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近年来,眼动跟踪技术以其可以直接跟踪学习者的视觉认知过程的特点为越来越多的多媒体学习的相关研究所选用。在分析了传统认知行为实验方法的特点和眼动跟踪技术的优势的基础之上,详细论述了多媒体学习研究中眼动跟踪实验设计需要注意的几个问题,具体包括眼动跟踪实验与传统认知行为实验相结合、将眼动跟踪实验置于完整的教学系统中、仪器设备选用、眼动指标选取和数据分析方法,以期对今后的相关研究起到一定的参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

眼球追踪技术是当代心理学研究的重要技术,广泛运用于实验心理学、应用心理学、工程心理学、认知神经科学等领域.采用文献分析的方法,阐述了3种眼球运动的基本模式:注视、眼跳和追随运动;界定了眼球运动的测量指标,如眼动轨迹图、眼动时间(注视时间、眼跳时间、回视时间等)、眼动方向和距离、瞳孔直径.特别探讨了眼动技术和神经电生理技术的结合,如眼动和ERP单独记录、ERP结合EOG分析、眼动和ERP同步记录,以及不同记录技术的优点和缺陷.在此基础上,阐述了眼动追踪技术在心理学不同领域中的应用,如发展心理学、教育心理学、消费心理学、交通心理学等.  相似文献   

由于眼球追踪可以用来记录人们观看自然场景图片和理解信息时的实时眼球运动,因此,采用眼动技术考察"句子图片"范式中,呈现顺序和信息特征对语义失配效应的影响.实验采用3(句法)×2(语义关系)因子设计,句法和语义关系是被试内变量.实验发现,语义失配会增加人们的认知负荷,即第1遍通过时间、回视路径时间和总注视时间显著增加;双重否定没有显著增加图片和信息的加工难度.实验结果表明,人们能够从长时记忆中提取特定的句法策略来处理不同语义关系的图片和句子.这种句法加工策略使得读者能够将双重否定转换成肯定.研究结果证明成分比较模型可能无法适用于其他类型的语言.  相似文献   

国内外的相关研究表明,眼动研究可以通过对数学问题解决过程中的眼动轨迹进行记录以及对注视时间、注视次数等眼动指标的分析,进而了解数学问题解决过程中,大脑的内部加工机制。数学学科能力主要体现为数学问题的解决能力,通过数学学科教育中的眼动研究文献分析发现,眼动研究有助于探寻数学问题解决过程中注意分配及加工策略选择过程。在数学学科教育中针对这些认知加工的特点进行策略教学旨在:培养高效的注意能力、提取关键的表征信息、激发多知识体系的想象力,更好地提高学科教育的有效性。  相似文献   

通过眼动设备进行认知负荷的测量已成为认知负荷测量的重要方法 ,尽管相当多的研究依赖眼动仪输出的测量数据进行认知负荷表征,但究竟哪些眼动数据能够准确表征学习者认知负荷状态并没有明确的指标。研究采用循证研究的元分析方法,对62篇国内外实验研究文献进行量化分析,系统检验认知负荷对眼动各项指标的影响,探究可以表征多媒体学习中认知负荷状态的眼动指标。研究发现:(1)纳入研究的总效应值为0.547(k=318),表明整体上眼动指标受认知负荷影响较大;(2)将不同测量指标作为调节变量分析,发现瞳孔直径等15项具有较大效应值的眼动指标能够较好地表征学习者的认知负荷状态;(3)在其他调节变量分析中,发现低于60Hz的采样率更适用于多媒体学习中认知负荷的测量,而知识性质和认知负荷来源不存在调节效应。  相似文献   

