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一、活动单导学教学模式的诠释所谓活动单导学,是指以活动单为媒介引导学生在活动中自主、合作学习,实现教学目标的过程。活动单导学有三个核心概念,一是活动,活动是指学生主动作用于教学内容的方式及过程,包括内在思维活动、物质操作活动和社会实践活动。二是活动单,活动单是呈现教学目标、教学内容、活动方案等教学元素的平台,是导学的主要手段。活动单一般包  相似文献   

学习活动设计是教学设计的核心。现行的学习活动存在"学习活动主体性丧失、声音的单一控制和多元声音的消亡、活动中介途径单一、活动被肢解、封闭线性的活动进程、学习活动共同体缺失"等问题,作者从活动理论的视角探究了应然的课程学习活动,并以此为基础从活动内容、活动任务、活动组织策略、活动过程设计、监督与评价等方面构建了课程学习活动设计框架,以期为学习活动设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   

活动学习是学生学习的一类方式,它凸显了新课程改革的理念,对于培养学生的实践能力、创新能力和综合素质具有重要作用。操作活动、探究活动、考察活动、艺术活动、交往活动、读书活动的实施模式,可以促进活动学习的实施,深化新课程改革。  相似文献   

从2008年起,我校在全市率先开设综合实践课程。综合实践活动的过程分为方案制定、活动实施、成果汇报、总结提升四个环节。各个环节有相对明确的活动任务和活动目标。以活动总结与交流阶段为例,主要任务是引导学生对活动全过程中得与失进行全面的总结和交流,突出对活动的过程、活动结果、活动的体会、活动的方  相似文献   

活动单导学是指以“活动单”为媒介引导学生在“活动”中自主、合作学习,实现教学目标的过程。“活动单导学”有三个核心概念,一是“活动”,活动是指“学生主动作用于教学内容的方式及其过程”,包括内在的思维活动、物质操作活动和社会实践活动。二是“活动单”,“活动单”是呈现教学目标、教学内容、活动方案等教学元素的平台,是导学的主要手段。  相似文献   

幼儿的各项能力要通过幼儿园一日生活中的各种活动来落实。一日活动的主要内容一般包括:自由交往活动、生活活动、集体活动、各类游戏活动、餐前准备及进餐、午睡、户外体育活动等。每个活动里都伴有儿童语言的发展,3-6岁是儿童语言发展的关键期,抓住一日活动的关键环节,开展有意义的活动,能够促进幼儿语言的有效发展。  相似文献   

作为新课程一大亮点的综合实践活动,一般包括以下流程:活动准备阶段、活动实施阶段、活动总结与交流阶段、活动延伸阶段。活动准备阶段是这一项主题活动的起始阶段,其有效开展对学生有目的、有计划地开展综合实践活动、对于学生保持持续的探究欲望和活动积极性、对于活动成果的有效性等都至关重要。下面我  相似文献   

大学生党团建设校园文化活动是高校校园文化最具活力的组成部分,对促进大学生全面发展发挥着重要作用。大学生党团建设校园文化活动应坚持与时俱进,不断创新方式方法和有效提升内容质量,以推动校园文化活动的实效性和长效性。紧紧围绕学术科技文化活动、就业创业文化活动、新媒体文化活动、文体文化活动、公益文化活动等方面推动校园文化活动良性发展,是提升大学生党团建设校园文化活动实效性的关键所在。  相似文献   

社会实践活动是幼儿园生活化课程的重要活动形式之一,我们要从活动目标、活动准备、活动过程、活动评价等多方面考虑,使活动高效。  相似文献   

实践活动教学改变了传统的教学局面,取得了一定的教学效果。但我校最近开展的《德育课堂教学开展实践活动情况》问卷调查结果显示,我们的实践活动教学出现了不少问题,说明探索到了瓶颈阶段。本文探讨优化活动目标、活动内容、活动形式、活动过程、活动评价五要素,进一步提高了实践活动教学的有效性。  相似文献   

