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高校图书馆馆长角色的社会学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会学角度阐述了高校图书馆馆长角色的内涵,提出高校图书馆馆长角色应定位于决策、管理、服务,认为高校图书馆馆长可通过提高馆长角色的认知水平、确立馆长角色的科学发展理念、培养馆长角色的组织管理能力来扮演其馆长角色、履行其馆长职能。  相似文献   

依据管理学中的执行力理论,论述了馆长的执行力是图书馆整体执行力的关键,并从更新管理观念、增强执行意识,找准角色、准确定位,做学习型馆长、提高执行能力,增强馆长的指导力,健全岗位职责、严格监督考核等方面论述了提升高校图书馆馆长执行力的具体措施。  相似文献   

2013年6月17日至6月19日,2013中国高校图书馆发展论坛暨中国图书馆学会高等学校图书馆分会第三届换届大会在长春召开。来自全国的394位代表参加了会议。17号下午,中国图书馆学会高校分会换届会议选举产生了新一届(第三届)中国图书馆学会高等学校图书馆分会委员会。新一届分会委员会由北京大学图书馆朱强馆长任主任;上海交通大学图书馆陈进馆长、中山大学图书馆程焕文馆长、清华大学图书馆邓景康馆长、复旦大学图书馆葛建雄馆长、东南大学图书馆顾建新馆长、重庆大学图书馆彭晓东馆长、兰州大学图书馆沙勇忠馆长、湖南大学图书馆郑章飞馆长等8人任副主任、  相似文献   

广东省高等学饺图书馆工作委员会为加强高校图书馆建没,提高图书馆馆长的理论水平和管理水平,于五六月间举办了一期为时一个月、以近年担任馆领导职务为主要对象的馆长学习班。参加这期学习班的学员,有二十二所院校图书馆的馆长或副馆长,共二十二人。学习内容分七个单元:高校图书馆的性质、任务;高校图书馆藏书;图书分类与编目;读者服务工作;队伍建没;馆舍  相似文献   

福建省高职高专图书馆2009馆长年会于2009年3月27日至31日在武夷山市召开。福建省高校图工委副主任、福建师范大学图书馆方宝川馆长,福建省高校图工委副主任、华侨大学图书馆卫红馆长出席了本次会议,参加会议的还有全省50余所高职高专图书馆馆长及部分本科院校图书馆馆长,共计60余人。会议由福建省高校图工委高职院校分委会主任、福州职业技术学院图书馆饶蕴伟馆长主持。  相似文献   

2016年教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会信息技术应用工作年会于6月2日在重庆大学图书馆召开。会议以"新一代图书馆管理系统"为主题,参会的各高校图书馆馆长围绕这个主题,从下面这些角度展开了思考和讨论:如何定位图书馆在新兴的学术生态系统中的角色,如何利用信息技术服务图书馆工作,以读者需求为导向的图书馆管理系统该如何发展,高校需要什么样的网络服务,下一代图书馆服务平台的特征和功能,数据商眼中未来图书馆系统发展的趋势等。文章重点综述了5位馆长和2位数据商代表的专题报告,以及参会的其他馆长的见解和讨论,旨在分享优秀高校图书馆管理系统升级换代的经验,破解发展过程中面临的难题,归纳图书馆变革下管理系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

2008年1月19日上午,全市高校29位女馆长、女书记冒着寒风密雨,从上海的四面八方聚集到上海师大奉贤校区图书馆参加“上海高校图书馆女馆长、女书记联谊沙龙成立暨首次活动”。上海师大党委副书记、副校长黄刚,上海师大妇委会主任吴霞琴以及上海师大图书馆名誉馆长曹旭、馆长俞钢共祝联谊沙龙成立;祝贺上海师大图书馆荣获2007年“全国巾帼文明岗”,开创多党合作管理的范例;祝贺女馆长、女书记愉快度过每一天,事业兴旺!  相似文献   