著名心理学家沈德立教授在研究了学生阅读汉语过程中的眼动情况发现,近半数中小学生的阅读方法有待改进。分析实验数据证明:许多中小学生阅读时,缺乏明确的目的,速度慢、灵活性差。眼动研究是通过眼动仪记录阅读时眼球运动的轨迹来研究人们阅读状态和规律的。实验中发现,许多中小学生在阅读时存在逐字注视、回视多的现象,并且伴有慢速唇读。在一般课外书泛读时,阅读知觉广度很窄,甚至逐字阅读,不会浏览。如果一篇文章后面列有若干问题,大多数学生不是先看问题,带着问题去阅读,而是从头至尾通读一遍文章,再看问题。这样的阅读方…  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是调查我国英语专业一年级学生元认知策略、认知策略和社会情感策略的使用情况,发现其中的问题,为一二年级的听力教学提供指导。主要研究问题包括:1)三类听力策略的总体使用情况;2)听力成绩与三类听力策略之间的关系;3)高、低两个水平组在使用三类听力策略方面的差异。研究发现:一年级学生认知策略使用率最高,其次是元认知策略和社会情感策略;声音、上下文、关键词等认知策略、情感策略与听力成绩显著正相关,翻译策略与听力成绩显著负相关,根据认知策略的运用,可在一定程度上预测学生的听力成绩;高、低水平两组学生在三大策略的使用方面存在显著差异,高分组学生比低分组学生能更好地使用部分认知策略和情感策略,低分组学生更倾向于运用翻译、迁移等认知策略。这说明部分外语学习者之所以听力成绩优异是源于能够有效地使用部分认知策略,因此,低年级听力教师应该注意培养学生运用认知策略的能力。  相似文献   

口译人才的培养既具有人文性也具有科学性,其科学性在于通过视译眼动实验证据,显示出职业译员和学生译员分别在视译阅读过程中的眼动特征和视译产出环节中的认知负荷差异,通过结合测后访谈等研究数据提出了"科学性+人文性"的口译人才培养新思路。  相似文献   

小学生快速阅读训练的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究以35名小学五年级学生为被试,经过对实验班18周快速阅读训练,使学生初步掌握阅读的技能。本研究使用美国科学实验室(ASL)生产的4200R型劝仪,考察经过快速阅读训练的实验组被试与未经过训练的对照组补充式在阅读文章时的眼动特点。结果发现,在本实验条件下:(1)快速阅读训练可以显著地提高小学生阅读速度而不影响其阅读成绩。92)衣效地减少阅读时间。(3)快速阅读训练可以有效地减少注视、回视次数和  相似文献   

该研究主要关注母语为汉语的英语学习者在处理含挂靠歧义的英语关系从句时的认知加工过程,探讨工作记忆广度是否会影响他们的认知加工。实验选取143名非英语专业大二学生参加工作记忆广度测试,其中36名学生被选为眼动实验受试。实验结果如下:1)母语为汉语的英语学习者在处理含挂靠歧义的英语关系从句时的认知挂靠偏向与英语母语者不同。2)外语能力的高低及工作记忆广度的大小均影响受试对含挂靠歧义英语关系从句的认知加工。3)在线眼动实验和离线问卷调查结果不一致,说明外语学习者的初次感观加工和再次认知加工机制不同。  相似文献   

This study aims to disclose how eye-tracking technology has been applied to studies of learning, and what eye movement measures have been used for investigations by reviewing studies that have employed the eye-tracking approach. A total of 81 papers including 113 studies were selected from the Social Sciences Citation Index database from 2000 to 2012. Content analysis showed that eye movements and learning were studied under the following seven themes: patterns of information processing, effects of instructional design, reexamination of existing theories, individual differences, effects of learning strategies, patterns of decision making, and conceptual development. As for eye-tracking measurements, the most often used indices were temporal measures, followed by count and spatial measures, although the choice of measures was often motivated by the specific research question. Research development trends show that the use of the eye-tracking method has proliferated recently. This study concludes that the eye-tracking method provides a promising channel for educational researchers to connect learning outcomes to cognitive processes.  相似文献   