分析了方棋盘上禁位排列数问题,给出了完整方棋盘的棋子多项式,得出了几枚棋子在互补棋盘上禁位排列数的相互表示,并找到一对存在相互正交关系的组合数列.  相似文献   

Whereas a lot of studies examine cognitive processes in chess players, personality profiles of elite chess players are still not described well. The aim of this study was to examine personality of strong chess experts and its influence on chess skill. We tested elite male and female chess players with Freiburg Personality Inventory Revised (FPI-R), which also provides population norms for males and females. Elite male players' personality profile did not significantly differ from the population norms. Female players were more satisfied with life, had less physical complaints and higher achievement motivation in comparison with female population norms. Personality was also related with chess skill but showed different patterns in males and females. Stronger male players were more introverted, while we found the opposite pattern in female players. These results indicate that personality plays an important role in the highest level of complex intellectual activities.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the effect of self-explanation and prediction on the development of principled understanding of novices learning to play chess. First-year psychology students, who had no chess experience, first learned the basic rules of chess and were afterwards divided in three conditions. They either observed (control condition), predicted, or predicted and self-explained the moves of the computer playing a chess endgame of King and Rook against King. Finally, in the test phase, participants had to play the endgame against the computer and were required to checkmate the opponent King. Apart from their test performance, the conditions were compared on quality of move predictions in the learning phase. The self-explanation condition showed better understanding of the endgame principles than the two other conditions, as indicated by the move predictions in the learning phase that more often exemplified correct application of chess principles. Moreover, participants in the self-explanation condition more often checkmated the black King in the test phase than participants in the two other conditions. However, no differences emerged between the prediction and observation condition. This study showed that, even for novices, providing self-explanations stimulates the discovery of domain principles of chess.  相似文献   

There has recently been significant interest in the area of computer chess. In February this year, Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion played a six match chess tournament withDeep Blue, the current computer chess champion. Garry Kasparov won the tournament, but lost one of the matches. This article describes the area of computer chess and theDeep Blue system.  相似文献   

以中国象棋元素中的视觉元素、游戏元素、文化元素为研究点,从文化价值、商业价值、艺术价值三个角度对中国象棋元素在现代包装设计中的应用研究进行可行性分析。通过案例作品展示,从图形设计、文字设计、包装结构等方面,探讨中国象棋元素在现代包装设计中的实践应用。  相似文献   

We investigated the role of practice in the acquisition of chess expertise by submitting a questionnaire to 104 players of different skill levels. Players had to report their chess rating, the number of hours of individual and group practice, their use of different learning resources and activities, and whether they had been trained by a coach. The use of archival data enabled us to track the rating of some of the players throughout their career. We found that there was a strong correlation between chess skill and number of hours of practice. Moreover, group practice was a better predictor of high-level performance than individual practice. We also found that masters had a higher chess rating than expert players after only three years of serious dedication to chess, although there were no differences in the number of hours of practice. The difference that may explain the variation in rating is that masters start practising at an earlier age than experts. Finally, we found that activities such as reading books and using computer software (game databases, but not playing programs) were important for the development of high-level performance. Together with previous data and theories of expert performance, our results indicate limits in the deliberate practice framework and make suggestions on how best to carry out learning in chess and in other fields.  相似文献   

中西象棋表面上棋子设置、行棋规则有许多相似之处;但本质上,相同方面都是逻辑推理过程,不同的是中国象棋是等级社会理念在游戏中真实的反映,而国际象棋是人生而平等理念在游戏中的真实反映。诗性思维、儒家等级思想、社会道德体系和公民道德水准问题是中华民族进步的三大隐忧。在青少年中推广国际象棋,可以在潜移默化中起到弱化三大隐忧、促进青少年的身心健康和思维发育的作用。  相似文献   

The relative age effect (RAE) has been demonstrated in many youth and professional sports. In this study, we hypothesized that there would also be a RAE among youth chess players who are typically involved in a complex cognitive task without significant physical requirements. While typical RAEs have been observed in adult chess players, in this paper we wanted to focus primarily on youth chess players. In addition, we also examined RAEs in both participation rates and performance levels in a national chess championship. Therefore, the RAE was examined in a complex cognitive task that has no significant physical requirements, more specifically among youth chess players. Data were analyzed (1) for all registered Belgian youth chess players over a 5-year period (2009–2013) and (2) for participants of the Belgian youth championship 2013. Results indicated an overall RAE among all Belgian youth chess players over the last 5 years. The likelihood of participation was significantly greater for players born in the first birth-date quartile (χ² = 10.21, p < .05; r = ?.77, p < .01; w = .07) and the likelihood of participation decreased when youth chess players were born in the last quartile of the year. These effects were most prominent in the under-8 and under-10 year olds. There also appeared to be a performance-related RAE. Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests (p < .05) showed that players born in the first months of the selection year were significantly more often in the top 10 players for each age level of the Belgian Youth Championship 2013.  相似文献   

在改革开放新的历史条件下, 我国人民内部矛盾也发生了新的变化, 呈现面广、多层次、多领域、多类型纵横交错的复杂局面, 又以冲突性矛盾增多, 对抗性加剧为显著特点。正确处理人民内部矛盾, 是构建社会主义和谐社会的主题。必须建立一个人民内部矛盾的博弈机制, 建立健全利益表达机制、政策形成参与机制和适当的利益矛盾宣泄保障机制。通过博弈形成社会各阶层利益的均衡, 博弈均衡的社会才是真正和谐的社会。  相似文献   

倪斌是阿城小说《棋王》中的重要人物之一。他具有鲜明的个性,虽然身处逆境,但他自信、乐观而又豁达。在棋艺方面,他是禅棋文化的继承者和发扬者,对王一生棋艺风格的形成有重要的影响。倪斌形象从不同方面丰富了《棋王》的文化底蕴和思想内涵。  相似文献   

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