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Imposing the policy lessons from higher-performing countries may involve the complex interplays of socio-cultural and institutional contexts. This article attempts to observe Taiwan’s progress in higher education from an explicit cultural perspective. It locates Taiwan among the rising group of higher education systems in East Asia. The study interrogates a wide-held understanding of higher education development and critically reflects on the “high performances” at systemic and institutional levels. It re-examines a capacity of the Western-influenced system in preserving indigenous cultural traditions while pursuing the quest for world-class status. Adopting a case study research, data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with executives and academics at two premier universities in Taiwan. The findings have shown that, due to fundamental differences, integrating traditional values with imported Western-structured institutions remains an arduous task for Taiwanese higher education. This study critiques conventional presumptions concerning the primacy of an Anglo-Saxon model in Taiwan and offers insights into the society’s efforts to bring back its own cultural values.  相似文献   


While many distinctions between ‘special’ and ‘inclusive’ education have been made and continue to be forcefully debated, the two concepts remain strongly evident in policy and practice in many countries. This paper discusses the interrelated history of these concepts. It explores how conceptualisations of them have changed since Salamanca and reflects on whether inclusive education has, can or should replace special education. It considers the extent to which ‘special’ and ‘inclusive’ education are understood as the same or different today. The paper argues for a clear a distinction to be made between how special educators can work in support of inclusive education and the task of inclusive education which addresses the barriers to participation faced by members of marginalised groups.  相似文献   

台湾地区高等职业技术教育体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等职业技术教育是台湾地区高等教育体系中非常重要的组成部分。随着经济发展和科技进步,台湾地区高等职业技术教育已形成了结构完善、层次多样的人才培养体系。了解我国台湾地区高等职业技术教育的发展状况和特点,对于推进祖国大陆高等职业技术教育体制创新具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

经过历次课程变革,我国高中学段课程结构日趋科学完善。课程结构演变中,外在显性逻辑和内在隐性逻辑和谐统一。外在显性逻辑以时间为线索,不同历史时期呈现出特定条件下课程结构的价值取向和结构形态的发展规律,分别为政治导向的单一性课程结构、劳动导向的精简化课程结构、知识导向的学科性课程结构、人本导向的综合化课程结构、素养导向的多样化课程结构。内在隐性逻辑以体系本身的要素来构建,逻辑动力上的取向转变、逻辑要素上的立体层递、逻辑本质上的知识控制,从一元孤立到宏观、中观、微观层级系统建构。隐性逻辑是因,显性逻辑是果。课程结构的改进不仅需要理论研究、优化框架等结构内部动因的科学建构,也需要评价机制、教师观念等结构外部因素的有效保障。  相似文献   


The paper aims to analyse how pupils’ equal educational opportunities are warranted. We focus on how regulations of adapted education and the right to special needs education provide school leaders’ and teachers’ room for discretionary decision-making, how it is interpreted and how discretionary power is justified. The paper draws on findings from an interdisciplinary study (education and law) on the transformation of legal standards into professional actions in schools. This paper employs interview data from three compulsory schools (grades 1–10), legal documents, and public reports, and the analysis is guided by a conceptual distinction between structural and epistemic aspects of discretion. Based on our findings, we question whether the discretionary space regarding special needs education gives too many opportunities for action and, hence, weakens pupils’ legal rights. Under the guise of a common school, there is a risk that pupils’ special needs are made invisible.  相似文献   

分析生涯教育的理论,比较海峡两岸高校实施生涯教育过程中的异同点,结合大陆高校在实施生涯教育过程中的经验,借鉴台湾高校生涯教育的有益做法,从师资队伍建设、社会资源利用、相关课程设置、工作平台搭建等方面,对完善大学生职业生涯教育体系提出几点建议。  相似文献   


Nationalism is a key resource for the political work of governing Scotland, and education offers the Scottish National Party (SNP) government a policy space in which political nationalism (self determination) along with social and cultural forms of civic nationalism can be formed and propagated, through referencing ‘inwards’ to established myths and traditions that stress the ‘public’ nature of schooling/education/universities and their role in construction of ‘community’; and referencing ‘outwards’, especially to selected Nordic comparators, but also to major transnational actors such as OECD, to education’s role in economic recovery and progress. The SNP government has been very active in the education policy field, and a significant element of its activity lies in promoting a discourse of collective learning in which a ‘learning government’ is enabled to lead a ‘learning nation’ towards the goal of independence. This paper draws on recent research to explore recent and current developments in SNP government education policy, drawing on discourse analysis to highlight the political work that such policy developments seek to do, against the backdrop of continuing constitutional tensions across the UK.  相似文献   