PISA results show that a considerable number of 15-year-old pupils after 8 to 10 years of schooling have a low level of functional reading literacy, as defined in the PISA framework. While PISA results help identify the level of reading competency, they do not reveal what might be the reasons why some students fail to solve the tasks. One way to explore the difficulties students encounter while solving PISA reading tasks is to track their eye movements during reading. The main aim of this study was to explore the similarities and differences in eye movement patterns between students with high and low scores on PISA reading tasks. A sample of 92 students took part in the pre-test, which was based on PISA items, and administered to identify groups of students with high and low PISA reading scores. Based on student pre-test results, 20 students were selected for the main, eye-tracking test—10 participants with low scores and 10 with high scores. The eye-tracking test consisted of four different released PISA reading tasks, three of them continuous and one non-continuous. The continuous items were followed by one multiple-choice question each at L1, L2, and L3 levels of difficulty. The non-continuous text was followed by three multiple-choice questions (also L1–L3).Three main findings were the following: regarding saccadic amplitudes, the reading was found to be less fluent for the low-skilled group; according to the heat maps, they had difficulty finding the relevant material; and taking into account standard deviations of eye-tracking measures, the variability was found to be larger in this group. Taken together, the findings of this study show that the PISA results differentiating low- and high-scoring groups go hand in hand with insights from more fine-grained eye-tracking measurements.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research is to show how wearable eye-tracking technology can be employed to assess and enhance classroom management skills by analyzing the instructors’ eye movements in a university. The research also aimed to evaluate the instructors’ gestures by recording with a video camera synchronized with the eye-tracking data. The findings showed that the wearable eye tracker gives informative feedback about the visual attention of the instructors. It provided meaningful data by video recordings and Retrospective Think Aloud sessions. Also, it demonstrated how the instructors interacted with classroom technology. Consequently, the wearable eye tracker and video-camera together could be used by Teaching/Learning Centers to improve instructors’ classroom management skills and to observe their interaction with instructional technologies.



Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed.


This study employed eye-tracking technology to probe the online reading behavior of 52 advanced L2 English learners. These participants read an e-book containing six types of multimedia supports for either vocabulary acquisition or comprehension. The six supports consisted of three micro-level supports that provided information about specific words (glosses, vocabulary focus, and footnotes), and three macro-level supports that provided global or background information (illustrations, infographics, and photos). The participants read the ebook under two presentation modes: (1) simultaneous mode: where digital input and supports were presented at the same time; and (2) sequential mode: where the digital content and supports were incrementally presented. Analyses showed that when reading for vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary focus and glosses were significantly fixated on, and when reading for comprehension, illustrations were more intensely fixated on. Additionally, when the digital content was incrementally presented, vocabulary focus received significantly higher total fixation duration. This suggests that reading under the sequential mode has the potency to guide L2 learners’ focal attention toward micro-level supports. In contrast, under the simultaneous presentation mode, L2 learners seemed to divide their focal attention among both micro-level and macro-level supports. Pedagogical implications are discussed based on the findings of this study.  相似文献   

Gaze data are still uncommon in statistics education despite their promise. Gaze data provide teachers and researchers with a new window into complex cognitive processes. This article discusses how gaze data can inform and be used by teachers both for their own teaching practice and with students. With our own eye-tracking research as an example, background information on eye-tracking and possible applications of eye-tracking in statistics education is provided. Teachers indicated that our eye-tracking research created awareness of the difficulties students have when interpreting histograms. Gaze data showed details of students' strategies that neither teachers nor students were aware of. With this discussion paper, we hope to contribute to the future usage and implementation of gaze data in statistics education by teachers, researchers, educational and textbook designers, and students.  相似文献   

This study examined the heterogeneity in the co-developmental trajectories of reading and math performance (i.e., parallel changes in the initial scores and growth patterns) and identified the number, size and shape of the co-developmental trajectory across elementary and middle schools. In addition, this investigation focused on how an early childhood dysregulation profile (DP; indexed by a high co-occurrence of emotional, behavior, and attention problems) was associated with distinct co-developmental trajectories of reading and math performance. Specifically, we examined whether early childhood DP level can predict (a) membership assignment into each distinct co-development group and (b) variability in initial scores and changes in growth with each distinct co-development group. Participants were 784 academically at-risk students (47 % girls) predominantly from low socioeconomic status families who were recruited in first grade (Mean age = 6.57 years) and followed annually through the final year of middle school (ninth grade). Results revealed two distinct co-developmental trajectories of reading and math performance, including (a) a lower initial reading (higher increasing) and higher initial math (lower increasing) class (85.3 %) and (b) a lower initial math (higher increasing) and higher initial reading (lower increasing) class (14.7 %). Our results provided evidence for the compensatory pattern of co-developmental trajectories, indicating initial lower skills grow at a faster rate than the initial high. Further, early childhood DP was not associated with the membership assignment for these two distinct classes, which means that regardless of children’s early DP level, they have equal chances to be assigned to each of the classes. However, children with higher parent and teacher-reported DP in first grade demonstrated lower initial scores and a slower improvement rate in both classes after controlling for kindergarten literacy skills, gender, ethnicity, intelligence, socioeconomic status, and grade retention. Our study findings demonstrated (a) substantial heterogeneity in the co-developmental trajectories of reading and math performance across elementary and middle school ages; and (b) the importance of promoting self-regulation beginning in early childhood, especially for academically at-risk children in families facing economic challenges.  相似文献   