本刊涞水及易县消息驻石家庄市高校图书馆馆长年会是河北省省会高校图书馆之间加强交流与合作、提高省会高校图书馆办馆水平的高层论坛。驻石家庄市高校图书馆2007年馆长年会于5月25日至27日在河北省涞水县野三坡召开。驻石家庄市高校中的22所图书馆馆长、副馆长及有关部室主任  相似文献   

<正> 应北京大学校长的聘请,美国哈佛大学文理学院图书馆馆长冯彦才先生、波士顿公共图书馆馆长菲利普·J·麦克尼夫先生和原布兰戴斯大学图书馆馆长大卫·R·瓦特金斯先生,于八月二十五日至九月二十六日在北大图书馆作了大学图书馆管理的专题讲演.我国49所高校图书馆馆长和专业工作人员共66人听取了讲演.  相似文献   

2009年10月29~31日,由浙江省高校图情工委高职高专分委员会主办、浙江国际海运职业技术学院承办的“2009年度浙江省高职高专图书馆馆长会议”在舟山召开。全省共有40余所高职高专图书馆的馆长、部分业务骨干及商家代表70余人参加了会议。大会由浙江国际海运职业技术学院图书馆馆长周剑敏主持。浙江国际海运职业技术学院副院长范嘉芳、省高校图书情报工作委员会副主任兼秘书长高跃新、省高校图书情报工作委员会副主任、浙江工业大学图书馆馆长何立民等领导出席了开幕式。会上,浙江省高校图情工委高职高专分委员会主任、浙江经贸职业技术学院黄力军馆长代表高职高专分委员会作了“浙江省高校图情工委高职高专分委员会2009年工作总结及2010年工作计划”的报告;省高校图情工委高职高专分委员会副主任、宁波城市职业技术学院韩惠琴馆长通报了第三届教育部高校图工委成立大会暨第一次工作会议情况;省高校图情工委高职高专分委员会副主任兼秘书长方树红副研究馆员作了关于浙江省高职高专院校图书馆评价指标体系指南制定说明;浙江大学宁波理工学院图书馆馆长赵继海研究馆员作了题为“数字图书馆技术与服务的发展趋势”的专题报告;浙江水利水电专科学校图书馆馆长张义军、金华职...  相似文献   

实行学科馆员制度深化文献信息服务   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
文章认为,学科馆员制度是高校图书馆服务创新,深化文献信息服务与管理的新举措。文章指出了建立学科馆员制度的必要性,分析了学科馆员制度的运行架构,并提出了完善这一制度的相应对策与建议。  相似文献   

学科馆员制度与服务是大学图书馆的一项新的制度与服务。关于学科馆员的研究已成为图书馆学的研究热点。本文是在作者有关学科馆员的系列学术报告基础上完成的,讨论了学科馆员工作在大学图书馆的开展,分析了学科馆员工作的十个关键步骤。作者总结了南开大学图书馆学科馆员工作经验,提出了一些建议。参考文献3。  相似文献   

In 2008, Fudan University Library (FDUL) in Shanghai and Belk Library and Information Commons at Appalachian State University (ASU) in Boone, North Carolina created a three-year librarian exchange program. The first pair of librarian exchanges occurred during the 2009–2010 academic year, with the Appalachian State librarian traveling to Fudan for five weeks during the Fall of 2009, and the first librarian from Fudan traveling to Appalachian State for five months in the spring and summer of 2010. This paper documents how the first exchanges revealed interesting similarities and differences in the academic library service models between the two universities which are illustrative of general similarities and differences between Chinese and American academic library services. The paper also discusses how any academic library can benefit from the experience of a librarian exchange program with a partner library in another country.The experience gained from these first exchanges confirms on an international level the basic assertion that a major role of an academic library is to support the university’s curriculum.Moreover it can be extrapolated from discussions held between librarians of the two institutions that in both the United States and China the curriculum evolves in response to reforms on campus and to changing trends within the country’s education system. It was also determined that the modes of library services in both cultures change as new technologies arise and that the pace of technological change within academic libraries is rapid and ongoing. Participants in the exchange discovered that there are strengths and weaknesses in both the ASU and FDUL service models and that the librarians from both systems can learn from one another and absorb best practices from their exchange partners. This paper reflects the views and experiences of the exchange librarians (Shi and Johnson) and also author Shao, who is a Chinese national working as a faculty fellow librarian at Appalachian State University.  相似文献   