To open a window into perceptions entailed in the professional world view of special education teacher trainees, three research questions were developed: (a) What are their motives for joining the profession? (b) How do they perceive the role of the special education teacher? and (c) What are their expectations from teacher training? The research was carried out using a qualitative approach. Ninety-three students about to begin their professional training in special education in an Israeli teacher-training college completed a questionnaire consisting of five open questions. The data were analyzed according to the grounded theory approach. The research findings showed that the trainees chose special education because they wanted to belong to a group of teachers perceived as the most ethical; one that considers its mission to help ‘vulnerable’ individuals, mold their characters, and ‘have an impact on society.’ The role of special education teachers was perceived mainly as caring for students and their parents; the trainees expected that during their training, they would become completely familiar with the range of disabilities and how to deal with them, as well as learn about themselves and strengthen their teaching skills. The world of special education was perceived as ‘mysterious,’ having a high moral standing; as a closed profession, in that relations are limited to teacher, child, and parents; but with a spiritual aspect. The professional world of special education as perceived by the teacher trainees was different than that actually waiting for them, and for which teacher training institutes must prepare them.  相似文献   

本文从闽台高校就业工作中的政策支持、机构设置、就业指导内容、人员构成以及就业率统计五个方面进行了比较。通过比较我们可以发现闽台两地高校的就业工作有许多方面可以进行优势互补,并从中得到了许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

90年代以来海峡两岸高等教育发展比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,大陆和台湾高等教育在改革与发展中既面临有共同的问题,又具有各自的重点和难点。在办学、管理、投资、招生等宏观运作体制上,海峡两岸既有相同之处也有不同之点。积极沟通,加强交流,取长补短,共同进步,是海峡两岸迎接未来挑战回应时代潮流的应有之举.  相似文献   

Inclusive education emerged as an idea within United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Special Education Unit and was presented as a new way ahead at the ‘World Conference on Special Needs Education’ in Salamanca in 1994. Since then, it has been on the global agenda as the overriding political objective within education. In spite of this, the international agreement, on an ideological basis, was not initially founded on a common interpretation of the meaning of ‘inclusive education’. However, the Salamanca Statement reflected clearly the idea of overcoming the divide between regular and special education. After 20 years, a vast amount of research and numerous reports and national strategies for implementing inclusive education, there are in these a lack of agreement over a common interpretation of inclusive education. Since 1994, the concept inclusive education has explored the world, so to say, without having landed, and the effort of giving it a clear working definition has thus far been elusive. In order to create a possible common ground for the mutual interpretation of inclusive education, I argue that it is important to see inclusion as an ethical issue. It is crucial to ask again what the purpose of inclusion is. To this end, it is vital to see inclusive education not just as a social and structural matter about how various aspects of a school are organized to meet diverse children’s needs in terms of personnel, pedagogical methods, materials and cultural structures, but also to see inclusive education as an ethical issue. Inclusion impinges on ethical questions because it is for the purpose of something. It conveys something that is valuable. Consequently, I find it pertinent to investigate the ethical aspects of inclusion. I do so in this article, firstly, by juxtaposing different interpretations for inclusive education in the literature. Secondly, I suggest some ethical aspects of inclusion in light of the so-called ‘capabilities’ approach.  相似文献   

This study evaluates and compares special educational services for children with dyslexia in three different Irish educational settings: special schools, reading units and mainstream resource provision. The emphasis is on the child’s experience of special education. Participants were dyslexic children aged 8–13 who had been accessing special educational services for two academic years. Data collection involved individual interviews with each of the 100 children. Further data about the child’s experience were collected by parental questionnaire. Results suggested that while children overall were happy and evaluated special educational services positively across all three settings, children in special schools and reading units seemed to be happier and to have more positive experiences than children attending mainstream resource provision. The discussion considers the implications of these findings in the context of the inclusion debate in special education. It also considers the limitations of this small‐scale study and the need for further research.  相似文献   

Following the development of inclusive education in vocational education and training (VET), the discussion about the prevention of marginalisation and dropouts has increased. At the same time, the formal education system has strengthened the position of support services, such as special educational needs (SEN) teachers, social workers and counsellors. However, a confusion of roles in the work of SEN teachers seems evident. The changing work of SEN teachers has not been of great research interest in Finland. The focus has been mainly on SEN teachers at the secondary school level (Kivirauma and Kuorelahti, 2002; Ström, 1999). The work of vocational SEN teachers has been studied by Kaikkonen, 2010 and Hirvonen, 2006. SEN teachers comprise two groups in the field: one group supports vocational subjects and the other group supports general subjects. The aim of this study is to determine how SEN teachers of general subjects define the objectives of their work and how they organise pedagogical support. Ten SEN teachers in vocational colleges were interviewed. A qualitative analysis was performed. The main findings showed, on the one hand, an autonomous position and, on the other, a work model that can be described as a ‘traditional special needs education model’. However, the findings showed that the autonomous role was contradictory. SEN teachers did not emphasise the connection with the VET community or college‐based guidelines and directions. Moreover, although the consultative role exists, the findings showed that it is not a regular part of the work of SEN teachers.  相似文献   

