联网自我效能感具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This research is distinctive in that parents’ perceptions were utilised in conjunction with students’ perceptions in investigating science classroom learning environments among Grade 4 and 5 students in South Florida. The What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC) questionnaire was modified for young students and their parents and administered to 520 students and 120 parents. Data analyses supported the WIHIC’s factorial validity, internal consistency reliability and ability to differentiate between the perceptions of students in different classrooms. Both students and parents preferred a more positive classroom environment than the one perceived to be actually present, but effect sizes for actual-preferred differences were larger for parents than for students. Associations were found between some learning environment dimensions (especially task orientation) and student outcomes (especially attitudes). Qualitative methods suggested that students and parents were generally satisfied with the classroom environment, but that students would prefer more investigation while parents would prefer more teacher support. The study provides a pioneering look at how parents and students perceive the science learning environment and opens the way for further learning environment studies involving both parents and students.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of a learner-centred environment in enhancing the academic achievements and motivation of high school students who are at risk of dropping out of school. Three groups of students at high academic risk were compared. The control group consisted of students who are exposed to a remedial academic program in a traditional school context, and the experimental groups consisted of students enrolled at schools that have implemented a structured academic program in a learner-centred environment. It is shown that a learner-centred environment yields significantly higher achievement scores and a somewhat higher internal motivational orientation. These results suggest that a structured academic program in a learner-centred environment could provide hope for students at academic risk and other students who are likely to be lost to the academic educational system.  相似文献   

后博客时代,以微博客为主要媒介的网络世界与社会环境、家庭环境、学校环境、高职学生自身等所处的现实世界共同影响高职生社会化与高职人才培养。高职生社会化过程就是高职人才培养的过程,高职生社会化与高职新型人才培养的双赢互动有利于提高高职生社会化和高职人才培养的质量,从而使高职生更好地适应社会、服务社会。  相似文献   

人创造环境,环境也创造人。本文从环境和心理学角度出发探讨了校园环境和大学生人格培养的内涵,通过剖析当前高职院校在校园环境建设与大学生人格培养方面存在的问题,分析了校园环境建设与大学生人格培养的辩证关系,强调校园环境建设在大学生人格培养过程中的重要性。在此基础上,提出了高职院校大学生人格培养的策略。  相似文献   

Learning Environment Perceptions of European University Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes a study of the experiences of 610 Dutch students and 241 European students who studied at least three months abroad within the framework of an international exchange program. The Dutch students went to a university in another European country and the foreign students went to a Dutch university. Using a new questionnaire called the Inventory of Perceived Study Environment (IPSE), students, perceptions of eight characteristics of the university learning environment were measured concerning the home university, the host university and the ideal learning environment. With this instrument, the learning environment can be described in terms analogous to the learning strategies performed. Large differences were found between the different countries in university learning environments, but students from different countries had strikingly similar opinions concerning their desired learning environment. There was a strong preference for activating instruction with a low threshold in teacher-student interaction and more room for student alternatives.  相似文献   

Science laboratory learning has been lauded for decades for its role in fostering positive student attitudes about science and developing students’ interest in science and ability to use equipment. An expanding body of research has demonstrated the significant influence of laboratory environment on student learning. Further research has demonstrated differences in student perceptions based on giftedness. To explore the relationship between giftedness and students’ perceptions of their learning environment, we examined students’ perceptions of their laboratory learning environment in biology courses, including courses designated for high-achieving versus regular-achieving students. In addition, to explore the relationship between students’ perceptions and the extent of their experience with laboratory learning in a particular discipline, we examined students’ perceptions of their laboratory learning environment in first-year biology courses versus elective biology courses that require first-year biology as a prerequisite. We found that students in high-achieving courses had a more favourable perception of all aspects of their learning environment when compared with students in regular courses. In addition, student perceptions of their laboratory appeared to be influenced by the extent of their experience in learning science. Perceptions were consistent amongst regular- and high-achieving students regardless of grade level. In addition, perceptions of students in first year and beyond were consistent regardless of grade level. These findings have critical applications in curriculum development as well as in the classroom. Teachers can use student perceptions of their learning environment to emphasize critical pedagogical approaches and modify other areas that enable enhancement of the science laboratory learning environment.  相似文献   

The objective of the instructional experiment was to examine if the use of thinking styles is flexible in traditional and hypermedia learning environments, and if a hypermedia learning environment possesses obvious advantages than a traditional environment in adapting to students with different thinking styles. The participant university students from Shanghai, P.R. China took the General Psychology course taught by one psychology teacher. One hundred and seven science students and one hundred and thirty-one social science students were assigned into traditional and hypermedia instructional groups, respectively. The results indicated that the use of the hierarchical, executive, conservative, and monarchic styles was increased, while the use of the local style was decreased due to the traditional instructional environment. The use of the judicial and liberal styles was increased, while the use of the legislative style was weakened due to the hypermedia environment. Moreover, significant effects of discipline differences in the use of particular thinking styles were found in the traditional instructional environment. Specifically, within the context of traditional learning environments, the use of the hierarchical style increased among the science students, while the use of the local style decreased among the social science students. The study did not support the view that a hypermedia learning environment is clearly better than a traditional environment in accommodating students with different thinking styles. Implications for learning and teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

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