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教育目的中的个人本位论与社会本位论不可割裂,两者统一于儿童的具体生命。虽然教育归根结底要受到社会的制约,是为社会培养人,但要以儿童具体生命的成长为基点。儿童生命具有的基于自由本性的超越和生成特征,为以儿童具体生命作为教育目的的基点提供了依据。基于人性的教育目的使教育在成就儿童的具体的个性化生命的同时,也迎来了社会的盎然生机。  相似文献   

学校课程整合的应然追求是让每位儿童成"人"。从儿童成"人"的个人和社会维度的基本意蕴出发,指向儿童成"人"的学校课程整合是通过学校层面的课程设计以实现个人、社会和知识的整合,在师生的参与中作出自下而上的课程决策。反观学校层面课程整合的现状,形式化的课程整合和儿童的客体化、功利化的课程整合和儿童的工具化是其迷失的具体表现。学校课程整合的理性回归需要校内外共同努力,具体而言:校内应从理想的儿童形象出发进行课程整合的整体设计并赋权师生,校外应为学校课程整合提供前瞻性的政策指引和理性的地方支持。  相似文献   

个体发展论思想始终贯穿在杜威教育理论建构与实践探究历程中.杜威教育思想中的儿童个体发展论是建立在其过程性与辩证性的“经验人”人性假设之上,与此相应,杜威认为儿童个体是作为整体而存在,且儿童个体发展是经验改造中个性之自由生长过程.这种个人发展论影响了杜威对儿童个体、教育与社会关系的看法,他认为在一定社会中,通过教育通达儿童个性生长之旨趣在于民主发展.  相似文献   

文章对理性如何成为社会规约工具、并通过这一工具对不同文化的教育实践进行统一操控进行了批判性分析。个人理性被规约是为了控制世界的进步方向,实现对心灵的统治。当今儿童、家庭和社区的关系是把现代国家概念下标准化了的道德具体落实的机构化家园。新教育科学则根据理性规约制造出符合进步需要的儿童,从而在国家/社会空间中驯服变化着的、不确定和偶然的生活因素。学校科目犹如炼金术,通过知识权威把治理心灵的教育学正常化。世界主义可以被看作欧洲启蒙运动以来推崇标榜进步的普世人性价值的话语,尽管它本身并不具有普世性。本文对反思中国教育改革不断追寻被西方普世价值标准化了的国际统一课程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

从娃娃抓起,在素质教育中培养儿童的合作理念和能力,是现代社会发展进步的需要,也是未来形成健全人格的需要。家庭、学校、社会要从儿童成长特点出发,由具体事例入手,多渠道为他们营造好相应的发展平台,使其得以茁壮成长。  相似文献   

刘黎明 《教育科学》2006,22(6):13-15
人的需要透视着人的生存与活动方式及人性特征。沟通、理解及生活本身,这些人的一般性生存诉求,恰恰构成了教育中具体个人的特殊性需要。对教育中具体个人的特殊性需求的领会和把握,将有助于我们正确认识作为教育的出发点和归宿的人的特性,以真正体现教育以人为本的宗旨。  相似文献   

幸福思想史上的思想家们总是以人性为出发点来认识个人幸福和社会幸福及其关系。只有科学的人性论才能科学地解读人的幸福。马克思的人性论是科学的人性观,人的本质是最根本的人性,人的本质是人的自由自觉的劳动、人的需要和社会关系的总和三者的完整统一,从这三个方面出发可以确证个人幸福和社会幸福及其统一。  相似文献   

施丽君 《文教资料》2009,(31):133-134
现代社会几乎每个家庭都拥有电视机.电视成为现代人生活中的必需品,与人们的日常生活联系紧密。电视(节目)给作为社会主要群体之一的儿童带来了四个方面的冲击和影响:促成儿童“娱乐”的思维方式:刺激儿童的消费欲,助长其消费行为:误导儿童对自我的角色认知和角色定位和抑制儿童人性需要的满足.影响其顺利实现社会化。  相似文献   