高职扩招承载着高职教育改革和促进经济发展的重任,在此背景下保证高质量的人才培养尤为重要。通过访谈法和问卷调查法,归纳出SY职业技术学院以退役军人、农民工、下岗职工等构成的特殊生源扩招生的学习特点与面临问题:来源集中给学习带来一定影响;参加高职教育的目的明确,且渴望得到职业生涯规划和就业指导;轻视基础文化教育,偏重专业课学习和职业技能培养;学习方式更灵活,学习的干扰因素多。高职院校应坚持"三全育人",学生为中心、成果导向,分层分类、个性化教育,标准不降等原则,从加强学习管理与指导、加强教育教学改革、提升职业技能、加强职业生涯规划与就业指导、探索学分银行制度和成果认证制度等方面保证高职扩招特殊生源人才培养质量。  相似文献   

The complexity and diversity of populations in contemporary Western societies is becoming a significant public policy issue. The concept of ‘diversity’ has come to represent cultural, ethnic, racial and religious differences between the ‘dominant group’ and immigrant and indigenous populations. ‘Diversity training’ is amongst many strategies being implemented to address social and economic objectives in complex societies. This paper discusses and critically evaluates a professional education programme, ‘Diverse Bodies, Diverse Identities’, that is offered to human service practitioners and social work students in Victoria, Australia. It is concluded that a range of approaches is needed to address ‘diversity’ in contemporary societies.  相似文献   

台湾华文教育起步较早,经历了开创期、教育与经济并重期、拓展期、衰退期.台湾通过经费投入、完善管理机制、开发教学资源、发展远程教育、奖励华文教师等途径促进海外华文教育不断发展。台湾海外华文教育取得积极成果。可为大陆华文教育工作者提供有益参考,也为世界其他地区的华文教育工作者提供有益的启示。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine and describe educational leaders’ mindset types related to schooling of students with ADHD in five municipalities with ADHD special education classes and in five pair-matched municipalities without such classes. Selection of the ten municipalities was based on the results from a nationwide survey (response rate 76%) aimed at investigating how Swedish municipalities organise schooling for ADHD students. Interview data was analysed with the use of a theoretical framework presented as a typology table describing mindsets more or less in line with either the neuropsychiatric paradigm or inclusion. The perceived neuropsychiatric influence on ADHD students’ schooling seemed to affect educational leaders’ decision making, leading to different schooling for ADHD students in different municipalities. The findings, presented as municipality profiles, are discussed in relation to the notion of inclusive education and alternative educational paths leading either towards inclusion or exclusion.  相似文献   

海峡两岸职业教育互补性强,合作空间大.福建以职业教育为突破口,先行先试全力推进两岸教育交流合作,取得了显著成果.通过对校校合作、校企合作、校校企合作、学校与教育协会合作、教育协会之间合作等五种闽台职业教育交流合作先行先试模式的特点、经验及其不足的分析,提出了要进一步推进闽台职业教育交流与合作,必须制定针对两岸教育合作办学的规定、加强对台教育工作的规划与管理、提高企业参与校企合作的积极性,以及扩大经费保障等的建议.  相似文献   


This study adopted the modified Delphi method to build key competence indicators for the course subject ‘Environment’ in the secondary school curriculum in South Korea. 15 Delphi panelists participated, and were provided a three-stage questionnaire survey. The findings classified eight secondary school ‘environment’ curriculum key competencies into three domains: intellect-oriented, personality-oriented, and relationship-oriented. The intellect-oriented domain includes ‘critical-thinking ability,’ ‘creativity,’ and ‘problem-solving ability’; the personality-oriented domain includes ‘autonomy,’ ‘ability to reflect,’ and ‘environmental sensitivity’; and the relationship-oriented domain includes ‘communication ability’ and ‘ability to manage conflicts.’ These environmental competencies were utilized to revise the current environmental education curriculum as part of the 2015 revision of the National Curriculum and set the key competencies for environment classes. The paper concludes with the significance of developments in theorizing and implementing environmental education curriculums in Korea and abroad.  相似文献   

为切实提升大学生公民素养,大陆高校积极探索各种有力措施对其进行培育和引导。根据台湾东南科技大学实施的融渗式教学,探索台湾地区融渗式教学的开展背景、主要特征及基本做法。在特征分析和实践探索的基础上,获得以下几个方面的启示:加强顶层设计,构建学生公民素养教育的融渗教育体系;凝聚教师共识,推进学生公民素养教育的融渗教育实施;树立“以生为本”理念,深化学生公民素养教育的融渗教育活动。  相似文献   

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