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心智模式和思维风格在治理决策中具有重要意义。将个体心智模式和集体决策模式联系起来,从大学的组织特性切入,探寻大学治理的心理基础,是寻求对现实治理问题的解释,以期获得解决方案的有益尝试。具体做法是通过引入内部他人和外部他人以及知的错觉的观察视角,将乔哈里窗、集体思维模式和组织决策加以整合,将对话与共识度作为两个维度建立坐标,形成四大类集体思维模式:防卫型(低对话-低共识)、放任型(高对话-低共识)、专断型(低对话-高共识)、高效型(高对话-高共识)。四种类型在特定大学都只存在一定的"影子",不能完全一对一匹配。不过其中的"高效型决策模式"因为承认并且有意识消除错觉,正视并且吸收分歧意见的合理成分,直面并且充分利用冲突的积极力量,保证各种声音都能自由发出并被认真听取,最后形成特定内外部情境下的最佳方案,因而是建立在个体心智模式基础上集体决策的最理想的类型,也是大学决策最值得追求的理想类型。  相似文献   

美国大学共同治理的思想根植于美国的民主传统。共同治理就其内涵而言,并没有在严格意义上厘清利益相关者的权利和责任,本身具有一定的模糊性。这带来不同的理解,甚至是误解。真正的共同治理的核心是平衡决策过程中最大化的参与和各自相应的责任,关键是广泛而持续的沟通,前提是建立一种信任的关系。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between shared governance and one school district’s (in)ability to advance educational equity. Specifically, we consider the district’s policies, discourse, and practice around equity within the context of site-based management and shared decision making. We suggest that if equity is indeed a major district responsibility, then it seems inconsistent to leave equity at the mercy of shared governance and occasional externally-imposed mandates because most individual school leaders and educators are not currently taking up this agenda or implementing changes that would result in equitable education. Thus, our work suggests that progress toward educational equity may best be achieved through top-down, directive leadership in districts.  相似文献   

Few faculty members are immune from the deleterious impact of neoliberal values, policies and practices that have resulted in the “corporatization” of universities, with the reduction of teaching and research to “products” and faculty to “producers,” and students to “clients.” The role of faculty governance in this process has been debated yielding diverse perspectives on its effectiveness in challenging this influence, particularly, in regard to the role of democratic decision making at the college-level of governance where administrators may push for furthering market-driven agendas. This critical action research project highlights how two faculty assembly leaders facilitated participatory decision making as they re-conceptualized their leadership roles as team-based representatives, and developed multiple communicative networks that supported faculty voice and leadership listening at the grassroots level—two processes that may thwart corporatization and marketization at the college-level. This article highlights how characteristics of desired communication practices for more democratic decision making at the college-level lay the groundwork for building the collective faculty capacity to respond in a timely manner to neoliberal agendas.  相似文献   

Is a collegial concept of decision making in a university sufficiently robust to ensure that the governance of the institution may be termed democratic? In the case of one Canadian university, the decision by faculty to enter into collective bargaining as a trade union demonstrated that a notion of democratic governance does not hold up under the pressures of confrontation among the groups comprising the total university community.  相似文献   

人本管理在企业管理中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以人为本的管理理念是我国管理实践中的重要构成,人在管理中处于核心地位。本文将对人的管理放在企业管理的首位,强调了解和满足人的需要,注重工作中的人际关系沟通和交互作用,着眼于企业人的集体意识的培育和对企业及团队重大决策的参与及对企业人进行激励的作用。  相似文献   

Argentine Universities like similarinstitutions all around the world are facing acomplex and challenging environment thatdemands a more sophisticated leadership and thedevelopment of complex managerial skills. Inthis paper we propose that enhancing thequality of collective decision making, andbuilding more complex teams as a way topreserve collegiality in academic governance,can help the institutions to survive andsucceed in a hostile context. We analyse thecase of a private university, and we presentsome conclusions of the process ofself-assessment initiated by the governanceteams at both institutional and academic unitlevels.  相似文献   