In 2008, Fudan University Library (FDUL) in Shanghai and Belk Library and Information Commons at Appalachian State University (ASU) in Boone, North Carolina created a three-year librarian exchange program. The first pair of librarian exchanges occurred during the 2009–2010 academic year, with the Appalachian State librarian traveling to Fudan for five weeks during the Fall of 2009, and the first librarian from Fudan traveling to Appalachian State for five months in the spring and summer of 2010. This paper documents how the first exchanges revealed interesting similarities and differences in the academic library service models between the two universities which are illustrative of general similarities and differences between Chinese and American academic library services. The paper also discusses how any academic library can benefit from the experience of a librarian exchange program with a partner library in another country.

The experience gained from these first exchanges confirms on an international level the basic assertion that a major role of an academic library is to support the university’s curriculum.

Moreover it can be extrapolated from discussions held between librarians of the two institutions that in both the United States and China the curriculum evolves in response to reforms on campus and to changing trends within the country’s education system. It was also determined that the modes of library services in both cultures change as new technologies arise and that the pace of technological change within academic libraries is rapid and ongoing. Participants in the exchange discovered that there are strengths and weaknesses in both the ASU and FDUL service models and that the librarians from both systems can learn from one another and absorb best practices from their exchange partners. This paper reflects the views and experiences of the exchange librarians (Shi and Johnson) and also author Shao, who is a Chinese national working as a faculty fellow librarian at Appalachian State University.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(20):89-103
This paper explores the role of the reference librarian in an interdisciplinary field bridging scholarly and policy information, and in a library that serves the public, academic, business and policy communities. After considering the nature of women's studies and policy studies, the author reviews recent literature on the changing role of the librarian in providing specialized research and reference services, finding the emergence of a proactive, client-centered, multifunction model. Through an examination of the diverse activities in women's policy issues in Washington DC, the author shows the ability of the librarian to merge reference service, research consultation, outreach, collection development, and bibliographic instruction. In monitoring the field within and outside the library, the librarian becomes established as an independent authority and can offer well-informed service to policymakers, analysts, students, the media and political groups. The paper summarizes the benefits and problems for the librarian and the patrons in this individual approach to public service.  相似文献   

对图书馆学、情报学核心期刊上2000年以来发表的基金资助论文进行了统计分析.论述了当前图书馆员学术研究的现状及存在的问题,  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(89-90):107-120

This article reports on a survey conducted by the author to determine how librarians and library directors feel about librarians teaching outside the library, i.e., in academic disciplines. The author discusses her own experience in the classroom and examines the benefits and detriments of the “professor librarian” model. She includes comments from those surveyed, and offers suggestions for further study.  相似文献   

专业馆员制对于高校图书馆队伍建设的意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对我国和欧美国家专业馆员的比较,指出在我国高校图书馆引入专业馆员制,有利于明确定位,提升图书馆工作的学科专业性,提升图书馆工作的地位,有利于理顺机制,合理用人,建立起科学的用人机制.  相似文献   

Embedded librarian models can assume different forms and levels, depending on patron needs and a library’s choice of delivery services. An academic health sciences library decided to enhance its service delivery model by integrating a librarian into the College of Pharmacy, approximately 250?miles away from the main library. This article describes the embedded librarian’s first-year experience, challenges, and opportunities working as a library faculty in the college. The comparison of one-year recorded statistics on preembedded and postembedded activities demonstrated the effectiveness and impact of such an embedded librarian model.  相似文献   

21世纪高校图书馆管理的新理念   总被引:185,自引:6,他引:185  
通过分析高校图书馆管理传统观念的弊端,从馆长是图书馆管理的核心、服务是图书馆管理的本质与图书馆员的天职、人性化是图书馆管理的最高境界等三个方面系统地阐述了高校图书馆管理的新理念。  相似文献   

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