文章通过对婚姻社会功能历史演变的分析,指出婚姻的社会功能在新的历史时期需要重新审视。当代社会的核心价值是以人为本、崇尚个人自由和个性发展,婚姻的社会功能应体现对人性的关怀和注重个人的生存状态,力求使之回归到于人于社会有益的价值状态。  相似文献   

本文对马克思建立在唯物史观基础上的人性理论进行分析。马克思认为,人首先是现实生活中有生命的个人生命体,在满足生命需要的实践活动中具有了社会属性,需要的满足不断产生新的需要.在这一过程中人逐渐走向人,获得人的属性。因此,马克思的人性论是人的类特性的总和,是自然性和社会性的统一:与现实生活中的人的需要紧密相连;是人在实践活动中逐步摆脱动物性,走向不断丰富、完善的人性。  相似文献   

International studies have raised concerns about the academic and social implications of inclusive policies on school engagement and successful learning and, in particular, on the ways in which friendships are formed between students with SEN and other students. This article stems from research findings which show that Irish children with special educational needs like school less than their peers without SEN in mainstream settings. Using data from a large scale longitudinal study of 8578 9-year-olds, this paper uses a child centred research approach to investigate why this is the case particularly when they are in receipt of supports. To do this, we focus on processes underlying their dislike of school such as their academic engagement and social/peer relations. We measure academic engagement by looking at their interest in the subjects mathematics and reading and the extent to which they complete their homework. We examine the social/peer relations of students with special educational needs by assessing the extent to which they report liking their teacher. Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Scale and the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale we also examine the nature of peer relations among children with special educational needs in mainstream settings. Both academic engagement and social engagement play a central role in understanding the broader school engagement of children with special educational needs. By simultaneously examining the role of academic and social relations in shaping the engagement of children with SEN, the analysis provides a unique opportunity to fundamentally assess the barriers to true inclusion for children with special needs.  相似文献   

环境伦理是以区域共同体而非自然共同体作为其科学基础的,因为,从进化的角度讲,人与自然的结合形式经历了从自然共同体到社会共同体,再到区域共同体的演进过程。而每一种不同的结合形式都反映了人与自然在相应的共同体中不同的存在状态。人在自然共同体中是作为一般意义上的物种而存在的,遵循的是自然法则;在社会共同体中,伦理关系只存在于人与人之间,人遵循的是社会法则;在区域共同体中,人是作为一个真正意义上的道德物种而存在的,正是在这个意义上,人对自然有伦理关系。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to offer further empirical evidence in support of Bernstein's concept of code from the social semiotic perspective of systemic functional linguistics. When the concept of code was first introduced in the 1960s, it was severely criticised by many famous socio-linguists. It will be argued that these socio-linguists failed to understand the significance of language as a meaning potential, and so they also failed to appreciate the inherent relation between meaning and mental development (Halliday, 1975; Vygotsky, 1978). The concept of code is important in any viable theory of mental development which does not hide behind a mythical homogeneity. Human beings develop different forms of consciousness, and code theory offers a detailed and coherent account of both the social origin and the nature of this variation. In fact, the panoramic scope of Bernstein's sociological theory clarifies the relations of social positioning, coding orientation, communication, and consciousness to learning in official pedagogic sites. In presenting some of the results of my investigation in variant forms of communication between mothers and their young children, I will show that: (a) the variation is systematic, (b) the nature of the variation needs Bernstein's code theory for its interpretation, and (c) the fact of variation can only be accounted for by its relation to social positioning.  相似文献   

As we contemplate on teacher identity research, there is a need to place a teacher’s narratives or story-lines at the center of that work. In this forum, in response to the insightful commentary from Stephen Ritchie and Maria Iñez Mafra Goulart and Eduardo Soares, I place a greater emphasis on understanding Daisy’s narratives from an existing social identity framework. Narratives tell us intricate and complex actions that a teacher has taken both personally and professionally. Additionally, narratives help us see implicit nature of identity explicitly. Therefore, a greater focus has to be placed on interactions and utterances of a teacher to make sense of who they are and what they do as expressed by their own words (identity and action). Finally, I join with Ritchie and Goulart and Soares to advocate that identity research needs to include participants as co-researchers and co-authors as identities are very personal and complex to be fully understood by the outsiders (researchers).  相似文献   

