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The benefits associated with being physically active are well documented, but a significant proportion of the population is insufficiently active. Physical inactivity is a major health risk factor in our society, and physical education programs are consistently identified as a means to address this concern. The purpose of this article is to use the social-ecological model as a framework to examine ways in which physical education programs can play an important role in promoting physical activity. Policies that require time allocations and resources for physical education and physical activity in schools and community designs that provide infrastructure that makes being physically active accessible and convenient are important factors in making schools and communities healthier spaces. It is clear, however, that policies alone are not sufficient to address concerns about physical inactivity. We must consider individual factors that influence decisions to be physically active in efforts to engage children in physical education programs that promote active lifestyles. The learning climate that teachers create determines what students do and learn in physical education classes. Ensuring that students see value in the content presented and structuring classes so that students believe they can experience success when they exert effort are key elements in an effective motivational climate. Efforts to address public health concerns about physical inactivity require a comprehensive approach including quality physical education. It is critical that kinesiology professionals emerge as leaders in these efforts to place physical education programs at the center of promoting children's physical activity.  相似文献   

The 1991 paper, "Physical education's role in public health" described the importance of physical education in addressing public health problems. On its 20th anniversary, this article reviews accomplishments in improving the health impact of physical education and identifies areas lacking progress. Major accomplishments include development of evidence-based programs, documentation of health and academic benefits of physical education, and acceptance of physical education as a public health resource. Additional work is needed to evaluate the uptake of evidence-based programs, improve national surveillance of physical education quantity and quality, establish stronger policies supporting active physical education, and achieve wide acceptance of public health goals within the physical education field. These opportunities constitute an agenda for actualizing the promise of health-optimizing physical education before the next 20 year anniversary.  相似文献   

近年来,有关农民工子女受教育的问题引起了各级政府、教育界以及为数不少的社会人士的高度重视,本文通过对东莞市简易学校体育教育现状的了解和分析,提出几点可行的促使简易学校体育教育正常实施和发展的对策,旨在为简易学校体育教育的正常实施和健康发展提供些许借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

If elementary physical education existed just to achieve "present" goals, especially regular exercise, the nature of the program would be clearer and the need for trained teachers less. It is the "future" goal that complicates the debate over the elementary program. It is the "future" goal that requires a broader range of experiences and a developmental approach. Because we are preparing students to implement an active lifestyle in adulthood, the development of sport and dance skills through age/ability-appropriate and sequential lessons is an important as the "present" opportunity for physical activity. Teachers must be knowledgeable in the subdisciplines of physical education and well versed in those teaching methods that promote vigorous activity and maximum participation. The lifetime public health goal dictates we help students develop a knowledge base about exercise and health. This goal requires us to learn more than we presently know about promoting positive attitudes toward and fostering appreciations for healthful living. The hope for improved adult health also requires a K-12 curricular model in which every year continues previous experiences and moves students closer to the goal as those students are changing physically, mentally, and socially. The next debate should focus on the role of secondary school physical education in linking health-related elementary programs to healthy adult lifestyles. Even though we do not fully understand the relationship between school physical education and active adult lifestyles, our best bet is developing a continuous, developmental K-12 curriculum.  相似文献   

好动、爱玩是小学生的天性,生动有趣的体育活动可以使他们以充沛的精力投入其中。小学体育课是体育教师有计划、有组织地引导学生参与体育锻炼的一种活动过程,由于体育课的组织存在严厉、枯燥、约束性比较强的现象,小学生的稳定性与自我控制能力也相对较弱,一堂体育课如果过长或形式单一地组织,就会出现学生的运动兴趣降低,导致小学生喜欢体育,但不喜欢体育课。而小学生不喜欢体育课将会影响到体育课的教学质量,也将影响学生的身心健康发展,针对这一问题分析原因,提出相应对策。  相似文献   


Effective and sustainable strategies for physical activity promotion during childhood are of considerable importance to physical education, sport, and health organisations. Multi-component physical activity intervention approaches for children and young people are firmly rooted within the literature; however, there is a dearth of research evidence pertaining to healthy lifestyle promotion within and beyond the school environment. ‘Promoting active lifestyles in schools’ represents a valuable resource for teachers seeking to integrate health-related learning and encourage physically active students. The essential ingredients within this book are the active pedagogies and the health-related learning strategies for children from the ages of 5 to 16 years. Through a consistent formula, this book positions the longitudinal process of health-related learning at the centre of its practice, by providing age-appropriate learning outcomes, activities and assessment strategies within and beyond the school environment. This review seeks to examine the focus of the book and consider its contribution to the existing empirical evidence base within the fields of physical education, health education and physical activity promotion.  相似文献   