German is exceptional in its use of noun capitalisation. It has been suggested that sentence-internal capitalisation as in German may benefit processing by specifically marking a noun and thus a noun phrase (NP). However, other cues, such as a determiner, can also indicate an NP. The influence of capitalisation on processing may thus be context-dependent, that is, dependent on other cues. Precisely this context dependency is investigated in the current study: Is there an effect of capitalisation on reading and is this affected by the presence of other cues such as a determiner (specifically, an article)?


We ran an eye-tracking study with 30 German-speaking adults, measuring fixations during sentence reading. Critical NPs either contained correctly capitalised nouns or not and were presented either with or without a determiner.


The results show that both the presence of capitalisation on the noun and the presence of a determiner led to faster reading. When no determiner was present to signal the NP, the presence of noun capitalisation aided reading most.


From these results, we conclude that the influence of capitalisation is indeed context dependent: Capitalisation aids processing most when no other cue is present. Thus, different cues play a role in NP recognition. Based on these findings, we argue that noun capitalisation should not be studied in isolation. We argue that a better understanding of capitalisation as a reading aid is relevant for teaching reading strategies.  相似文献   

Inquiry-based learning allows students to learn about scientific phenomena in an exploratory way. Inquiry-based learning can take place in online environments in which students read informational texts and experiment in virtual labs. We conducted two studies using eye-tracking to examine the integration of these two sources of information for students from vocational education (78 and 71 participants, respectively, mean age of 13 years and 7 months). In Study 1, we examined whether the amount of time spent on reading text and on integrating the text content with information from a virtual lab (as measured via gaze switches between the text and the lab) affected the quality of the inquiry-based learning process in the lab (i.e., correctly designed experiments and testable hypotheses created) and the learning gain (increase in domain knowledge from pretest to posttest). Results showed, on average, a gain in domain knowledge. Pretest scores were related to posttest scores, and this relation was mediated by the score for correctly designed experiments in the lab. There was no relation between informational text reading time and inquiry process quality or learning gain, but more frequent integration was associated with a higher score for experimentation in the virtual lab, and more frequent integration attenuated the relation between pretest score and designing correct experiments. Integration could thus compensate for the negative effects of lower prior knowledge. In Study 2, we examined whether integration was stimulated by highlighting correspondences between the informational text and the virtual lab (i.e., signaling). Integration was higher than in Study 1, but this did not further improve the quality of the inquiry process or the learning gain. A general conclusion is that integration fosters inquiry-based learning, but that stimulating additional integration may not result in further improvement.  相似文献   


This study was to investigate the role of students’ game self-efficacy in their game performance as well as in their visual behavior distributions and transfer patterns during their gameplay. A total of 48 university students were recruited for participating in a gameplaying task while wearing with an ASL Mobile Eye eye-tracker. After the gameplay, each participant was asked to report their self-efficacy of the gameplay. Based on the self-reported game self-efficacy (GSE) score, the participants were divided into the higher and lower GSE groups. Independent t tests were used to compare their game performances and eye-tracking indices for each area of interest. A lag sequential analysis was used to profile the visual transfer pattern for each group. The results showed that the higher GSE group had better performances than the lower GSE group. During the gameplay, the higher GSE students tended to pay more attention to the critical information for a successful play. In addition, the lag sequential analyses revealed different visual transfer patterns for the two GSE groups. The higher GSE group tended to show a critical-factor-centralized visual-trasfer pattern which demonstrated more planning and monitoring gameplaying strategies; while the lower GSE students, probably lacking the self-confidence of gameplaying, tended to pay more attention to the remaining time for the game.This study may provide suggestions for future game-based leraning system designs.  相似文献   

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