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随着国际中文教育的不断发展,其学科名称经历了从“对外汉语教学”到“汉语国际教育”再到“国际中文教育”的更替。名称的改变体现出学科内涵以汉语教学为内核,内涵范围持续扩大,包容性不断增强。然而,学科名称至今没有规范、统一的英文译名。本文通过收集整理和量化分析学科英文译名的使用情况,结合使用实际和本学科在不同时期的性质特点,探究目前学科译名存在的问题,探索贴合三个学科名称概念内涵的合理译名,并探讨译名规范化策略。  相似文献   

本文在分析Brainstorming这一英文术语含义的基础上,认为国内目前有人直接将该词直接借译为“头脑风暴”不符合汉语表达习惯,建议学术界最好采用“集思广益”作为该词的学术译名。同时,本文还对“头脑风暴”这一译名的出处作了简单的考证研究。  相似文献   

<正> 在汉语语法研究中,引进“语素”、“词素”研究汉语构词法,在时间上谁先谁后的问题认识不够明确。给人的印象似乎是“词素”先于“语素”。这个印象是从70年代末和80年代初,汉语语法学家的论著中反映出来的。吕叔湘先生在《汉语语法分析问题》(以下简称《分析》)中指出,“语素”和“词素”都是morpheme的译名。morpheme有过三个译名:形素、词素、语素。三个译名都对,因为morpheme这个术语先后有过三种意义。(1)最早指一个词里边的形态成分,跟表示实在意义的semanteme相对。例如J·Marouz(?)au的《语言  相似文献   

对于海德格尔早期哲学的关键概念“Dasein”,目前学术界已有很多讨论并提出了相应的译名,但都不够准确。“Da”既非“此”,亦非“彼”,而是“存”。汉字“存”与德文“Da”具有生存论上的一致性。“Dasein”及其中文译名“存在”在语言实践和哲学发展中经历了相似的命运。“Dasein”的汉语翻译可以越出海德格尔哲学之外获得更为广泛的应用性。“Sein”应另作他译。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,新事物和新现象不断涌现,新词语越来越多。准确地将汉语中的新词语翻译成英语,对加强国际交流,对外宣传中国具有重要意义。在汉语新词语的英译中,对本族语中产生的新词要坚持“信”和“顺”的标准修正或取舍译文,对“外来词语”应还其本来面目。翻译时要形神兼备,切忌想当然对号入座;要尊重惯译,保持既定译名的规范与统一。  相似文献   

汉语中的外来词大多来自英语。为英语新词找出妥帖的汉语对应不是一件容易的事。原因在于,对于新词多表达的概念在汉语中无对应物,更无对应次可寻。普通英汉词典和英汉新次词典中的译名经常受到词典工作者甚至普遍读者的批评,本文拟从英汉词典中新词的译名太长,译名不合汉语习惯,译名于社会通用名或专业术语不符,对新词尚未搞清真实含义匆匆给译名等四个方面着手探讨编者在对新词的译名时所应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

本文指出了discourse和text与汉语中的“话语”、“语篇”及“篇章”对应的随意性问题,剖析了有关学者在使用这两个术语时所表现的任意性的原因。通过深入分析discourse和text不同层次的含义,确定了二者的译名及其在实际使用中的标准。  相似文献   

近代以前,汉语“文学”一词的基本含义是学问和学术。近代以后,西方现代文学观念进入中国,但汉语中表示此概念的“文学”一词可能并非直接来自英语,而是来自日语,准确地说,是“来自西洋,路过日本”,日语用汉字“文学”翻译英语literature,汉语由日语直接借用。但日语只是借用了古汉语“文学”一词的语言形式,其意义与该词固有含义无关,故现代汉语“文学”一词实为外来词。汉语中接近西方现代文学观念的词语是“文章”或“文”而非“文学”,因此,现代汉语“文学”一词实乃一错位译名。  相似文献   

在线查询英语姓名的汉语翻译方便、快捷,但受英语姓名汉译本身的复杂性和在线词典的特点双重因素影响,在线词典中存在着英语姓名的错误翻译、译名混乱等现象。英语姓名的汉语译名的规范化与英语教学密切相关,错译和译名混乱等现象对英语教学有诸多消极影响。因此,一方面要规范在线词典中英语姓名的汉语译名,另一方面教师在英语教学中应合理使用在线词典资源,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