In this essay David Kennedy argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult–child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a “new sensibility,” Kennedy argues that the evolutionary phenomenon of neoteny — the long formative period of human childhood and the paedomorphic character of humans across the life cycle — makes of the adult–child collective of school a primary site for the reconstruction of belief. After exploring child–adult dialogue more broadly as a form of dialectical interaction between what John Dewey called “impulse” and “habit,” Kennedy identifies three key dimensions of dialogic schooling, all of which are grounded in a fourth: the form of dialogical group discourse called community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), which is based on the problematization and reconstruction of concepts through critical argumentation. As a discourse model, CPI grounds practice in all of the dialogic school's emergent curricular spaces, whether science or mathematics, whether literature, art, or philosophy. Second, CPI opens a functional space for shared decision making and collaborative governance, making of school an exemplary model of direct democracy. Finally, CPI as a site for the critical interrogation of concepts encountered in the curriculum (such as “alive,” “justice,” “system,” and “biosphere”) and as a site for democratic governance leads naturally to expression in activist projects that model an emergent “new reality principle” through concrete solutions to practical problems on local and global levels.  相似文献   

美国营利性大学的迅速崛起与其颇具特色的治理结构密不可分.具体而言,美国营利性大学的治理结构表现出以下几方面特征:政府职能的"弱势"与民间组织的"强势"、董事会决策与大学成员股东化、学术与管理分家、对共同治理的重新界定以及强大的顾客服务体系.营利性大学的这种高效率的运营方式是革除传统大学治理结构弊端的一剂良药,希望能给我国民办高校以借鉴与启示.  相似文献   

身份政治表现为“我”与“他者”的身份区隔,为审视大学治理中的组织冲突提供了相对统一的理论视角。在个体、群体、结构和理念四个层面,组织冲突有不同程度的身份政治表现。超越大学治理中的身份政治,需要个体不断反思,建构集体思维,形成组织信任,依归人类命运共同体的大学理念。  相似文献   

本文主要向中国介绍韩国海港城市的社会文化特征,并引起学界对海洋协同管理的关注。以韩国海洋先导城市和海洋首都的釜山港为例,从海洋协同管理的视角探讨了海洋利用和管理上的发展趋势。因海洋所具有的公共资源属性,容易引起不特定多数利用海洋主体间的"接触和冲突",需要不同主体间的协同管理。海洋协同管理是以非政府的民间参与作为前提,相互信赖和协作为中心,重视利害关系人之间的联系和共同发展的概念。对釜山市的政府、企业、市民和专家为对象所进行的调查中发现釜山港的海洋协同管理程度较低。本文提出了构建海洋协同管理的必要性和具体构建方案。  相似文献   

"扩大农民自主权"是农村初始改革的关键起点.从"治理"的视角出发考察农村20年制度变迁,认为改革在历史的进程中建构着一条"自我强化"的路径.即"扩大农民自主权"与"治理转型"的互赖过程(1)通过国家权力向社会的回归而形成农民自我治理的发展;(2)经治理的传递性而促使国家层面的治理变迁.因此,"路径依赖"使改革积累了巨大绩效且为后续的改革提供了方向.  相似文献   

This article argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult‐child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a ‘new sensibility’, the author argues that the evolutionary phenomenon of neoteny—the long formative period of human childhood and the pedomorphic character of humans across the life cycle—makes of the adult‐collective of school a primary site for the reconstruction of belief. After exploring child‐adult dialogue more broadly as a form of dialectical interaction between what Dewey called ‘impulse’ and ‘habit’, three key dimensions of dialogic schooling are identified, all of which are grounded in a fourth: the form of dialogical group discourse called community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), which is based on the problematisation and reconstruction of concepts through critical argumentation. As a discourse‐model, CPI grounds practice in all of the dialogic school's emergent curricular spaces, whether science, mathematics, literature, art, or philosophy. Second, it opens a functional space for shared decision‐making and collaborative governance, making of school an exemplary model of direct democracy. Finally, CPI as a site for critical interrogation of concepts encountered in the curriculum (e.g. ‘alive’, ‘justice’, ‘system’, ‘biosphere’) and as a site for democratic governance leads naturally to expression in activist projects that model an emergent ‘new reality principle’ through concrete solutions to practical problems on local and global levels.  相似文献   

The intent of the authors in preparing this paper is to compare and contrast the roles of Institutional Research in informing decision making and governance in higher education. Using a case study format the authors will provide an example of a research project conducted within each of the following sectors of United States higher education system: private 4-year not for profit, public major research institutions/private specialized institutions, and a pubic state university system. The first case study from the private sector will feature a mixed methodology study that used data from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and student focus groups to explore student engagement at this institution and inform faculty development. The second case study will compare the use of data for decision making from the standpoint of large public research institutions and private specialized institutions. The third case study from a state university system focuses on recent initiatives in the public sector to inform the public, the institutions, the State, and the federal government using data from institutional research offices, student engagement surveys, and student learning assessments shared through consortia and national associations. These examples will be discussed within the structure of decision making and governance in higher education.  相似文献   