The promotion of cardiorespiratory fitness through increased physical activity has become a national public health objective for both adults and children. Based on numerous small-scale studies it appears that children are highly fit but the population distribution is unknown due to the lack of rigorous population studies. Very little is known about the extent of children's physical activity; the available evidence does not support the hypothesis that children obtain sufficient activity to explain their generally high levels of fitness. Due to the lack of evidence of substantial carry-over effects of youth fitness to adult health and the likelihood of children's resistance to vigorous fitness routines, there is little reason to recommend an aerobic training focus in physical education. A focus on enjoyable moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) with carry-over value to adulthood is recommended. Physical education is an important vehicle for promoting physical activity by children; it appears, however, that children may obtain little MVPA during physical education class.  相似文献   

2023年的体育中考是否应该取消是家长和学校所关心的一个问题。为科学准确地回答这个问题,对新型冠状病毒感染对儿童青少年健康和体能的影响以及感染后如何科学安全恢复运动的国内外科学研究和基于这些研究上的专家共识和科学声明进行检索和梳理。鉴于众多的中小学生被新冠病毒奥密克戎变异株感染,且其中大部分学生有发烧、肌肉酸痛、无力和嗜睡等症状,有不少学生可能会受到长新冠的影响,加上受疫情影响,学生的体能可能远低于疫情前同期水平,且没有足够时间让他们恢复,2023年中考的体育考试因此应取消。学校同时应遵循基于科学证据上的重返运动建议,科学安全地指导2023年体育课和疫情后学生体能恢复的开展。  相似文献   

Public schools in the US are increasingly charging ‘pay-to-play’ fees for participating in sports. Although these fees can cause reductions in participation, particularly for children from lower-income families, pay-to-play has become a legitimate practice within the field of public education. This study examines what leads some school districts to abandon sport participation fees, despite the trend in adoption. In particular, using a qualitative, case study approach, we investigate why and how school districts eliminate pay-to-play. We found that the decision to terminate pay-to-play in the ‘Ellis’ district was shaped by the community culture and district leadership. Our findings are supported by data on surrounding school districts. This study contributes to the literatures on institutional change; privatization of health, sport and physical education; and school board decision-making. The findings also shed light on the local context of pay-to-play—a policy that has implications for social equity and youth health and wellness.  相似文献   

调查了目前高校心理健康教育的现状,提出高校体育工作促进大学生心理健康教育可供利用及挖掘的路径,分别是体育普修课、课余体育锻炼这两条路径和两种形式的“体育干预促心理健康提升课”这一重要路径,此外,本文还提示了在心理健康教育中采用这些路径的注意事项。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法对定向运动进行了论述,分析了定向运动纳入学校体育课程之后对学校体育发展的促进作用。结论定向运动的开展有利于学校体育课程的开发与利用,有助于学校以“健康第一”的思想指导体育教学,有利于发展体育教学模式。  相似文献   

研制儿童青少年体育素养测评体系既是我国学校教育和学校体育改革的现实需要,也是发展我国儿童青少年体育综合测评工具的学理需要。分析我国儿童青少年体育素养测评体系的产生背景、构建应用及未来发展。在前期相关研究的基础上,采用德尔菲法针对儿童青少年体育素养测评体系进行构建,23名国内外专家参与并完成专家咨询,形成以体育意识、体育知识、体育行为、体育技能和体质水平为主要维度的测评体系,并计算各维度和指标的具体权重。构建的测评体系已在上海进行初步应用,其是在新时代体教融合背景下进行学生体育综合素质评价、推进学校体育改革的重要举措。从长远看,儿童青少年体育素养测评体系还需要在测评内容、测评应用、测评实施、测评结果、测评推广方面不断完善。  相似文献   

学生的体质下滑,与学校体育的关系最直接。通过学校体育的途径,对学生体质健康进行积极的干预,是当前学生体质健康促进的一个有效手段。提高学校体育开展力和对学生体质干预力的主要策略:一要强化学校体育政策法规的引导功能;二要营造学校体育健康促进保障性的支持;三要培养学生运动技能和养成锻炼习惯;四要建立和完善学生运动伤害事故风险管理机制。  相似文献   

高中体育与健康课程蕴含着丰富的体育文化,是促进学生身心和谐全面发展、提高健康素养的根本途径。随着学校体育现代化的进展和体育教学效益性生成,需要进一步加强体健课程建设,以深化体健课程改革,促进体健课程发展,体现体健课程特色。本文对体健课程建设的理念和内涵进行探讨,并提出了实施方案,力图建设与时俱进、开拓创新的体健课程。  相似文献   

Limited data are available on the contributory and compensatory relationships between physical education and physical activity in children. Four hundred eighty-five (280 girls) children in first through sixth grades wore sealed pedometers during waking hours, including normally scheduled physical education lessons. The least, moderately, and most active children accumulated approximately 1700, 1100, and 2500 more steps/day, respectively, on school days with physical education. No compensatory increases in physical activity were found on school days that did not offer physical education. The implications of the contributory relationship are highlighted by the evidence that 50% of the least active children were at risk for overweight or overweight and that no compensatory increases in physical activity were found on school days when physical education classes were not scheduled.  相似文献   