"以人为本"对生态环境的价值关怀,在于确立人与自然的和谐共生关系,全面满足人的需要和追求人的全面发展。在尊重人的社会属性及其物质生活需要、精神生活需要的同时,切实把人的自然属性及其环境需要提到应有的重要地位;在坚持"人的尺度"与"物的尺度"相统一的原则下,兼顾人文价值与自然价值的统一。因此,呼吁环境伦理,尊重自然,关爱生命,改善人与自然的关系,建设生态文明,是坚持"以人为本"原则的重要前提和本质内涵。  相似文献   

Education is central to the preservation and success of any society, including that of the Palestinians. With the signing of the Peace Accords in 1993, Palestinians now have their first opportunity in nearly 500 years to control and develop their own educational system, a system that will better meet the needs of the Palestinians than those nations who have controlled the Palestinians for so many years. With this singular opportunity, the questions now becomes one of determining the nature of this educational system, one uniquely fitted to preserve and promote Palestinian society. The purpose of this study was to examine ideas from Palestinians about what they thought their educational system should be and what core values should inform its creation and development. Through information gathered in semi-structured interviews, a portrait begins to emerge about what Palestinians think their schools and educational processes should look like, what barriers present themselves to the realization of their ideas, and what the solutions may be to remove these barriers.  相似文献   

Sixty-four 8-year-old boys and girls from urban and rural settings and representing different races and socioeconomic status backgrounds responded to questions about the nature, causes, justification, and alleviation of poverty. Much of what the children said indicated that they had not yet internalized prevailing adult norms and values about the poor in our society. A substantial proportion spoke in ways suggesting forces apart from the individual as causing poverty. Nearly all believed that poverty was not fair. Justifications offered by the children included disavowing economic inequality, or speaking in terms of basic needs or what should or ought to be. A majority mentioned philanthropy or societal change as a way to end poverty. Findings also lend support to the claim of social representations theory that concepts vary as a function of social factors. Future research should employ a design that acknowledges interacting variables to investigate systems of meaning in children's understandings about poverty.  相似文献   

人有哪些属性?人的本质属性是什么?人有众多属性,各属性的地位是不断变化的,处于主导地位的属性就成了人的本质属性。人有物质属性又有意识属性,有生物属性又有社会属性,有情感属性又有理智属性,有客观被动性又有主观能动性,有相对静态性又有动态变化性,有必然性又有自由性,有动机属性又有行为属性,有共性又有个性……人是具有多维属性构成的矛盾统一生物体。由于事物的结构特点决定事物的性质,每个人各属性的比重不同,组合特点不同,这样,个人的性质也就有了差异。如何考量个人的本质属性?笔者认为,个体的本质由其社会背景属性、主导动机属性,重要行为效果的属性,三者共同决定。  相似文献   

人有哪些属性?人的本质属性是什么?人有众多属性,各属性的地位是不断变化的,处于主导地位的属性就成了人的本质属性。人有物质属性又有意识属性,有生物属性又有社会属性,有情感属性又有理智属性,有客观被动性又有主观能动性,有相对静态性又有动态变化性,有必然性又有自由性,有动机属性又有行为属性,有共性又有个性……人是具有多维属性构成的矛盾统一生物体。由于事物的结构特点决定事物的性质,每个人各属性的比重不同,组合特点不同,这样,个人的性质也就有了差异。如何考量个人的本质属性?笔者认为,个体的本质由其社会背景属性、主导动机属性,重要行为效果的属性,三者共同决定。  相似文献   

无论西方哲学还是中国哲学,都内蕴着人性的主题,直到今天,人的本质问题仍困扰着人们的思想。关于人的本质,本文区分了中外不同哲学家关于人性的理解,并从人的自然属性与社会属性入手,论证了马克思主义哲学关于人的本质论述的正确性,即"人的本质并不是单个人所固有的抽象物。在其现实性上,它是一切社会关系的总和。"这一界定对于批判"人的本质自私"的思想观点,对于提升自己的人性品格,弘扬社会主义集体主义观具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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