选举式参与、决策式参与、管理式参与、监督式参与、信访式参与、越级上访、个别接触、诉诸媒体等,是当下农民阶层政治参与的主要形式。但在农村社会分化进程加剧的当下,农民阶层政治参与的以下特点更为凸显:一、农民阶层政治参与不均衡,管理精英参与积极且参与空间大,普通村民选择空间有限且"被动参与"态势明显;二、制度化参与形式不均衡,选举式参与较强,而管理式参与、监督式参与和决策参与较弱;三、非制度化参与衍生并扩大,广大村民对非制度化的参与渠道呈过度依赖态势;四、在参与层次上,"出场式"参与和"表达式"参与仍占主导地位,"对话式"参与和"共治性"参与还未真正实现。这些特点的存在不仅直接影响农村利益关系和利益矛盾的协调,而且影响着基层政府治理能力的提升。  相似文献   

教育决策包括宏观上的教育政策制定和微观上的高校管理决策。高校教师作为教育决策的当事人,参与教育决策有着自身的价值体系,即推动教育决策发展完善、保障高校教师的权利与利益、探索大学治理结构的路径选择。高校教师参与教育决策是其自身主体属性的客观使然,在法律上有据可依,在现实中也具备可行条件。然而我国高校教师在参与教育决策的过程中始终是被动的一方,成效不尽人意。要从根本上改变现状,打破传统,首先需要转变传统的教育决策理念,其次要充分释放教育中介组织和大学评议会的功能,进而才能达到标本兼治。  相似文献   

“三重一大”制度是高校推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设的重要内容,实现了从个体决策、主观决策、行政型决策到集体决策、科学决策、治理型决策的变迁。当前,该制度面临着非民主障碍、非执行障碍和非系统障碍。针对此,要进一步建立健全集体决策规程,执行绩效评估机制、决策监督机制和决策责任机制。  相似文献   

Educational selection has been a central issue for Structural Functionalist, Marxist and Interpretative sociologists of education. While knowledge about selection processes within schools has increased over the past two decades, as a result of ethnographic studies of schooling, the social process of collective teacher decision making, when teachers are engaged in institutional channelling, has been largely neglected. This paper explores collective teacher decision making at a point of allocation through the medium of a case study of setting in one 9‐13 years middle school. The paper argues that the discussion concerning the recent initiatives of educational selection embodied in modularisation, pupil assessment, common examinations and national testing should be informed by research of teacher interaction at points of allocation.  相似文献   

协同治理是一种新型的公共管理方法,在西方的经济、社会等公共管理领域显示出其优势。协同治理强调在管理公共事务中公共机构与利益相关者之间通过共同参与、达成共识、集体决策和执行以满足公众的需要、促进公平和提高效率;它强调共同愿景和权力协同,强调制度设计和过程改造;其核心是处理好政府和社会之间的关系。文章在厘清社区教育存在问题的基础上,介绍和分析了协同治理的内涵和特点,将协同治理引入社区教育,提出了社区教育协同治理的基本逻辑和实现路径,为推进社区教育改革发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This article explores governors’ perceptions of the role played by school principals in the democratic governance of secondary schools in South Africa. The South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 has mandated that all public schools in South Africa must have democratically elected school governing bodies, comprised of the principal (in his or her official capacity), educators, non‐teaching staff, parents and learners, but the latter is applicable only in secondary schools. This reform is intended to foster tolerance, rational discussion and collective decision‐making. In the light of this reform an empirical study investigated the role of the principal in the school governing body (SGB), particularly in promoting parent and learner participation in SGBs. The findings highlighted the important functions that principals fulfil with regard to the functioning of the SGB. Principals are viewed by governors as playing a positive role in SGBs. Governors referred to principals as ‘the finger on the pulse of what is happening at school’; they are resource persons for other members of the SGBs and ‘the engines’ of the schools. Governors viewed the principal as in charge of the professional management of the school, ensuring that all duties are carried out adequately, setting the tone in SGB meetings, and responsible for interpreting education policies and ensuring that they are well implemented. Furthermore, principals have the responsibility of ensuring the maximum participation of both parent and learner governors in SGBs meetings. Principals can also contribute greatly to school governance issues, since they are usually at an advantage in terms of their familiarity with official regulations, provincial directives and knowledge of educational reform measures. The findings highlighted persistent power struggles in rural schools that may arise when principals overplay their roles as this creates tension among SGB members. However, principals enabled implementation of democratic values such as tolerance, rational discussion and collective decision‐making in schools through their leadership roles.  相似文献   

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