Limited data are available on the contributory and compensatory relationships between physical education and physical activity in children. Four hundred eighty-five (280 girls) children in first through sixth grades wore sealed pedometers during waking hours, including normally scheduled physical education lessons. The least, moderately, and most active children accumulated approximately 1,700, 1,100, and 2,500 more steps/day, respectively, on school days with physical education. No compensatory increases in physical activity were found on school days that did not offer physical education. The implications of the contributory relationship are highlighted by the evidence that 50% of the least active children were at risk for overweight or overweight and that no compensatory increases in physical activity were found on school days when physical education classes were not scheduled.  相似文献   

Within the Canadian context, the physical activity levels of children and youth in the after school time period has become a source of public health concern. We argue that this concern is informed by broader public health crises, in particular the ‘global obesity epidemic’ and the closely related ‘global pandemic of physical inactivity', and that these so-called ‘crises’ operate as part of a discursive regime that serves to justify after school interventions aimed at increasing the physical activity practices of children and youth. Although the objectives of such interventions are seemingly well intentioned, we suggest that such interventions nonetheless harbor difficult to discern, but potentially pernicious consequences, for the communities in which they are implemented. We focus our attention on the place-specific effects of one Public Health Agency of Canada-funded after school physical activity intervention – After the School Bell Rings (ASBR) – that was implemented in the mostly Indigenous, northern community of Placid, Manitoba. Based on a critical analysis of the ASBR program itself, along with interviews and focus groups with children, parents and recreation providers (n?=?10) from the community of Placid, we contend that the ASBR serves to govern Indigenous recreation at a distance. We argue that when implemented in the place-specific context of Placid, the ASBR functions as part of a broader governmental assemblage composed of loosely connected discourses, institutions, socio-structural conditions and individuals that, when assembled, ultimately serve to govern geographically and culturally distinct communities. We conclude by suggesting that the objectives of broad-based health interventions, such as the goal of increasing after school physical activity levels, should not be universally implemented across diverse locales, but need to account for the diverse, place-specific priorities and needs of the communities into which they are implemented.  相似文献   

Background: Physicality in human movement characteristic of indigenous sporting forms in Africa is grounded in a multitude of cultures. During the period of colonial Africa, there was the introduction of British sporting forms, policies, and practices in schools and society. It was through schools and missions that the colonists introduced sport activities, with colonial administrators and officers prioritizing athleticism over other activities, evident in after-school sports and games. Thus, schools along with Christian missions served as the instruments of colonial education, culture, and sport, with resources allocated selectively to advance racialized and classist education.

Purpose: This paper explores how colonialism, particularly British forms of sport physicality, impacted African people and deconstructs how curriculum and teaching in physical education (PE) during the post-colonial era is lost to the politics of knowledge in the school–society nexus, revealing how the school curriculum serves as a contested terrain. This contestation discloses how colonial and post-colonial narratives intertwine to influence public policy and school practices in the development and implementation of PE curriculum.

Themes: Examination of the literature produced themes associated with stratification of school subjects and marginalization of PE in particular – the exam-oriented and elitist-oriented education – which characterized British Africa, and made British education part and parcel of policy development and implementation, influencing the nature of education, and PE in particular. The elitist education influenced public policy initiatives, frameworks, and corresponding reforms resulting in stratification of school subjects, the use of public school expenditure, and in the type of teacher training followed. In addition, negative school-wide practices became apparent with public policy, rules, and regulations being loosely coupled with school realities, leading PE to be considered as a ‘toothless subject' in the school curriculum. Besides physicality and learning in PE are not distinguishable from sporting forms and practices, bringing out the emphasis on competitive school sport that has been used to promote nation's prestige, social engineering, and economic development.

Conclusion: A development of way forward for PE in British Africa is considered critical and warranted for adequate development of children and youth and for promotion of the health welfare of society. PE plays a critical part in the nexus between education and development; including meeting individual and social welfare goals of post-colonial British Africa; and as such the needs of all children should be at the forefront of policy development and implementation. What is warranted is a development of a standard-based reform that is grounded in a strong formulated public policy that acknowledges diversity in the centralized system of education; with its implementation showing a balance of PE with after-school sport programs and incorporation of indigenous sporting forms.  相似文献   

我国高校体育教育正由应试教育向素质教育转化,在这种教育背景下开设定向运动课不仅可以锻炼学生的身体,增强体质,还可以培养学生独立分析解决问题以及环境和社会适应能力,对学生的身心健康和能力培养都将产生全面而积极的影响,从另一方面也适应了学校体育教育改革和素质教育发展的需要,本文旨在为定向运动列入高校体育教学内容提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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