英汉语接触产生了具有英语特色的汉语,当前语言学界对这一语言现象的定义称谓及英文译名极不统一、混杂不清,本文在探析当前学界研究文献的基础上,建议统一其称谓为英式汉语,其英语译名为Englinese,并对其定义进行了新的界定。  相似文献   

In the interaction between the child and the adult, interest can be a significant motivational initiator of activities. Systematic monitoring and development of the interest in music activities enables the teachers to influence the preschool children in forming a positive attitude towards the art of music. The research involving preschool teachers, children at the age of five to six and their parents, was conducted in order to determine the interest of preschool teachers and children in music activities. We found that the teachers showed greatest interest in singing songs, playing instruments and listening to music. The children’s favourite activities in kindergarten were movement to music (dancing), singing songs and playing on instruments, namely activities where they could take active part in the educational process. The parents reported that at home the children preferred most to listen to music, to sing songs and move to the sounds of music, and less to play on instruments and to be creative in music. The development of the children’s interest in music depends on the teachers’ expression of interest in music activities, on the choice of music activities and music contents and on the experience in the music environment of the family.  相似文献   

电子琴教学中,尽快提高学生的演奏水平的最好方法就是重视和加强学生电子琴基本功的训练,作为一名电子琴教师,要想教好一件乐器首先必须对这件乐器的发展原理,构造,特点及与相近乐器有一定的研究和了解。基本功训练的要求主要是以下两个方面,首先要求头脑清醒,抛开一切杂念,全身心投入,领会乐曲的旋律,意境,让乐曲的每个音筏,乐句在自己手指,手腕,手臂的每一个细微动作的配合上找到最好的感觉,其次,在理解作者的创作乐曲的创作意图的同时,对特殊意句,乐段进行重点练习。  相似文献   

我校图书馆期刊利用的调查及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等学校课程体系的改革,要求给学生更多的自学时间和思考的空间,以提高学生的自学能力,适应未来社会发展的需要。如何引导在校师生高效率、快节奏地获取最新信息,做好住处服务工作,是高校图书、期刊管理中急需探讨和研究的问题。笔者通过8个多月对我校过刊利用情况的实际调查,针对当前期刊订阅中存在的问题,提出了期刊订阅和有效利用的建议。  相似文献   

中国近代大学校长与自由主义教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪初 ,由于受西方自由主义思潮的影响 ,加之部分著名大学校长的身体力行 ,中国近代大学教育逐渐滋长了一种自由主义教育的倾向。这种倾向 ,在教育目的上崇尚个性主义 ,在教育过程上坚持学术自由 ,在教育管理上力求教授治校。它反对封建教育对个人发展的专制 ,具有进步意义。但是 ,由于它生不逢时 ,加之其本身的软弱性 ,因此在半封建半殖民地社会条件下 ,它也就不可避免其最终的失败命运  相似文献   

利用安徽省2005—2016年的面板数据,分析安徽省利用FDI的时空差异,运用Theil指数探寻其利用FDI的差异来源,并用空间面板模型检验了安徽省利用FDI区域差异的收敛性。研究表明:从时间维度来看,安徽省各市的FDI逐年增加;从空间维度来看,安徽省各区域的FDI分布不均匀,皖南地区实际利用FDI总量高于皖北地区;皖南和皖北两区域间利用FDI的差异总体呈现下降趋势并趋于平稳,安徽省利用FDI区域差异的主要来源是皖南地区地带内差异。应加强基础设施建设,扩大服务业利用FDI比重,重视人才培养和交流,促进各地市的协调互动。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the use of action research as a tool for developing critical reflection which has the potential to lead to change and development in practice in education, in particular, in the area of special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion. In order to support and illustrate the critique, a case study of a group of Dutch practising teachers and education professionals engaged in studying for a master's degree in SEN is used. The three-year programme of study followed by the group was a practice-based programme of professional development, with heavy emphasis on action research throughout. For this particular group action research was an entirely new concept, and indeed many of them expressed considerable scepticism about its validity as an approach to research, or for that matter, professional development, at the beginning of the programme. The whole group were working in areas associated with SEN where the need to change practice was an urgent imperative, due to changes in education policy and the rapid move towards inclusion in The Netherlands. Having been responsible for the development and teaching of the programme for several years, I decided to make a case study of one cohort of students in order to carry out some more structured and detailed evaluation of the impact of the programme on practice. I also wanted to reaffirm the general impression I had gathered from continuing student evaluation and feedback, that their work, and in particular the action research they had carried out, had led to genuine development and, in some cases, fairly radical change in their professional practice.  相似文献   

阴阳是《周易》里面最重要的一对核心命题,是理解《周易》思想的一把钥匙;并且它还是世事万物得以生的根本要素和动力。《周易》里面对生的理解和论述的形上意味比较浓而深刻,整个宇宙的天地人都在一个生机勃勃的大体系中,贯穿在永恒的易理的主题思想里。本文从《周易》最核心的阴阳观念入手,来探讨《周易》里面关于生的易理,分析《周易》关于万物为什么生、如何生以及生的状态和目标等方面的内容,从而揭示出《周易》的贵生思想的人本主义情怀。  相似文献   

Girls are vulnerable to HIV in part because the social systems in which they live have failed to protect them. This study evaluates a program aimed at making schools safe for girl learners in order to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV in Botswana, Malawi, and Mozambique. In addition to an extensive process evaluation with school personnel program participants, program facilitators, and community members, a cross-sectional post-intervention survey was conducted among adolescent girls in the three countries. The total sample size was 1249 adolescent girls (ages 11–18). Bivariate and multilevel, multivariate analyses were conducted to assess the association between school participation in the intervention and a decrease in teachers offering sex in exchange for academic favors. In Botswana, girls who attended an intervention school, as compared to girls who attended a non-intervention school, were significantly more likely to report a reduction in teachers offering sex in exchange for favors. Communication interventions that both challenge and empower school personnel to create safer environments for schoolgirls can have positive effects, particularly in settings with sufficient resources to support change.  相似文献   


This article looks at the French state’s approach to the “colonies de vacances” between 1944 and 1958. Created in 1876 by the Reverend Bion in Zurich, these summer camps originated as a charitable institution: their initial purpose was to provide rural retreats and to restore the health of poor urban youth. Set up on French soil in 1880, these institutions gradually grew in France in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Considered both as complements to the republican school and as extensions of the “patronages” (parish unions), they were important for children and adolescents from the industrial city suburbs, and were enshrined in the leisure policies of the Popular Front from 1936 onwards. After the Second World War, summer camps in France became a major social institution (300,000 children went to summer camps in 1945, 900,000 in 1949) in response to both hygiene and educational needs. Based on the archives of the Directorate of Youth Movements and Popular Education (1944–1947) and the General Directorate of Youth and Sports (1948–1958), this article aims to examine the politics behind the organisation of these summer camps and to demonstrate the social and political importance of these popular educational institutions which, in 1957, involved 1.35 million French children and teenagers. Although the history of French summer camp federations (UFCV, CEMEA, CPVC, UFOVAL, etc.) has been widely studied, how the state sees its role and influences these organisations has mostly been considered indirectly. The intention is to show that among the educational, cultural and sports policies implemented during the Fourth Republic in France, those related to the organisation of “colonies de vacances”, and therefore the organisation of holidays for a very large number of children and teenagers, occupy a significant place. In 1944, the summer camps were widely supported by the French state, which also planned to regulate this booming sector. The creation of qualifications for summer camp staff and directors in 1949 obliged organisations to start training schemes: they trained staff and directors to work in the municipal camps, associations, etc. Security issues led to the state tightening control of the summer camps, their recruitment and their activities. There was a great deal of political investment in these “colonies de vacances” during this period, and this was reflected in the creation of a Ministerial Education Committee in 1950, a general and regional body of inspectors for these camps, etc. However, the considerable expansion of summer camps posed increasing problems at the national political level resulting in changes to the initial subsidy policies. The State played a major part in crucial issues such as the sociological diversification of these institutions and the changes in their social role according to evolving sociocultural trend. The fact remains that the “colonies de vacances” were for the French state a centrepiece of the “popular education” that the political actors of the Fourth Republic wanted to implement in order to build the France of the post-war period..  相似文献   

中国现代化进程中的国家与社会走向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国家与社会是两种不同的人类组织,但是由于多种因素的影响和作用,长期以来人们的思想和实践中都存在着将两者混同的倾向,结果就形成了国家与社会关系的失衡,主要表现为社会自主性的缺失和国家权威性的不足.当代中国政府的职能改革,通过个人权利与公共权力之间的界分,合理地设定政府职能的行使范围和方式等,从而进一步深化国家与社会之间关系的调整.无论是经济体制的转换还是政治体制的改革,以及政府职能的改革都需要法治的保障.通过市场的中间作用,可以构建适合中国国情的新型国家与社会关系.  相似文献   

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